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タタリは一匹の野良猫だ。 タケルとユキの兄妹の世話になっている。 ボロアパートで彼らは貧しくも幸せな日々を送っていた。 あの日まではーーーー

Pangeranku <3 [XXIDYA]
Pangeranku <3 [XXIDYA]Shimotsuki setsu

Dalam pertemuan dengan Pangeran Dylan, Belltier tiba-tiba teringat kehidupan sebelumnya dan menyadari bahwa dia telah bereinkarnasi sebagai putri penjahat dalam sebuah otome game. Untuk menghindari akhir yang buruk, saat dia berpikir untuk menjauhkan diri dari Pangeran, dia dipilih sebagai tunangannya. "Jangan biarkan sang pangeran memiliki masa kecil yang menyedihkan!” Hanya 5 tahun sampai sang pangeran kesepian bertemu sang pahlawan wanita. Dia adalah tunangan sementara, tapi dia memutuskan untuk menjadi teman dan mendukungnya sampai saat itu. Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, hubungan intim sang pangeran semakin intens!? "Aku mencintaimu bukan sang pahlawan wanita, aku sudah disayangi ──!!?"

Batsu Ichi Arasa Joshi to Danshi Kokosei
Batsu Ichi Arasa Joshi to Danshi Kokosei

English ver.. 尊死続出!!恋する男子の恋愛奮闘記 Twitterで大人気!『プロミス・シンデレラ』の第1話から半年後の日常を描いた、 “#バツイチアラサー女子と男子高校生”シリーズがついに書籍化! 素直になれない男子高校生・壱成は、 10歳年上バツイチアラサーの訳あり同居人・早梅を 恋に落とすため、日々奮闘中。 あの手、この手と、モテテクニック(?)を駆使する 壱成の健気でカワイイ日常ラブコメディー!

Baby Pharmacist Princess
Baby Pharmacist PrincessEun ryeowon

Apenas clicando no botão errado, acabei possuindo a personagem princesa do jogo, "Cherise"! Yoon Che-ri, formada em uma universidade farmacêutica. Como a chamada 'jogadora hardcore' que ela é, ela aparece inesperadamente no jogo de realidade virtual que joga todos os dias. Um coelho vermelho a coloca em dívida com o jogo, devendo 10 bilhões de gemas... Se ela não pagar a dívida de 10 bilhões de gemas, ela não poderá sair? ♡ Missão Surpresa Ativada ♡ Habilidade do usuário confirmada como "Produtos Farmacêuticos", as configurações personalizadas foram concluídas de acordo. As missões futuras se concentrarão em "Produtos Farmacêuticos". [Confirmar] ◀ Hã? Por que me sinto excessivamente capaz...? Se as coisas continuarem assim, talvez eu possa voltar em breve!

Soredemo Ayumu wa Yosetekuru
Soredemo Ayumu wa YosetekuruYamamoto souichirou

Do autor de Karakai Jouzu no Takagi-san chega outra doce comédia de casal sobre Tanaka Ayumu, um estudante do primeiro ano do ensino médio que está secretamente apaixonado por seu veterano, o presidente do clube não oficial de Shogi, Yaotome Urushi. Tanaka jura confessar seus sentimentos a Yaotome depois de conseguir derrotá-la em um jogo de shogi, mas ele é iniciante no jogo e Yaotome sempre o vence. Enquanto isso, ela continua tentando fazer com que Tanaka admita seus sentimentos, mas ele raramente deixa sua expressão impassível escapar. Embora o dia de sua vitória ainda não esteja em lugar nenhum, esta é a história em que ele pode dar um 'xeque-mate' nela por outros meios.

Spy X Family (Officiel)
Spy X Family (Officiel)Endou tatsuya

Sauvez le monde avec l'élite des agents (très) spéciaux : la famille Forger ! Une comédie d'espionnage pétillante ! Twilight, le plus grand espion du monde, doit pour sa nouvelle mission créer une famille de toutes pièces afin de pouvoir s’introduire dans la plus prestigieuse école de l’aristocratie. Totalement dépourvu d’expérience familiale, il va adopter une petite fille en ignorant qu’elle est télépathe, et s’associer à une jeune femme timide, sans se douter qu’elle est une redoutable tueuse à gages. Ce trio atypique va devoir composer pour passer inaperçu, tout en découvrant les vraies valeurs d’une famille unie et aimante.

Couple Breaker
Couple BreakerMaeng-gi gi

Tutto è lecito in amore e in guerra. Due coppie dovranno combattere per amore e denaro! Ma chi avrebbe mai pensato che avrebbero scambiato i partner prima di farlo? Tae-Rin e Ju-A sono entrambe amiche e studiano moda nella stessa università. Quindi perché Ju-A sta partecipando a uno spettacolo di coppia con il ragazzo di Tae-Rin? E perché Tae-Rin sta partecipando allo stesso spettacolo con il ragazzo di Ju-A?

A Secret Romance Between Us
A Secret Romance Between UsMilk

Ze względu na swoją fobię przed kobietami, Inhwee nigdy w życiu nie umawiał się z nikim na randki, mimo że kłamał wszystkim w szkole, że jest "ekspertem od związków". Więc kiedy Jeongwon przychodzi do niego i prosi o "lekcje całowania", Inhwee niechętnie się zgadza. Ale dlaczego "lekcje" Jeongwon stają się coraz bardziej szczegółowe i intymne? I dlaczego Inhwee czuje się podniecony? Podczas gdy Inhwee spędza więcej czasu z Jeongwonem, próbując to wszystko rozgryźć, jest przerażony, że jego przyjaciele mogą nabrać podejrzeń. Dopóki będzie udawał macho, nikt się nie zorientuje... prawda?

ME? AN E-BOY?X-sama / ayakoyc

Jacob Young jest dobrym, posłusznym chłopcem, który zawsze podąża za życzeniami swoich rodziców, aby być najlepszym synem w historii. Presja bycia zawsze idealnym doprowadziła go do zwierzenia się swojej najlepszej przyjaciółce Maki. Pewnego dnia Jacob natrafia w sieci na trend E-BOY. Maki wspomina o tym, że być może zostanie E-BOY'em pomogłoby Jacobowi wyrwać się z kajdan "oczekiwanej perfekcji".

Konya Bokura wa Otomari wo Suru
Konya Bokura wa Otomari wo SuruRierioto

Hiroto had a group of childhood friends that slowly drifted apart, himself becoming a loner. However, "drifting apart" does not mean "forgotten", he comes to learn as his childhood friends decide to have a sleepover at his home!

The Priest Dreaming of a Dragon
The Priest Dreaming of a DragonLiu bei li

{Blushing Scans} Nad królestwem ciąży przerażające widmo — już niebawem ma się zjawić w nim smok, który porwie księżniczkę. Król będzie mógł ją odzyskać w zamian za górę złota, a każdy mieszkaniec kraju trwoży się na samą myśl o skrzydlatej bestii. Tylko jedna osoba — kapłan Ivor, oczekuje na ten dzień. Smok może pomóc mu uciec z kościoła, który chce skazać go na okrutne życie. I, niespodziewanie, dzieje się dokładnie tak, jak kapłan zaplanował — smok myli go z księżniczką i go porywa! Dopiero później bestia orientuje się, jaki popełniła błąd, ale Ivor przyciąga go do siebie swoim bogactwem (charakterem i urokiem), dlatego nie chce go nikomu oddać.

Bandit ku yang cantik (mrj)
Bandit ku yang cantik (mrj)

Tang, seorang bangsawan menawan, hampir menemui ajalnya di tangan seorang pangeran busuk. Untungnya, dia terbangun dan mendapati dirinya berada di rumah Cheng, orang asing yang berubah menjadi bandit yang menyelamatkannya! Saat memulihkan diri di pegunungan, pasangan yang tidak terduga ini membentuk ikatan, namun akhirnya berpisah. Meski begitu, mereka tak bisa berhenti memikirkan satu sama lain... akankah ada kebahagiaan abadi bagi mereka, ataukah konflik mereka akan menghancurkan cinta mereka?

For a Fairytale Ending
For a Fairytale EndingStudio inus / joowinter

Mladá Alice Estevan má tajomstvo. Prevtelila sa do BL novely s názvom „Tyranov strieborný kvet“, kde má byť jej postava zavraždená, pretože týra hlavných hrdinov! Našťastie má čas k tomu, aby sa vyhla takému osudu tým, že bude Edwina, jedného z hlavných protagonistov, učiť vo veži, v ktorej je uväznený. A hoci uspeje pri získaní kľúča, aby chlapca oslobodila, má to jeden háčik: Edwin ju nenávidí! Dokáže si Alice Edwina získať na svoju stranu, aby sa vyhla tomu, že by ju zabil a ona tak mohla dosiahnuť svoj šťastný koniec?

Noisy Roommate : The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie
Noisy Roommate : The Roof Over My Head Comes With Monsters and a Hottie

Osuke's excited about finally getting to live on his own, but on his first day in his new apartment, he finds himself kicked out onto the street! So, when a real estate agent appears out of nowhere offering him a beautiful, new place (with just a couple conditions), he jumps at the chance. But when he opens the door, a drop-dead gorgeous blond guy pops out! It turns out living with him is one of the conditions! His name is Nanami, and he tells Osuke that, not only are ghosts real, but Osuke himself is a magnet for all things supernatural... 一人暮らしを始めた家を、入居初日に追い出された青年・黒江旺介。 そんな彼の前に現れた自称・不動産屋の男は、家ナシの旺介に格安物件を紹介してくれるという。 しかし、連れられた先は高級マンション。戸惑う旺介が部屋の扉を開けると、中から金髪の超絶イケメンが…!? 入居の条件はイケメンとの同居!? しかもこの家、めちゃくちゃ寒い! 超絶美麗な筆致で描かれる、ドタバタ同居系心霊コメディ!

Як бути обраним
Як бути обранимFace park

Гу Вон Ха стомився від свого нудного, монотонного життя. Знаходив радість лише в одному, як раптом перемістився в інший світ - у королівство Аброрія. Він ставить собі на меті перетворити цей світ на власний гарем, але на його шляху стає король Алвіс. Чи зможе Вон Ха власними силами підкорити цей світ і поставити короля перед собою на коліна?

My Wife, Please Calm Down「FERDYZ」
My Wife, Please Calm Down「FERDYZ」Flowers haven't bloomed|阅动文化|阅文漫画

Dari Author “My Wife is From a Thousand Years Ago” Jika kamu bisa kembali ke masa lalu, apa yang akan kamu lakukan? Aku akan lari ke gerbang sekolah untuk menghalangimu, menghalangimu setiap hari, dan mengejarmu tanpa malu-malu. Kalau kamu? Hmm… Aku pasti akan menunggu baik-baik sampai aku mengenalmu lagi saat aku berumur dua puluh empat tahun, lalu perlahan jatuh cinta, kemudian menikah, dan menanyakan pertanyaan ini padamu. Aku akan hidup hati-hati, hanya saja aku takut butterfly effect ini akan membuatku kehilangan dirimu.

Maxed Strength Necromancer
Maxed Strength Necromancer黑鸟社

Manhua Description: Qiao Yu enters the world of the Meta-Universe and acquires the hidden class Necromancer. His initial intelligence and spirit stats are both at 0, and he even draws a strangely unique talent. In a fit of rage, Qiao Yu added all of his attribute points to strength! Who says a Necromancer can’t do physical combat? Qiao Yu kills the world snake Jörmungandr with one punch, the players in the world went crazy. Brother, please stop fighting with people! You are a necromancer! Please summon an undead!

The God of High School
The God of High SchoolPark yong-je

Enquanto uma ilha desaparece da face da terra, uma organização misteriosa envia convites para um torneio a todos os lutadores habilidosos do mundo. Se você vencer, você pode ter o que quiser. Eles estão recrutando apenas os melhores para lutar contra os melhores e reivindicar o título de Deus do Ensino Médio!

Watashi ga Seijo? Iie, Akuyaku Reijou desu! - Na no de, Zenin Hametsu wa Soshi Sasete Itadakimasu
Watashi ga Seijo? Iie, Akuyaku Reijou desu! - Na no de, Zenin Hametsu wa Soshi Sasete ItadakimasuAiue iota

English Ver... 悪夢から目覚めると、乙女ゲームの悪役令嬢に転生したことに気づいたイリス。 しかも、そのゲームは攻略対象者が全員異常な愛情を秘めていて、 どの攻略対象者と結ばれてもメリーバッドエンド。 最悪の場合、王都炎上の可能性も…。 結ばれなければ悪役令嬢のイリスがヒロインを刺殺する…!? そんな未来はお断りなので、自身の破滅とメリバエンドを阻止させていただきます!

Нэг талын хайр
Нэг талын хайрTae-shik

Ii ne! Hikaru Genji-kun
Ii ne! Hikaru Genji-kun

Even though this is a story from the recent past…a man who suddenly appeared in my room seems to be “Hikaru Genji.” Yes, the one from the Heian period, the insanely popular young nobleman who is the main character of “Genji Monogatari.” At first I thought he was a suspicious guy in cosplay, but after I had bashed him over the head with a metal bat, I decided to watch over him for a little bit. Soon he became like a parasite, and if he weren’t so elegant and shy... Everyday life has become fun. He started posting waka and such on Twitter, and soon he had lots of followers. That guy really likes women. But he hasn’t laid a finger on me. Oh! But it’s not as if I want him to! Well, I really don’t know why, but it seems as if a gorgeous NEET has come to live with me…? いとをかし、いけめん居候コメディ。 藤原沙織(ふじわらさおり)さん(27)都内在住OL『コレ、最近の話なんですけどー、部屋に突然現れた男が“光源氏(ひかるげんじ)”らしいんです。そう、平安時代のアレです、モテまくり貴公子のお話『源氏物語(げんじものがたり)』の主人公。最初、コスプレ不審男だと思って金属バッドでブン殴っちゃった手前、しばらく面倒みることにしたんです。それからほぼヒモ状態なんですけど、すごく優雅で悪びれなくて…。なんか毎日楽しそうにしてますよ。ツイッターに和歌とかあげてて、フォロワーもそこそこいるみたい。女の人はホント好きですねー、彼。だけど私には手を出してこないんですよね。あっでも手を出されたいとかじゃないんですよ。まあ、なんかワケが分かんないまんま、美形のニートに住み着かれちゃったなぁみたいな…?』 平安貴族がタイムスリップ!? 平安貴族は働かない。ニートなの?ヒモなの!? ゆる笑な毎日と、美しい和歌に、いいねボタン必須!!

Perfect Secret Love; The Bad New Wife Is a Little Sweet
Perfect Secret Love; The Bad New Wife Is a Little SweetJiong jiong you yao

“How perverted is Si Ye Han's taste? He still wants me like this?” Waking up, she looked at her reflection in the mirror: explosive wig, tattoos, and demon-like makeup. Any normal person’s eyes would burn if they looked at her for more than a second. Before her rebirth, she was in love with a different guy, so all she wanted to do was escape from Si Ye Han and hated him to his core after being locked up by him. After her rebirth, she looked differently at him, thinking that maybe he changed for the better?

Trumping My Tragic Destiny『rubymoon』
Trumping My Tragic Destiny『rubymoon』Swordg


Let's go to work tomorrow!
Let's go to work tomorrow!Mcqueen studio

Jiyoon Cha está apenas tentando viver sua melhor vida, apesar de se sentir insatisfeita com seu trabalho corporativo e desiludida com o amor. Mas o que uma mulher na casa dos 30 anos pode fazer quando a pressão para se casar é alta, suas perspectivas são o supervisor indiferente ou o ex namorado artista juvenile nem mesmo seu amigo de trabalho perfeito consegue se controlar? Uma garota pode comer frango e cerveja em paz, ou isso é apenas um sonho irreal?

History's Mentalist (Official)
History's Mentalist (Official)Tomato tri

In a world reshaped by coronavirus, everything around grad student Sakutaro seems to have changed...except for himself. But the gears of history start to turn when Buddha’s emissary suddenly appoints him as ‘History’s Mentalist’! While taken aback by the unexpected flaws of the great historical figures he encounters, Sakutaro begins to (hopefully) reexamine himself in the face of their earnest endeavors... Can he survive the challenges of both the past and the present?!

Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru! (Official)
Kono Bijutsubu ni wa Mondai ga Aru! (Official)Imigimuru

Hi, my name is Usami Mizuki. I’m a second year member of the art club at Tsukumori Junior High, and I need to vent: this club has a problem! Why the heck isn’t anyone besides me taking this seriously?! The club president doesn’t do anything but sleep all the time, Cole-chan never even shows up, and Uchimaki-kun—oh, don’t get me started on him. All he does is draw and obsess over his “2D waifus.” What is this, the manga club?! Hmph, whatever. Not like I care. Sigh. He’s talented enough to win awards with a little effort—but uhm, don’t...don’t tell him I said that, though... Agh! Just how am I supposed to keep this club going?! Help me!

Death is the only ending for a villianess
Death is the only ending for a villianessKwon gyeoeul

Penelope Eckart reincarnated as the adopted daughter of Duke Eckart and the villainess of a reverse harem dating sim. The problem is, she entered the game at its hardest difficulty, and no matter what she does, death awaits her at every ending!

I Run Away From the Hunter
I Run Away From the HunterSseulalin

Lavi, é uma súcubo que foi sugada para um livro enquanto tentava escapar do caçador de demônios "De todos os gêneros, fui arrastado para o romance BL!" Já faz meio ano que caí nesse mundo, já fui rejeitada várias vezes pelos homens desse mundo, pois quando percebem que sou mulher, automaticamente perdem o interesse por mim. "E se eu morrer, porque não posso comer nada?" "Por favor, qualquer um está bem, não vou ser exigente, mas me alimente…!" Quando ia passar a noite com o nerd de óculos preto que conheci no bar. "Porquê ele está aqui?" “O nerd que apareceu na minha frente não estava mais usando óculos, e era ninguém menos que... o caçador de demônios que você tanto queria evitar?!” "Eu não posso morrer assim!" Uma Súcubo que encontrou um caçador em um beco sem saída. Predadores e presas. Caçador e presa. Que escolha Lavi fará para sobreviver neste novo mundo?

ShamelessJinyang (진양(陳羊)

Yoo Yak-woo, qui va avoir 20 ans cette année, est un eunuque ordinaire, sauf qu'il adore nettoyer. Il a reçu le surnom de "Démon du ménage". Un jour, l'eunuque qui nettoyait le bureau privé de l'Empereur et le palais s'est évanoui à cause du travail. En conséquence, Yoo Yak-woo reçoit une recommandation pour occuper le poste. "Non, je ne peux pas..." "Qu'est-ce que tu veux dire par ''Je ne peux pas'' ? Tu n'as pas dit avec ta bouche que les choses sales devaient être nettoyées ?" "M-Mais... Votre majesté... " "Suce-la. Prends-la plus profondément. Ferme-la et suce moi correctement." Cependant, Yoo Yak-woo nettoie non seulement le bâtiment de l'Empereur, mais aussi des ''parties'' de l'Empereur.


I was a chained dog in my past life. I didn’t remember my parents and I lived an emotionless life; like a tool. That life ended with my master horrifically killing me. I thought that was the end of my life. But when I opened my eyes again, I was born as the youngest child of the continent’s most powerful family. For both revenge and those who treasure me in my new life, I wielded the sword instead of the dagger.

Uchi no Otoutodomo ga Sumimasen
Uchi no Otoutodomo ga Sumimasen

Ito is a second-year high school student and an only child who has to move to a different city; her mother remarried and begins her new life as an older sister of 4 siblings! The start of a family-love-comedy with four step-brothers! いきなり弟×4!! ひとつ屋根の下ラブ(になるのか!?)コメディ開幕。 高校1年生も終わる春休み、糸は、母親の再婚で引っ越しをすることに。だけど、弟が4人もいるなんて知らなくて、超びっくり!! 新しい家族と仲良くなろうと一生懸命がんばるものの、長男・源はなんだか無愛想…。でも、クールな表情の裏側に、優しさが見え隠れしてきて…?

Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha!
Run Away, Assistant Manager Ha!Lattepanda

Yang diinginkan Joowon hanyalah karier yang stabil di luar sorotan. Satu malam yang bergairah dengan orang asing yang menarik seharusnya tidak menggagalkan rencana itu secara menyeluruh, kecuali orang asing yang menarik itu adalah Aiden, seorang model papan atas internasional. Ketika mereka bertemu lagi dalam hubungan profesional, Joowon diberi pilihan: karirnya yang mapan dihancurkan saat Aiden menolak kontrak dengan perusahaannya, atau menerima tawaran Aiden untuk menjadi pasangan seks hingga masa kontrak berakhir. Dan dimulailah usaha Joowon untuk melakukan berbagai cara demi memenuhi permintaan Aiden...

The Gourmet Gamer
The Gourmet GamerIn key-young

Karir Lee Rim sebagai chef harus berakhir karena ia kehilangan kemampuan merasa dan mencium. Ketika tengelam dalam rasa depresi, Rim menemukan [Real], sebuah permainan VR yang bisa menstimulasi semua lima indra perasa. Di sana ia bisa mendapatkan kembali kemampuan merasa dan mencium. Tidak hanya itu, ia juga bisa memasak! Meskipun ia harus berburu monsternya sendiri untuk mendapatkan bahan-bahan. Sekarang Rim di sini untuk memasak makanan lezat, berburu monster berbahaya, dan mungkin membangun sebuah peradaban sepanjang jalan. Selamat datang di kehidupan baru Lee Rim sebagai "Rice", The Gourmet Gamer.

Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi
Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi

English ver.. アスタール王国の王子・クラークの婚約者として、 幼い頃から妃教育を受けてきたレティシア。 釣りや木登りが大好きなレティシアにとって、 王子の婚約者という立場や妃教育は苦痛だった。 「いつか他に妃候補が現れたら、婚約破棄してもらう」 その野望だけを心の支えに生きてきた。 ある日、王子が見知らぬ女性を連れているのを目撃したレティシアは、 ついに婚約破棄が叶うと喜ぶのだが…? 婚約破棄したい妃候補VS結婚したい王子のドタバタ胸キュンバトル開幕!!

Oshi No Ko (Officiel)
Oshi No Ko (Officiel)Akasaka aka

Dans le monde du spectacle, le mensonge est une arme... Le docteur Gorô est obstétricien dans un hôpital de campagne. Il est loin du monde de paillettes dans lequel évolue Ai Hoshino, une chanteuse au succès grandissant dont il est “un fan absolu”. Ces deux-là vont peut-être se rencontrer dans des circonstances peu favorables, mais cet évènement changera leur vie à jamais !

Onna no Sono no Hoshi
Onna no Sono no HoshiWayama yama

Known for "Muchuu sa, Kimi ni", Wayama’s first serialization in a commercial magazine is a comedy set in an all-girls school about a Japanese language teacher, Hoshi-sensei, and the carefree play that his students involve him in. The story starts when Kagawa, a student, delivers the class journal to Hoshi-sensei. As the students play word chain game "Shiritori" in the form of drawings in the remarks column of the journal, Hoshi-sensei becomes troubled...

Please Treat Your Friends Preciously [RRscans Ver.]
Please Treat Your Friends Preciously [RRscans Ver.]Queen

Saya bereinkarnasi sebagai adik perempuan dari pemeran utama pria dalam novel BL. Dia adalah mola-mola yang rapuh yang hidupnya dalam bahaya bahkan karena masuk angin. Jadi, saya memanfaatkan seorang teman masa kecil yang memiliki kemampuan penyembuhan. Masalahnya, kemampuan itu terwujud melalui skinship. Lagi pula, hanya masalah waktu sebelum si kecil ini jatuh cinta pada tokoh utama pria, jadi saya tidak perlu khawatir terlalu lama. Kami berpegangan tangan dan aku mencuri ciuman pertamanya... Tapi kemudian, sejak kapan... “Lavie, kamu cantik.” “Hah...?” “Kau harus melihat ke luar. Aku tak bisa menahan diri saat melihatmu.” “Ack, hentikan.” “Jika kamu terus gugup seperti itu, itu membuatku semakin ingin melakukannya.” Kenapa pria yang seharusnya bersama pemeran utama pria tiba-tiba melakukan ini padaku?!

Hotel Metsäpeura e Youkoso
Hotel Metsäpeura e Youkoso

In the Lapland region of Finland, the domain of snow, midnight sun, and auroras, there is the small Hotel Metsäpeura, run by two older gentlemen. One night during a terrible blizzard, a mysterious young man named Jun arrives at the hotel. He is clearly in dire straits, with a large tattoo on his back, no relatives and no money. However, the gentlemen warmly welcome him in and offer him a job at the hotel. The kindness of the people living in the harshness of nature will melt the heart of this awkward young man. フィンランド・ラップランド地方。 吹雪と共にやってきた、謎の刺青青年”ジュン”を迎え入れたのは 老紳士たちが営む小さなホテル”メッツァペウラ”だった。

Falling All In You
Falling All In YouCloud studio

A fairy tale love story between two strangers unfolded in Suzhou City because of an accidental kiss. Falling in love with Shen Nanzhao at the first sight, Qin Sang Luo was determined to conquer this arrogant man who kept ignoring her until she found out his secret, which led to a contract marriage between the duo. She never stopped chasing him, and he didn't realize how much he loved her until she was gone. This time, no matter the cost or whoever she is, he’ll never let her go, as he has fallen all in her.

Sasada wa Okane de Oshi wo Daku
Sasada wa Okane de Oshi wo Daku

「この時間で、お金で、推しを抱いたろ!」 超多忙な日々を送るオタクな社畜・笹田夏子。救いの見えない日々を救ったのは、お金に興奮する性癖を持つVTuber・天野アマオだった。一方通行ではないアマオとのやりとりに、次元を超えた癒やしを感じ日々頑張る元気をもらう笹田。三次元はお断りな彼女に片想いする永塚は、そんな笹田とアマオに複雑な想いを抱いていて…? 推しに生かされ働く女、推されているのに進めぬ男。 この恋、クロスプレイ実装なるか!?

Chouka-han ka - Gokudou-sama Afurete Afurete Naka Setai
Chouka-han ka - Gokudou-sama Afurete Afurete Naka Setai

English ver(Cp.4).. みうみは、家が超お金持ちな、小動物系・お嬢様JK。そのせいか、なかなか友だちができないのが悩み。 ある日、みうみの命に100億円がかけられ、全国の極道がみうみを狙ってきて…!? ブラックセダンの男・御己神正義に助けられたけど、なんと御己神は関東最大極道組織の若頭だった! みうみの両親から100億円で護衛を頼まれたといって言うけど、結局は「生かすも、殺すも、100億円」!みうみは御己神の人質になっちゃった…! しかも泣いたことのない御己神にむかって、天然のみうみは、「泣かせます!」と言ってしまって…。 極道若頭VS天然JK。 泣かせる、いや恋に落ちるのは、、、どっち? いざ勝負、丁か半か!

Slow Jet Coaster
Slow Jet Coaster

English Ver... / 本田日和、16歳。ふつうの高校生――と、見せかけて、同じ学校のクールな琉生と人懐っこい伊吹の2人の「いぶ×るい」妄想を楽しんでいる、隠れ腐女子だ。2人を見ていると毎日楽しい…! それだけだったはずなのに、“接触冷感王子”なんて呼ばれている琉生くんが日和にだけは優しくて、恋心が動き出して…? 一度乗ったら降りられない、ジェットコースター系予測不能ラブストーリー!

Oppabu... ttenandesuka!? ~Sutte Suwarete Hajimaru Koi no Hanashi~
Oppabu... ttenandesuka!? ~Sutte Suwarete Hajimaru Koi no Hanashi~Toyama monaka|Yozakura sakyou

Innocent Murder
Innocent Murder风人动漫

The most horrifying murders... and the most unimaginable truths! A cannibal’s banquet, a sealed woman, an ice sculpture of lovers, the surrender of Nanjing University murderer, a sacrifice painting made of human skin, and the reflection of a ghost in the mirror… You’ll never be able to comprehend the true objective behind these strange and vicious cases through a normal lens. Allow a psychologist, an expert in hypnosis, to take you into the depths of the souls of those hideous criminals to clearly understand these daunting truths through a unique viewpoint.

Binbou Danshaku Reijou no Ryouchi Kaikaku - Koutaishi-hi Arasoi wa Gomen Koumurimasu
Binbou Danshaku Reijou no Ryouchi Kaikaku - Koutaishi-hi Arasoi wa Gomen KoumurimasuFuji tomato

"I'm going to marry the most beautiful woman in the country" declares the crown prince, and Miriage (Milliage), a poor baroness, is chosen as one of the candidates for the crown prince's wife because of her beauty. If such a person becomes king, the country will be destroyed! Feeling a sense of crisis, Miriage embarks on a reform of her domain to protect her people. Amidst the difficulties ahead, she falls in love with a man other than the crown prince.... This encounter leads to an unexpected situation (⁉)-a story of an impoverished baroness's struggle to reform her domain! 「国一番の美人と婚約しようと思う」皇太子の宣言により、貧乏男爵令嬢なのに、その美貌で皇太子妃候補の一人に選ばれてしまったミリアージュ。「こんな人が王様になったら、国が滅んでしまう!」危機感を感じたミリアージュは、領民を守るため領地改革に乗り出す。前途多難な中、皇太子以外の男性に恋をして…。この出会いが思いもよらない事態をもたらす(!?)貧乏男爵令嬢の領地改革奮闘記、第1巻!

After Ten Millennia in Hell (CZ, neoficiální)
After Ten Millennia in Hell (CZ, neoficiální)Butterflyvalley|Ju kyung maeng(terapin)

Oh Kangwoo už má plné zuby vládnutí celému peklu a touží se vrátit na Zemi. Ale když se konečně vrátí, tak zjistí, že nejen že jeho síly byly zapečetěny, ale i to, že se celá Země proměnila na chaotickou MMORPG. Dimenzionální portály se objevily po celém světě a "hráči" do nich vstupují, aby si mohli vydělat peníze zabíjením monster. Pokud chce Kangwoo přežít v této nebezpečné hře, musí se vylevelovat a to rychle! Ale pro tohoto krále démonů, peklo na zemi může být horší, než peklo samotné!

Akuyaku Reijou Desu ga, Kouyaku Taishou no Yousu ga Ijou Sugiru
Akuyaku Reijou Desu ga, Kouyaku Taishou no Yousu ga Ijou SugiruInaida sou

English ver.. 十歳の誕生日、前世を思い出した悪役令嬢ミスティアは、乙女ゲーム『きゅんきゅんらぶすくーる』の世界で破滅エンドを導く“ヒロイン”と恋敵にならないよう「王子様系同級生」との婚約解消に奔走開始! ……するはずが、超お人好しな性格のせいで無意識に好感度を上げてしまい、次々とキャラクターたちに歪んだ愛情を抱かれてしまう。 すべてが異常だらけのなか、ミスティアはヒロインと出会う前にシナリオ改変できるのか――? 勘違いの錯綜でドキドキがとまらないっ! 気付かない間に地獄絵図のサスペンス学園ラブコメディー!

The Secret of the Partner Next to You
The Secret of the Partner Next to You

Yang Kiryong is an ordinary high school boy who has a classmate named Yoo Jae-Kyung, who is somewhat clumsy and clueless. Both have a very good friendship, but without any kind of love attraction. Until one day, by chance, Kiryong discovered the deepest secret of his friend and because of this his heart began to beat, will it be beats of fear or love?

Natsume-senpai ni Semarareru Hibi
Natsume-senpai ni Semarareru Hibi

English ver. 筋肉をこよなく愛する日比華帆。 高校入学早々、“マッスルプリンス”とうわさの男子・棗旺太朗と出会う。 棗のナイスバディに釣られた日比は、バスケ部のマネージャーになってしまって……!? 理想の筋肉に、攻められ迫られまくりのムキムキ・ラブコメ第1巻!

Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story (Official)
Magia Record: Puella Magi Madoka Magica Another Story (Official)Magica quartet

With fewer witches cropping up in Mitakihara and the surrounding area, many magical girls are embracing their chance to enjoy a break from the hunt— but not Mami Tomoe! Mami wants to know why witch numbers are declining in every city save one. In Kamihama City, the witch population is greater and stronger than ever, not to mention there’s a mysterious magical presence unlike anything Mami has encountered before...!

Isekai Kara Seijo ga Kuru You na no de, Jamamono wa Kieyou to Omoimasu
Isekai Kara Seijo ga Kuru You na no de, Jamamono wa Kieyou to OmoimasuHasumi ryou

Felicia, who suddenly gets back her memories from the previous life, is married off to a distant foreign land by her enthroned elder brother as harassmentー This world is that of an otome game, and my marriage partner, Crown Prince WIlliam, is in love with the saintess from another world. Thus I, the hindrance, will be executed?! To avoid the destruction flag, Felicia decides to live as a commoner while making medicine. However, William whispers breathtakingly alluring words into her ears... What kind of a trap is this?! 即位した兄王に厄介払いされ、遠い異国に嫁いだフェリシアに突如、前世の記憶が蘇る―― この世界は乙女ゲームで、結婚相手の王太子・ウィリアムは異世界から来る聖女と愛しあい、邪魔者の自分は処刑される運命!?

Makamatay nga Romansa
Makamatay nga RomansaGrrr

Yubi "bida sa aksyon komiks" Chon. Shinwoo "bida sa romansa na komiks" Kim. Ang malisod na dalan sa duha nga nagtagbo. Makab-ot kaha nila ang ilang kaugalingong 'happy ending'?!

Kojirase Outaishi to Yakusoku no Himegimi
Kojirase Outaishi to Yakusoku no HimegimiKurisu mari

Leylia is a tomboyish princess from the small country of Barcos. In order to protect her country from a vicious superpower, she accepts an offer of marriage with a neighboring country. However, the crown prince has a lover, and he has given her ten unreasonable conditions, including: ・A fiancé for the time being ・Not to appear in public ・Not to talk to each other... etc.! Leylia is taken in by the haughty crown prince who takes advantage of his superior position... "I'm going to knock your guts out!" But then, for some reason, she and the crown prince suddenly got close...? The princess of a weak country makes a selfish crown prince cry foul! A royal palace love fantasy! 弱小国バルコスのおてんば姫・レイリア。あくどい大国から祖国を守るため、 隣国との縁談を受けることに。しかし嫁ぎ先の王太子には想い人がいて、さらには ・当分は婚約者とする ・公の場には出るな ・会話はしない…etc. という無理難題の10の条件まで出されて!? 優位な立場を利用した高慢な王太子にレイリアは… 「その根性、私が叩き直して上げるわ!」 と思ったら、なぜか王太子と急接近――!? 弱小国の姫がワガママ王太子をぎゃふんと言わせる!! 王宮ラブファンタジー!

Hataraku Saibou Lady
Hataraku Saibou LadyHarada shigemitsu - shimizu akane

Sebuah cerita tentang bagian dalam tubuh wanita, yang didedikasikan untuk semua wanita yang hidup. Menstruasi, Kehamilan, Melahirkan, Gangguan dan Penyakit Tertentu pada Wanita. Tubuh seorang wanita yang terpapar pada perubahan memusingkan setiap harinya. Tubuh wanita yang dilindungi oleh sel-sel imun kita! Ini adalah spin-off terbaru dari manga hataraku saibo dengan fokus khusus pada wanita!

The Doctor Is Out
The Doctor Is OutYunajin

Setelah Duke Erhan meninggal, terjadi pemberontakan di wilayah kekuasaannya. Lise, seorang dokter berbakat dijatuhi hukuman mati karena mengobati pemberontak. Namun saat dipenjara, ia bertemu dengan seorang nenek yang mengirimnya kembali ke masa lalu. Akhirnya, Lise berencana mencegah pemberontakan dengan menyelamatkan Duke Erhan. Akankah misi Lise berhasil, dan apa yang terjadi dengan Duke Erhan?

Father, I Don't Want This Marriage
Father, I Don't Want This MarriageHong heesu|Yuri

Juvelian jest nikczemnością tak znienawidzoną przez wszystkich, że nawet jej kochanek i ojciec opuszczają ja, by umarła żałośnie. Gdy ma stawić czoła swojemu losowi, ma szansę zmienić bieg historii. Aby uniknąć tragicznego końca, o którym wie, że ją czeka, zrywa z kochankiem i rezygnuje z prób zdobycia miłości ojca. Zamiast tego skupia się na wykorzystaniu jego bogactwa, aby w pełni cieszyć się nowym życiem! Ale kiedy przygotowuje się do ekstrawaganckiego życia damy, jej ojciec zaczyna szukać dla niej nowego zalotnika. Obawiając się, że wyda ją za mąż za niesławnie nieprzewidywalnego i burzliwego księcia, znajduje desperackie rozwiązanie: kontrakt randkowy. A najlepszym kandydatem jest nikt inny jak uczeń jej ojca.

Unsuitable (Nyschaa)
Unsuitable (Nyschaa)

Karena kesalahan dalam mengunggah, pemeran utama wanita dan pemeran utama pria dari karya yang berbeda bertemu di ruang yang sama?! "Siapa kamu?" Karena kesalahan upload, pemeran utama pria drama sejarah BL 'Lee Joon' jatuh ke dunia komik romansa yang telah tamat. Lee Joon melihat siswa sekolah mengenakan pakaian yang berbeda dari miliknya dan menyadari bahwa ini bukan dunia tempat dia berada, dan mencoba untuk kembali ke pekerjaannya. Namun, pintu untuk bekerja telah menghilang, dan 'Hyeon-seo', pahlawan dunia komik roman, mendekatinya saat dia mengembara! Dia mengandalkan Hyun-seo, yang memiliki ego seperti dirinya, dan menyesuaikan diri dengan dunia ini dengan caranya sendiri.. Bisakah Lee Joon kembali ke pekerjaannya?

Mikazuki Mao wa Seibetsu o Erabenai
Mikazuki Mao wa Seibetsu o Erabenai

English ver.. 性別行ったり来たりのアブない恋 付き合って2週間の初カレにフラれた。 ヤツがヤリモク嘘つきクズ野郎だと知った。 もうやだ。嫌い。男なんて大嫌い―― って呪いながら寝たら、翌朝オトコになっていた。 パパ曰く(元はパパもママだったみたい。←え、どゆこと。)、 うちの家系は男か女か性別を選べる体質らしい。 もう男に騙されるのはコリゴリだから、 オトコとして生きることに決めた。 全寮制の男子校に入学した。 感じ悪い男とルームメイトになった。 ひょんなことからキスされた。 その瞬間、オンナに戻った。 色々頭が追い付かないパニック。←いまここ。 三日月まお、♂♀が定まらない16歳。 恋とかときめきとかもういらないんですけど!!!!

Beta Off Not Dating
Beta Off Not DatingMintran / saena

Juhyeok jest nieświadomym betą, który został wrzucony w świat alf i omeg kiedy tylko ukończył swój bezpieczny collage z samymi betami i zaczął pracować w bardziej zróżnicowanej firmie. Tutaj bójka na pięści, albo głośne odgłosy (ekhem) w łazience to nie ,,przemoc w miejscu pracy" i ,,molestowanie seksualne", ale po prostu zwykła kłótnia kochanków. Zrażony feromonami, które przeważają nad zdrowym rozsądkiem w tym szalonym świecie, Juhyeok przysięga sobie, że nigdy się z nikim nie umówi, dopóki nie zaoszczędzi wystarczającej ilości pieniędzy, aby przeprowadzić się do wymarzonego raju dla bet. Niestety los mu nie sprzyja, bo jakimś cudem przyciąga do siebie zalotnego dyrektora alfę, oraz uroczego młodego omegę, bez kiwnięcia palcem. Czy Juhyeokowi uda się uciec ze świata randek zachwoując swoje zdrowie psychiczne, czy też panie ofiarą nieznośnego szybszego bicia serca?

Putri umpan meriam ingin bertahan lama
Putri umpan meriam ingin bertahan lama

Dalam perjalanan untuk menghindari pernikahan, pahlawan wanita tersebut jatuh ke dalam danau karena salah perhitungan soal matematika, dan diteruskan ke mantan putri Mu Yunkai yang sedang diburu. Selama Anda mendapatkan hubungan baik dengan para pria, Anda dapat menarik hadiah dan menebus berbagai kekuatan super. Setelah persentase koneksi Anda penuh, Anda dapat kembali ke dunia asli dan hidup kembali! Kukira ini perjalanan penuh kebahagiaan bersama pria-pria cantik, tapi kenapa mereka semua ingin... membunuhnya?

Sales Department's Cupid
Sales Department's CupidRotten greent

In the office, Taejoon reigns supreme as the "Cupid of Sales," renowned for successfully pairing colleagues thanks to his ability to see the color of people's auras. Unfortunately, he himself has been single his entire life. But everything changes when he drunkenly kisses the new recruit, Hongyeon, which leads to a sizzling night at a motel. And then Taejoon discovers something fascinating - Hongyeon's aura is a mesmerizing rainbow! As Hongyeon boldly pursues him, Taejoon's shyness clashes with their steamy connection. Now they must navigate a somewhat clumsy and spicy office romance, where colors will fly in more ways than one!

Red Dot
Red DotMudan

"Sepertinya ketua kelas sedang berkencan." Kwak Woochan mendengar tentang kisah cinta Kwon Daro, siswa terbaik di seluruh sekolah yang dicintai oleh gurunya tetapi tidak tertarik untuk berkencan. Kwon Daro, sahabatku sejak aku berumur 12 tahun dan aku tidak tahu apa-apa tentangnya, tapi bukti hubungan mereka yang tidak kusadari adalah 'kissmark di bawah telinga'?! Anehnya, pelaku di balik tanda merah muda di tengkuknya itu adalah aku sendiri. "Ini adalah Hongjeom, titik merah yang diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi di keluarga Kwak. Seperti heart seal, kami meninggalkan tanda pada orang yang disukai." "Kwak Woochan, kau menyukaiku?" Aku ketahuan. Cintaku yang bertepuk sebelah tangan selama 7 tahun.

Cintaku bersemi di kampus [moccacino]
Cintaku bersemi di kampus [moccacino]

Seorang mahasiswi yang segar dan bersemangat? TIDAK!! Seo Min-yu, seorang mahasiswa teknik yang santai dan wanita hebat Dia mengagumi Seo Min-yu sejak awal dan jatuh cinta padanya dari surga, dan orang itu tidak lain adalah Seon Woo-bin, yang juga dikenal sebagai bunga di tebing. Namun, hanya orang yang telah mencoba beberapa yang dapat menaikinya, Kenapa kamu terus mengunyah piringmu di depan kakakku seolah-olah kamu sedang memakannya? Akankah dia tampil sebagai tahanan yang tidak akan merasa canggung meski kepalanya dipenggal saat ini? Aku hampir menyerah pada 'Love in Campus', tapi... mata oppa ini sepertinya memiliki tulisan "Imut sekali, aku sekarat" di dalamnya. Apakah itu hanya imajinasiku saja?

Webtoon Character Na Kang Lim
Webtoon Character Na Kang LimLee kyung-min

Na Kang Lim, seorang siswa SMA yang gemar membaca webtoon, suatu hari mengalami kejadian aneh ketika pemeran utama wanita dari webtoon favoritnya muncul di hadapannya. Yang lebih mengejutkan lagi, insiden yang sama yang membahayakannya di webtoon mulai terjadi di kehidupan nyata. Masalahnya adalah, tidak ada protagonis di dunia nyata yang bisa menyelamatkannya! Pada akhirnya, Na Kang Lim mengambil peran protagonis, melewati waktu untuk menyelamatkannya.

Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
Sugar Apple Fairy TaleMikawa miri

English ver.. 人間が妖精を使役する、ハイランド王国。 王都ルイストンでは毎年秋に、王家主催の砂糖菓子品評会が開催されていた。 品評会で最高位の王家勲章を勝ち取った者は、「銀砂糖師」を名乗ることが許される。 少女・アンは、亡き母の職業であった「銀砂糖師」になるため、ルイストンへ向かうことに。 道中の用心棒として雇った戦士妖精・シャルは口が悪く、無愛想で一筋縄ではいかない。 果たしてアンは、無事ルイストンにたどり着き「銀砂糖師」になることができるのか!? 人間と妖精が形創る、甘くて美しいおとぎ話、開幕。

Koroshite Yarou to Omotta Aite ga Dekiai shite Kite Komarimasu
Koroshite Yarou to Omotta Aite ga Dekiai shite Kite Komarimasu

Mira lived comfortably as a princess of the kingdom of Axia. But one day, Mira is attacked by a neighboring prince, Leon, and dies vowing revenge against him. The next time Mira wakes up, time has rolled back two months before the incident ......? A reincarnated love story full of miscalculations, starting with revenge! アクシア王国の姫として何不自由なく生きてきたミラ。しかしある日、隣国の王子・レオンに襲撃されたミラは、彼への復讐を誓いながら息絶えてしまう。次にミラが目覚めた時には、事件が起こる2か月前に時間が巻き戻っていた。悲惨な未来を回避するため、ミラはレオンと結婚し彼の暗殺を試みるが失敗ばかり。しかも、レオンはミラに甘々な態度で接してきて……!?復讐から始まる、誤算だらけの転生ラブストーリー!

Maru Is a Puppy ~ifawsan
Maru Is a Puppy ~ifawsanMojo

baca legal dinaver 😀

Nichijou (Official)
Nichijou (Official)Keiichi arawi

In this just-surreal enough take on the "school genre" of manga, a group of friends grapple with all sorts of unexpected situations in their daily lives as high schoolers. The gags, jokes, puns, and haiku keep this series off-kilter even as the cast grow and change. Check it out and meet the new ordinary.

A Delightful Simple Life of a Single, After Leaving Home «toji»
A Delightful Simple Life of a Single, After Leaving Home «toji»Baggwili|Ondo

[MU]: Catherine did not want much. Even if she did not have luxurious clothes and shoes, she was alright with her hideously frayed bedroom curtains and her shoes that were so worn at the soles it was different in height. It had been two years since she started enduring it for the sake of her late mother. She no longer felt the need to do that. "Alright, I'll leave." Catherine was tired of everything.*** "Are you the Pope's watchdog? You've done well coming all the way here." The man who intruded her home was drenched from head to toe. She could see mud squished beneath his black leather boots. Unbelievable. To think he would drag in not grass, but mud, while she was cleaning the floors! "You've got quite the disguise. Even I was almost fooled into thinking that you're just an ordinary city woman---" "Wipe it." She pushed the rag she held onto the man. "Why are you looking at me so foolishly? I told you to wipe the floor. And it's not proper to show your sword when it's our first time meeting each other. Is it not enough that you intruded that you would want to be reported for attempted murder?"

Swallow Knights Tales
Swallow Knights TalesHanheun|Kim cheolgon

Endymion Kirian was once a great host. When he was a child, he met a knight by chance who gave him a recommendation letter, inspiring him to become a knight. With a strong determination to become a knight, Endymion joins the knight order called the ‘Swallow Knights.’ However, once he entered the knight order, he realized that it is different from the others. The story unfolds as it explores the adventurous journey of Endymion, a former host who becomes a knight.

I Accidentally Seduced the Male Lead’s Younger Brother
I Accidentally Seduced the Male Lead’s Younger Brother꿀잼각 / 레몬네모맛사탕

"Não." Rejeitei categoricamente a oferta do canalha de ter um caso comigo. “O jovem mestre não é meu tipo. Meu tipo é seu irmão.” "O quê? Meu irmão é o seu tipo?" Garfos. Não você, mas seu irmão. * * * O 'irmão' veio até mim, uma fera da decadência. “Nunca me esqueci de você nem por um momento, quero que se case comigo, irmã.” Segurando os papéis de noivado que assinei de brincadeira na minha infância. Não, isso não era para uma brincadeira de criança? "Você mudou seus gostos enquanto eu estava fora?" Os olhos de Lexion estavam cheios de emoção quando ele perguntou. É como se ele soubesse do meu novo gosto, ele me mataria imediatamente.

What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? (Official Print)
What’s Wrong with Secretary Kim? (Official Print)Gyeongyun jeong|Jeong gyeong yun

Vice Chairman Youngjun Lee and Secretary Miso Kim have been the star duo of their company for nine years...until Miso suddenly decides to quit! But Youngjun is smart, rich, and used to getting what he wants—and he wants Miso to stay. So when he discovers she’s leaving in order to find a husband, the only logical way to keep her at his side is...offering to marry her?! Too bad she’s just not that into him!

Chocolate snow
Chocolate snowKandyxxx

Daily Report About My Witch Senpai
Daily Report About My Witch SenpaiMochida maka

The office stories of a kind hearted, weak willed, witch senpai and her relatable, simple but nice kouhai that started over a cup of magically warmed coffee!! Misono is an office drone with his own ups and downs at work, but thankfully, he has an ally: his senpai Shizuka, who happens to be a witch. Shizuka is always ready to lend a hand to those in need, but Misono thinks she should take better care of herself, since zipping around on a broomstick to run errands can be quite stressful. Is Misono’s over-solicitous concern for Shizuka driven by mere respect for this flustered witch, or could it be more? Let this magical romantic comedy cast its spell on you!

Pujo to Yajuu / Cutie and the Beast
Pujo to Yajuu / Cutie and the Beast

It is a funny love story about a high school girl called Momoka who loves wrestling, and Kuga, a wrestler who looks like a bad guy and often plays the villain but has actually a pure heart. Momoka is a huge fan of Kuga and keeps sending him supportive messages on Twitter. She even sent him a fan letter and one day after one of his matches he suddenly calls her… That’s how the clumsy love story of those two starts. JKが悪役レスラーに恋したら――!? 体格差×年の差ギャップMAXな2人の最強にピュアな初恋ストーリー☆ 百花は実はプロレス大好きなJK。推しは悪役(ヒール)レスラーの久我選手! ファンレターを出したり陰ながら一生懸命応援していたけど、試合会場で久我選手に遭遇して…!?

Soredemo Otouto wa Koi Shitagaru
Soredemo Otouto wa Koi Shitagaru


Sachi’s Records 〜Sachi’s Book of Revelation〜
Sachi’s Records 〜Sachi’s Book of Revelation〜Chanta

‘Humanity’s Judgment’ ? a process by which an angel and a demon meticulously pass judgment upon a human, and the final score determines the fate of mankind. But this time, the chosen subject is the incredibly mischievous 6-year-old elementary school student, Sachi Ueno?! Just how will the unconventional living arrangement of an angel, a demon, and a human shape the future of humanity?

Megane, Tokidoki, Yankee-kun
Megane, Tokidoki, Yankee-kun

English ver.. 平穏な高校生活に憧れていたヤンキー嫌いの百瀬。 でもクラスの目立たない黒髪メガネ男子の壱倉くんが なんと中学時代かなりのヤンキーだったという秘密を知ってしまう! ”元ヤン”であって今は違うと言う壱倉くんだけど… ケンカっ早いし現役ヤンキーにしか見えないよ!!? ヤンキーなんか大嫌いだったのに…! 優等生のフリした元ヤンに恋しちゃって、どうしよう!!?

Happy Shitty Life
Happy Shitty LifeHarada

Kyoutarou Kasuya is an elite businessman who caused a scandal at his company. As a result, he gets sent off to a remote rural area where he meets a weird, unemployed – and living off his grandmother’s pension – neighbor, Yoshiyuki Kuzuya.

Akuyaku Reijou wa "Moe" wo Abiru Hodo Sesshu shitai!
Akuyaku Reijou wa "Moe" wo Abiru Hodo Sesshu shitai!Karasuma shimei

I was reincarnated as Letizia, the villainous daughter from my favorite otome game. I'm surrounded by many of my "most favored" characters, including my fiancée, Licht, and I'm about to start the best life of my life. In order to continue to love my precious guesses, I must avoid deportation! And I have one more development that I have to avoid: ....... It's a dream development where my guesses and I are united! In order to love the happiness of my guesses and enjoy the best of moe, I'm aiming to avoid ruin! 大好きな乙女ゲームに出てくる悪役令嬢・レティーツィアとして転生した私。 ”最推し”である婚約者のリヒトをはじめとした、沢山の推しに囲まれた最高の生活が幕を開ける。 尊い推したちを愛で続けるためにも、国外追放は断固回避! そして私にはもう一つ回避しないといけない展開が……。 それは推しと自分が結ばれる夢展開!! 推したちの幸せな姿を愛で、最高の萌えを享受するために、目指せ破滅回避!!

Oshite dame nara oshite miro!
Oshite dame nara oshite miro!Hirose ayumu

Girl who is only romantically attracted to snakes falls in love with her teacher.

Shiawase ni Shitara Dame Desuka?
Shiawase ni Shitara Dame Desuka?Isaji hedoro

Although wedding planner Ikuyama is foul-mouthed and has a terrible personality, he is popular with women due to his deceiving good looks and outward appearance. One day, he goes to a hotel designated by his client for a meeting only to find that the bride isn't there and that he is left alone with the groom, Izumi, who exudes a gloomy aura. "Isn't it beautiful? I picked it out because I thought it'd suit you, you know... Ikuyama-san?" In the midst of the meeting, he is suddenly overthrown by a feeling of drowsiness and when he wakes up... for some reason, he's been put in a snow-white dress?!

Hazukashikutte Amai Koto
Hazukashikutte Amai Koto

English ver.. 初めての彼氏、初めてのお部屋デート。彼の指が紐をほどいたら、その先は……? 恥ずかしくってとびきり甘い、恋のステップを1歩ずつ。「大好き」が伝わるように、深く優しく確かめ合って――。

How to Treat a Lady Knight Right [Official] -𝐊𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫.-
How to Treat a Lady Knight Right [Official] -𝐊𝐨𝐝𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐚 𝐯𝐞𝐫.-Kengo matsumoto

Leo Cornelia has dedicated her entire life to the battlefield. There is no demon she can't slay, no challenge she can't handle—at least, not until that confounding halfwit mage Foolie Dent confesses his love to her. Nothing feels farther from her than long-discarded notions of femininity and romance, but this annoying but dependable new friend might just be the key to opening the heart she closed long ago.

I Think I've Transmigrated Somewhere
I Think I've Transmigrated SomewhereDalbicho|Gb

I love Romance Fantasy novels, and I even got transmigrated into one. "Anyway, which book have I transmigrated into?" I think I've read about 20 books that had brown-haired maids with freckles, I think I've read about 20 books with a southern lady who marries a cold-hearted duke from the north, And there seems to be more books with black-haired male leads and blonde female leads? "Wait, is it even true that I've transmigrated as the female lead?" No, I think it might not even be a Romance Fantasy to begin with? Where am I, and who am I?

Shanhai High School [Detaze]
Shanhai High School [Detaze]Yu xiao lan shan, 晋江文学城

Lin Jing adalah murid teladan pada umumnya: serius, rajin, dan sopan. Namun, setelah pindah ke sekolah baru untuk tahun keduanya, dia terpaksa menjadi antek bagi siswa pembuat onar yang menduduki peringkat terakhir di tahun tersebut. Lin Jing benar-benar bingung. Bagaimana ini bisa terjadi? Ji Xingling mengenakan jaket sekolah yang disampirkan di bahunya saat matahari keemasan menyinari kepalanya. Dia bersandar dan menempelkan sepatunya ke dinding. "Mau bagaimana lagi... Kamu benar-benar iblis kecil yang kikuk." Lin Jing: Apa??? Dia gila.. Untuk ulang tahunnya yang ke 18, Tuan Muda Ji menata rambutnya dengan semprotan dan muncul di depan pintu Lin Jing. Dengan sikap dominan seperti presiden, dia bertanya dengan berani, "Apakah kamu ada waktu luang besok?" Lin Jing gugup. "Ji Xingling! Ji Xingling, ekor Qilinmu muncul lagi!"

Assassin & Cinderella
Assassin & Cinderella

English ver.. 【君を甘やかし殺しちゃうほど愛したい】 ライバル組織のアサシンをスパイしている寧々子だが正体がバレてしまい死を覚悟したその時…持ち掛けられた条件は「結婚」!?スパイを続けるために契約結婚を受け入れるが殺気と色気の香る男の身体に抱かれ、寧々子の心は次第に解けていき…?アサシンの愛に包まれるまま初めての同棲、そして初夜を迎えて…――。世界で最も甘くて危険な≪契約結婚≫が幕を開ける!!

Taikouhi Kouho Dakedo, Kenjitsu ni Ikou to Omoimasu
Taikouhi Kouho Dakedo, Kenjitsu ni Ikou to OmoimasuSeo yuuri

The poor daughter of the Marquis, Teresse, who has been striving to save money day and night, was suddenly informed that she will be one of the “Grand Duke's Consort Candidates.” “Being a poor aristocrat such as myself, becoming a consort candidate is impossible for me”– is how I should kindly refuse, but… “Every candidate will be granted 100,000 peir.” “Possible employment as a court lady or lady attendant.” "These generous conditions?!" “I can be a court lady that I’ve always longed for!” Teresse thought. And with this in mind, she decided to head to the palace as a “Consort Candidate.” However, what awaits her in the palace is a war with self-indulgent young ladies and other consort candidates! Will Teresse be appointed as a court lady or will she stand out from the rest as the Grand Duke's Consort?! 節約好きの侯爵令嬢テレーゼに大公のお妃候補へと声がかかる。だが、貧乏貴族のテレーゼは「憧れの女官」になれるかも!とお城に向かうが、そこで待っていたのはわがままな令嬢達とのお妃争奪戦だった!?

Koisuru boukun 🇲🇨
Koisuru boukun 🇲🇨Hinako takanaga

Komik yaoi pertama yang ku baca... Aku lihat chapter terbaru komik ini sudah ada tanda tanda mau tamat... Aku kangen jadi mau baca ulang sekalian terjemahin ya ☺ ada yang tau manga ini?

Daughter of the Emperor (Official Print)
Daughter of the Emperor (Official Print)Yunsul

Ariadna Lerg Illestri Pre Agrigent is no ordinary baby. She’s the princess of an empire, she doesn’t cry at all, and…she was born with memories of her previous life?! Not to mention her father’s trying to kill her! --- Blessed with a chance to start over but cursed with a crazed tyrant as her father, Ria must navigate the chaos of growing up in the palace—conceited concubines, grand birthday celebrations, assassins in the night—while also avoiding being killed… But just how is she meant to escape death when she can’t even walk?!

The Oddball Lady's Fiance
The Oddball Lady's FianceSeogac|Eunseonhwa

Ahli alkimia yang ceria, Rebecca O'Klein, jauh dari kesan wanita bangsawan pada umumnya. Pada usia 24 tahun, dia masih belum menikah dan menghabiskan hari-harinya terkurung di bengkel untuk melatih keahliannya daripada menghadiri pesta-pesta mewah. Sayangnya, gaya hidupnya yang eksentrik terancam oleh keluarganya yang mendesaknya untuk berhenti dari profesinya dan akhirnya mencari seorang suami. Tapi siapa yang mau menikahi "The Oddball Lady of High Society"? Masuklah Carlyle Rowinster, seorang duke yang juga enggan untuk menetap. Dia menyarankan Rebecca untuk menandatangani kontrak pertunangan dengannya, dan sebagai gantinya, dia akan membantunya menjadi alkemis terhebat yang pernah ada!


Lee Sun-woo(Ω), memiliki sifat omega paling dominan membuat kontrak untuk melahirkan seorang anak dengan putra bungsu dari keluarga gangstar perusahaan, Yu Beom(⍺) untuk melunasi semua utangnya. Yu Beom adalah tipikal alpha kaya & Sun-woo akan tinggal bersama dengannya sampai bayinya lahir. Terlebih lagi, sepertinya nenek Sun-woo juga bekerja sebagai pengurus rumah tangga di sana.

Menyelamatkan Putra Mahkotaku
Menyelamatkan Putra Mahkotaku

manhwa Menyelamatkan Putra Mahkotaku / 救救我的太子殿下 / selamatkan pangeranku / putaran takdir Abby bereinkarnasi. Kali ini, dia bersumpah untuk mereformasi penjahat di kehidupan sebelumnya, mengubah nasib dunia yang berakhir… Tidak, kenapa aku harus begitu terpaku pada hal ini? Kakak laki-laki yang baik dan lembut, seorang penyihir misterius- Siapakah pembunuh tegas pria tampan dengan begitu banyak prestasi dalam perang ini? Ternyata itu adalah Putra Mahkota yang meninggal muda di kehidupan sebelumnya! Ya, salah satu caranya adalah dengan menempatkannya di atas takhta, tapi dia ditakdirkan untuk mati dalam tiga tahun karena kutukan!

Debut Or Die [Valkyrie]
Debut Or Die [Valkyrie]Baek deoksoo

Seorang siswa kelas 4 yang sedang mempersiapkan ujian Pegawai Negeri Sipil, tiba-tiba dia menemukan dirinya dalam tubuh yang tidak dikenalnya 3 tahun yang lalu. Serta jendela status yang menampilkan ancaman di depan matanya! [Outbreak!] [Status Abnormality: Debut atau Mati!] Sebuah buku harian tentang transformasi karakter utama, yang tiba-tiba ditantang untuk menjadi idola meskipun ia belum pernah di industri sebelumnya karena ancaman kematian mendadak. Keahlian: Dia bisa mengambil dan menjual data idol Notices:

Soko no Koisuru Baitosho-kun
Soko no Koisuru Baitosho-kunMizuno minami

During my part-time job, I met… my fated person!!

I Became The Sultan's Precious Cat
I Became The Sultan's Precious CatSeohyun|Byakko|Gira

Je me suis réincarnée dans un monde étrange avec des sultans et des harems. Mais le problème, c’est que je ne suis plus une humaine, mais un chaton qui ne sait pas parler ! Il n’y a qu’une seule façon pour moi de redevenir humaine. Et c'est d’embrasser un prince qui est un sultan qualifié. D'ailleurs… Pourquoi tous les gens dans ce palais sont-ils si étranges ? * * * Prince Suleyman, qui m'a prise pour un assassin et m'a traitée avec indifférence : «Je ne veux te donner à personne. Je te protègerai. Toi… tu es mon précieux chat. …et le prince Theron, que je trouvais doux, m'a parlé de manière obsessionnelle : « Ne choisis pas mon frère aîné, s’il te plaît, choisis-moi. Je te donnerai tout dans ce royaume. Il m’a murmuré de si douces tentations à l’oreille. Je dois embrasser l'un d'eux pour conserver ma forme humaine. "Miaou! (J'ai mal à la tête!) Quel sera mon avenir ?

Pengacau Kesayanganku
Pengacau Kesayanganku欲言文化

Tiran sekolah Shen YiChen sedang mencari masalah dengan siswa jenius Ji YuMing?! Kehidupan dua tokoh kampus yang semula tidak akan pernah bertemu satu sama lain dalam hidup ini, menjadi terjerat karena “buku harian” tertentu. Saat Shen YiChen terus berkelahi dengan Ji YuMing, dia menyadari bahwa siswa teladan ini sepertinya bukan tipe orang yang “melakukan hal seperti itu kepada adik sepupunya”. Pada saat yang sama, melihat tiran sekolah liar yang mudah kusut di depannya, Ji YuMing perlahan-lahan mulai terbiasa merapikan bulu-bulunya yang acak-acakan...

Suitei Akuyaku Reijou wa Koku Ichiban no Busaiku ni Totsugasareru you desu
Suitei Akuyaku Reijou wa Koku Ichiban no Busaiku ni Totsugasareru you desuEnoshima suzu

Emmanuelle has been reincarnated into the world of a completely unknown otome game, where she is condemned as a villainess. However, the crime for which she was sentenced was her engagement to Ruth, a frontier count who is said to be the ugliest girl in the country! 'That's... that's just a prize, isn't it! Emmanuel is attracted to the man with the best personality and appearance, but Ruth's confidence is shaken by her misplaced sense of beauty and ugliness in this world... What will happen to this love affair that has so much ahead of it! 全く知らない乙女ゲームの世界に転生してしまったエマニュエルは、悪役令嬢として断罪されていた。 しかし、言い渡された罪は国で一番のブサイクと言われる辺境伯・ルースとの婚約だった! 「そんなのって…ただのご褒美じゃないですかっ!!」 人格も容姿も最高な彼に惹かれていたエマニュエルだったが、この世界の美醜感覚がズレているせいでルースは自信を失っていて… 前途多難なこの恋、一体どうなる!?

Rikon Shinai Otoko
Rikon Shinai OtokoOhtake reiji

Okatani who was an ace reporter in the social affairs department, abandoned his career and chose to live at home. Okatani makes a bento for his beloved daughter and takes her to kindergarten. Okatani has become an ikumen that everyone envies, but there is actually a grand plan behind it. A recon black comedy that challenges men's unreasonable walls! Basically about a guy who found out that his wife was cheating on him. He wants to divorce, but to get the custody of their daughter he doesn't divorce right away. Instead, he's trying various things to earn that right.

Kawaii Nante Kiitenai!!
Kawaii Nante Kiitenai!!

English ver.. かわいい年下男子が大好きな女子高生のまどか。 ある日、実家の食堂のバイトとして志倉くんがやってきた! きれいでイケメンな志倉くんだけど超絶感じが悪くって!? 絶対に好きにならないと思っていたけど、 時々見せる姿が、悶絶するほどかわいい~~~~!! 本当に好きにならないでいられるの~~~!?

I Stole the Number One Ranker's Soul
I Stole the Number One Ranker's Soul

Son Moa, orang biasa yang hanya pekerja kantoran tiba-tiba terjebak di dalam retakan dungeon sendirian. Di saat dia hampir putus asa untuk bertahan hidup menghadapi monster yang muncul, dia mendapatkan skill tersembunyi dan kekuatannya pun bangkit. Sayangnya, hidden skillnya seperti hanya sebatas mencabut rumput. Tanpa skill bertarung, apa dia bisa bertahan? Nantinya Son Moa juga akan bertemu Seo Jihan, ranker nomor 1 saat ini. Jihan menyelamatkan Moa dkk yang terjebak dalam retakan (lagi). Tapi Jihan terluka parah, apakah Moa dengan kekuatannya yg sdh bangkit dan juga hidden skillnya bisa membantu Jihan? Lalu bagaimana nanti kelanjutan hubungan mereka? Romance mereka ini termasuk nya slow burn, dan season 1 masih sedikit keuwuan mereka. Karna genre utamanya juga bukan romance ya.. Romance disini hanya bumbu penyedap. Jadi jangan mengharapkan romance yg banyak disini. Mulai akhir season 1 barulah nanti keliatan Jihan sayang Moa 😍. Apalagi season 2 semakin uwu dan senangnya mereka akan berjuang bersama 😍.

Shiina-san, Numattemasu.
Shiina-san, Numattemasu.

English Ver... 早くに両親を亡くした私は弟たちを養うために仕事三昧な日々を送っていた。数少ない癒やしはスマホゲームの推しくんと、そのゲームを制作したイケメン敏腕プロデューサーの上司を拝むこと。そんなある日、職場に黙ってた副業が上司にバレてしまう。クビ→家賃滞納→ホームレス家族……!! と覚悟していたら、秘密を守る代わりにある提案をされるのだった。その内容は、上司の自宅の家事代行。でも、寝かしつけるところまでがお仕事で………ってなんなのこの状況!?!?

Love is an Illusion / Láska je jen iluze
Love is an Illusion / Láska je jen iluzeFargo

Dvacetiletý Kim Hyesung odjakživa plánoval být úspěšnou alfou, ale když poprvé v životě projde svoji první říjí, uvědomí si strašlivou realitu - on je ve skutečnosti prachsprostá omega! A to jenom proto, že potkal Park Dojina, dominantní alfu, který omegy nemůže vystát. Ovšem, když se jejich cesty zkříží, ani jeden neví, co způsobuje, že jejich srdce bijí jak o závod a jejich těla divočí. Varování: romantizované znásilnění, vulgární jazyk, domácí násilí

Hasil dari Mengalahkan seorang Pemula di FPS yang Berkembang Menjadi Pertarungan di RL haha
Hasil dari Mengalahkan seorang Pemula di FPS yang Berkembang Menjadi Pertarungan di RL hahaMedatarou

Imouto wa Siscon Ani ga Mendokusai
Imouto wa Siscon Ani ga Mendokusai

Yui Hasegawa, an unattractive high school student, has an older brother, Yu, who is both a literary and martial artist, cool, and called the most handsome guy in school. The two are so unlike each other that it is hard to believe they are brother and sister. There are even rumors that they don't get along, Yui, who has a "perfect brother," is troubled. It is... The fact that her brilliant and talented older brother is actually a severe siscon. A hilarious home comedy about siblings who are complete opposites! イマイチぱっとしない高校生の長谷川優衣には文武両道、クールで学校一のイケメンと呼ばれる兄・優がいる。兄妹とは思えないくらい全然似ていない2人には不仲説が流れるほどで、「完璧な兄」を持つ優衣は悩みを抱えていた。それは…才色兼備な兄が実は重度のシスコンだということ……!正反対な兄妹の爆笑ホームコメディ!?

The Ugly Lady’s Secret Pouch
The Ugly Lady’s Secret PouchPurple lemon

Les carnets de l’apothicaire
Les carnets de l’apothicaireNanao ikki|Nanao itsuki|Hyuuga natsu|Nekokurage

La curiosité maladive de Mao Mao, jeune apothicaire et détective en herbe, pourra-t-elle venir à bout de toutes les intrigues et complots qui se trament au cœur du palais impérial ? À 17 ans, Mao Mao a une vie compliquée. Formée dès son jeune âge par un apothicaire du quartier des plaisirs, elle se retrouve enlevée et vendue comme servante dans le quartier des femmes du palais impérial ! Entouré de hauts murs, il est coupé du monde extérieur. Afin de survivre dans cette prison de luxe grouillant de complots et de basses manœuvres, la jeune fille tente de cacher ses connaissances pour se fondre dans la masse. Mais, quand les morts suspectes de princes nouveau-nés mettent la cour en émoi, sa passion pour les poisons prend le dessus. Elle observe, enquête… et trouve la solution ! En voulant bien faire, la voilà repérée… Jinshi, haut fonctionnaire aussi beau que calculateur, devine son talent et la promeut goûteuse personnelle d’une des favorites de l’empereur. Au beau milieu de ce nid de serpents, le moindre faux pas peut lui être fatal !

Springtime of Girls
Springtime of Girls秋路|Akimichi

Akane, who's always longed for a fateful encounter like in shoujo manga, has entered a prestige all-girls high school, ran into a beautiful upperclasman Iori and fell in love on first sight. Wanting to get closer to her, Akane joins the student council, but how will she approach the flawless Iori-senpai? A school yuri starring a heroine reject fantasizer girl and a perfect senpai who's always on her guard!

The Player Hides His Past
The Player Hides His PastBadass|Gaechaban

The virtual reality game “History of the Archana Continent” became part of reality, and “players” who were synchronized with humans appeared to protect the world. Lee Hoyeol, who was an ordinary salaryman, took over the body of the character he created in middle school, “Grandfell Claudi Arpeus Romeo.” Under normal circumstances, it would have been an absolute failure of a career, but Grandfell, whose occupation is a “demon hunter,” becomes extremely proud in front of demons! The only demon hunter in this world, Grandfell (= Lee Hoyeol) starts to make a move!

Inkya Gyaru demo Ikigaritai!
Inkya Gyaru demo Ikigaritai!Kashiwagi tsukiko

Ichiko and Kuran are members of the subculture research club. They like various subcultures and they like cute stuff. Read along as these two asocial gyaru spend their days in their new kind of "youthful moratorium."

I Need To Raise My Sister Properly
I Need To Raise My Sister ProperlyDok yeon|Mana studio

When I regained consciousness after a car accident, I became the stepsister of the villainess in “My Beloved Santa.” Having already possessed this body, I decided to pave a path of flowers to prevent the villainess from becoming a dark person. I worked hard with all my heart and all my strength… Somehow, I got entangled with the Duke of Lexerville, who was famous for being a bloodthirsty madman. “Didn’t I warn you back then that I wouldn’t let you go if you did something stupid?” When he saw me with another man, he interrogated me as if he had caught a cheating girlfriend. Read at to support us! i asked “Do you like me by any chance?”, he replied, “Stop talking nonsense.” if so, why is he acting like this?

Demon Lord Exchange!!
Demon Lord Exchange!!Riya hozumi

Hero Filina’s party is on the brink of annihilation in the face of a powerful Demon Lord. The almighty demon proposes to spare their lives on one condition - that he may swap bodies with the hero for a year. Atty, a Priest and Filina’s childhood friend, naturally objects to the proposal, but Filina agrees to the terms to protect her companions. Thus begins a new journey for the Demon Lord, naive to the ways of the world, and the quirky group of adventurers, as they set out to vanquish the new Demon Lord once and for all...!!

Sukeban to Tenkousei ga Kudaranai Asobi o Suru dake no Hanashi
Sukeban to Tenkousei ga Kudaranai Asobi o Suru dake no HanashiFujichika

Rinri Kanzaki, a naive and innocent transfer student, couldn't help but want Atsuko Nagumo, a lone-wolf delinquent, to say "cute words" to her! It's a cute and slightly embarrassing 80s-style school comedy between a transfer student x delinquent. (Source: Comic Action, translated) Note: Started as a self-published web-comic before being picked up for serialization on Comic Action on 2021-10-22.

Murai's Love
Murai's LoveShima junta , 島 順太

Murai is an introverted young high school student with a look that nobody notices. Long hair, curved gait, he is not really what one could call a beauty canon, nor even a person you want to dwell on... He shyly confesses to the girl he loves, the beautiful and sparkling Tanaka, an inveterate otaku who only has eyes for the characters in her games. However, she simply declines his feelings... The next morning, Murai comes back to school transformed from head to toe. He has dyed and cut his hair and now wears the style of Tanaka's favourite character! Murai will do everything to seduce her and attract her attention!

Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi 〖J-Novel Club〗
Hikyouiku kara Nigetai Watashi 〖J-Novel Club〗Izumi sawano

Leticia Dorman, daughter of a duke, has been engaged to the crown prince, Clarke, since age seven. Though once a spirited child, she’s undergone ten years of strict lessons to teach her manners fit for the future queen. Distraught by the loss of her freedom, Leticia clings to her hope that the prince might someday take an interest in another woman—and when he shows up to a royal ball with an unknown lady at his side, she’s elated to see her engagement broken off. Finally, her dream has come true! Lettie wastes no time at all in retreating to the countryside for her new peaceful life, but her joy is cut short when the prince appears and informs her that she is still, in fact, his fiancée. Prince Clarke is determined to win her heart and marry her. Lettie is determined to resist him and escape. The universe is determined to not be of any help whatsoever.

My Lucky Strike
My Lucky StrikeBakssdam

Siru is devastated when her crush, the dreamy Gibaek Seol, effectively friendzones her. She goes out that night to drown her sorrows, but after one too many drinks, ends up accidentally kissing someone. The next day, two people in her class show up with a swollen lip. One is Gibaek, and the other is Cheong, a tall and quiet guy who’s always been a bit of an enigma to her. In just one day, Siru’s non-existent dating life takes a sharp turn and she suddenly finds herself with two love prospects. Will she finally be able to get her happy ending with Gibaek? Or start something new with the mysterious Cheong?

The secret game of a harmonious couple ~pseudo ntr~.
The secret game of a harmonious couple ~pseudo ntr~.Tamago kitchen

Honoka, a wife who was pressured by a delivery man while her husband was away. She feels that her insipid life with her husband, who is older than her, is unsatisfying to her and at the moment when her feelings are about to waver, her husband sees her. "...Do you like that sort of thing?" She regrets the cold words her husband addressed to her, She feels guilty for her husband, but she can't stop fantasizing about being unfaithful with a man who is not her husband...! That night, while waiting for her husband to come home, the doorbell rings. When she opens the door, she finds her husband dressed as a delivery man... A sweet romantic comedy about an awkward couple who become a harmonious couple through pseudo-NTR.

Akuyakureijo ni Naritakunainode Ouji-sama to Isshoni Kanpekireijo wo Mezashimasu
Akuyakureijo ni Naritakunainode Ouji-sama to Isshoni Kanpekireijo wo Mezashimasu

English ver(Cp.3).. リズ・ベルトランは傲慢な我儘お嬢様で、完全な『悪役令嬢』!」第一王子アランとお見合いに来たリズは、弟王子がアランにそう話しているのを聞いて衝撃を受ける。「悪役令嬢って何? 私はそんなんじゃない――!」しかし身に覚えのありすぎる我儘エピソードの数々に、顔面蒼白になるリズ。すると涙目の彼女の前にアランが現れ、「僕と一緒に『悪役令嬢』にならないよう頑張ってみない?」と提案される。完璧令嬢になるべく、王子の甘々な指導にドキドキしながらも、リズは奮闘する!

Sono Bisque Doll Wa Koi Wo Suru (Officiel)
Sono Bisque Doll Wa Koi Wo Suru (Officiel)Fukuda shinichi

Assume ta passion qu'importe ce que les gens disent de toi... Wakana Gojo est un lycéen solitaire. Son rêve est de devenir artisan et de fabriquer les poupées traditionnelles pour le Hina Matsuri. Mais comme cette passion n’est pas très virile, il la cache et ne se fait pas remarquer. Jusqu’au jour ou Marine Kitagawa, la fille la plus populaire du lycée, le voit se servir d’une machine à coudre ! Contre toute attente elle lui demande de devenir son couturier pour réaliser… des tenues de cosplay !

Ayakashiou no Hanayome
Ayakashiou no Hanayome

English ver.. 『咲、嫁に来い!俺は蜜のように甘いぞ』 帰る場所をなくし亡き父の親友・朧を訪ねた咲(16歳)。 でもそこは妖たちのお屋敷で、妖王の花嫁として迎えられ!? お顔が超好みの妖・朧に求婚されてしまった咲の運命や如何に!?

[Kyuubo] Saigi-Ou no Keiyaku Ouhi (※Tanki no Oshigoto desu)
[Kyuubo] Saigi-Ou no Keiyaku Ouhi (※Tanki no Oshigoto desu)Otsukawa rei

English Ver... 修道女見習いの私が、国の英雄と契約結婚!? ある日、突然「国のため、期間限定で陛下に嫁いでほしい」と告げられた修道女見習いのエステラ。だが、国民の支持も厚くスーパーヒーローのヴィクリス陛下は、人間不信極まる“猜疑王”だった!  警戒心MAXの国王さまとの結婚生活、私に務まりますでしょうか――? こじらせ不器用男子×純真無垢な修道女見習い、契約結婚から始まる溺愛ラブストーリー!

🇮🇩 Seifuku Nugitai
🇮🇩 Seifuku NugitaiHataoka

"Si cowok biasa di kelas gue lucu dan menggemaskan... Gue nggak bisa move on dari dia." Hachinohe masuk ke kelompok atas di kelasnya. Meskipun dia merasa kurang nyaman saat ngobrol dengan teman-temannya, dia cuma ikut arus dan berbaur tanpa masalah. Bosan dengan kehidupan seperti itu, dia bolos festival sekolah dan nonton film, di mana dia ketemu sama Yui, seorang yang suka sendiri di kelas yang sama. Kejadian ini tiba-tiba membuat mereka jadi teman, tapi ekspresi wajah, kata-kata, dan tingkah laku aneh Yui membuatnya terlihat menggemaskan...


Ye-eun yang berusia 20 tahun berkencan dengan Jung-hyun yang tampan dan membakar masa mudanya di usia 20-an, tetapi ketika dia berusia 30, dia putus dengan Jung-hyun karena kenyataan pernikahannya. Dua tahun kemudian, Ye-eun menerima undangan dengan nama Jung-hyun di tempat kerja yang sama, dan pria tampan mulai muncul satu per satu di depan Ye-eun. Ngomong-ngomong, apakah Jeong-hyun masih menyukaiku? Seperti apa hubungan Ye-eun yang dimulai lagi di usia 32 tahun?"

The Pension Life Vampire
The Pension Life VampireShouichi taguchi

Vampires and werewolves... One day, Eri, a "revision officer" who hunts down things that are said to resent mankind, wanders into a pension run by a mysterious girl. The encounter between a girl whose existence was denied and a legendary vampire. She won't change the world, but she can become kind. A heartwarming house administration comedy begins now!

Kaoru On An Emotional Rollercoaster 〘Official〙
Kaoru On An Emotional Rollercoaster 〘Official〙Satou ichigo

Kaoru Kurisu works in general affairs at a security company and he's had bad luck with love all his life. He's just gotten out of a terrible relationship with a horrible guy, and doesn't trust himself when it comes to finding a decent one. Then, one day, he meets the younger brother of the president of his company, Shinobu Inoue. He has gorgeous black hair, chiseled looks, and a sculpted body. Not only that, he is a pure-hearted soul who's never been in a relationship... Kaoru tries to suppress his attraction to Shinobu by reminding himself that Shinobu is his boss's brother and that he's only been unsuccessful in relationships, but his feelings for Shinobu finally explode... A handsome young man who just came back from the States with a heart of gold and a devoted pretty young man who is easily swayed by his emotions!Kaoru is a young man who's only dated terrible guys, but thinks he's finally found the right guy for himself when he meets Shinobu, the younger brother of his boss. He doesn't want to be, but he can't help feeling attracted to him.

Ikenai Sakka to Nakai-kun!
Ikenai Sakka to Nakai-kun!Kujow

Iori Tachibana tidak pernah punya masalah dengan wanita. Dia memulai debutnya sebagai novelis roman dengan cerita berdasarkan pengalamannya sendiri, yang membuatnya cukup terkenal dan memulai kebiasaan belanjanya yang boros. Sekarang, karena alasan yang tidak ingin dia ungkapkan, Iori mengalami hambatan menulis, jadi dia pergi ke penginapan terpencil di pegunungan untuk mencari obat... Penginapan tersebut dijalankan oleh teman lamanya, Madoka, dan dia menugaskan orang-orang muda yang imut Souma sebagai petugas kamarnya. Tapi, Souma laki-laki! Iori mengharapkan seorang gadis... Secara khusus, dia mengharapkan penari wanita cantik yang dia lihat sebentar di luar. Dia pikir dia mungkin bisa menyembuhkannya... Dengan itu, dia mulai mencarinya, tapi tidak beruntung benar-benar menemukannya. Sebagai upaya terakhir, Iori bertanya pada Souma tentang penari itu, tapi meski Souma mengenalnya, dia tidak akan memberi tahu Iori apa pun... Mungkinkah dia ada hubungannya dengan rahasia Souma...!?

Kocchi Muite yo Mukai-kun
Kocchi Muite yo Mukai-kun

After taking some time away from relationships and love, it's been 10 years... "How can I find a girlfriend?" Mukai is a man in his 30's living at home with his family. He realized it's been 10 years since he's had a girlfriend. He told his last girlfriend, Miwako, that he wanted to "protect her". He was then told "what does that even mean?" and their relationship eventually fell apart. Ever since then, Mukai has felt things like "love" and "marriage" were distant concepts. However, he starts to find interest in the new person in the office, Nakatani...? Now begins Mukai's new search for love, stuck between new encounters and memories of his past! 恋を休んで気づけば10年………「彼女ってどうやって作るんだっけ?」35歳オトコの恋愛まちがい探し 実家暮らしの会社員・向井くん(35)は、気づけば10年彼女がいない。最後の元カノ・美和子には、「守ってあげたい」と囁いたら「守るって何?」と詰められフラれた。元カノへの未練を引きずって“恋愛”や“結婚”が遠のいていた向井くんだが、派遣社員の中谷さんが可愛く思えてきて――?元カノと新たな出会いの狭間で惑う、向井くんの恋愛まちがい探しスタート!

Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Official)
Minato Shouji Coin Laundry (Official)Tsubaki yuzu

"I want to grow up quicker, so I can date Minato-san." Akira Minato inherited his grandfather's coin laundry. And so, the middle-aged former corporate drone, Akira, peacefully ran the well-loved coin laundry. One day, a high-school student, Shintaro Katsuki, enters the coin laundry. Despite the difference in age, they quickly became friends. However, Shintaro suddenly finds out that Akira is gay...


Saya dipindahkan ke novel gila. Dengan kata lain, dia adalah istri dari seorang pria bernama Carlisle, yang lahir sebagai anak haram kaisar dan tumbuh seperti orang gila. Sebagai karakter pendukung, Lyrian mati di tangan pemeran utama wanita Yuria. Lyrian membesarkan seorang suami yang akan tumbuh sebagai orang gila, tetapi masalahnya adalah sang suami bahkan tidak berniat untuk berpisah darinya, dan hari dimulainya alur cerita aslinya semakin dekat. Lilian akhirnya memutuskan untuk pergi dengan kekasih palsu... "Aku menyukaimu, Carlisle. Tapi aku harus bersama pria itu. Aku sedang jatuh cinta..." Lyrian melarikan diri, Carlisle mengejarnya, dan kisah di balik kisah asli yang dia tidak tahu kapan mulai terungkap. "Jangan tinggalkan aku. Jika rasa sakit yang aku derita adalah harga untuk bertemu denganmu, maka aku bersedia membayarnya lagi dan lagi." Sampai kapan dia bisa lari dari suaminya yang mengejarnya?

Tsuruko Returns the Favor (Official)
Tsuruko Returns the Favor (Official)Hidari yokoyama

Nekokado is an extremely straight-laced high school teacher who has lived alone since the death of his sister. But one day, he discovers a photo of her in a maid costume. He goes to a concept café in order to investigate his sister's secret, but there he meets a girl named Tsuruko…?!

Vasszív Kisasszony Sejtelmes Mosolya
Vasszív Kisasszony Sejtelmes MosolyaMaezaki mona

Kokoro Kurogane egy gyönyörű és szorgalmas nő, aki a fagyos személyiségéről ismert. Minden egyes reggel pontosan ugyanabban az időpontban érkezik meg, és teljesen a munkájának szenteli magát, így mindenki felnéz rá... mégsem, inkább rettegéssel tekintenek rá az irodában. Egy nap egy jóképű fiatalt helyeznek át az irodájukba, aki korábban Amerikában dolgozott, a neve Tohno Takaomi. A férfit elbűvöli a "szigorú" és "megfejthetetlen" nő, akit a kollégák körében csak úgy ismernek, hogy "Vasszív kisasszony". Tohno megpróbál közelebb kerülni hozzá a falak ellenére is, melyeket maga köré húzott fel a nő, akit ez a váratlan figyelem teljesen kizökkent az eddig megszokott tökéletesen rendezett életéből!

Kiraboshi Ojou-sama no Kyuukon
Kiraboshi Ojou-sama no KyuukonHideki

One day, Yoshimi Numamoto suddenly receives a marriage proposal from a beautiful girl, when he doesn't even know her name. Apparently, she is a super-wealthy young lady. How can she she be so sure of herself? He can't help but feel embarrassed at the situation, but she remains insistent... and soon his school life will be turned upside down! The sparkling girl x plain boy super-darling love comedy begins! (Source: Weekly Shonen Magazine, translated)

Do You Like Virtual Cuties I.R.L.? 〘Official〙
Do You Like Virtual Cuties I.R.L.? 〘Official〙Rui menno

Office worker by day, virtual cute girl livestreamer by night, Haruka Saotome has become so hooked on being called "cute" by his viewers that his body won't get turned on any other way. One day, handsome college student Nao Okubo moves in next door and overhears Haruka's livestream, leading to his shameful secret being exposed! Haruka thought his neighbor would be utterly repulsed, but the words that came out of Nao's mouth were not in the least what he had imagined...!

Honzuki no Gekokujou: Part 3 (Official)
Honzuki no Gekokujou: Part 3 (Official)Miya kazuki

Following a disastrous encounter with a noble, Myne finally resolves to say goodbye to her family and friends in the lower city, changing her name to “Rozemyne” and beginning her new life as the adopted daughter of Ehrenfest’s archduke. However, her days as an archnoble in noble society are brutal, as she is put through rigorous etiquette and magic training on top of her duties as High Bishop and forewoman. It all proves too much for a weak little seven-year-old girl... Or it would have, had the High Priest not offered her the keys to the temple’s book room as a reward. If she could get her hands on those, she’d be able to read all sorts of precious books! Her name may have changed, but Rozemyne’s passion for books remains the same as she charges into a whole new world! The detailed setting expands as the printing industry grows in size. Here begins Part 3 of this biblio-fantasy for book lovers everywhere!

My Sweet Dark Hero
My Sweet Dark HeroSang-rim (mary j)

Ji Oh Young adalah seorang Penyitas! Tumbuh sebagai yatim piatu, hidup tidaklah mudah baginya. Lebih buruk lagi, dia nyaris tidak lolos dari serangan pembunuhan di panti asuhannya. Alasan Oh young selamat adalah karena dia diselamatkan oleh seorang pria misterius. Kemudian, dia bekerja sebagai cleaning service rumah sakit. Jadi ketika dia ditawari pekerjaan sebagai asisten rumah tangga untuk Logan Lee, salah satu dokter bedah paling kompeten (dan tampan!) di rumah sakit, dia dengan senang hati menerimanya! Dia curiga... bos barunya adalah penyelamatnya di panti asuhan!

Lazy Dungeon Master (Official)
Lazy Dungeon Master (Official)Supana onikage

Masuda Keima just wants to sleep. Too bad for him, he’s been pulled from comfy sheets into a fantasy dungeon that he’s charged to protect. Failing to do so will cost him his life. His only guide on what to do is the personification of the Dungeon Core, Rokuko. But she’s a moron who can’t even figure out how to get rid of a group of bandits. If Keima ever wants to get some sweet dreams again, he’ll have to do all the planning himself!

The Newbie Mage's Secret Dragon Farm [Official]
The Newbie Mage's Secret Dragon Farm [Official]Xiaziou|Faloo novel|Kuaikan comics

In a world besieged by dragons, holy magicians are humanity's vanguard. But when the revered Zoe Lanster betrays them, aiding the dragons' escape, the weight of redemption falls on his unsuspecting son, Lynn. Without innate magic or prowess, Lynn stumbles upon a hidden system, inheriting a dragon farm. With dragons at his side, he embarks on a quest to unravel the mysteries of his father's betrayal, determined to become the greatest holy magician and restore his family's honor.

Nido to Ie ni wa Kaerimasen! (Official)
Nido to Ie ni wa Kaerimasen! (Official)Milli-gram

Chelsea lives at the abusive hands of her mother and younger twin sister’s daily torment. But on her twelfth birthday, the Appraiser Glen visits her father’s barony and tells her she has a never-before-seen Skill—[Seed Creation]! Desiring to study this newfound special ability, Chelsea is whisked away to the Royal Research Institute. Her life then drastically improves, from being treated worse than dirt to being presented with her own living quarters and even personal maids! But her sister Margaret isn’t happy with this sudden change at all...

My Dear Fishmen
My Dear Fishmen내가 사랑한 물고기

At the age of 12, when he experienced his first difficulty in breathing, Kai realized he was a merman from that day onward. Despite avoiding love due to the emergence of scales at the touch of a woman’s hand, Kai lives a resilient life as a self-imposed loner and he chooses to never date while facing loneliness and sadness. Suddenly, a mysterious woman named Yana appears before him! Whenever Yana is around, Kai unintentionally loses his restraint and his body responds involuntarily. But what should he do? Even when it feels suffocating, he finds himself liking her…! A breathless romance unfolds between a man who transforms into a merman with just a touch of his fingertips and a woman who wants to touch his hand.

Blooming Love
Blooming LoveDaichi kawada

One day, when I was making school supplies in the art room, a very scary-looking girl was staring at me...!? Crafts girl vs. art boy romantic comedy!!

Aku tau apa yang kau pikirkan
Aku tau apa yang kau pikirkan

Xu Yan, who was bullied to death, is reborn as Shen Xing, a college student. She discovers that she can see the malice in others and is determined to use this to find the murderer to reverse the future!Notes from mangabuddyAll our manhua content is protected under copyrighted law.mangabuddy never gives anyone authorization or permission to publish our content on another website/app. If you’re publishing our content on your website/app, it’s mean that you’re infringing the copyright of our works. Therefore stop stolen our works or else we will take legal action against you.

Botsuraku Sunzen Desunode Konyakusha O Furikiro to Omoimasu (Official)
Botsuraku Sunzen Desunode Konyakusha O Furikiro to Omoimasu (Official)Natsume miya

Alicia goes to the prestigious Saint Rosena Academy, a school for people with magic powers and high intellect. Unfortunately, she has neither. She does, however, have a deep love and good knowledge of herbs! Due to some twist of fate, she's engaged to the handsome son of a Marquis, Ricardo Dallers. He has stronger magic than anybody at school, and the girls there adore him... and despise Alicia. But, one day, she comes home to her father telling her the news that they may go bankrupt because a loan shark is after them. While this alarms her, she decides this is the perfect opportunity to ditch her fiance and break off the engagement! But, for some reason, Ricardo resists. Keep reading for a cute romantic comedy between a spunky but oblivious girl and a hottie who loves her but clearly doesn't know how to show it!

Tamen De Gushi [小红书 Updates]
Tamen De Gushi [小红书 Updates]Tan jiu

Tamen De Gushi is a funny and romantic story of how Qiu Tong and Sun Jing met and fell in love. These are the short updates that the author currently has on XiaoHongShu.

Misfortune at work
Misfortune at work

Read manhwa Misfortune at Work , It’s Just Business, Неудача босса, 상사불상사 Absolute obedience to the word of the boss!This is what Ha Eun-ho, a fifth-year Korean worker believes wholeheartedly.’As long as I have a solid career, I don’t need a relationship.’But what’s in store for her as a new recruit? What happens when an old flame starts flirting with her again? What will she do?A sweet office romance comedy!

Tsugi wa Sasete ne, Hajimete
Tsugi wa Sasete ne, Hajimete

Yae is a young Tokyoite who had to move alone in the middle of the Japanese countryside during her high school years. This is where she met Oda, a Shinto priest in a local temple. It was love at first sight, and after many twists and turns they became a couple. At his side, she discovered a real interest in the profession of priest, and decided to follow university studies to become one... But now that she is a college student, sexual relations are finally allowed?! Their relationship was already not platonic, but they still had never slept together, which is why Yae intends to go further and further now that she is in college. While Oda... doesn't seem to want to try anything?! 高校生時代、引越し先で出会った神主の緒田と紆余曲折あって両思いになった八重。 大学生になったからには、初Hも解禁!?

At 30, I Realized I Had No Gender
At 30, I Realized I Had No GenderShou arai

At age 30, Shou Arai came to a realization; they had no gender. Now they were faced with a question they'd never really considered: how to age in a society where everything is so strongly segregated between two genders? This autobiographical manga explores Japanese culture surrounding gender, transgender issues, and the day to day obstacles faced by gender minorities and members of the LGBTQIA+ community with a lighthearted, comedic attitude.

Apollo's Gift
Apollo's GiftShiyue fenghe

Due to his sister's elopement, He was forced to cross-dress for his sister's blind date, only to find out that his blind date, Ji Yuan, was a tough character. Fu Anyang unilaterally formed a grudge, but as they spent time together, Fu Anyang's perception of Ji Yuan changed, and he discovered the passionate and sincere heart hidden beneath Ji Yuan loneliness.

The Heartbroken Novelist's Tale Of Love (Official)
The Heartbroken Novelist's Tale Of Love (Official)Comeri

Novelist Yui Tsubakiyama, winner of a writer's award at the young age of 18, is in a slump. He writes stories vividly depicting young love, and has been nicknamed the heartbroken novelist. He has been writing novels based on his own relationships, but does not expect to meet anyone new... That's when he meets Chiaki, a refreshingly handsome businessman from out of town, who asks him for directions. An everlasting love that doesn't end in heartbreak between a younger businessman and a heartbroken novelist!

Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu (Official)
Tsuki ga Michibiku Isekai Douchuu (Official)Kei azumi

Makoto Misumi was nothing more than a normal high school boy…until he was summoned to another world! What's worse, the one and only goddess of this new world seemed to have a problem with his looks, claiming that he's "ugly," before tossing him off into the middle of the Desolate Wilderness, an empty wasteland. Now left to fend for himself and missing humanity very dearly, Makoto, for some odd reason, seemed to only come by monsters! Even the two beautiful women he managed to ally were monsters, one a former dragon and another a spider. What will happen to our hero who's cursed with terrible luck, yet blessed with cheat-level powers...?!

Jigoku no Ashita
Jigoku no AshitaYuuchi mikumi

Ashita, a high schooler who will do anything for love, falls down the stairs after a heartbreak. When he opens his eyes, he finds himself crossing the River Styx in the arms of a beautiful woman. Gently comforted by Gasha, the woman, Ashita agrees to go on a trip to Hell. Then Gasha, the headmaster of a school for demons, decides to enroll Ashita...! His school life of bloodshed begins!

Definition Of a Villain [VelutBelut]
Definition Of a Villain [VelutBelut]Gaonarabich|Inbae

Dunia di mana terdapat ‘kekuatan super’, ras manusia baru yang melampaui kemampuan manusia, dan ‘guide’ yang dapat mengendalikan amukan mereka. 'Betty', seorang guide, menyembunyikan identitasnya dan tinggal di sebuah kota kecil di Amerika. Suatu hari, 'James', seorang pahlawan berkekuatan super, pindah ke sekolah Betty untuk menemukan penjahat 'Dave'. Betty menghindari James tetapi terus terlibat dengannya dan yang lebih parah lagi, ketika mencoba menghentikan amukan sahabatnya yang memiliki kekuatan super, dia terpaksa menggunakan kemampuan panduannya... Ternyata temannya itu bukanlah kekuatan super biasa, tapi villain. Itu adalah 'Dave'! Betty terjebak di antara penjahat dan pahlawan, dan kehidupannya, yang ingin dia jalani secara normal, mulai berputar-putar.

Misaki-kun no Bukiyou na Dekinai
Misaki-kun no Bukiyou na DekinaiSatomura 里村

A love story that depicts the cohabitation life of Kyouka (27), a beautiful and tight-fitting office lady, and her boyfriend, Misaki (20), who is a handsome college student. At the company, Kyouka does her job with a machine-like expression, but in front of the cape, she always has a spoiled personality. Misaki always has an unfriendly attitude toward her. Kyouka becomes suspicious of his affair because -

Aku menakuti sang dewa agung dengan menyerahkan ramuan surgawi kuno
Aku menakuti sang dewa agung dengan menyerahkan ramuan surgawi kunoCat march culture

Bai Yifan memiliki cincin kuno yang memungkinkannya untuk melakukan perjalanan dengan bebas antara Bumi dan dunia fantasi, dan dia telah menemukan fakta bahwa "tanaman dan hewan" di Bumi akan berevolusi menjadi harta karun ketika dibawa ke dunia fantasi. Sebuah apel berevolusi menjadi buah abadi, sebuah telur akan menetas menjadi burung phoenix atau seekor serigala bumi yang memiliki garis keturunan naga. Seseorang bahkan dapat menggunakan tembakau untuk memanipulasi musuhnya.

The Illustrated Guide to Monster Girls [Official]
The Illustrated Guide to Monster Girls [Official]Suzu akeko

In the world of monsters, where scaring and tormenting humans is a way of life, even monster girls need to pass their classes, graduate and get a job! Enter Class Z: a bunch of failures more likely to be frightened and bullied themselves. Can this rag-tag group of underdogs become successful full-fledged monsters?

Ouji-sama Nante, Kocchi Kara Negaisage Desu wa!
Ouji-sama Nante, Kocchi Kara Negaisage Desu wa!Kashiwa ten

I won't lose heart! This is a story about a villainess who makes a comeback with the help of magic after being driven out of her own country! Cecilia is a former noble exiled from her mother country after the crown prince broke off their engagement on top of making some false accusations. She flees with her mother to a neighboring country, Theophilus. Hiding her identity, she makes up her mind to survive even if it means living a poor life. Just when she settles into the commoner lifestyle, Albert (her childhood friend and the crown prince of Theophilus) appears before her? 母娘共々 パーシヴァルを追放とする── 婚約者である王太子ライオネルにそう告げられ、 公爵令嬢としての身分も、婚約者のライオネルも 義妹であるアンジェリカに奪われたセシリア。 隣国であるテオフィルス王国に逃れ、貧しくとも生き抜こうと決意し 順調に平民生活を過ごすセシリアの前に現れたのは かつて幼馴染であったテオフィルス王国王太子であるアルバートで…? 国を追われた元公爵令嬢の大逆転ファンタジー!

The Yandere Top's Father Is Being Teased
The Yandere Top's Father Is Being Teased혜보라

Sinopsis "Apa peran saya dalam novel ini? Aku ingin tahu seperti apa hubungan Tuan Chae Seung-yeon dan aku." Seung-yeon dirasuki oleh ayah dari Gwanggong yang terobsesi dalam novel BL yang ditulis oleh saudara perempuannya. Woo-jin, ayah Main-soo, menyelamatkan Seung-yeon, yang berada di ambang kematian. Seung-yeon memperhatikan bahwa Woo-jin dan dirinya sendiri sedang menjalin hubungan, tetapi seiring waktu, hubungan antara keduanya entah bagaimana mengalir secara berbeda dari konten aslinya.…


Yin Nanxing, seorang anggota boyband idola yang tampil dengan kecantikan yang dingin, justru kesulitan menahan diri agar tetap berkarakter. Qin Mu, anggota muda dan lugu yang lucu diluar, sebenarnya benar-benar berbeda dari itu... Meskipun memandang rendah satu sama lain, dan bersaing satu sama lain dalam setiap situasi yang mungkin terjadi, mereka terpaksa berpasangan demi mencapai popularitas yang mereka inginkan. Apakah ini diperlukan?! Hm, ini benar-benar sebuah tamparan di wajah.

Disney : Twisted Wonderland Anthology Comic | Red_Hortensia
Disney : Twisted Wonderland Anthology Comic | Red_HortensiaToboso yana|Sakura fujimoto|Ichirou no nozomi|Himako neko|Rui karasuzuki|Yuu ginno|Sho yuzuki|Tsubaki totsuka|Haruto shiota|Kitaguni rato|Ayano natsume|Kaname monika|Hakuda takeda|Ryou miyama|Zarame watari|Nohara mosae|Majiko!

Cerita antologi yang berpusat di sekitar permainan Disney : Twisted Wonderland

Surviving as an Obsessive Servant〖RubyMoon x Hihang Hoeng〗
Surviving as an Obsessive Servant〖RubyMoon x Hihang Hoeng〗이투

Sudah ke 2 kalinya aku meninggal setelah menderita penyakit langka yang sama seperti pemeran utama di novel BL. Aku tidak bisa mati sia-sia seperti ini lagi. Jadi, aku akan mengambil tindakan khusus. "Ayo taruh sendok di atas meja obat yang sudah disiapkan! Tuan muda, saya tidak akan melewatkan satu tetes pun obat dan napas anda!" Aku pun menyamar sebagai pelayan dan mencoba melayani seorang Tuan Muda yang sakit. Tidak ada yang lebih baik dari ini bahkan kekuatan roh dari nafasnya yang menyembuhkanku! Tapi tidak mudah untuk melakukan itu—. "Keluar! Keluar!—Aku muak dengan semuanya sekarang!!!— Tunggu. Apa yang kau sedang berlutut sekarang?" "Tuan, jika Anda akan membuangnya, tolong masukkan ke mulut saya." Aku merasa malu dan mengatakan ini kepadanya sambil mencoba menghentikannya memutar lengannya dan melempar botol obat. “Aku tidak peduli jika anda menyemprotkannya ke wajahku—” Pelayan Tuan Muda sangat berubah pada saat itu. Aku seorang wanita yang melakukan apa yang harus aku lakukan. Sebisa mungkin, aku merawat tuanku, yang merupakan penyelamat hidupku. Selain melayani, aku juga memeluk, menggendongnya, dan menjadi kakinya saat berjalan kemana-mana. Apakah dia mengenali nilaiku yang sebenarnya sebagai pewaris Duke yang terhormat? Tuan menatapku dengan lelah dari waktu ke waktu, tetapi dia tidak mengusirku. Sekarang, dia pasti sudah pulih, dan dia harus membalas kebaikanku. Saat aku perlahan mencoba melarikan diri—. —Tuan Muda malah menjadi aneh. “Kemana kau mencoba untuk melarikan diri ketika kamu sebenarnya sangat menyukaiku?" “…..” "Kamu bilang kamu akan mati tanpa aku." Tiba-tiba, dia memiliki wajah seperti predator yang lapar.

Hitorijime - Choukyou Ganbou
Hitorijime - Choukyou Ganbou

English ver(Cp.21).. 「私のカラダ 覚えてくれたんだ」 チャラ男の真弘が親の再婚で同居することになったのは、同じクラスの優等生女子・怜。“セックスしか頭にないような人とは暮らせない”何かと真弘に突っかかる怜の言葉に怒って、思わず彼女を押し倒した真弘。拒否されると思いきや、怜は意外な反応をして…?

Fifteen Minutes Before We Really Date
Fifteen Minutes Before We Really DatePerico

An adorable tale of two childhood friends who start dating. As third-years, no moment can be wasted, as they have little time available until college. It starts with "I think we should break up"

Kill Switch (Official)
Kill Switch (Official)1172

“Don’t ever, ever get involved with her.” The warning Jeong Won receives is clear - stay away from Kim Jisoo at all costs. But the thing is, there’s just something so…intriguing about the other woman. Try as she might, Jeong Won can’t seem to tear her eyes away whenever Jisoo Is in the room. One night, Jeong Won misses the bus, and the only way to get home is the back of Jisoo’s motorcycle. It’s a thrilling ride, that’s for sure, but Jeong Won can’t say for certain whether it’s the rushing wind or the woman in front of her that’s making her heart race. As they get closer, Jisoo doesn’t seem like the bully she’s painted to be. Could the warnings have been a lie all along, or is Jeong Won in for the ride of her life…?

I Have No Intention of Dating
I Have No Intention of DatingSeoul so

"I want to live simply." Do-hee wants to live her life the way she always has, and Dong-i, her coworker, likes her alone. who has no intention of getting romantically involved in the office... but does? We invite you to explore the intimacy of two people who keep running into each other.

Designated Bully [Official]
Designated Bully [Official]Grimzo

After dropping out of high school, Daegun Kwon is working part-time at a convenience store while preparing to get his GED. After being harassed by a group of punks during work and teaching them a lesson, Daegun is approached by a woman from the Education Foundation about a project called “Designated Bully”. After being offered another chance at a normal life, Daegun accepts the offer and attends school to perform his one duty as the designated bully: To take down the other bullies, and restore order to the school.

Mada Maniau! Ashita Shokeisareru Akuyaku Reijou desu kedo, Still Kaishuu dake wa sarete kudasai!
Mada Maniau! Ashita Shokeisareru Akuyaku Reijou desu kedo, Still Kaishuu dake wa sarete kudasai!Machibari

English Ver... 断罪直後に前世を思い出したフェルリナは、大好きだった乙女ゲームの世界に転生していることに気が付く。 だがフェルリナは悪役令嬢で、しかも明日には処刑されてしまう!! 美麗スチルで大興奮だった推し達の告白シーンを肉眼で見ずには死ねない…!! 目の前の最推しだったお助けキャラの騎士・アルフリートを巻き込んで、 すべての美麗スチルを回収&ついでに処刑も回避してみせます!

Close-Up Encounter With My Brother's Friend ‹𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚍 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜›
Close-Up Encounter With My Brother's Friend ‹𝚔𝚒𝚍𝚍 𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚔𝚜›Ttodaleun

25-year-old Daon had a dream. Having a fantastic and beautiful first experience! She even saw the size that would make for a fantastic first experience. The problem is… The person with that size is her brother’s friend, Na Woo-hyun! Na Woo-hyun, who has been coming to their house since they were young, is her brother's friend, nothing more and nothing less! Gaon keep telling herself not to have such feelings, but even when she close or open her eyes, the size of Na Woo-hyun keeps coming to her mind! Gaon went to the extent of trying it with her ex-boyfriend but was extremely disappointed with how small it was! In the end, Daon couldn't miss the opportunity- ❝Brother, sleep with me just once.❞

Tamon-kun Ima Docchi!? (Official)
Tamon-kun Ima Docchi!? (Official)Yuki shiwasu

Tamon is an insecure mess in real life, and what’s worse, he’s threatening to quit! Utage refuses to let anyone stand in Tamon’s way—least of all himself. What’s a fangirl to do but roll up her sleeves and support her favorite singer with everything she’s got?

The Brush That Traces Love [𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕]
The Brush That Traces Love [𝙾𝚏𝚏𝚒𝚌𝚒𝚊𝚕]Shiyo

“Hey, you missed the last train, right? Want to stay at my place tonight?” Miura Katsuki who works as a contract employee reunites with her old student Yoshizawa Soufuu, who is now a famous calligrapher, after 10 years. Ever since he quit Katsuki's calligraphy class, he's been training hard and has become a famous idol in the calligraphy community, all of which has been for the sole purpose of finding Katsuki. Will his earnest efforts to be reunited with the one true love of his life ever reach Katsuki? A reunion love story that weaves the distance between two hearts with a brush!


3 kucing, 2 anjing, dan suami tercinta ♥︎ Hari-hari yang sempurna terus berlanjut... Tiba-tiba kembali ke 10 tahun yang lalu?! Aku tidak percaya aku harus bertemu anak-anak ku lagi dan merayu suami dari awal! Tingkat kesulitan tinggi, mulai mendapatkan kembali!

Imokusa Reijou desu ga Akuyaku Reisoku wo Tasuketara Kiniiraremashita
Imokusa Reijou desu ga Akuyaku Reisoku wo Tasuketara Kiniiraremashita

English ver.. 侯爵令嬢アニエスは、伝統を重んじる親から時代遅れのドレスや化粧を強要され〝芋くさ令嬢〟と笑い者にされるの日々を送っていた。 さらに公爵令息ナゼルバートが濡れ衣の罪で王女から婚約破棄される所に出くわし、彼を救ってしまったことであろうことか王女の逆鱗にまで触れてしまう。 そして、王女よりナゼルバートとアニエスに下された罰こそ〝辺境への追放と二人の結婚〟で――!? 罪人と結婚させられることで実家にも勘当され路頭に迷う彼女に救いの手を差し伸べたのは他ならぬ…… 〝芋くさ〟と馬鹿にされた令嬢が、古き伝統を脱ぎ捨てオシャレな女性へと華麗に変身する逆転新婚ファンタジー開幕!!

Yawao to Katako
Yawao to Katako

Campy queen vs. Miss forever-alone: This defeat-your-insecurities (romantic?) comedy goes out to all you folks full of self-loathing!! Unpopular with men, unattractive, and unsure of herself... At a mixer one night, insecure and forever-alone Fujiko found her soulmate- No, wait, it was a femme guy playing mother hen?! Fujiko has never been confident in herself as a woman, but with help from prettyboy queen Koyanagi, now she's going to give femininity another shot...! オネエvs喪女――自分嫌いのあなたに捧ぐ、自意識★克服★ラブ?コメディ!! モテない・サエない・自信ない……。こじらせ喪女の藤子が合コンで出会ったのは運命の相手――ではなく、おせっかいなオネエだった!? 美形オネエ・小柳の力を借りて、自分を“女”と認められない藤子のジェンダートライが今、始まる…! こじらせ女(feat.オネエ)のリハビリ奮闘劇。

Deceiving a Loyal Heart
Deceiving a Loyal HeartA huo (阿豁)

"If your bones are buried under the spring, I will come to loosen the soil for you."––––– Follows Suyou's journey in the mortal realm. There, he meets Zhao Muyan, a charming fortune teller who teaches him the art of understanding human hearts. Their close bond evolves until Zhao Muyan rises to lead the Tian Di Sword Sect. Promises of spiritual cultivation are broken, leading to betrayal and the theft of Suyou's something important.

B Class Guide -Bublle Dokja
B Class Guide -Bublle DokjaNangjun/낭준

Hubungan cinta kantor yang memusingkan antara esper kelas-S dan pemandu kelas-B! Lee Jaeha, seorang pemandu kelas B, memiliki hubungan kantor dengan seorang esper di center yang sama selama 3 tahun, tetapi baru-baru ini melakukan kesalahan. Meskipun putus dengan kekasihnya, dia mendapati dirinya dipaksa untuk tetap membimbingnya, dan dia mengajukan transfer ke daerah berisiko tinggi. Dikelilingi oleh segala macam rumor dan tatapan, yang dia inginkan hanyalah kehidupan kerja yang tenang dan damai di pusat baru! Namun, Jaeha mengambil tugas membimbing Do Jiyoon, seorang esper kelas-S, di ambang mengamuk, dan kehidupan kerja Jaeha semakin jauh dari damai…!

Please don't take it off
Please don't take it off마귀

After being discharged from the military, Hye-soo falls head over heels for Lee Jin at first sight. He even sheds the glasses he's worn for over 20 years and makes a bold move on Choi Lee Jin, only to face a harsh rejection. With a heavy heart, he puts his glasses back on and reluctantly attends the end-of-term gathering. "Hyesoo, you look quite cute with your glasses on," says someone unexpectedly...

Business Marriage - If You Like It, You Will Get Divorced - 「Pandy」
Business Marriage - If You Like It, You Will Get Divorced - 「Pandy」Ruka kirato

"Kenapa kita tidak menikah saja? Sebagai partner bisnis," kata Miyabi (28) kepada Tsukasa Donose (28) CEO dari Hi-Spa yang ingin menikah tanpa dasar cinta. Meskipun itu proposal yang sangat mendadak, Miyabi juga memiliki situasi tertentu yang dialaminya dan mereka sama-sama membutuhkan pernikahan kontrak ini. Maka dimulailah kehidupan mereka bersama. Hanya ada satu syarat dalam pernikahan kontrak ini, tidak boleh ada perasaan cinta satu sama lain! Hari-hari pernikahan mereka kemudian menjadi terbawa oleh arus perasaan namun bertentangan dengan kotrak awalnya. Meskipun suka, tapi tidak boleh sampai ketahuan... Bagaimana takdir dari pernikahan kontrak mereka ini selanjutnya!?

Exclusive maid of the evil empress
Exclusive maid of the evil empress해연

Became the exclusive maid of the notorious empress. But what about the bad girl? The Empress is nothing but a petulant cat, and strangely she likes me. "Your Majesty, I don't need to make my social debut." "If you're noble, you should make your official social debut at the ball. There's nothing else to care about. Because I'm here." ……I don't want to make a social debut or anything. The empress quickly examined my appearance and even caught my scattered hair. I think the role of the maid-in-law and the empress has changed, but it's probably because of their feelings, right? "If you show up holding the crown prince's hand, it'll be the best social debut ever. It's a moment that every aristocratic spirit in the system dreams of." I don't dream! I glanced, speechless. Towards the crown prince, the greatest beauty of the empire called the work of art in human masks. Dressed up by the empress, a maid dancing her debut dance with the crown prince. What the hell is going on here?

Buchou to Shachiku no Koi wa Modokashii
Buchou to Shachiku no Koi wa Modokashii

「F●CK働き方改革!」恋する暇ナシの社畜OL・丸山真由美(通称・まるちゃん)。ある日、まるちゃんは会社の飲み会後、酔った勢いで“定時上がり”の堤司(テイジ)部長とラブホにいってしまう。カタブツでクールな人だと思っていたのに、部長は甘く優しくて…コロっと好きになっちゃった!! だけど翌日、「昨夜のことだが、俺たちは【大人だから】…わかるよな?」って…!? 仕事のやり方も考え方もまったく違うふたりの、【ムズキュンが過ぎる】オフィスラブコメディー!!

Hikikomori Hime to Dokuzetsu Kishi-sama
Hikikomori Hime to Dokuzetsu Kishi-sama

English Ver... “引きこもりガチ勢”の王女・ラスティ。そんな彼女を部屋の外に出すべく命をうけた、騎士団の若きエース・エドワード。天使のような優しさで大人気の彼の本性はなんと“毒舌”性悪男だった…!騎士団長になるためには手段を選ばない彼に翻弄されるラスティだが、彼の本意はというと…?騎士様の愛情たっぷり(?)な毒舌に翻弄★毒×甘ラブコメ!

Pembantu Terkutuk Istana
Pembantu Terkutuk IstanaRobot odan|Chanyeong

Ketika Serenity Theophano menyelamatkan seorang pria tua di jalanan, dia terkena kutukan mematikan, yang hanya bisa dipecahkan dalam waktu terbatas. Putus asa, dia mempelajari buku-buku untuk penyembuhan sampai dia bertemu dengan Duke Aaron Lorang yang dingin, setelah itu merek kutukan itu secara ajaib menghilang! Dipaksa untuk tetap dekat dengan sang duke sebagai pelayan, Serenity mengatasi ketidakpercayaan dan kecurigaannya yang mendalam terhadapnya. Awalnya berencana menggunakan dia untuk melarikan diri dari kutukannya, dia tiba-tiba terjerat dalam kesulitan baru – obsesi sang duke yang semakin besar terhadapnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, mampukah Serenity melepaskan kutukan yang mengikat nasibnya?

Will Heesu Be Spared? ৎCatPuding୭
Will Heesu Be Spared? ৎCatPuding୭

Hee-su, yang pergi mencari meteorit karena hutang, menemukan makhluk asing, Bijou. Kemudian, Hee-su pingsan karena serangan tiba-tiba oleh makhluk asing, dan ketika dia sadar, dia berhubungan seks dengan pria yang disukainya. Ternyata pria ini adalah makhluk asing?! Selain itu, tentakel keluar dan mulai merangsang Hee-su, dan Bijou dengan penuh semangat menangkap dan memakan Hee-su... Sepertinya aku telah menemukan mangsa yang sangat bagus. Ini pertama kalinya begitu lezat

Secret Playlist [Official]
Secret Playlist [Official]2f

Hanju is your ordinary university student… except for the fact that she's also the up-and-coming Metube cover artist, PLII. When popular boy group member Levi takes notice of PLII and requests to collaborate, Hanju will do anything to hide her secret identity. But as the two grow closer working on a class project, Hanju's cover begins to unravel. Will Levi discover her secret?

Ochikobore Shiro Madoushi Cecil wa Taishougai no Hazu deshita
Ochikobore Shiro Madoushi Cecil wa Taishougai no Hazu deshitaSengoku kanon

During a party, Cecil, a clumsy white mage, spills on Oswald, the popular leader of the first squadron of holy knights, a homemade antidote. The reason is that he emitted a strong evil aura. An upset Oswald kidnaps her an takes her to his mansion, and she panics: "My chastity is in danger! Cecil grows impatient, but he rebuffs her, telling her: "You are not to my liking". It seems that Oswald is behind Cecil's potion, which was the first to take effect on a curse he had received in the past. Oswald formally asks Cecil to treat him, and she decides to take the opportunity to make a name for herself and accepts the request.... The romantic comedy of a cursed holy knight and a clumsy white mage begins! 落ちこぼれの白魔導士セシルはパーティーの最中、社交界人気ナンバーワンの第一聖騎士隊隊長オズワルドにお手製の解毒薬をぶっかけてしまう。その理由は、彼から強烈な邪気が放たれていたから。 不機嫌なオズワルドに彼の屋敷まで拉致され「貞操の危機!?」と焦るセシルだが、「お前は趣味じゃない」と一蹴される。 どうやら彼の目的は、以前受けた呪いに初めて効果があったというセシルの薬のようで――!? オズワルドから正式に治療の依頼を受けたセシルは、功績を残すチャンス!と引き受けることにするが……。 呪いを受けた聖騎士と落ちこぼれ白魔導士のラブコメディ♪


A hitman and a marriage swindler set out on the world’s most grueling battle for marriage! Gero is a young man from a clan of hitmen, which has been in existence for hundreds of years. As someone who’s never gone to school and lived his life dealing in the dark side of the business, he considers himself to have “no prospects with women” and marriage as “something not for him.” However, one day, in fear that their lineage would dissolve, his clan warns Gero that if he doesn’t marry and produce an heir, they would have no choice but to…force his little sister into doing “that.” Driven to his wits’ end, Gero asks the target of his work, a marriage swindler, to…

Tensei Shitara Danzai Start Nante Kiitemasen! Anthology Comic
Tensei Shitara Danzai Start Nante Kiitemasen! Anthology ComicAkanatsu|Arareya|Michiyuki aoi|Mitsuki anne|Mugicha poyoko|Ogi kannu|Ohitsuji ei|Ooya|Sasasa|Sawane chihiro|Yamagata atsuka

Despite having just regained their memories after reincarnating, it's always the worst possible timing——?! Death by Poison route, Demon King summoning, false accusations, engagement annulment, Execution Ending… A compilation of 5 stories with happy endings after these noble girls reincarnate "for various reasons" and turn the tables on their situations! Here's an anthology for you of noble girls who obtain happiness on the brink of destruction♪ Cover Art: SHIDOU Murasaki Volume 1 Contents: 1. "Even Though I Died to a Pufferfish, I Reincarnated as a Villainess Who'll Die to Poison?! But I'm Going to Be Happy With My Favourite Chara!" (フグで死んだのに毒死する悪役令嬢に転生!? でも推しと幸せになります!), by MUGICHAPO Yoko 2. "The Villainess Gets Entangled With the Cunning Demon King" (悪役令嬢、ずるい魔王に引っかかる), by Ohtsuji Ei 3. "The Noble Girl Fell Into a Cursed Sleep" (令嬢は呪い仕掛けの眠りに落ちる), by Ooya, Has a GL ending. 4. "I'm Not Really Sure If I'm the Heroine, so I'm Going to Run Away With the Villainess" (ヒロインとかよくわかんないから、悪役令嬢と逃げます。), by YAMAGATA Atsuka, Has a GL ending. 5. "Does the Duke's Daughter Dream of Revolution at the Guillotine?" (公爵令嬢は断頭台で革命の夢を見るか?), by Akanatsu Volume 2 Contents: 1. 毒女ですが、ヒロインを救わせていただきます, by MICHIYUKI Aoi 2. 自分でつくったクソゲーの悪役令息に転生したので今度こそ責任を取ります, by OGI Kannu 3. エンゲージ・ジェム~悪役令嬢の婚約相手は魔王様!?~, by 霰屋 4. 鈴木くんは思い出したい, by YAMAGATA Atsuka Volume 3 Contents: 1. 悪役令嬢の取り巻きは幸せになりたい. By MITSUKI Anne. 2. 社畜OLの異世界転生. By SAWANE Chihiro. 3. とある断罪劇の一幕. Art by CHAIROI Risu, Story by 千子. 4. 推しに課金しすぎて気付いたら異世界にいました. By Arareya. 5. "Hontou ni Akudoi Akuyaku Reijou ha Heroine no Manegoto wo suru" (本当にあくどい悪役令嬢は、ヒロインの真似事をする。, "A Truly Vicious Villainess Imitates the Heroine" ). Art by SASAHARA Chie, Story by sasasa. 毒死ルート、魔王召喚、冤罪、婚約破棄、処刑END…転生した「理由あり令嬢」たちの逆転劇を描くALLハッピーエンドの読み切り5本を収録!! <カバーイラスト>紫藤むらさき <収録作品>「フグで死んだのに毒死する悪役令嬢に転生!? でも推しと幸せになります!」むぎちゃぽよこ/「悪役令嬢、ずるい魔王に引っかかる」尾羊英/「令嬢は呪い仕掛けの眠りに落ちる」大家/「ヒロインとかよくわかんないから、悪役令嬢と逃げます。」ヤマガタアツカ/「公爵令嬢は断頭台で革命の夢を見るか?」赤夏

Hoeru Inu to Kubittake
Hoeru Inu to KubittakeNago nayuta

In a world where demi-humans and humans exist, Kou, half-vampire and half-werewolf, hated humans due to a certain incident in his childhood. He's been avoiding humans as much as possible, thinking that they look delicious. "I missed you so much...! When Kou reunites with Itsuki, the childhood friend who triggered that certain incident, his everyday life drastically changes! Itsuki steps into Kou's life the same as ever, and Kou can't stop his body from reacting?!

Seitokacho wa koi ga shitai
Seitokacho wa koi ga shitaiMori kiyou

The perfect student council president x the former delinquent current teacher. The only failing of the student council president is that he doesn't know what love is!?

The Wife of Katsuben Prince
The Wife of Katsuben PrinceShimazaki mujirushi , hama (はま)

The time is the Taisho era (1912-1926), when movies were still called "katsudo shashin" ("moving pictures," i.e. [silent films]( Hanae is in an arranged marriage with Koushiro, who is eight years older than her. However, this Koushiro has another name. He is the most popular benshi of his generation, Utsutsubashi Kousei. How is the newlywed life of Hanae who became the wife of a popular showman? This is a story of pure and innocent love fulfilled by a couple with an age difference.

Dragon in Distress
Dragon in DistressSi wang wen hua (四汪文化) (story&art) /|Yao yao (药药)(story&art)

This is a story about a little Eastern green dragon and a little Western black dragon playing together.

Oko-sama Star (Official)
Oko-sama Star (Official)Aomiya kara

[official] At high school, Kaido seems to be a scary delinquent, but he’s leading a second life as the star of a sentai superhero live show! When sentai superfan classmate Honda discovers Kaido’s secret, Kaido will stop at nothing to make sure it doesn’t get out, but despite himself, the charismatic performer finds himself falling for his biggest fan… [unofficial] Friendly everyman Honda is just as scared of loner Kaidou's dyed blond hair, piercings and rumoured yakuza connections as the rest of their class, but he somehow ends up approaching the other boy at a children's live action event. They will soon discover that Kaidou's not as scary as he looks...and that Honda's not as all-loving as he believes himself to be. A bittersweet tale about mismatched appearances and the desire to monopolize.

Cooking With Wild Game [Official]
Cooking With Wild Game [Official]Eda

Chef Trainee Asuta Tsurumi was just a normal Japanese teenager, until one day the harassment against his family's restaurant went too far. Desperate to save his father's precious cooking knife, he dove headfirst into a sea of flames. Rather than waking up in the afterlife, though, he found himself in a whole new world entirely! Fortunately for our hero, he soon gets picked up by the huntress known as Ai Fa. This guardian angel packs some attitude, though, so it won't be all smooth sailing for Asuta! Plus his savior seems to have some issues of her own to worry about, too... Just how well will our rookie chef be able to parlay his skills in this utterly unfamiliar world? And with all the danger lurking around, will he even be able to survive long enough to put them to the test?! Come learn a thing or two about Cooking with Wild Game!

Yamaguchi-kun wa Warukunai
Yamaguchi-kun wa Warukunai

English Ver... コワモテヤンキーくんと青春、はじめました。 高校生らしい青春を送りたいと願う皐。 ヤクザの息子という噂がある山口くんとは かかわってはいけないと思っていたけれど、 見た目に反して優しい山口くんに惹かれていって!? コワモテ関西弁男子×真面目女子、青春ラブストーリー☆

The Witches' Marriage [Official]
The Witches' Marriage [Official]Studio headline

Opening the Door of Truth is the ultimate goal for many a witch. Gathering enough power to do so is no easy feat however, and a popular method is entering into a “Witches' Marriage,” a contractual bond that generates more power the closer they grow. Melissa is one such witch—but is her heart truly immune to the adorable Tanya as she claims?

Kono Otoko wa Jinsei Saidai no Ayamachi desu / This Guy Is the Biggest Mistake in My Life
Kono Otoko wa Jinsei Saidai no Ayamachi desu / This Guy Is the Biggest Mistake in My Life

Following the death of her pet dog that had accompanied her throughout high school, college, and even as she entered employment, Satou Yui was drowning away her sorrows with alcohol at a bar when the man beside her made a grand move to earn himself her malice. "No matter the type of medicine you take, you'll be able to meet your dog quickly as long as you make sure to overdose. If you're averse to the idea, then take some medicine to cure that dull-looking head of yours and compose yourself until it's your turn to die." Wondering why she had to be told something like that by some stranger, she trips him and causes him to fall. "Sorry, it was on purpose~" While later thinking to herself that she might have overdone it, the man comes looking for her the next day and it so happens that he's the CEO of the company she's employed under? 『社長!? 昨日のあいつが!!??』――高校・大学・社会人とずっとそばにいてくれた愛犬を亡くし、バーでヤケ酒を浴びながら泣きわめき叫んでいると、隣の男性から「その悪そうな頭を治す薬でも飲んで死ぬまで大人しくしてください」と盛大なイヤミの応酬!!なんで知らない奴からここまで言われないといけないの!?仕返しに奴の足をひっかけ転ばせ「あ ごめーん わざとでーす」と言ってやった!!!(だがやりすぎた…)そうしたら翌日、その男が社長として現れ、しかも私を探しているだ…と…!!??

Peach Branch Bubbles
Peach Branch Bubbles栖见|白梦社

Tao Zhi, pemain terbaik dalam Eksperimen No. 1, mendominasi dunia di ruang ujian akhir sepanjang tahun. Suatu hari, ada desas-desus bahwa karena suatu alasan, Nona Tao jatuh cinta dengan dewa pembelajaran yang legendaris, harapan sekolah menengah No. 1 mengalahkan sekolah menengah terlampir, provinsi nomor satu dalam ujian masuk perguruan tinggi. cadangan, Jiang Qihuai. Setelah diteliti berkali-kali, tipe yang disukai bos adalah: pertama, menjadi baik; kedua, belajar dengan baik. Pemain dengan skor di bawah 700 pada dasarnya dikecualikan dari diskusi. Tao Zhi tidak mengambil keduanya, jadi dia mengerjakan lima-tiga untuk cinta, berubah menjadi mesin yang kejam untuk mengerjakan soal, dan belajar selama setengah bulan dari fajar hingga senja, dan mengikuti ujian tiga ratus lima. Tao Zhi: "Dengar, aku sangat menyukaimu, kenapa kamu tidak bersikap akomodatif dan biarkan aku mengikuti ujian dua kali?" - Cara Menyerang Bking - Dari 350 ke 700 - Istriku secantik bunga dan kaya akan kekayaan, kamu malah meremehkanku kenapa aku tidak percaya - hanya karena kamu brengsek

Kang Isae's Happy Ending (istri sah gojo)
Kang Isae's Happy Ending (istri sah gojo)Kim tac

Kang Isae, yang mengoperasikan badan intelijen dengan nama samaran, diam-diam memiliki tubuh abadi. Suatu hari, Rowan, seorang eksekutif dari organisasi Caliophil, datang mencari jasanya. Yang mengherankan, permintaannya tak lain adalah untuk menemukan Kang Isae sendiri. Dan alasan pencariannya? Mengejutkan... untuk membunuhnya.

Dirty Rich Secrets [Official]
Dirty Rich Secrets [Official]King size

I thought going back in time or going into someone else's body was just imagination. However, I died in a sudden accident, and when I woke up again, I became a grandson of a rich man. My new life begins now. I'm going to be successful and seduce all successful women. "Boss, this is from me."

Mom, I'm Sorry (Official)
Mom, I'm Sorry (Official)Miti

Gong Hyochan's world was turned upside down when he finally learned about his mother's terminal diagnosis. After all, they had no one else but each other in this whole world. He had always taken his mother's love for granted, but it was now too late to make amends. Or was it? A mysterious man approached him on his mother's bedside, offering to give his mother a new life at the cost of his own lifespan. The desperate Hyochan made the deal and 50 year-old Yeon Geum-ok was given a second chance in life. The catch? She was now younger than her own son!

Fairy Pairing
Fairy PairingYahee

‘Park Gyu-chan’ lives a life of debauchery and one-night stands. Today again, Gyu-chan gets drunk as usual and wanders around clubs in search of his ideal partner. He finally meets a beautiful blonde woman with big breasts and spends the night with her. When he wakes up in his bed, holding his head dizzy from drunkenness, he witness the unbelievable sight of a winged man sticking something fierce into his anus. The man introduces himself as the fairy 'Mon' and asks Gyu-chan to save the fairy world... But... "The way to save the fairy world is to cum in my anus?"

Time Traveler
Time TravelerYoon sorie

Yoon Minho may seem like your average, slightly clumsy kindergarten teacher, but she harbors a remarkable secret: the ability to travel through time. When the National Museum commissions her for another thrilling time-travel mission, she finds herself unexpectedly crossing paths with the enigmatic and aloof Park Ewan. Ewan seeks her help in locating a priceless historical artifact, and despite their less-than-ideal first encounter, they embark on a captivating journey that blurs the lines between history and romance. Join them on this exhilarating rollercoaster ride through time and love!

Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai
Tonari no Seki no Hen na Senpai

English Ver... 三度の飯よりイケメンが大好きなまゆみは、社内で一番美形の多い営業部へ突然の異動命令が下された。毎日イケメンに囲まれてうはうはパラダイスの始まりだー!!と内心、狂喜乱舞。仕事のできる課長は身長182cmのモデル体型イケメン、あどけない新入社員は母性くすぐる系後輩イケメン、さらに大学時代テニスで全国ベスト8のスポーツ万能系イケメンなど、眺めているだけで癒されて癒されて仕方がない。ありとあらゆるタイプの美形集団をお目にかかれる最高の職場であったが、たった一つ、まゆみを悩ませる“男”がいた…。隣の席に座る先輩、朝日向明男。まゆみに好意を寄せるこの男は、気持ち悪いほど粘着質なストーカー系ド変態野郎だった――!!

Muchuu ni Naru yo
Muchuu ni Naru yoAmamiya

Towa and Yamato are twins with very different personalities. Yamato is loud, outgoing, and regularly gets into fights, and Towa is quiet, studious, and always suffering the after effects of Yamato's actions as he's always being mistaken for his brother. On his way home from school one day, Towa suddenly meets Mitsuru, a mysterious, young delinquent whilst being beaten up by the school gang who mistakes him for Yamato. But Mitsuru can tell them apart...

He Can't Be This Dumb! [Cont by. Iyann]
He Can't Be This Dumb! [Cont by. Iyann]Navi

Tentang seorang cewek bernama kang doha yang tiba-tiba dipinta jadi konsultan rowoon biar rowoon bisa deketin cewek cewek. Tapi mereka malah kebawa suasana dan akhirnya cinlok.


Sebagai anak manja dari seorang pengusaha kaya, Yi Seo membenci ide buruh. Jadi ketika ayahnya mengancam akan memecatnya kecuali dia mulai bekerja, insting pertamanya adalah melarikan diri ke Jerman. Di sana, kekacauan yang melibatkan koper membuatnya bertemu dengan Jaeha yang tampan, yang mengundangnya ke bar untuk minum anggur. Setelah percakapan yang sangat dalam, kedua pria itu menghabiskan malam yang penuh gairah bersama. Namun akhirnya, Yi Seo diculik oleh sekretaris ayahnya dan dibawa kembali ke Korea. Dia kemudian menghabiskan hari-harinya dengan bermalas-malasan di perusahaan ayahnya... sampai Jaeha bergabung dengan departemennya sebagai pemimpin tim yang baru! Yang mengejutkan Yi Seo, pria itu tidak mentolerir kemalasannya, dan mengancam akan memanaskan suasana di tempat kerja, di mana orang bisa mendatangi mereka kapan saja! Akankah Jaeha berhasil mencambuk Yi Seo menjadi karyawan teladan dengan hukumannya yang menyiksa namun menyenangkan?

A Story About An Offline Meet-Up Between An Otaku And A Yakuza
A Story About An Offline Meet-Up Between An Otaku And A YakuzaMii.m

Miki Megumi adalah seorang otaku tertutup yang sangat mengabdi pada aktivitas penggemarnya! Dia menginginkan seorang teman yang dapat mengungkapkan biasnya... Dan ketika dia melakukan pertemuan offline dengan seorang teman dari media sosial, teman itu ternyata adalah yakuza yang bonafid!!! Meskipun merasa hidupnya dalam bahaya, setelah berbicara dengannya, dia tahu bahwa si yakuza adalah seorang otaku yang benar-benar bersemangat! Si yakuza terlalu sensitif, dan pembicaraan apa pun tentang shipping terbalik dari favoritnya adalah hal yang tabu. Ditambah lagi, dia ternyata pembuat onar seperti yang terlihat dari penampilannya, tapi bersamanya itu menyenangkan dan dia juga bisa diandalkan!!

Douyara Watashi no Karada wa Kanzen Muteki no you desu ne (Official)
Douyara Watashi no Karada wa Kanzen Muteki no you desu ne (Official)Chatsufusa

The manga adaptation of the hit light novel series! On her deathbed, a sickly young girl wishes to be reborn with a strong body that will never succumb to anyone or anything. Lo and behold, her wish is granted! Upon reincarnating into another world as Mary Regalia, she discovers her new body has maxed-out attributes, from physical strength, to defense, and even magic. But wait! That isn’t what she really wanted! All she longed for was a normal life...but that’s a tall order when you’re absolutely invincible! Join Mary as she navigates her new life as a duke’s daughter, makes friends of all stripes—including her devoted maid, an irreverent trainee knight, a proud magician girl, and even the prince of the kingdom—fights off terrifying monsters, and maybe even gets mistaken for a knight of legend!

Rabbit Ejaculate Inn 3 Seconds ৎCatPuding୭
Rabbit Ejaculate Inn 3 Seconds ৎCatPuding୭

Lyle' melakukan perjalanan ke Korea untuk berubah pikiran setelah gagal dalam audisi untuk sebuah peran. Karena merupakan kucing berkaki hitam, ia belum mampu menjadi yang teratas di antara binatang buas lainnya, tapi menurut saya ia akan menarik di tempat ini yang banyak terdapat hewan kecil yang lucu dan menggemaskan yang sesuai dengan selera seseorang. Lyle mulai menyukai kelinci 'Kkyun (nama panggilan)' melalui aplikasi kencan. Hari dimana aku akhirnya bertemu dengannya! Tapi yang muncul di depan jantung Lyle yang berdebar kencang... adalah kelinci yang menggumpal...!? 'Benarkah...apakah orang ini milikku????

Wishing For Luck
Wishing For LuckHaerong

Heo Yoon is an aspiring singer who has had bad luck from the day she was born, a candidate for a divine competition called 'SHOW ME THE GRACE' named 'Andre' enters her life?! With every touch, Andre's divine power (grace) can be felt! As Yoon falls for Andre's promise to make her live an ordinary life, She ends up signing a contract as Andre's manager for the divine audition! While living together with Andre, secrets about her own misfortunes start to unravel... Can Heo Yoon really catch both her dream and grace, like chasing after two rabbits?"

To Love Your Enemy [Official]
To Love Your Enemy [Official]Jungyoon

Having mastered the art of lying her way through life, Yeonhee Bae has vowed to leave her past behind and make a fresh start for herself by going to college at 24. But when she runs into someone who knows a secret from her past that could completely ruin her reputation, her hopes for a perfect life suddenly start to crumble. Amidst college gossip, crushes, and jealousy, can the two set aside their differences and embrace each other for who they really are?


[A romantic comedy about a chase between a sickly young lady and her fiancé who is in full overprotective mode!] The main character, who was a social slave in his previous life, is reincarnated as the villainess Fiona and lives a leisurely and leisurely life...but Fiona is a sickly girl who is not in the official setting. It was a body! I understand now. Why was Fiona the villainess in the game? She was not feeling well and had no choice but to give it a try... If things continue like this, I can't live a leisurely, slow life! In order to improve her health, Fiona changes her lifestyle and attitude, but as soon as her fiancé Luis, who had been in a bad mood until now, finds out about the situation, he becomes overprotective and dotes on Fiona !? ? There's no way I'd do that.'' ``From now on, you can say anything. I'll make anything you want come true.'' Oh, that's strange! It's too sweet compared to the original...!


Jaein, tokoh kunci dan hyungnim dari geng ilegal Jojeong, menghilang setelah pertempuran yang menentukan dengan Yuksa. Empat tahun kemudian, Yo Nan, yang mengikuti Jaein dengan cermat, bertemu kembali dengan Hyung impiannya... Hubungan antara hyung yang memakai celemek hypermarket dan dongsaeng yang tampaknya tidak terlalu serius?! Jae-in, yang mengubur masa lalunya dan berjalan di jalan seorang ayah, Yo Nan, yang hanya mengejar hati dan obsesinya, dan Rona yang lucu, seorang gadis kecil imut yang memiliki kemampuan bahasa yang tidak biasa.

Zenith (Official)
Zenith (Official)Taehee|3bam

Dipecat dari organisasi, agen terhebat bernama Zenith akhirnya menyambut kematiannya dengan damai. Namun, dia terbangun menjadi putri keluarga Count yang sangat disayangi! Hidup adalah penderitaan, yang tersisa hanyalah pengkhianatan. Zenith yang tak memercayai siapa pun masuk ke medan perang yang sesungguhnya, pergaulan kelas atas. Zenith harus dihadapkan dengan gadis-gadis yang dimabuk cinta dan kematian yang misterius. Permainan berbahaya yang menaruhkan nyawa juga mengusiknya. Mau tak mau, Zenith yang tak tertarik akan urusan dunia harus ikut campur.

I Want to End this Love Game (Official)
I Want to End this Love Game (Official)Yuki domoto

How do you lose the Love Game? By admitting you're in love!

My Brother Looks at Me With Increasingly Evil Eyes
My Brother Looks at Me With Increasingly Evil Eyes古拉漫社

Di kehidupan sebelumnya, Jiang Qian dan Lin Yi adalah saudara yang tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga di panti asuhan. Belakangan, keduanya tersesat dan menjadi gangster. , keduanya meninggal… Dalam kehidupan ini, Jiang Qian terlahir kembali hingga dia berusia dua belas tahun, dan dia bersumpah untuk menjaga “adik laki-lakinya” Lin Yi dengan baik. Untuk menghindari nasib tragis di kehidupan sebelumnya, dia memutuskan untuk belajar keras dan membawa Lin Yi ke ujian masuk perguruan tinggi! Tidak pernah terpikir bahwa Lin Yi dirasuki oleh bos penjelajah waktu yang melakukan perjalanan melalui berbagai pesawat, dan dia perlu mendapatkan poin kehidupan dengan menyelesaikan tugas. Tujuannya sejak awal adalah menghasut Jiang Qian untuk pergi ke dunia bawah… Seseorang yang terlahir kembali, penjelajah waktu, memulai sebuah kontes…

Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Mafia AU
Mairimashita! Iruma-kun Mafia AUHiroja

The beloved characters of Mairimashita! Iruma-kun star in this Mafia-based spinoff! Young Iruma saves an injured mob boss from death... and then becomes his grandson!?

The Sunny Day in the Rat Hole [IVY]
The Sunny Day in the Rat Hole [IVY]김지호

Saya menghabiskan seluruh 20-an saya yang bersinar untuk melunasi hutang. Saya hampir tidak melunasinya, dan saya mendapat hutang baru. Di jembatan yang dia tuju untuk mengucapkan selamat tinggal pada dunia yang menjijikkan, Jena bertemu dengan seorang pria yang mencoba membuat pilihan ekstrem seperti dirinya. Keduanya, yang gagal bunuh diri setelah keributan, menjadi sangat ingin tahu tentang keadaan masing-masing. "Kenapa Jena-san ingin mati?" "Saya tidak punya cukup uang untuk melunasi hutang saya." "Haruskah saya membayar hutang itu?" Suara Joo Won, seorang pria sehangat sinar matahari. Bahkan dalam kehidupan Jena yang dingin dan gelap, apakah matahari akhirnya datang?

I Became the Lousy Side Top
I Became the Lousy Side TopRobo / seulki /backill

Seo Jaewoo bangun dan mendapati dirinya berada di dunia novel BL. Tapi dia bukan sembarang orang. Dia sebenarnya adalah karakter sampingan yang buruk yang dimaksudkan untuk menyiksa bagian bawah utama, Yoo Hyeonjin. Yang lebih buruknya adalah di akhir novel, semua tindakan tercela Jaewoo menyusulnya, dan dia dibunuh oleh tokoh utama cerita yang gila dan kekasih Hyeonjin, Choi Mujin. Untuk menghindari kematiannya, Jaewoo memutuskan untuk mengubah peran aslinya dan mengambil sisi baik Hyeonjin. Metodenya: memancingnya dengan makanan, tentu saja! Meskipun taktiknya terbukti efektif dan perlahan-lahan dia berteman dengan Hyeonjin, itu bukan satu-satunya perubahan besar pada plotnya. Setelah pertemuan tak terduga dengan Mujin, posisi Jaewoo sebagai “sisi atas yang buruk” menjadi terbalik…

Awalnya iseng, lama-lama malah suka [NiaNia]
Awalnya iseng, lama-lama malah suka [NiaNia]是迷, 魔仙社, 书耽网

Si pembully di sekolah punya musuh bebuyutan—saingan cinta yang suka mengadu. Yang terburuk adalah musuh bebuyutannya buruk dalam mengenali wajah dan tidak menyadari semua yang dilakukannya. Minggir, saingan cinta. Kamu menghalangi ku mengejar gadis impianku!

A Summer Night's Dream [Official]
A Summer Night's Dream [Official]Kim su bak

Have you ever wondered if the person you like is dreaming about you? Teacher Yeoreum Han doesn't have to guess -- she can make it happen, with her ability to walk into other people's dreams. She can even link the dreams of two people together, and use this ability to play Cupid for her students. But her matchmaking goes awry when she enters the dream of Si-u Park -- a lucid dreamer, who realizes that Yeoreum is walking into his dream. Si-u and Yeoreum's lives become intertwined after this incident, weaving a tangled web of love, friendship, and dreamers at Hanseo High.

Fake Saint!? Mira's Tale of Adventures
Fake Saint!? Mira's Tale of AdventuresSakurai mikoto

Because her fiancé, the crown prince, has found a new saint, Mira is called a "fake saint" and is banished and her engagement is called off at the same time. Surprised by this sudden turn of events, Mira asks Raul, a swordsman she met at the adventurers' guild, to escort her on her journey back to her homeland. During her journey, Mira realizes that her magic is stronger than she had ever realized. Furthermore, as she forms a bond with the swordsman, her extraordinary "saintly powers" come into play...? Mira, an exiled saint, a swordsman from an exiled country, and the crown prince of a ruined country. An adventure full of intrigues over the "power of the saint" begins...

Behind His Kind Mask
Behind His Kind MaskGong il|Yeolha

Untuk bertahan hidup, saya merampok pemimpin pria dengan menutupi bibirnya dengan bibir saya. Itu sebabnya dia menjadi pasangan hidupku. Tapi dalam aslinya, pemeran utama pria yang ‘lembut’ semuanya palsu! “Jika kamu membunuhku, mungkin hubungan ini akan bebas” “Kamu tidak akan bisa melakukannya. Kita berdua akan mati pada saat yang sama.” Kami terikat bersama oleh takdir yang teguh. Berbagi luka, berbagi rasa sakit, berbagi hidup dan mati. Selanjutnya, apakah kontak demi simbiosis diperlukan? Dia tidak ragu untuk menemukan topengnya, tetapi juga kejam padaku. Tuntutan yang terlalu banyak bekerja, tidak masuk akal … Kenapa aku tidak bisa bersama laki-laki lain? “Saya tahu itu! ‘Cara melepaskan pertemanan’” Sekarang hidup saya aman, saya hanya perlu mencoba melarikan diri lagi … “Aku tidak punya niat untuk melepaskannya.” “…Apa?” “Seperti yang membuatku penasaran” Tatapannya perlahan jatuh ke bibirku saat dia memelukku “Saya juga bertanya-tanya berapa banyak rasa sakit kita akan dibagi.”

Dream On, But Don't Fall In Love
Dream On, But Don't Fall In LoveHanano sasori

Since she was little, Nadeko has been experiencing "prophetic dreams" in which the things she dreamed about became reality. However, one thing has yet to happen to her - in her dreams, she meets her "Ideal Prince," who always whispers sweet and gentle words to her. "I wonder when I will meet him...!" One day, a transfer student named Koga arrived in her class, and he was the spitting image of the prince from her dreams! However, he wasn't a "prince," rather, an infamous delinquent! A love story that unfolds between a prince who doesn't meet her prophetic dreams and a dreamy girl, filled with excitement!

Passionate Affection (Uncensored)
Passionate Affection (Uncensored)Booboo

One Shikkaku Kedamono ni Hyouhen Shita Gozen 3 Ji (Official)
One Shikkaku Kedamono ni Hyouhen Shita Gozen 3 Ji (Official)Yuto saeduki

Emi Asai, a run-of-the-mill office worker, is currently living an apartment with her "Gay" older cousin, Kiichi Uno. A good-looking guy, Kiichi works nights as a bartender. Best friends since forever, they couldn't have been more different in their daily schedules, or their choice of lovers... Until one late night, when their relationship gets turned upside down!

Matcha Made in Heaven
Matcha Made in HeavenYamanaka umebachi

Chako Hananoki thought she'd found happiness in a handsome fiancé, but when she realized a marriage to him would mean a total erasure of herself, she broke it off and moved back into her childhood home in the country—only to find a strange man and young woman living there? She finds a way to coexist with them, but when her stalker fiancé follows her home, she declares to him (and accidentally to the whole village as well) that this new man in her life is her husband?

Tensei Reijou wa Boukensha wo Kokorozasu (Official)
Tensei Reijou wa Boukensha wo Kokorozasu (Official)Hiro oda

When young Serephione has a fateful encounter with Lou, the cute and fluffy guardian tiger, it opens the floodgates to a torrent of memories. She realizes she had a past life as an office worker in which she loved to read fantasy books, including one featuring the infamous villainess...Serephione Granzeus! After using her immense magical power in battle, the novel’s Serephione was defeated and condemned to die alone. The surest way to escape that fate is avoiding magic school Serephione vows to hide her magic and become an adventurer instead! But what will she do when major characters from the book threaten her plans?

Shadow Bride [Official]
Shadow Bride [Official]Sae in lee

Yunjo is a young prince who has always served his kingdom from behind the scenes. He's spent his whole life in the shadow of his brother, the crown prince Yigang, fighting enemies and winning wars in his name. All that changes when one day, he meets Seolyun, a mysterious and charming woman who captivates him instantly. What happens when a man emerges from the shadows to follow his heart? Can he overcome all of the obstacles in his way to step into the light and be with the one he loves?

Tokyo Hikari Auction
Tokyo Hikari AuctionTokiha kanenari

In the district of desire, Tokyo--there is an auction hall that once shone bright, bringing in huge amounts of money with black market dealings. Now, after being hit by the recession, it's set to fade away without a hint of its former glory. At that run down black market auction hall, a gambler, Sengoku, who's covered in debt is being sold. Not wanting to be left with leftover stock, the auction master, Tsubame, decided to buy him for two yen only to free him afterwards. Because of that, Sengoku took an interest in his new owner, and even offered some "special services...?!" Kanenari Tokiha's new wild work! An erotic comedy set in the world of black auctions!

Oh! Holy [Official]
Oh! Holy [Official]Ahyun

Who cares if you’re invisible in high school when you can see and talk to the invisible? Reserved and quiet, Jamie Oh prefers to remain in the background and confide only in his friends, who happen to be ghosts. But when the most popular girl in school takes interest in him, his normal -- or rather, paranormal -- life takes an unexpected turn.

You Get Me Going [Official Manta]
You Get Me Going [Official Manta]Moscareto

Not even if he were the last man left on Earth! Youngwon yearns for true love, but his overbearing nature always leads to failed relationships. Lately, he finds himself clashing with his polar opposite, Hyunwoo, at work. However, things heat up when they go on a business trip together. Will these sparks of enmity turn to love?

Shichai sou na Watashitachi
Shichai sou na Watashitachi

ピュア女子、男子校潜入! 彼といると、なぜかエッチな展開に!? 双子の兄と入れ替わって、男子校に行くことになってしまったひなた。ガサツな男子たちに囲まれピンチになったところ、言葉少なに助けてくれたのは衣織くん。入れ替わりの秘密を唯一知る衣織くんといると、なぜかエッチな状況になっちゃって…? ピュアでインモラルなスクールラブコメディ!

Mr. Villain's Day Off [Official] -𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐯𝐞𝐫.-
Mr. Villain's Day Off [Official] -𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐯𝐞𝐫.-Yuu morikawa

One evil supervillain spends most of his time hatching nefarious plots to take over the world-but on his days off, nothing gets between him and the cute pandas he adores! This fresh, charming comedy series answers the age-old question of what a villain does off the clock! The mysterious and dastardly man known only as the General within the evil organization plotting to take over the world is one of the top targets of Earth's defensive unit, the Rangers. But on his precious days off, he's more likely to be at the local zoo staring at his beloved pandas or trying out new ice cream flavors! Will his secret hobbies be jeopardized forever when his natural enemy-a Ranger hero out to save the Earth-catches him in the act?

Sakura, Saku [Official]
Sakura, Saku [Official]Io sakisaka

A mysterious boy comes to Saku Fujigaya's rescue when she falls ill on a train, but he leaves before she can thank him. After this experience, Saku never ignores strangers in need of help to emulate the boy who helped her.

It’s Just a Dream…Right?! [loveraa]
It’s Just a Dream…Right?! [loveraa]White eared

Jungoh hanya berharap untuk mengambil pekerjaan paruh waktu sebagai asisten. Apa yang dia tidak harapkan adalah bekerja di dalam mimpi orang dengan lucu, tapi dukun pemarah bernama Ibom. Dan dia pasti tidak mengharapkan Ibeom dikutuk oleh bibit mimpi buruk, dengan gairah seksual yang tak terkendali yang hanya dapat dijinakkan dengan bertindak keluar keinginannya! Ibom mungkin tidak terlalu yakin tentang Jungoh, tetapi dengan kepribadiannya yang menyebalkan, ia tidak memiliki satu untuk berpaling untuk meminta bantuan. Tapi untungnya bagi dia, Jungoh selalu dalam suasana hati yang memberikan...

You Awakened while I Was Dead
You Awakened while I Was Dead

I possessed an extra who died as soon as the original work started.I was the hero’s incompetent guide.Only until I die, will the male lead meet his new guide, the heroine.To safely stray from the original work,I pretended to be dead after consuming a toxic flower that throws you into a coma, but-“My guide isn’t breathing anymore.”……?“Who the hell can stop me?”The male lead awakened and went berserk?You awakened after thinking I died? You can’t possibly awaken like this….!***“You’re leaving me?”Bliss scoffed at Shana’s resignation letter.“Is this a new joke?” “No. You don’t need a guide anymore so I…….” “Shana.”Bliss called her in a soft but determined voice.“You can make fun of me, you can deceive me like a fool, or you can play with me as much as you want. So don’t even joke about trying to leave me.”Bliss whispered to Shana with a beautiful smile that looked like a painting.“I just can’t let that slide.”

I'm Not the Final Boss' Lover (𝑁𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒 X 𝐽𝐼𝑀𝐼𝑁𝑊𝐼𝐹𝐸)
I'm Not the Final Boss' Lover (𝑁𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒 X 𝐽𝐼𝑀𝐼𝑁𝑊𝐼𝐹𝐸)Ken

Saat protagonis kita menjadi karakter permainan Jun Karentia, dia pikir dia telah membuatnya. Dia mungkin hanya penyihir pendukung rendahan tetapi dengan pengetahuannya tentang game, dia tahu dia bisa menemukan jalan menuju akhir yang baik mengikuti karakter utama, Fabian. Masalahnya?.. Game ini tidak berakhir setelah satu kali permainan. Jun bersiap untuk membimbing Fabian melalui permainan kedua menuju akhir yang sebenarnya ketika… Fabian meninggalkannya. Sekarang Grand Duke Mayer Knox — kapten Dark Knights dan bos terakhir rahasia — bertekad untuk membuatnya bergabung dengan partainya. Bisakah Jun mengubah bos terakhir menjadi karakter utama? Mengapa Mayer Knox sangat ingin mengundangnya ke pestanya? Dan kapan rumor tentang menjadi kekasihnya akan berhenti?!

How to Survive a Romance Fantasy [Official]
How to Survive a Romance Fantasy [Official]Sing-nanda

What would you do if you were reincarnated as one of the main protagonists in the romantic fantasy (“rom-fan”) novel you've been reading? Do everything in your power to keep the story on track and save the day to be crowned as empress? Make amends for all the treacherous things your villainous character did to change her fate of demise? Hone your magical powers and valiantly fight for the empire as a dashing imperial crown prince should? Umm, nah. When Yeonghui, Ji-eun, and Cheolsu find themselves in this predicament, they have other plans. Will their choices alter the course of this rom-fan world for good or for worse?

Yōchien Wars (Official Simulpub)
Yōchien Wars (Official Simulpub)Yu chiba

Welcome to Kindergarten Noir, an exclusive school catering to children of the global elite. Rita, one of the teachers, has been on the hunt for a boyfriend but has had absolutely zero luck so far. One day, an assassin comes after one of the children...and he’s totally dreamy?! Dive into this action-packed rom-com as it unfolds inside the world’s “safest” kindergarten!

(Days) of My Youth
(Days) of My Youth好夹心儿

Ziyuan adalah seorang anggota elit OSIS, sementara Shandao adalah murid dengan nilai yang buruk. Ziyuan selalu ingin membuat kemajuan belajar di sekolah, sementara Shandao pada dasarnya menyerah untuk belajar sedari awal. Tapi terlepas dari perbedaan mereka, Ziyuan sepertinya memiliki minat khusus kepada Shandao. Kisah mereka dimulai saat Shandao bergabung dengan kelompok belajar yang dipimpin oleh Zhiyuan...

Cuando el sol se asoma [ES]
Cuando el sol se asoma [ES]Jeong seokchan

“Regálala o bótala si quieres, yo ya hice lo suficiente con traer a esa bebé al mundo” fueron las últimas palabras que Ho escuchó de su exnovia cuando supo que había tenido a su hija. En busca de una vida nueva para la bebé, él decide regresar a su pueblo natal y comenzar desde 0.

Saya mendengar bahwa Ratu Ibu Suri dan Ibu Suri itu benar?!
Saya mendengar bahwa Ratu Ibu Suri dan Ibu Suri itu benar?!彩墨格工作室

Jiang Shu adalah mahasiswa pascasarjana di departemen sejarah. Dia tidak sengaja bepergian ke Daqi. Karena dia mengambil jurusan sejarah, dia memiliki pemahaman yang sangat baik tentang tren sejarah masa depan. Dia tahu bahwa Qi Changning adalah ratu iblis terkenal dalam sejarah. Untuk ini penjahat yang sejarahnya telah ditetapkan, Jiang Shu mengikuti kata hatinya sepanjang jalan, berencana untuk memeluk pahanya dan menjadi penjilat yang damai untuk bertahan hidup.Tak disangka, dalam kontak yang semakin dekat, dia sepertinya telah menemukan kebenaran yang tersembunyi di buku sejarah. Ratu iblis sepertinya bukan orang yang awalnya dia kenal. ...

Cinta yang kuat dan tanpa batas
Cinta yang kuat dan tanpa batas뿅 (ppyong)

"Energiku... Binasa!!!" Kang Geon terkenal sebagai seorang sexizer (sex+energizer). Dia adalah [Seme] yang hanya mengejar cinta satu malam. Namun, tiba-tiba, hasrat seksualnya di singkirkan oleh pendeta, dan menjadi seorang kasim yang layu seperti rumput kering di ladang kosong selama empat tahun. Seperti sudah ditakdirkan, seorang pelanggan pria yang tampan datang ke toko tatonya, ‘Jeong Soo-oh’. Tidak, tusuk sate yang sudah mati, tiba-tiba lepas landas?! Seorang pelanggan yang menarik bukan hanya karena tubuhnya yang kuat dan penampilannya yang tampan, tetapi juga karena ia memiliki nama yang sama dengan cinta pertamanya sejak SMA. Setiap kali dia melihat pelanggan itu, libidonya melonjak dan Kang Geon juga bingung. "Mungkin ini adalah kesempatan yang diberikan Tuhan kepadaku!" Kang Geon yang hanya memiliki tujuan untuk melarikan diri sebagai kasim, tetapi dia malah jatuh cinta pada kebaikan dan pesona Suo yang tak terduga. Saat Kang Geon semakin dekat dengan Suo, ketertarikannya pada "Uke" tumbuh. Kunci untuk menyelamatkannya adalah pelanggan toko tato Jeong Soo-oh. Bisakah Kang Geon mendapatkan kembali hasrat seksualnya yang telah diberantas dan merayu Suo?

My Demon
My DemonChoi ah il

《THIS PROJECT IS A PROMOTIONAL MANHWA FOR A K-DRAMA SERIES WITH THE SAME TITLE》 Do Do-Hee is the successor of the Future Group. She has an arrogant and cool-headed personality, who doesn’t trust anyone. She is cynical about love. Jung Gu-Won is a demon. He can live for eternity by making dangerous, but sweet deals with humans who endure hellish lives. He looks down upon humans and he has prowled over this world like an apex predator for 200 years. He gets involved with Do Do-Hee and somehow loses his power all of a sudden. To prevent his own extinction, he must protect Do Do-Hee who has taken all of his power.

Copper Red Devil (Official)
Copper Red Devil (Official)Haruyuki

Devils and Realist [Official]
Devils and Realist [Official]Madoka takadono

William Twining has it all—a sharp intelligence, dashing good looks, and a noble station in life. There's only one problem: he's broke. With no way to finance his prestigious education, William decides to search through his uncle's mansion for something of value to sell. But William's logical worldview is about to take a hit, when he comes across a mystical seal which he unintentionally uses to summon a demon. The demon's name is Dantalion, a Grand Duke of Hell, who informs the young nobleman of his destiny—that he is the new "Elector" whose sole responsibility is to appoint the next ruler of Hell in place of Lucifer. Such news might drive a lesser man mad, but not William Twining. He's a realist whose views don't allow for the existence of demons, even when scores of demonic candidates begin to knock down his door and seek his favor. None of this can possibly be real—can it?—and besides, he's got bills to pay.

That Fishery, I’ll take it
That Fishery, I’ll take itFlower tooth

The first life was as So-yeon, an illegitimate child of a Chaebol family, where I would break my nose even if I fell backwards, the second life was one where I lived unfairly as the illegitimate child of a martial arts sect leader, the third life… I was in a romance novel I read in my first life, the illegitimate daughter of the evil supporting family! The third life is also as an illegitimate child… This is too unfair! Damn destiny, this time I’ll live how I want to I only have to keep 3 things in mind this time! 1. Goodbye to the indifferent dad who doesn’t love me in the original story, I don’t love you either 2. Don’t put a mad dog-like male lead who barks around near the female lead 3. Run away from the villain who will cause the family to collapse “Hehe, hello Belis. Im your older sister” …huh, my sister turned out more lovely than I thought? Those sweet cheeks… I’m not supposed to get involved… Yeah, at least this life won’t be a problem as long as I’m not involved with the male leads Before running away from the disasters that will soon come, I will only take care of my villain sister Except… there are accidental contact with the male leads “What the hell are you doing kid?” Why is the future prince of the noble family in the back alley “What do you know!” The rude little boy who picked a fight with me using words, why do you stick to me like a gum? “Let me live for your sake” Look, I just helped you a little, but if you are willing to give away your life like this, it’s a bit scary…. My third life was supposed to be a solid road… just why did this happen?

Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom (Official Print)
Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom (Official Print)Iru

Once upon a time, there was a lovely young princess who suffered under her cruel stepmother…that is, until a children’s clothing designer is reborn as the evil queen! --- All Her Majesty, Abigail Friedkin, wants to do is dote on the adorable Princess Blanche and give her the happy childhood she deserves. The problem is, the previous Abigail has garnered a reputation for being extremely jealous and materialistic-and to top it off, her smile is the stuff of children’s nightmares! Will Abigail be able to convince her stepdaughter that she might not be so wicked after all?

Abaichadamedesu Nakatorisan Sawayaka Joshi to Hentaidojin Purei (Official)
Abaichadamedesu Nakatorisan Sawayaka Joshi to Hentaidojin Purei (Official)Shiro (iii)

Shiori Izuki, who at first glance seems like a typical office worker, has a secret. She really loves adult comics for men. She desperately hides this secret, which would ruin her reputation were it to get out. One day, though, her handsome boss, Daiki Nakatori, finds out. Of all people, it would have to be her perfect boss! Shiori despairs, but he shows a surprising amount of understanding. The two then share a drunken moment. However, it seems that Daiki has a secret of his own...

Kenapa kau melakukan ini? (Nonikbelanda)
Kenapa kau melakukan ini? (Nonikbelanda)Enyoti

Pada hari terakhir setiap milenium, orang bijak junior mendapatkan seribu tahun kehidupan lagi ketika mereka mengonsumsi buah persik surgawi yang dianugerahkan kepada jenis mereka oleh makhluk suci Seowangmo. Hanya itu yang benar-benar diinginkan Cheon-rok – menyelesaikan pelatihannya dan mendapatkan lebih banyak waktu. Namun ketika dia secara tidak sengaja menjatuhkan buah persik surgawinya, mimpi itu mulai terurai. Setelah jatuh ke alam manusia, buah mistis tersebut jatuh melalui struktur ruang dan waktu dan masuk ke dalam hati idola K-pop Kim Dowon, memberinya karisma alami dan pemujaan yang jauh melampaui manusia normal mana pun. Satu-satunya cara untuk mengambil buah persik tanpa menyebabkan kerusakan fisik? Melalui ciuman yang menyentuh hati di bawah pohon persik Seowangmo. Menolak untuk mempercayai keberadaan orang bijak dalam mitos dan buah batu, Dowon harus diyakinkan oleh Cheon-rok untuk bekerja sama sebelum waktunya di dunia ini habis. Saat kedua musuh ini diadu satu sama lain, bisakah mereka menemukan surga dunia dalam pelukan satu sama lain?

Bad Temptation [DOHWALOPE]
Bad Temptation [DOHWALOPE]아슈크림

Entah itu cinta atau bukan, bertahanlah. Sampai aku muak padamu dan ingin membuangmu." Meski sudah cukup lama berlalu, Haein masih mengalami mimpi buruk. “Minta maaf padaku sekarang, dan aku tidak akan menyentuh Jeong Tae-hyuk.” "Apakah kamu benar-benar ingin menerima permintaan maaf? Kalau begitu cobalah menggodaku." Jeong Tae-hyuk adalah satu-satunya saudara tiri yang tidak dia miliki. Selama aku memiliki pria itu, kupikir tidak ada balas dendam yang lebih sempurna dari ini. “Bagaimana kamu berencana merayuku dengan wajah ketakutan seperti itu?” Saya tidak tahu hasil apa yang menunggu untuk taruhan ini. “Maaf, Ketua.” “Kenapa kamu tidak merasa seperti orang bodoh meskipun kamu begitu kasar?” Tempat dimana tatapan eksplisit berhenti berada di bawah Taehyuk. “Jika Anda melihat Asisten Manajer Yoon, apakah karena dia berdiri di sini?” Apakah salah menyeret seseorang yang tidak ada hubungannya denganku karena perasaan yang sudah lebih dari 10 tahun? * "Sekarang manfaat menggunakannya sudah hilang? Apakah kamu muak setelah memakannya sepuasnya?" "Kami tidak sedang jatuh cinta. Kami sedang jatuh cinta." “Jangan pernah bermimpi untuk melarikan diri.” Saya harus mengakhiri hubungan untuk melindungi anak Taehyuk. “Entah itu cinta atau bukan… tunggu dulu.

Tidak Boleh Ketauan! XXX ❏Milkya❐
Tidak Boleh Ketauan! XXX ❏Milkya❐Lee

Eun Seeun seorang author yang tidak pernah bisa melupakan cinta pertamanya dan cinta sejatinya, Seo Jeongwoo yang karismatik dan bersemangat. Karena tidak bisa melupakannya, Seeun akhirnya menjadikan mereka karakter utama dari series BL hitnya, Can't Get Caught! XXX. Tapi setelah kembali ke kampung halamannya, fantasi Seeun mungkin menjadi kenyataan ketika dia berhadapan langsung dengan pria impiannya (dan gambarnya) sekali lagi! Saat keduanya mulai menghidupkan kembali persahabatan mereka dari tahun- tahun yang telah berlalu, Seeun harus melakukan apa pun yang dia bisa untuk memastikan Jeongwoo tidak mengetahui apa yang telah dia lakukan. Dia bisa lari, dia bisa bersembunyi...tapi dia tidak bisa tertangkap!

All About My Duke (Ranaraa)
All About My Duke (Ranaraa)Lady seo

Elia, seorang wanita muda dari kalangan atas yang pergi mencari Winston yang hilang, adipati kerajaan yang jauh, atas permintaan seorang teman. Dia menemukan bahwa dia adalah seorang penyihir kuat yang berubah menjadi seorang anak karena mantra. Dia memutuskan untuk merawatnya dan mencoba membalikkan kutukan tersebut, namun akhirnya terlibat dalam serangkaian petualangan dan kebingungan.

I Grew the Greatest Home Garden with my OP Cultivation Skill (Official)
I Grew the Greatest Home Garden with my OP Cultivation Skill (Official)Kuzu shichio

On the day 15-year-old villager Geo was declared an adult, he was given a seemingly useless gift called Home Garden. With his childhood dreams of becoming an adventurer shattered, the disappointed Geo heads home and activates his gift in his desolate yard... And in an instant, vibrant, high-quality crops sprout! The surprises keep coming as he grows meat-bearing trees and can even create powerful golems! Could this souped-up home garden actually be stronger than any skill in the world?! Now begins his delightful slow-living adventure with his ditzy yet adorable little sister and two interesting childhood friends!

Miss Overprotected  ~ifawsan
Miss Overprotected ~ifawsanVin lee|Yunbaekrim

Archduke Rahan El Karnox, yang telah dikritik karena mengatakan, 'Pasti iblis yang dikirim oleh Tuhan untuk m embuat kekacauan di dunia ini. Seorang gadis muda y ang tumbuh besar di keluarganya karena luka masa ke cilnya, suatu hari, dia mendapat lamaran dari Archduke Kanox yang menakutkan, yang hanya dia dengar melal ui rumor. Meskipun ditentang keluarganya, Isel memut uskan untuk menikahi Archduke Krnox demi keluarga. Orang yang muncul di hadapannya adalah seorang ksa tria yang ramah dan luar biasa yang membantu Isel dal am bahaya di desa. Jadi Isel tidak bisa memahami keburukan dari banyak orang yang mengikuti archduke .'Untuk seseorang yang lembut dan baik hati ... Mengapa semua orang melakukan ini? 'Produksi-Kont en JS Gat Goong, Lee Bin, Yeon Baekrim / Konten JS

Hijiri-Kun Wa Kiyoku Ikitai
Hijiri-Kun Wa Kiyoku IkitaiAsaga iori

Tsuchimikado Hijiri adalah seorang pria yang berperan sebagai ketua OSIS yang sempurna, dengan ketampanan dan nilai yang sangat baik di sekolah dan olahraga. Sepulang sekolah, dia menyaksikan teman sekelasnya yang biasanya pendiam, Sado Mitsuki, menyiksa guru mereka, Tamura, dengan cara yang sangat sadis! Ketua OSIS yang sempurna terjebak dalam jimat rahasia Sado-san! Ini adalah komedi romantis yang tidak biasa bagi kau yang memiliki hal-hal yang tidak dapat kau ceritakan kepada orang lain!


Juhyeok adalah seorang beta yang tidak tahu apa-apa yang didorong ke dunia dinamis alfa-omega yang berantakan ketika dia meninggalkan perguruan tinggi beta yang sehat untuk bekerja di perusahaan yang lebih beragam. Di sana, baku hantam penuh dan rias wajah yang keras di kamar mandi bukanlah "kekerasan di tempat kerja" dan "pelecehan seksual", tetapi hanya pertengkaran kekasih biasa Anda. Dipukul oleh feromon yang mengalahkan akal sehat di lingkungan gila ini, Juhyeok bersumpah untuk tidak berkencan sampai dia menabung cukup uang untuk pindah ke surga yang jauh untuk beta. Sayangnya, takdir tampaknya tidak menguntungkannya ketika dia entah bagaimana menarik direktur alfa yang genit dan omega junior yang imut di perusahaannya tanpa mengangkat satu jari pun. Bisakah Juhyeok melarikan diri dari cengkeraman dunia kencan dengan kewarasannya utuh, atau akankah dia menjadi korban dari jantungnya yang berdebar-debar?

Hero's Diner [Official]
Hero's Diner [Official]Medjed k|Shin hyeon beom

After saving Terra from the demon king, Yoo Seungwoo came back to Earth with just one goal: open a restaurant and serve his customers Terra's dishes! The catch? Said dishes are made from monster parts and are mostly disgusting. On top of that, his return ends up drawing the government's attention and attracting otherworldly monsters to his planet! In the midst of all the chaos, will this hero manage to fulfill his goal while keeping his business and the world intact?

My Housemate Sano-kun Is Just My Editor! [Official]
My Housemate Sano-kun Is Just My Editor! [Official]Nozomi uda

Shinomiya Teiichiro is a prolific, workaholic novelist who is too consumed with writing to take care of himself. To prevent him from neglecting his well-being, his editor, Sano Satoru, moves in with him. But when the calm and collected Shinomiya finds himself flustered by Sano's constant presence and good looks, he begins to question their relationship. After all, Sano is just his editor, isn't he?!

Nerd Project [UNOFFICIAL]
Nerd Project [UNOFFICIAL]Geul

You said you wanted a nerd style boyfriend," said Luke who had a bomb dropped on him when he got dumped by his ex-girlfriend. Then a thick-spectacled, checkered shirt wearing, epitome of a nerd appeared in front of him. Luke follows Andrew around and studies his every move, but the only information realized is that he’s strictly interested in studying and that it’s undeniable that he’s decently good-looking and pretty tall. How did I… stoop so low as sneaking glances at him?! Their relationship was assumed to have ended there, but, unexpectedly, they meet again as roommates. But I thought that this model student, who only knows a life of studying, would be naive. “Fucking stalker, I warned you not to show your face in front of me.” Their life together as dorm-mates will turn out okay… won’t it?

How I Met My Soulmate [Official]
How I Met My Soulmate [Official]Anashin

Yuuki is a 20-year-old college sophomore who has wished for one thing since moving to Tokyo: to find her soulmate. Growing a bit desperate after a long drought, she goes along with a friend to a club for the first time. Her friend thrives, but it's chaotic and loud… just not Yuuki's scene. Just when Yuuki begins to despair that she'll ever find a real, adult relationship, she meets Iori, a man with bleached hair and a slightly scary demeanor… but first impressions don't always tell the whole story. Could destiny still have more cards to play?

You Can't Eat Me!
You Can't Eat Me!Jo9

Nam Haesul is well-known for having a dog-like personality, loyal to his childhood friend Yang Miru. "He's only nice to you because he likes you!" But is that really the case? Miru doesn't know how Haesul truly feels. But one day, she discovers a dark side of him! Their 10 year friendship begins to crumble!... The wild story between a wolf boy and an innocent girl!

The Ice Guy and the Cool Girl [Official] -𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐯𝐞𝐫.-
The Ice Guy and the Cool Girl [Official] -𝐒𝐪𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐢𝐱 𝐯𝐞𝐫.-Miyuki tonogaya

Sparks fly between the handsome descendant of a snow spirit and the oblivious coworker he has a crush on! A romantic comedy in an office setting that takes coworkers to lovers to new heights within a winter wonderland of emotions! Himuro is a modern-day ice god, an ordinary office worker who just so happens to be the descendant of a snow spirit. He's also besotted with his coworker Fuyutsuki, who's a little unusual herself. At first glance, the pair both seem to be calm, cool, and collected. But beneath Himuro's icy good looks rages a passionate blizzard of love! On the other hand, his coworker's cool facade belies nothing about any feelings she might have for Himuro in return⁠-because she's too oblivious to realize anything! What's a snowman in love to do?

Just Like You 〘Official〙
Just Like You 〘Official〙Jagal

Chungho thinks it’s unfair how Jun gets away with everything. Why should he be the one labeled as a troublemaker, when his best friend is clearly the one not sticking to the dress code? But then again…how could anyone not fall for Jun’s charms? He’s smart, popular, nice, and to top it all off…extremely handsome. It’s really no surprise Chungho himself’s been crushing on the guy for as long as they’ve known each other. Chungho tells himself that this is just enough, that he’s satisfied with liking Jun from a safe distance. But little does he know, his crush might not be so unrequited as he’d thought, and someone might be feeling the same way…

Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion (Official Print)
Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion (Official Print)Milcha

Eunha Park thought she was getting another chance at life when she awoke in the world of a novel. The only problem? Raeliana McMillan, the character she was reborn as, is fated to be killed by her fiancé! For the sake of her survival, she comes upwith an idea—get into a fake marriage with a man more powerful than her groom-to-be. But when that protection comes in the form of Noah Wynknight, the duke with a warm smile and cold heart, Raeliana realizes she might be a bit in over her head…She’s going to regret this plan, isn’t she?

TARGET ACAK [Onyour_Mark]
TARGET ACAK [Onyour_Mark]

Sebagai pecinta pria tampan, Choi Serin selalu mencari pria idaman yang sempurna. Sayangnya kisah percintaannya tidak berjalan mulus,dan bahkan ia diputuskan oleh pacarnya seminggu sebelum hari ulang tahunnya. Untuk melupakan penderitaannya, Serin akhirnya memutuskan untuk melakukan kencan buta secara virtual melalui Random Target! Dan di sana, la bertemu dengan... unicorn?!

My Second Life As Jerk Magnet [ NLF ]
My Second Life As Jerk Magnet [ NLF ]Yubuson

Kozue, seorang wanita yang telah menyia-nyiakan seluruh hidupnya pada orang-orang jahat, diberikan kemampuan yang diberikan dewa untuk mengenali bajingan sekilas ketika dia bereinkarnasi ke dunia lain sebagai Putri Christa. Dia bermimpi menemukan pria yang sempurna untuk dinikahi di kehidupan keduanya, tetapi tiba-tiba Raja Iblis dihidupkan kembali, melemparkan segalanya ke dalam kekacauan. Raja memerintahkan Christa untuk menikahi Pahlawan yang mengalahkan Raja Iblis, tetapi yang disebut "pahlawan" akhirnya menjadi brengsek! Putus asa untuk menghindari pria seperti dia dengan cara apa pun, Christa membuang posisinya sebagai Putri dan memutuskan untuk lari dari kastil. Bahkan di kehidupan barunya, Christa tidak bisa lepas dari bajingan itu. Akankah dia berhasil menemukan kebahagiaan ..?

Baby Dragon Tames the Crazy Guy
Baby Dragon Tames the Crazy Guy

Tittle : The Baby Dragon Tames the Crazy Guy

Your Wildest Fantasies [Official]
Your Wildest Fantasies [Official]Gangwondo

Looking to bust out of his oppressive home life, Kihyun has decided to work at the amusement park. He’s living in the workers’ dorms and trying to start fresh. That means making new friends, getting the hang of work, and with all the hot girls working here, maybe even land a girlfriend! Things are looking promising when he makes friends with a sweet girl named Hye-sol. He just has to bide his time and not mess things up! But when a mystery girl, who he first saw in the woods, comes into the picture, could Kihyun’s wildest fantasies be ruined…or is this just the beginning?


Apakah nasib suamiku yang terkutuk itu terserah padaku? Suami Madelyn, Ian, menjadi hancur setelah perang, dan pada gilirannya, menjadikan hidupnya seperti neraka. Melarikan diri dari pernikahannya yang hancur, dia menemui akhir yang tragis. Tapi ketika dia membuka matanya, dia mendapati dirinya berusia 17 tahun lagi. Perang belum dimulai, dan Madelyn masih bisa mengubah nasibnya. Tapi bagaimana dengan Ian? *Protagonis pria: Ian Nottingham – Generasi ke-10 keturunan keluarga earl terkemuka dan seorang pria ambisius yang rakus akan properti dan kekuasaan. Hidupnya yang selalu mulus, banyak berubah saat bertemu Madeline dan pecah perang. Setelah bertugas sebagai perwira garis depan selama perang, ia menderita akibat yang parah. Entah kenapa, aku selalu merasa tidak sabar di depan Madeline, tapi aku selalu mengatakan sesuatu yang blak-blakan untuk menyembunyikan diriku. *Protagonis wanita: Madeline Loenfield – Putri tunggal keluarga bangsawan Baron Loenfield setempat. Dia adalah wanita cantik yang polos dengan rambut berwarna madu dan mata biru. Di kehidupan sebelumnya, keluarganya bangkrut dan dia mengalami pernikahan yang tidak diinginkan dengan Ian Nottingham. Setelah mencoba memprovokasi dia, dia akhirnya mati. Meskipun aku bersumpah untuk dilahirkan kembali dan tidak berhubungan lagi dengannya, mau tak mau aku merasa bersalah atau kasihan padanya.

Geinaru! Tadaima Ire Kawarichuu (Official)
Geinaru! Tadaima Ire Kawarichuu (Official)Suke6@

*This is the actual manga not the VertiComix version already on here* Super narcissist Sho Narumiya. Bottom-who-can't-cum Kei Nijimoto. The two wake up on white hospital beds. After trying to move their sore bodies, the first thing they lay eyes on is themselves...! There's Sho, who's freaked out about a stranger being in his body, and Kei, who appears too calm to notice any danger. While at each other's throats, Sho's hand suddenly touches Kei (his own body), and he receives a very seductive response... "I can fool around with my own body...!" The man who loves himself more than anything versus the man who hates himself more than anything!! Enjoy this unprecedented yet hilarious and exciting boys' love story!

The Villainess Merit ~Meowmie~
The Villainess Merit ~Meowmie~

[Dia berpura-pura menjadi protagonis wanita yang diadopsi oleh keluarga penjahat?!] Dia merasuki Fredia, sang tokoh utama, yang diadopsi oleh keluarga jahat dan diintimidasi serta dimanfaatkan. Seperti kenyataan, dia kembali hidup sebagai yatim piatu yang menyedihkan. 'Cuma ada aku. Cuma aku yang bisa melindungi diriku sendiri!' Dia berencana untuk bertahan hidup di sarang penjahat dan melarikan diri ketika dia dewasa. Tapi ...... "Fredia, jika kamu menginginkan sesuatu, ayahmu akan melakukan apa saja untukmu. "Aku tidak menginginkan hal khusus, aku hanya ingin kau memanggilku kakak." "Sayang, kenapa kamu tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa?" Aku memiliki Ayah tiri yang tertawa terbahak-bahak setiap kali aku berbicara, kakak tiri yang merawatku dengan hati-hati, dan ibu tiri yang menyukai setiap karyaku. 'Haruskah aku melarikan diri?'

Konyaku Hakisaremashita ga, Shiawase ni Natte Misemasu wa! Anthology
Konyaku Hakisaremashita ga, Shiawase ni Natte Misemasu wa! Anthology

Vol.1: - Dai Baka Reijou no Furi wo shite Konyaku Haki wo Kaihishi Tsuzukete Kitakeredo, Sorosoro Genkai desu! (大バカ令嬢のフリをして婚約破棄を回避し続けてきたけれど、そろそろ限界です!) by MANAKA Shima - Suterareta Reijou wa Houfuku no Kamen wo Koumuru (捨てられた令嬢は報復の仮面を被る) by UMA Ohagi - Fukou Taishitsu no Reijou desu ga Keiyaku shita Akuma ni Dekiaisare Sugite Shiawase ni Shika Narimasen! (不幸体質の令嬢ですが契約した悪魔に溺愛されすぎて幸せにしかなれません!) by SHIOTA Hiromichi - "Onna no Kuse ni" to Konyaku Hakisareta Reijou wa Ringoku no Outaishi ni Dekiaisareru (女のくせに」と婚約破棄された令嬢は隣国の王太子に溺愛される) by Yumemitsuki Vol.2: - Jaku Mahou Reijou no Kakusei - Ame Mahou de Kanbatsu wo Owarase Ouhi ni narimashita (弱魔法令嬢の覚醒 ~雨魔法で干ばつを終わらせ王妃になりました~) by Rokowi - Munou na Anata wo Zenryoku de Hitei shite Sashiagemasu! - Dorei Reijou kara no Sotsugyou (無能なあなたを全力で否定してさしあげます!~奴隷令嬢からの卒業~) by SHIRASE Rui - Nekomimi Onna ni Konyakusha wo Ubawaremashita ga, Osananajimi no Jinrou ni Dekiaisarete Shiawase desu! (猫耳女に婚約者を奪われましたが、幼馴染の人狼に溺愛されて幸せです!) by UMA Ohagi/COMIC ROOM - Youko no Hanayome (妖狐の花嫁) by YONEDA Mariko Vol.3: - Konyaku Hakisareta Degarashi Reijou wa Tensai Majutsushi ni Dekiaisareru (婚約破棄された出涸らし令嬢は天才魔術師に溺愛される) by 9 Tarou - Baikoku Reijou - Konyaku Hakisareta no de, Kuni wo Utte Shiawase ni narimasu wa! (売国令嬢~婚約破棄されたので、国を売って幸せになりますわ!~) by UMENO Hana - Fudeki no Musume to Ie wo Oidasaremashita ga, Ima no Watashi wa Tottemo Shiawase desu. (不出来の娘と家を追い出されましたが、今の私はとっても幸せです。) by NIJIMURA Ako - Moto Konyakusha ga Ishikifumei no Juutai nano da ga. (元婚約者が意識不明の重体なのだが。) by TOUDOU Yukari Vol.4: - Iyashiki Seijo ga Shokuzai no Tame ni Houshi Katsudou wo shita Itara, Ringoku no Outaishi ni Dekiaisaremashita! (卑しき聖女が贖罪のために奉仕活動をしていたら、隣国の王太子に溺愛されました!) by SHIRASE Rui - Nureginu de Danzaisareta Reijou wa Tenko no Danna-sama ni Dekiaisareru (濡れ衣で断罪された令嬢は天狐の旦那様に溺愛される) by KUJIRAI Riku - Suterareta Reijou desu ga Wanko-kei Kishi ni Ichizu ni Aisarete Shiawase desu (捨てられた令嬢ですがワンコ系騎士に一途に愛されて幸せです) by YAMAGUCHI Shizuka - Imouto no Shirinugui de Juujin Kuni wo Tazunetara Dekiaisarete Shimaimashita! (妹の尻拭いで獣人国を訪ねたら溺愛されてしまいました!) by PUKU Vol.5: - Akuyaku Reijou desu ga, Hametsu Flag wo Subete Ukeirete Sashiagemasu! (悪役令嬢ですが、破滅フラグを全て受け入れて差し上げます!) by MANAKA Shima - Akuyaku Reijou ga 4-nin Moita no de, Hametsu Flag Zenbu Heshiorimasu (悪役令嬢が4人もいたので、破滅フラグ全部へし折ります) by KINOTAKE Noko - Mahou Ishi ni Miseraretara Shiawase ni narimashita (魔法石に魅せられたら幸せになりました) by RYOKUCHA Ryuu - Konyaku Hakisareta Reijou wa, Moto Konyakusha ni Tsugitsugi to Atarashii Konyakusha Kouho wo Shoukaisareru. (婚約破棄された令嬢は、元婚約者に次々と新しい婚約者候補を紹介される。) by KOMORI Ten

Osananajimi Dakedo Seiteki ni Suki desu.
Osananajimi Dakedo Seiteki ni Suki desu.Sakumoto ayu

Souta and Mitsuki, childhood friends who've been very good friends since kindergarten, are now in their adolescent years. One day, Mitsuki comes to complain to Souta after hearing their classmate boast about losing his virginity. Reasoning that there's nobody else he can ask, Mitsuki suggests practice-kissing with Souta! Souta acts indifferently but internally yells an eager response. Why? Well, because he's been keeping his role as Mitsuki's best-friend, while secretly having feelings for him all this time! Unaware of those feelings, Mitsuki shares a clumsy kiss with Souta. Souta thinks it's his chance and takes on a gamble to fulfill his desire...!! An outwardly calm but internally screaming boy x A pure-hearted idiot boy A fast-paced love-confusion between two childhood friends!

Rough Uniform
Rough UniformBombibom|Cheoyeon

Happily Ever Afterwards [Official]
Happily Ever Afterwards [Official]Hwang dotol

What would you do if you were reborn as a character from your favorite romance novel? For Peony, an avid fan of “The Song of Askar,” the answer is simple: Marry her favorite character, of course! Reincarnated as the princess of the Kingdom of Garten, Peony is determined to marry Richt, the second male lead of “The Song of Askar” and former prince of the Fairspren Empire, who was banished to an inhospitable land after the novel's happy ending (which didn't end so well for him). Amidst trials and tribulations, can Peony and Richt make the most of their second chance at life and love?

Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! [Official]
Pass the Monster Meat, Milady! [Official]Kanata hoshi

Like any proper noble lady, one must have certain acquired tastes. For Melphiera Marchalrayd, she just happens to crave a rather exotic protein—monsters! But do not judge! Despite its bad reputation, monster meat can be used in exquisite cuisine and Melphiera is determined to change the kingdom's opinion of it! Unfortunately, since debuting in society, Melphiera has been struggling to find her perfect match… until she meets the fearless “Blood-Mad Duke” of Galbraith!

How to survive as a maid in horror game
How to survive as a maid in horror gameKim yomnyom (김욤뇸)

"How did know? I’ve been doing so well that no one knows.” Adrian Caesar von der Palatgraf. Heir to the Palatgraf family. He was praised as an angel in the world, but only I knew. The serial murders and attempted murders that have made a lot of noise these days are all the work of that good-looking master. “Adrian’s murderous intent rises.” “Convince Adrian to lower his murderous intent. Otherwise, you will die.” “92% of Adrian’s flesh ” Only I knew ...Because I was the only one who entered this crazy horror game world.

I Accidentally Slept With the Guy I Stan 〘Official〙
I Accidentally Slept With the Guy I Stan 〘Official〙Shiki fujimine

Yoh Enatsu lived a life of despair working in a toxic environment. He was saved by Yuki, a stage actor with a loose sense of virtue. Yoh ends up having sex with Yuki during a bus tour held for the fans, but finds himself drowning in guilt. To set things right, Yoh decides to distance himself from Yuki, but when he comes home from work, he finds Yuki waiting for him in front of his apartment! On top of that, they have sex for the second time, and even end up living together...!!

My Lv999 Love for Yamada-kun {Cont By. MGCHAN}
My Lv999 Love for Yamada-kun {Cont By. MGCHAN}Mashiro

Yamada seorang pro gamer kini berpacaran dengan cewek super aktif bernama Akane. Bagaimana kah kisah mereka selanjutnya?

The Circumstances of the White Cat Bitten by the Black Leopard Count [BaruBelajar]
The Circumstances of the White Cat Bitten by the Black Leopard Count [BaruBelajar]

^ "I'm proud of you. I already know how to take care of my male. "Well, really?" The male's thick pheromone blatantly seduced Irene. Won't you still welcome me? swaying under her nose as if. "Then she is a female who will give my sympathy, and of course I should raise my marriage. 'I think this is the first night,' said Irene, who was already a loner before adulthood, and no one could help her when the rut began. But a male who puts sweet fruits into her mouth helps her in her rut. I was so glad to see you that I almost cried. I was fascinated by such a strange male, soothing my pleasure, and as soon as my reason returned, I saw Knox's fangs smiling fiercely. Wait, this guy...! How did you meet the leopard man! Why a leopard! "Call me Knox, Irene. "

The Beasts' Flowers Taken By Storm
The Beasts' Flowers Taken By StormKurage

Hitman Taiga is saved by Hibiya, a flower shop owner, when he finds himself on the streets after fleeing from his organization. He must hide his past as a hitman, but his love for this gentle man only grows stronger. Then, one day, he gets to see Hibiya's well-built body drenched by the rain!! As he is mesmerized by this unexpectedly muscular body for such a gentle man, Hibiya asks him if he wants to touch him... Then, he gets french kissed...!? An eventful love comedy between a mysterious flower shop owner and a cute puppy-dog assassin☆

Is It Because I'm Cute? [Amber]
Is It Because I'm Cute? [Amber]

Kang woo-joo yang tampak biasa saja ternyata memiliki trauma tersendiri. Sesuatu yang buruk terjadi pada orang yang mengatakan "imut" kepada Woo Joo! Woo-joo kehilangan cinta pertamanya karena trauma itu. Pada akhirnya, demi melindungi orang-orang di sekitarnya, ia memutuskan untuk kuliah dengan berpura-pura menjadi orang yang berkepadian buruk dan suram. Lalu suatu hari, secara kebetulan, Han-gyeol putra rektor universitas memanggilnya imut".. Untuk sesaat, Woo-joo takut Han-gyeol akan terluka karena memanggilnya imut. Faktanya, dia mengatakan kebohongan yang tidak masuk akal bahws dia adalah 'raja seks' yang berhubungan seks 5 kali seminggu. Saat itu, Hangyeol mengatakan sesuatu yang tidak terduga. "Senior, apakah kamu ingin berhubungan Seks denganku?"

Skip Beat
Skip BeatNakamura yoshiki

Kyoko Mogami followed her true love Sho to Tokyo to support him while he made it big as an idol. But he’s casting her out now that he’s famous! Kyoko won’t suffer in silence—she’s going to get her sweet revenge by beating Sho in showbiz!

Egotists in Glass Houses (Official)
Egotists in Glass Houses (Official)Nakagawa kaneko

Kitazono Haruhisa has always been popular with the ladies! But then underclassman Io appears, and all the girls including Haru's girlfriend leave him to fawn over Io. An annoyance at first, Io is soon smitten with Haru thanks to a certain incident. He's good-looking enough to get more girls than Haru, but this dang pretty boy Io just trails after Haru like a loyal pet and gazes at him so passionately... That's nothing to feel good about!! These past ten years, Haru has let Io's affection go to his head, but now...?

Anata ni Dake wa (Official)
Anata ni Dake wa (Official)Ayano kashiwagi

"If one more guy asks you out, we'd be tied... Then how about I do it?" Chikage and Hiroto have competed over one thing or another since elementary school. It even went as far as a battle to see who could get asked out more times by their high school graduation?! ...Now, several years later, these two who could hardly cross paths without challenging each other to some sort of battle have grown up: Chikage is a model, Hiroto is an actor, and they are each embarking on their own paths in life. And then, just as Chikage gets her first shot at filming a made-for-TV movie, it turns out that Hiroto will be her costar... As this clumsy pair is led to and fro by love and work, their romance will have your heart throbbing!

Red-Light Trouble 〘Official〙
Red-Light Trouble 〘Official〙Pzou nicoyama

In an effort to help his step―brother repay his debt to a loan shark, Riya lands a job at a hotpot restaurant. However, Riya quickly finds out hotpot isn't the only thing on the menu! When a customer starts rubbing his backside, Riya instinctively lunges to punch him. Just in the nick of time, Takuto, Kabukicho's No. 1 host, comes to his rescue. Despite Takuto's playboy appearance, Riya feels his guard coming down as they talk. That is, until Takuto's true colors appear when Hustle Time at the restaurant begins...! Takuto's hand sliding up his skirt was the last thing Riya expected, but then Takuto reminds Riya that it's part of his job. Will Riya endure the responsibilities of his new position for the sake of the money!?


Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective (Official Simulpub)
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective (Official Simulpub)Akira amano

Despite lacking the skills suited for his role on the Metropolitan Police Department investigative team, Totomaru Isshiki wants to solve murders and help people. Following the advice of one of his seniors, he ventures out to enlist the aid of the reclusive Ron Kamonohashi. Five years ago, Ron was the most promising detective from the illustrious Detective Training Academy Blue; yet for reasons unknown to the public, he sank into obscurity. Totomaru expects a well-dressed, composed man; but what he gets is a messy-haired and uninhibited eccentric. After years in solitude, Ron barely resembles his former self and he refuses to even hear out the detective. However, as quickly as Ron rebuffs, he flips on a dime and dives headfirst into the current serial murder case. The true reason Ron withdrew from the detective world was not from lack of desire, but rather from something out of his control—and Totomaru might just be the key for his return to his former calling. Together, the wide-eyed officer and deranged detective tackle each mystery that comes their way.

The 17th Son
The 17th SonBok

Dongha, the 17th son of a historic family. One day, he heard the absurdity that all women in his village will be his bride candidates every night , the women visit Dongha’s room. “ if you will have a son, then you will give the family wealth and honor”. however, he had his first love at penpal app. Dongha decided to run away from the village to meet her. At that time, the alarm went off. ‘beep’ “my first love is within a kilometer away!”

My Lovely Illustrator [Official]
My Lovely Illustrator [Official]Yaplanet

The popular erotic novel author MIN-HO LEE and his muse and illustrator NA-EUN HAN study architecture at the same university. Spicy romance begins as they carry out sexy secret activities!

Raffine's Plan: Save My Favorite Character【Nolle X JIMINWIFE】
Raffine's Plan: Save My Favorite Character【Nolle X JIMINWIFE】Yang goram|Jangsu

Dia merasuki novel tragedi obsesif yang tidak memiliki harapan atau impian. Lebih tepatnya, setelah cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan dengan pemeran utama wanita yang melakukan pernikahan kontrak dengan pemeran utama pria, dan berakhir dengan kematiannya. Dia merasuki Raphine, adik perempuan termuda dari pemeran utama pria kedua! Untuk berpikir itu adalah akhir yang menyedihkan untuk karakter favoritku dan kakak laki-laki yang baik hati. Tidak mungkin, tidak pernah! Untuk mencegah pernikahan kontrak pemeran utama wanita, Raphine memutuskan untuk mencuci otak Putra Mahkota Kekaisaran Zerkan, protagonis pria dari novel tersebut. Sehingga ketika dia membutuhkan pernikahan kontrak, dia akan mengingatnya! “Kakak Zerkan! Maukah kamu menikah denganku?" "Jika kau bersyukur, kau harus menikah denganku lain kali." “Kau membutuhkan pernikahan politik, kau tahu. Pada saat itu, menikahlah kontrak denganku…” Dan ketika cuci otak akhirnya berhasil, Raphine bersorak di dalam. "Ya. Yang pasti, aku akan menikah denganmu.” Dengan sorot matanya yang bahkan tidak bisa dia bayangkan sama sekali. *** Ya, dia benar-benar tidak tahu pada saat itu keadaan akan menjadi seperti ini. “Kamu bilang ingin menikah denganku, dan belum lama ini kamu menggangguku setiap saat…” “….” "Dan sekarang, kamu melarikan diri?"

Obsessed Butler ~ifawsan
Obsessed Butler ~ifawsanMaja

Berdarah dingin, kesepian, penghancur kepribadian, konglomerat... dan spesimen gwanggong yang obsesif, Ji Tae-kwang. Lalu dia tiba-tiba menjadi kepala pelayan seekor kucing yang tiba-tiba muncul suatu hari?! Kamu adalah Ji Tae Kwang yang dulu aku kenal, kan..? Kisah seorang gwanggong obsesif yang menjadi kepala pelayan.

No to Office Romance! [Alicehug]
No to Office Romance! [Alicehug]Dooboo

Apakah cinta pertama itu penting? Jika kita bertemu cinta pertama itu saat dewasa, apakah kita masih merasakan kupu-kupu? Dengan cinta pertama yang merupakan seorang teman yang juga merupakan rekan kerja, di balik hubungan yang berkembang secara terbalik ini terdapat keyakinan sebenarnya dari "No to Office Romance!" Dooboo dari bertemu Namsoo dari ! Ahli romansa bergabung untuk menghadirkan komedi romantis ini!

Give Me That Pacifier [Official]
Give Me That Pacifier [Official]Jaeunhyang

Hella, seorang penyihir agung dari Silophia dikhianati teman satu-satunya dan dimusnahkan dari dunia. Namun, Hella kemudian terbangun kembali dalam tubuh anak bayi. Walau memiliki banyak keterbatasan, dia mulai menyusun rencana untuk membalas dendam dan kembali berkuasa. Akankah dia berhasil menjalankan rencananya?

Sang Gadis yang Mampu Merekahkan Bunga [YURAMANGA.MY.ID]]
Sang Gadis yang Mampu Merekahkan Bunga [YURAMANGA.MY.ID]]은려원|Eun ryeowon|김손|Kim son

Gloriosa... Dasar makhluk hina yang tak mampu memekarkan bunga milikmu. kamu lebih pantas dijadikan makanan untuk pohon.-." Aku adalah salah satu dari 37 bersaudara keluarga Elvador dari Manusia Kembang, dan aku dikorbankan untuk pohon yang menjadi fondasi keluargaku. Kemudian, dengan bantuan tunanganku, Arvid, keluargaku hancur dan aku hanya diselamatkan oleh kematianku. Saat aku terbangun, aku dibawa kembali ke masa lalu...? Apakah aku harus mengulang kembali masa laluku yang buruk? Aku bahkan tidak terselamatkan dengan mati?! ...Jika aku harus memulai dari awal lagi, aku akan menyelamatkan diriku dalam hidup ini-! Inilah penebusan Gloriosa yang intens dan menawan.

Secretary To Stage 〘Official〙
Secretary To Stage 〘Official〙Achim

Not everyone is infatuated with their boss like Doyoon. Ever since Gang Taehyuk's days as a 2nd gen idol—a pop star from way back—Doyoon has been obsessed. So, what does he do when Taehyuk retires and establishes an entertainment company to nurture new talent? Naturally, he trains to become Taehyuk’s personal secretary, landing the coveted role. But Doyoon’s life takes another dramatic turn when a member drops out of a new idol group just about to make their debut. There’s no one better suited for the role, and Taehyuk wants Doyoon to step up and fill the spot. Besides, Taehyuk is willing to sweeten the deal with a wish, so looks like Doyoon is gonna have to leave the office and step into the spotlight…

Gak ada Cinta-Cintaan!
Gak ada Cinta-Cintaan!Kimong

Setelah dikhianati oleh kekasih yang ia dedikasikan selama beberapa tahun dan menghadapi runtuhnya perusahaan tempat ia bekerja, Siwoo menemukan penghiburan dengan melarikan diri ke dunia game. Di sana, ia bertemu dengan seorang pemula "Woojin," yang menawarkan nasihat yang baik dan menginspirasinya dengan cara hidupnya yang rajin. Hal ini mendorongnya untuk mengatasi kemunduran masa lalunya dan berjanji untuk hidup lebih rajin daripada orang lain. Siwoo, yang terkenal mudah jatuh cinta, bersumpah untuk tidak akan pernah jatuh cinta lagi, bahkan membagikan resolusi barunya kepada teman-temannya, meneriakkan "Tidak Ada Cinta, Tidak Ada Pacaran!" "Sampai hari saya mati, Sama sekali tidak akan jatuh cinta atau berpacaran... Halo, apakah Anda memiliki kekasih?" Akankah janji "No Love, No Dating" dari Siwoo akan tetap berlaku?

The First Night With the Duke [Official]
The First Night With the Duke [Official]Teava

A handsome, selfish noble falls for a beautiful, kind commoner -- at least, that's how the story's supposed to go. When an average college student wakes up as Ripley, an extra in her favorite romance novel, she resolves to enjoy the luxuries of her character's status while watching the novel's plot unfold from the sidelines. However, her plans are soon derailed when she finds herself in bed with no other than Duke Zeronis, the novel's hero! Dodging the villainess' schemes, the Duke's advances, and her own feelings, can Ripley keep the story on track and survive beyond the first night?

Just Peachy
Just PeachyEnyoti

On the last day of each millennium, junior sages earn another thousand years of life when they consume celestial peaches bestowed upon their kind by the holy being Seowangmo. That’s all Cheon-rok ever really wanted – to finish her training and earn more time. But when she accidentally drops her celestial peach, that dream begins to unravel. Having fallen into the human realm, the mystical fruit tumbles through the fabric of time and space and into K-pop idol Kim Dowon’s heart, granting him a natural charisma and adoration far beyond that of any normal human. The only way to retrieve the peach without causing physical harm? Through a heartfelt kiss under the Seowangmo’s peach tree. Refusing to believe in the existence of mythical sages and stone fruit, Dowon must be convinced by Cheon-rok to cooperate before her time in this realm is up. As the two frenemies are pitted against each other, could they end up finding heaven on earth in one another’s arms?

The Heroine Had an Affair with My Fiance
The Heroine Had an Affair with My Fiance설이린

She became an extra who died because of her rubbish fiance. She succeeded in becoming best friends with the heroine in order to twist the original plot. “I’m sorry, Ciel. But we’re still friends, right?” The heroine had an affair with my fiance. Yeah, go ahead and take that tr*sh. “Would you like to have a relationship with someone who had an affair with my fiance, Your Highness?” Cause I decided to have the Male Lead. Since I’ve broken up my engagement, then I can start getting the Male Lead after getting out of the original story and decided to enjoy a happy life. After a while, rumors have spread that I was the Crown’s Prince lover and was raking in money. And there’s also another news that the two had broken up. “Ciel, I was wrong. Can we still be friends?” “Ciel… I was foolish. You are the only one that I love. You love me too, right? So let’s start over.” What? Are they both out of their mind? Throwing their hands away, I raised the corners of my lips. “Don’t make me laugh. So get out of here.” [Taken from NovelUpdates]

Our tyrant became young S2 (cont. by HALU)
Our tyrant became young S2 (cont. by HALU)Kooara

Saya pernah kesurupan pada sebuah buku yang saya baca dengan penuh perhatian. Dalam sebuah buku dengan kehidupanku yang berpasangan! Karena saya sudah mengetahui hampir seluruh isi buku tersebut, saya memanfaatkannya dan mulai menghasilkan uang. Teman-teman! Anda punya banyak uang meskipun Anda tidak terhubung, tetapi saya tidak punya! Sudah tiga bulan saya menghasilkan uang dengan mengemas isi buku sebagai ramalan. Pada akhirnya, saya dibawa ke istana kekaisaran atas perintah kerajaan. Dan di sana aku bertemu kaisar favoritku... … . "Kamu tau segalanya." "Ya. “Saya tahu beberapa hal.” “Oke, kalau begitu beri tahu aku kapan aku akan kembali ke keadaan normal.” Akhirnya kaisar muncul dari balik kain putih dalam wujud bayi. … … Kenapa kamu begitu muda?

Uchi no Otouto-domo ga Sumimasen
Uchi no Otouto-domo ga SumimasenOzaki akira

Ito is a second-year high school student and an only child who has to move to a different city; her mother remarried and begins her new life as an older sister of 4 siblings! The start of a family-love-comedy with four step-brothers!

I'm stanning the prince season 2
I'm stanning the prince season 2Zoo sun

Angela is mortified when her cringey fanfic about the dethroned Prince Rayburn is published behind her back and becomes a wildly popular bestseller. Not only is it super embarrassing, but the book gets her in trouble with the current imperial family, who now want her head for treason! Luckily, Rayburn's sister Hoya offers to protect her—but in exchange, she must write a sequel that will improve Rayburn's tarnished reputation. But that's easier said than done, when the scary prince already hates her for writing the first novel. Will Angela be able to chip away at Rayburn's cold exterior and gather enough inspiration for her next book?

Teman masa bocilku
Teman masa bocilkuLee cha-yeon

Jin seorang gangster mengalami amnesia. Dia lupa kalau dia memiliki kekuatan super. Tehir, Manager umum keamanan sengaja membawa Jin agar ia kembali ke 'rumah'nya. Rumah itu merupakan lab eksperimen berkedok taman kanak-kanak(TK). Rumah yang berisikan 6 orang anak sebagai bahan eksperimen. Setiap anak merupakan 'spesies' random yang memiliki kekuatan masing-masing. Mereka berkumpul di organisasi keamanan untuk membunuh para monster atau manusia yang cacat terhadap eksperimen. Kehidupan Jin berubah setelah kembali ke 'rumah'nya. Apa saja yang dialami Jin? dan Siapa saja teman-temannya di masa lalu? Yuk baca manhwa ini.

How the Villainess Survived as a Saintess「 kuzaa 」
How the Villainess Survived as a Saintess「 kuzaa 」

Iblis vs Dewa. Selama 120.000 tahun lamanya memendam kebencian, tiba akhirnya sang Iblis harus merelakan dendamnya yang tak terbalas. Dia dikalahkan Dewa Perang, Ferdinand. Alih-alih dimusnahkan, sang Iblis malah diberikan kesempatan kedua untuk melawan Dewa itu kembali dengan syarat harus melakukan perbuatan baik selama setahun di dunia manusia. Bagaimana nasib Iblis tersebut didunia manusia? Apa dia bisa memenuhi persyaratan yang diberikan Dewa? Meskipun ini hanya kesepakatan sepihak, ada konsekuensi bagi Iblis jika tak mau melaksanakannya. Dia akan mati dalam penderitaan yang teramat pedih.

Maria The Telepathic Animal Healer [DROP]
Maria The Telepathic Animal Healer [DROP]Banabas

Seorang gadis dari zaman modern, dibawa ke Kekaisaran Larson setelah ditabrak truk saat mencoba menyelamatkan seekor kucing liar. Dia terbangun dalam tubuh Maria Lwelin. Maria menjalani kehidupan biasa di pedalaman Kekaisaran Larson. Dia belajar tentang hubungannya yang rumit dengan kakaknya, dan bahwa dia memiliki kekuatan untuk mendengar pikiran hewan dan berinteraksi dengan mereka. Setelah mendengar bahwa kaisar sedang mencari dokter hewan yang dapat menyembuhkan macan kumbang peliharaannya, dia langsung mengambil kesempatan untuk berpetualang.

Lord Hades’s Ruthless Marriage (Official)
Lord Hades’s Ruthless Marriage (Official)Ueji yuho

Deep below the earth lies the abode of Lord Hades, the ruthless king of the Underworld. Ruling over the realm of the dead, he swears to never fall in love… Except, well, he kind of just took an arrow to the face courtesy of the primordial god of love, Eros, so…In any case, if someone could please pull this thing out of his head anytime this week, the lord god has places to be and people to see. He’ll even make a wish come true, so step right up! Chop-chop! Who will be the lucky duck to claim Hades’s prize…?!

The Priest Dreaming Of A Dragon (Official)
The Priest Dreaming Of A Dragon (Official)Liubeili

Ten years ago, an evil dragon left a message saying that he would take away the princess after a decade unless he was given ten tons of gold. When the kingdom fails to meet the condition, the dragon swoops in and snatches the beautiful, golden-haired princess—Or priest. The dragon has actually kidnapped Father Ivor, who willingly put himself up to escape the stuffy and celibate life within the church. And as if freedom isn’t sweet enough, Ivor now has himself a handsome and rich dragon-man! All that’s left is to trick his captor into keeping him by his side forever...!

Friends to Lovers from Today (Official)
Friends to Lovers from Today (Official)Rubber dynamo

After getting dumped, KYUNG-HO drinks with his female friend to ease the pain. However, complaining about women makes SEUNG-AH angry, and she offers him a deal. "I bet I can get yours hard with my mouth!"

RADIA [ moccacino ]
RADIA [ moccacino ]

Upaya Radia untuk membalas dendam terhadap temannya yang pengkhianat berubah secara tak terduga ketika dia diselamatkan dari pengalaman mendekati kematian oleh Yulius, seorang pria misterius yang kuat. Perubahannya? Yulius adalah hantu, hanya terlihat oleh Radia. Saat ia menjadi teman tetap Radia, Radia terlibat dalam jaringan kecelakaan supernatural yang mengungkap betapa kuatnya Yulius sebenarnya. Dan meskipun Yulius belum mengetahui identitas aslinya, kemahakuasaannya mungkin menjadi kunci bagi Radia untuk membalas dendam. Namun, kekuatan ini mungkin juga menyembunyikan bahaya mengintai yang mengancam membentuk kembali pencarian mereka dengan cara yang tidak terduga dan berbahaya...

Perawan Tua {Vivian}
Perawan Tua {Vivian}Face park

Mihye perawan yang berusia 30 tahun terbakar nafsu, tapi satu-satunya hal yang dia miliki di hari ulang tahunnya yang ke-30 cuma wine, kue, dan bantal seukuran penyanyi idola favoritnya. Nah, seorang gadis harus minum dan bermimpi besar. Dia meniup lilin hanya dengan satu harapan untuk tahun yang akan datang... akhirnya mengucapkan keinginannya itu. Ketika dia membuka matanya, lihatlah, seorang pria tampan telah muncul dari udara tipis. Dan dia punya tawaran yang sangat menggoda untuknya : jadi penyihir, dan bawa dia ke familiarnya. Satu hal yang pasti... Penyihir ini akan mengendarai lebih dari sapu terbang.


Aku penasaran dengan stoking panjang yang dipakai gadis itu! 'Geon', seorang gangster kelas tiga, pergi ke sebuah perusahaan kecil untuk mengambil uang yang dia curi. Tapi satu-satunya yang tersisa di sana hanyalah ‘Gyeong-i’, seorang pemegang buku yang bodoh. Gun menyandera Gyeong-yi dan tinggal bersamanya sebagai alasan untuk menangkap presiden perusahaan. Saat menangkap Gyeong-yi agar tidak terjatuh, dia menyentuh kakinya yang mengenakan stoking, dan pikiran Geon terkejut...


Slann dicabut identitas dan statusnya karena insiden penyitaan dua tahun lalu, dan menjadi budak dengan ingatannya dimakan habis oleh mania. Saat dia pasrah dengan kebebasan yang hampir tidak bisa dia jalani, seorang pria muncul di hadapannya. Tangan lembut yang melingkari pinggangnya tanpa ragu, bibir manis yang mendekat seolah mengatakan bahwa mereka memiliki hubungan yang dalam satu sama lain, Slann bingung, tapi dia tidak bisa menahan diri untuk tidak tertarik padanya. Kemuliaan, kekayaan, dan kekuasaan masa lalu bukan lagi milikmu... Lalu bagaimana dengan kasih sayang?

Adikku Ingin Jadi Suamiku「FERDYZ」
Adikku Ingin Jadi Suamiku「FERDYZ」센리|빠직(art)|용끄(art)

Ibuku menikah lagi dan aku mempunyai seorang adik laki-laki. Dengan hati yang bahagia, aku berusaha menjadi satu keluarga dengan adikku, Millian. Tidak peduli seberapa keras dia bersikap, itu tidak masalah. ㅤ Setelah itu Millian meninggalkan surat dan pergi berperang. Sudah 5 tahun sejak Millian berperang. ㅤ Setelah perang yang berlangsung selama 5 Tahun, Millian akhirnya kembali. ㅤ “Sekarang aku bukan saudaramu lagi.” Millian mengibarkan dokumen bahwa dia telah dikeluarkan dari keluarga. ㅤ Millian Edmore Rachel. Tidak, sekarang Millian Taylor. Adik laki-lakiku kembali sebagai laki-laki, Tapi apa? Dia akan menjadi suamiku?

Actually I was The Real one [JIMINWIFE]
Actually I was The Real one [JIMINWIFE]

Tujuan Keira hanya untuk dicintai dan diakui oleh ayahnya. Namun karena Cosette, yang mengaku sebagai putri kandung, ia dieksekusi atas tuduhan tidak menjadi putri grand duke atau seorang pengendali Spirit terhormat. Pada saat terakhir dalam hidupku, kata "asli" dibisikkan. "Sebenarnya, kau yang asli." * * * * Tapi apa pentingnya siapa anak kandungnya. Setelah itu, ia kembali ke masa lalu tanpa mengetahui penyebabnya, tetapi ia lelah berjuang untuk menjadi seorang putri yang bangga. Hidup sehat dengan gadis yang tidak tahu apakah itu palsu atau nyata.'' tapi sikap ayahku yang selama ini acuh, jadi bersikap aneh.

Hotel Metsäpeura e Youkoso
Hotel Metsäpeura e YoukosoFukuta seira

In the Lapland region of Finland, the domain of snow, midnight sun, and auroras, there is the small Hotel Metsäpeura, run by two older gentlemen. One night during a terrible blizzard, a mysterious young man named Jun arrives at the hotel. He is clearly in dire straits, with a large tattoo on his back, no relatives and no money. However, the gentlemen warmly welcome him in and offer him a job at the hotel. The kindness of the people living in the harshness of nature will melt the heart of this awkward young man.

Akuyaku Reijou No Okaa-Sama
Akuyaku Reijou No Okaa-SamaMizume

Her destination of reincarnation was not the villainess of an otome game, but her mother… “Violet has been in love with her childhood friend, and she half-forced her parents to marry him. However, she was not loved by him. Ever since their daughter was born, he rarely came back home. One day, he brought back home the daughter of his mistress. She was very lovely and her age only differed a year from their daughter’s. Violet hated her step-daughter who was loved by everyone. With her daughter’s help, Violet started to bully her, in the end, it resulted in her daughter’s engagement being broken and she divorced her husband. They were then exiled to the countryside as a result.” … Wait. Wasn’t I the one who raised her own daughter as a villainess?! Violet is now 10 years old and since I know everything, I shall try my best to avoid this ending!

Nothing but a Number (Official)
Nothing but a Number (Official)Anne|Jamongsoda|Mambo

What’s age when it comes to true love? For Seung-oh, his age is becoming quite the concern. Twelve years older than his boyfriend, even the ten years they’ve already spent together seems to fade away in the shadows of his anxiety over aging. Hyeonwoo, meanwhile, couldn’t care less that he’s dating a much older man. His most important concern is the clear change in his partner, and the effect it’s having on their sex life. Determined to show Seung-oh that he’s just as desirable as ever, Hyeonwoo embarks on an adventure of intimacy, sexuality, and affection. Because after all, when it comes to love, age is nothing but a number.

The Cursed Attendant of the Duke's Castle
The Cursed Attendant of the Duke's CastleOdanrobot

When Serenity Theophano rescues an elderly man on the streets, she is inflicted with a deadly curse, solvable only in a limited time. Desperate, she delves into books for a cure until she encounters the cold Duke Aaron Lorang, after which the curse’s brand miraculously disappears! Forced to remain close to the duke as an attendant, Serenity navigates his deep mistrust and suspicion of her. Initially planning to use him to escape her curse, she unexpectedly becomes entangled in a new predicament – the duke’s growing obsession with her. With time running out, can Serenity untangle the curse binding her fate?

I, a Virgin, Became Friends with Benefits with a Grim Reaper 〘Official〙
I, a Virgin, Became Friends with Benefits with a Grim Reaper 〘Official〙Konno

"So... This is the 'sex' you've always wanted." After achieving his long-cherished dream of passing the entrance exam to his chosen university, Aoto tries to jerk off, but is assaulted by a grim reaper...! The beautiful grim reaper Adlai tells him that his life is fated to end there, but when he cries out that he doesn't wanna die when he hasn't had a girlfriend or had sex yet, Adlai shows interest in sex... He fondles Aoto's genitals erotically, sniffs it, and pushes his big cock deep into Aoto's heated body...

My Favorite Idol
My Favorite IdolRyoung

The bodies of the top idol and a school outcast are switched?! A school outcast who is always bullied everyday, Hong Jooa. A top idol who is loved by the whole nation, Go Yohan. Jooa, who envies the life of her beloved idol, and Yohan, who envies the simple and free life of an ordinary person. While they yearned for each other’s lives, their bodies were switched one day!? A spectacular body-switch romance, My Favorite Idol!

PRINCESS'S DOUBLE LIFE Season 3 [BaruBelajar]
PRINCESS'S DOUBLE LIFE Season 3 [BaruBelajar]

Rexid Van Hexen, prince of the Hexen Empire and feared defender of the border, wants to become emperor. But because his brain doesn’t even come close to his brawn, he enlists the help of “The Viper,” a notorious swindler and master of disguise. With her life on the line, The Viper must now pull off her greatest scam while posing as… Rexid's heiress? Will the unlikely duo succeed, or will they end up being deceived themselves?

I Became the Sultan's Precious Cat
I Became the Sultan's Precious CatByakko|Gira|Seohyun (ii)

After my sudden death, I was reincarnated in a strange world with a sultan and his harem, but not as a person, but as a kitten who can't talk! I can only become human by kissing a prince who is worthy of the sultan... After mistaking me for an assassin and treating me coldly, Prince Soliman says, "......It's soft, it's warm, can we stay here for a while?" as he approached me. Prince Theron, who I thought was a sweetheart, seduces me by whispering, "Choose me over my brother, and I will give you everything you want." "I will give you everything you want," he whispered, seducing me. I can't stay human unless I kiss one of them. "Nyaaong!" (Headache!) How do I survive in this royal palace?

They Live in the Princess' Flower Garden
They Live in the Princess' Flower Garden고겨울

Thanks to the seal of the king of spirits, she was born with the qualities of a master of spirits. Her parents and brother-in-law pour endless affection on her, and the Knights Templar often follow her around asking for her to be an escort. Furthermore… … “Why don’t you know that your light wish is my earnest desire?” The devil begs for a different look and says, “I want to become a good emperor. An emperor who makes an empire that will suffice for you to stay comfortably.” A childhood friend declares that he will build a strong empire for me. [All kneel in front of our chick!] It's a bonus that the contracted spirits shout like a habit. A full-fledged walk on the flower path of a frenzied chick who couldn't bite everyone!

11336 [moccacino]
11336 [moccacino]로맨스

Kombinasi rambut lurus panjang bola putih, gaun putih, dan cinta pertama yang membuat pingsan. Bukan karena dia pernah melihatnya sekali, tapi karena dia mengira dia adalah hantu, dia akhirnya kembali ke satu-satunya tempat yang aman untuk menangis. Dia mungkin merindukannya yang tidak bisa menyembunyikan panas tanpa bertanya apa-apa. *Karya asli: Woo Ji-hye [Novel Web] 11336 (Satu, Tiga, Enam)

Kaoru Watashi ni Kiss wo Shite
Kaoru Watashi ni Kiss wo ShiteKotoko ichi

Seishun Scans: "You smell so good." "Sorry, but I might not be able to let you go." Touka, who secretly has a crush on her senior, is bewildered to find out he felt for her scent. Things develop quickly and she decides to support his dream of becoming a perfumer while they become dangerously close.


When I opened my eyes, I became the nanny from a book I once read. The nanny that kills the child she’s tasked to care. With her experience from her previous life, she saves the child and saves her own life in the process as well… but strangely the child’s uncle keeps appearing before her. “Uncle, uncle.” Brielle has started to speak to his uncle. “S…sure.” Although the uncle’s response is awkward, his face glowed with a smile. However, his face hardened when his nephew said this, “Step away. Step away.” That is what Brielle said when he saw the uncle and Marie (the nanny) together, who were deciding which storybook to read that day.

Toying With Magic 〘Official〙
Toying With Magic 〘Official〙Gunsu

After a hard day’s work, Heesu wants nothing more than to go home and have a relaxing time with his…toys. He’s amassed quite a collection over the years so he’s not lacking for options. But one day, things start to oddly go missing from his house. His shampoo, his remote, his half-eaten apple and his most precious toy! Maybe he’s just absent-mindedly misplacing things these days, he is stressed out at work after all. That’s what he thought anyway, until one day he came home and caught the thief red-handed! The only problem is, this thief isn’t just your plain old neighborhood cat burglar, in fact he’s not from Heesu’s neighborhood at all! This thief is from another dimension and now Heesu is trapped there too. Hm, this thief is kinda cute…but no more toying around, Heesu’s gotta get back home anyway he can!

Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (Official)
Forget My Husband, I'll Go Make Money (Official)Ju hyeon

Aku, Aristine, adalah putri kaisar yang dipenjara. Sesungguhnya, aku memiliki "mata kaisar" yang bisa melihat masa depan, masa sekarang, dan masa lalu. Tapi, aku dijodohkan dengan seorang barbarian... Ternyata, calon suamiku yang katanya seperti monster itu biasa-biasa saja. Namun, semua harta yang ada di sini adalah milik orang lain. Sebaiknya aku cari uang saja supaya bisa hidup dengan bebas!

MOONSHARK : Hiu Dilahirkan untuk Menjadi Bintang [moccacino]
MOONSHARK : Hiu Dilahirkan untuk Menjadi Bintang [moccacino]

Putri kerajaan bawah laut yang terlahir dengan takdir untuk melanjutkan tahta laut, menjadi penggemar 'Ro Woon', idola di bumi, dan melarikan diri dari rumah untuk melihat favoritnya.Aktor terkenal 'Jihan' tiba-tiba muncul di depannya , yang menghabiskan hari-hari yang memuaskan dengan menjadi penggemar biasa. Keduanya secara tidak sengaja terus berhubungan... ...dan bahkan menjadi bintang SNS dalam semalam...!!

Juyeon's Jinx [𝙄𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨]
Juyeon's Jinx [𝙄𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨]Mp (ll)

"Ini semua karena dia..." Kim Han-gyeol, seorang siswa SMA biasa, selalu bertemu dengan Seo Joo-yeon pada hari-hari yang buruk. Seperti pembawa sial. Kepala yang tertunduk, suara yang pelan. Poni panjangnya yang kusut dan tergerai membawa desas-desus buruk. Semakin aku berinteraksi dengannya, semakin kuat rasa sialnya. Namun sejak Kim Han-gyeol melihat wajah tersembunyi Seo Joo-yeon, setiap kali Kim Han-gyeol melakukan kontak mata dengannya, dia merasakan sensasi yang aneh. Jantungku berdebar-debar karena penasaran...

Reborn as the Enemy Prince
Reborn as the Enemy PrinceJa seo hyeon

Imagine being a kin to your sworn enemy. Killed in battle while defending his country, Bern wakes up in the body of the enemy prince, Kalian, and vows to avenge his people. But between taming an abusive half-brother and surviving his mother's deadly web of intrigue, sweet revenge seems to slip further beyond his grasp at every turn.

Like It Ruff 〘Lezhin〙
Like It Ruff 〘Lezhin〙Shida

There is no one in the world Choi Euncheol loves more than his dog Jong-gu. Having been there for him through heartbreak and happiness alike, the pup is as loyal as can be. The two are best friends, and more alike than they look…because Euncheol loves a little bark and bite in the bedroom. But when Jong-gu mistakes a little nighttime pet play for an attack on his masochistic master, he valiantly rushes to his defense and bites the "assailant" square on the buttocks! Euncheol decides to end things with his lover, and is now left with no one but his precious pet to help him grieve his relationship. When he awakes the next morning, however, Jong-gu has gone missing! In his place is a cute guy who seems strangely familiar, but Euncheol can’t quite put his paw -er, finger- on why…

Call Me The Devil [JIMINWIFE]
Call Me The Devil [JIMINWIFE]Ante (안테)|Jayang (자양)

"Saya seorang ahli bedah plastik di siang hari dan iblis di malam hari, saya memiliki kekuatan magis untuk merayu siapa pun hanya dengan matanya, tetapi godaan itu tidak berlaku untuk Ina yang muncul suatu hari nanti. Sebaliknya, dia meminta saya untuk melakukan operasi payudara. dengan wajah tenang.

ISTRI KECIL YANG MANIS [Km4]Jiong jiong you yao / popcorn

Behind His Kind Mask [Spygetti X Miuren]
Behind His Kind Mask [Spygetti X Miuren]Gong il

Demi bertahan hidup, aku mencium protagonis dan kami menjadi pasangan. Tapi aku tidak percaya bahwa protagonis 'baik' dalam novel aslinya adalah akting! "Jika aku membunuhmu, hubungan pasangan ini akan rusak." “Kamu tidak bisa melakukan itu. Kita berdua akan mati pada saat yang sama.” Kami diikat bersama oleh takdir yang dibagikan secara erat. Berbagi luka yang sama, rasa sakit yang sama, hidup dan mati yang sama. Plus, kami harus melakukan kontak fisik untuk simbiosis? Ketika aku mengetahui tentang topengnya, dia kejam kepadaku tanpa ragu-ragu. Jumlah pekerjaan yang tidak masuk akal, tuntutan yang tidak masuk akal… Mengapa aku tidak bisa bersama pria lain? “Aku sudah mengetahuinya! Bagaimana memutuskan hubungan pasangan ini!” Sekarang hidupku akan aman, yang tersisa hanyalah pergi― “Aku tidak punya niat untuk menghancurkannya.” "…maaf?" "Sama seperti kamu, aku juga penasaran." Dia memelukku dan tatapannya perlahan turun ke bibirku. "Aku ingin tahu sejauh mana rasa sakit kita akan dibagi."

A Marriage Contract With My Two Husbands
A Marriage Contract With My Two HusbandsEunha geum|Bass

"Divorce him and marry me instead." Roseline and her family are in danger due to her father's crimes when Archduke Melchior intervenes. He saves her life, saves her family, pays off their debts, and even proposes marriage! But what is his motive in all of this? And what will she do when her apprentice wants to marry her, too?

The Bromance Book Club
The Bromance Book ClubLyssa kay adams

Gavin Scott, a star MLB player, is on the verge of losing his marriage. Desperate to win his wife back, he seeks redemption in Nashville's secret club, exclusively for alpha males, that uses romance novels to mend relationships. Will Gavin decode the language of the heart and secure a happily ever after?

I Will Become the Villain's Poison Taster {Cont by. MGCHAN}
I Will Become the Villain's Poison Taster {Cont by. MGCHAN}자갈치콘|Jagalchicon

Giselle Loisbean', seorang wanita jahat yang mengakhiri hidupnya dengan meracuni sebelum digantung! Tapi, racun yang dibawa para pembunuh tidak mempan? Bahkan rasanya seperti buah! "Tidak apa-apa karena jumlahnya sedikit. Minumlah dengan cepat." … Meski tidak mau, ia tetap saja disiksa oleh pembunuh gila. Namun, 'Reniel', yang saya pikir hanyalah seorang pembunuh gila, ternyata adalah antek 'Wayne Iore', seorang pria yang memiliki keluatan terhebat?! Untuk meraih tali ini, aku mengambil bagian terakhir dari sisi gelap di sebagai tanganku. “Saya bisa merasakan racun.” "racun?" "Ya." “Apa gunanya itu?” “Tuanmu akan diracuni, jadi aku bisa menjadi pendeteksi racun.” Jadi, kupikir aku akan bertahan dengan baik sebagai pegawai toko kelontong dari antek bayangan(?)... 『Tuan kami sangat kuat sehingga siapa pun dapat melihat sesuatu yang sangat mencurigakan!』 … Apakah aku merasa terkutuk dalam hidup ini?

Aku Ibu Tiri, Tapi Anakku Comel Banget! [[𝐉𝐀𝐇𝐄]]
Aku Ibu Tiri, Tapi Anakku Comel Banget! [[𝐉𝐀𝐇𝐄]]Yir

Aku berhasil terdampar dalam sebuah kisah sebagai ibu tiri yang cemburu pada putrinya, bahkan mencoba membunuh gadis itu dengan apel beracun. Aku sangat ingin memberikan segala bentuk kasih sayang pada Blanche yang lucu dan manis, tapi— "Lucu sekali. Sejak kapan kau begitu menyukai Blanche?" Suami sialan ini terus menghalangi jalanku! "Aku juga orang tua Blanche. Aku menuntut permintaan maaf karena mencurigai aku." "Dan kalau aku tidak mau?" "Aku akan mengunjungi kamar tidurmu malam ini, baginda." "....." "Aku bahkan berhasil mendapatkan beberapa celana dalam seksi hanya untukmu." Dengan senyum lebar di wajahku, aku memberinya pukulan kritis. "Aku bisa menunjukkannya padamu sekarang jika kau mau?" Ekspresi di wajahnya benar-benar sesuatu yang memukau. Aku mengangkat dagu, dan melihatnya dengan kemenangan.

The Rules of Rose Ivy Manor [Official]
The Rules of Rose Ivy Manor [Official]624

Rosé Ovair thinks she woke up in a romantic love story where she's the rich heroine with a handsome fiancé, but her new home... isn't quite right. Her family seems to be keeping the cause of her father's death from her, and the servants all have fake names. Unfortunately, she is so enamored by the idea of marrying a good-looking man that she fails to notice much else! Will Rosé realize that breaking the rules of Rose Ivy Manor leads to deadly consequences before it's too late?

Baby Concubine want to live quietly
Baby Concubine want to live quietly

Aku merasuki tubuh pemeran pendukung dalam sebuah novel reverse harem, seorang selir muda yang menarik perhatian kaisar. Akan tetapi, pada akhirnya para selir yang lain membunuhnya karena sebuah pengkhianatan. Untungnya, aku merasuki karakter itu saat dia baru saja akan tinggal di Istana Kekaisaran. Semua orang di istana merasa waspada padaku, tapi mereka masih belum membenciku. Aku tidak ingin dan tidak butuh dicintai oleh sang kaisar. “Datanglah ke kamarku malam ini. Aku akan membacakanmu sebuah dongeng!” “Wah, wah, jangan menangis. Aku akan memberimu ini.” Tapi, kenapa semua orang jadi sangat baik padaku? Aku tidak mengerti.

Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make Money
Forget My Husband, I’ll Go Make MoneyBanmu, joo haeon

"I became the wife of a man who already had a lover. So, I should do my best to help him remain faithful to her, right? But how did I end up destroying the bed with him on our first night together…?" Aristine is a royal princess who’s been confined all her life, as she is highly disfavored by the emperor. But the truth is, as the possessor of the [Royal Sight], she can see the past, present, and future. The emperor sends her off to die in a political marriage arranged with the prince of their enemy country, rumored to be a bloodthirsty savage, but…her soon-to-be husband, the so-called “savage,” is far more normal than the rumors suggest. ”Still, he’s taken, so he’s off-limits for me. I’ll just focus on making lots of money from now on!” Will Aristine be able to fulfill her dream of living a luxurious, wealthy life? Or will she be able to kill two birds with one stone and win over her husband as well?

Flirting 9 to 6 〘Official〙
Flirting 9 to 6 〘Official〙Yoonhee lee

When country bumpkin Kang Bongsoo lands a new office job in the big city, he falls in love at first sight with Yoo Jiwon, the refined and sophisticated deputy manager in a neighboring department. After initially resigning to silently pine for Jiwon, Bongsoo unwittingly spots him making out with a man at a gay club and decides to confess his true feelings. When Bongsoo’s plans to form an emotional connection go awry as Jiwon responds with a naughty proposition, the innocent and naïve Bongsoo is caught completely off guard. How will Bongsoo handle the sudden onset of sexy workplace flirting?

cale [Calehnts]
cale [Calehnts]Byeol narae, yu ryeo han

Ketika aku membuka mataku, aku berada di dalam sebuah novel. [The Birth of a Hero]. [The Birth of a Hero] adalah novel yang berfokus pada petualangan karakter utama, Choi Han, seorang siswa sekolah menengah yang dikirim ke dimensi yang berbeda dari Bumi, bersamaan dengan kelahiran berbagai pahlawan di benua itu. Aku menjadi bagian dari novel itu sebagai sampah dari keluarga Count, keluarga yang mengawasi wilayah di mana desa pertama yang dikunjungi Choi Han berada. Masalahnya adalah bahwa Choi Han menjadi stres setelah kejadian di desa itu, dan semua orang di dalamnya, dib antai oleh pembunuh. Masalah yang lebih besar adalah kenyataan bahwa sampah bodoh yang aku perankan saat ini tidak tahu tentang apa yang terjadi di desa itu dan aku juga cek cok dengan Choi Han, lalu dipukuli sampai habis. "... Ini benar-benar masalah." Aku merasa sesuatu yang serius telah terjadi padaku. Tetapi hal ini layak untuk dicoba menjadikannya sebagai kehidupan baruku. cr gambar: pinterest

When the Third Wheel Strikes Back (Official)
When the Third Wheel Strikes Back (Official)Sugim

When Yeseo Jung wakes up one day, he finds himself trapped inside the body of Jesse Venetiaan, the ill-fated second male lead of a mega-hit fantasy romance novel “I Quit My Job, then I Became the Princess Bride.” It turns out this second male lead is destined to die at war, trying to protect the male lead. Yeseo’s goal is to avoid getting entangled with the main characters and survive until the war is over, all while searching for a way to return home safe and sound. But the female lead, Christelle, and the male lead, Cedric, keep approaching him…

You are my XX
You are my XXGelatino

Choi Doyoung who's been a virgin for 28 years, is content with her masturbation devices alone every night, but one day, she gets caught by her boss and former classmate, Kang Hanjin. In the moment of silence, Doyoung blurts 'Let's sleep together just once' with the intent of letting him do as he wishes, a strange relationship develops...

Nerd Project «Official»
Nerd Project «Official»G_jyeo

Luke is having a rough time in college, and his breakup with his girlfriend Stacy is not helping. This is all because of that nerdy stud, Andrew! If only Stacy didn’t obsess over Andrew’s dorky charms, then Luke wouldn’t have had to break their relationship off! To make matters worse, Luke is then forced to live in the same dorm room as Andrew! But with nowhere else to go and no money to his name, Luke resolves to make it his project to befriend Andrew, whether the nerd likes it or not!

Big Spender in a Busted Game 〘Official〙
Big Spender in a Busted Game 〘Official〙Murutt

Though the fantasy game "Mystic World" is maddeningly difficult and money-grubbing, Luda just can't quit playing. So it's borderline traumatic when the final boss, Lucid Black, destroys her precious kingdom in the final stage. But luckily, our heroine wakes up in the beginning stage of Mystic World as her game character, Princess Luda Earl Grey. Armed with tons of S-rank items and her credit card, Luda might just have a shot at saving Milk Tea Kingdom from the deadly Lucid. And the first step in her plan... is to enroll in the same academy and befriend her worst enemy!

Park Hanhoo's Manager
Park Hanhoo's ManagerKim tac

Chansol tidak pernah merasakan persahabatan sebelum dia bertemu dengan Park Hanhoo, anak bermasalah yang ditakuti geng sekolah dan menyembunyikan wajahnya dibalik rambutnya yang acak-acakan. Tapi ketika sebuah insiden mengerikan menghancurkan hidupnya, Chansol terpaksa bersembunyi dan mengingkari janjinya untuk selalu ada di samping Hanhoo. Sekarang dia sudah dewasa, bertekad untuk menyelesaikan insiden lama itu. Tapi karena masa lalunya tersembunyi dibalik dunia mafia dan bisnis gelap, satu-satunya pilihan Chansol untuk mengumpulkan informasi adalah dengan menjadi manajer dari seorang penjual senjata gila. Ketika Chansol memulai misinya untuk mencuri informasi, dia menyadari bahwa merayu bos barunya mungkin bisa membawanya menuju kebenaran dan juga menemukan teman lama yang dulu dipanggilnya Park Hanhoo.

Istri Palsu [moccacino]
Istri Palsu [moccacino]

Menggantikan saudara kembarnya yang menghilang sebelum perjodohannya, Yeonwoo harus berpura-pura menjadi kakak perempuannya. Itu benar-benar pernikahan proksi. Kupikir yang harus kulakukan hanyalah menjaga jarak dari suami kakak perempuanku yang keras dan berhati dingin, Ki-tae, namun pada titik tertentu, pria ini mulai menuntut hubungan suami istri. Keberadaan saudara perempuannya masih belum diketahui, dan Yeon-woo merasa bersalah saat dia mulai menyayangi Ki-tae. Di sisi lain, meskipun Ki-tae mengetahui bahwa Yeon-woo bukanlah istri kandungnya, dia tidak dapat mengendalikan hasrat posesifnya terhadapnya... … . * * * “Cha Ki-tae, aku tidak tahu itu kamu.” "Oke?" “Jika aku tahu kamu adalah orang penting, aku tidak akan melakukan ini.” “Ini sudah terlambat.” Yeon-woo kesal dengan sikap Ki-tae yang berhati dingin. Tapi dia tahu betul bahwa dialah dan bukan orang lain yang memulai hubungan memutarbalikkan ini. "Maaf. mohon maafkan saya." Mata Yeonwoo berbinar. Ki-tae mengabaikan permohonannya. “Jika kamu ingin dimaafkan, maafkan aku dengan tubuhmu.” Laki-laki di depanku sudah tidak penyayang lagi, seolah-olah dia sudah ramah sejak lama tapi itu hanya ilusi. "SAYA… … "Apa yang harus saya lakukan?" “Berhentilah menangis dan pergilah ke kamarku. “Lepaskan.” Dan saat Ki-tae membenamkan hidungnya di lehernya dan memanggilnya dengan nama aslinya, ‘Yeon-woo,’ hubungan seperti tali ini mulai berubah.

The Turning Point
The Turning PointTama

Do-jun becomes a college student and begins his dream life. However, Do-jun, who was suffering from an unwanted cohabitation with Ra-on, a female friend who has been harassing him since his school days. Annoyed with the situation, he hypnotizes her. "I've suffered every time thanks to you, Let's see how you would like it!"

Dangerous CEO 「Pandy」
Dangerous CEO 「Pandy」해은빛

Saya siap untuk melepaskannya kapan saja. "Yah, saya belum pernah tidur dengan seorang pria. Jika Anda ingin tidur dengan saya, saya bisa tidur dengan Anda. Sekarang juga." "Sekretaris Yoon. Bahkan ketika aku makan coklat batangan, aku selalu memberikannya kepada orang lain." ...aku mengaku tanpa batas, dan ditolak sampai batas yang tidak terbatas. Suatu hari, Sora mengatakan kepada Jung-woo bahwa dia telah menyelesaikan cintanya yang bertepuk sebelah tangan selama lima tahun. "Saya akan menikah. Dua bulan kemudian." Sejak saat itu. Setiap kali saya membuka mulut saya, orang yang berbicara asal-asalan itu kusut seperti tiram gukbap. "Kamu tidak ingat kamu berjanji untuk memberikannya padaku?" "Apa?" Dia menarik sudut mulutnya sedingin pengedar narkoba. "Sebelum kau memberikannya padaku, kau tidak akan pernah menikah." Pacaran mengerikan dengan seorang pria gila telah dimulai.

4 Week Lovers S3 {XIA}
4 Week Lovers S3 {XIA}Maroron (마로론)

'Kamu ... tidak pernah berubah sama sekali. Sentuhan bibir kasarmu dan cara tanganmu berkumpul seolah berdoa saat gugup... Sisi bodohmu itu.' Tampilan luar biasa, atas departemen. Jeong Dojun—Departemen Bisnis, Kelas '18—berpikir bahwa kehidupan universitasnya akan lancar, tetapi dia akhirnya bertemu Song Jaehee lagi di dalam asrama mereka. Ada sesuatu yang tidak bisa dia selesaikan dengan Song Jaehee saat SMA. 'Apakah salah jika aku naksir kamu?' '...' 'Kau akhirnya mengabaikanku dan pergi.' Dojun hanya ingin kabur, tapi saat Jaehee memberitahunya, 'Aku tidak punya perasaan padamu lagi.' dia tersenyum. Sayangnya, lengan Jaehee yang patah adalah kesalahan Dojun. Alih-alih membayar dengan uang, dia menawarkan kontrak.

All 6no1 Indonesian
All 6no1 Indonesian

Ringkasannya adalah saya mohon untuk tidak menerjemahkan komik karya 6no1 yang lain ke bahasa indonesia, soalnya ini project saya, kalo di repost ngga apa-apa, sekian dari saya


Kau ingin pacar baru? 'Luke' yang kaget karena dirinya dicampakan oleh pacar tercintanya. Dia bertemu dengan orang yang memakai kacamata tebal dan kemeja kotak-kotak, Nerd itu sendiri, adalah Andrew. Luke mengikuti Andrew, mengawasi setiap gerakannya. Satu-satunya informasi yang dia tahu adalah bahwa Andrew hanya tertarik pada belajar. Hanya fakta bahwa Andrew memiliki wajah yang cukup bagus dan tinggi badan yang besar. "Aku… bagaimana bisa... Apakah aku menemukan pria seperti itu..!'' Dia mengira bahwa hubungan dengan Andrew akan berakhir seperti itu. Tanpa diduga, mereka bertemu satu sama lain sebagai teman sekamar di asrama. Tapi dia hanya murid teladan ini, aku pikir dia terbiasa belajar. "Penguntit, aku memperingatkanmu. Jangan sampai terlihat olehku." Tidak apa-apa tinggal di asrama bersama Benar, 'kan?

Trapped in a Hentai Game Academy (Official)
Trapped in a Hentai Game Academy (Official)Feel

He left a really negative review on a hentai game. Only to wake up as the main character! To make things worse, he will be killed the god of games unless he gets all 6 girls in the game to fall for him! "Damn it.. Fine, Ill do whatever it takes to get all the girls!"

The Cursed Maid of the Duke's Castle [VelutBelut]
The Cursed Maid of the Duke's Castle [VelutBelut]Odanrobot

Ketika Serenity Theophano menyelamatkan seorang pria tua di jalanan, dia terkena kutukan mematikan, yang hanya bisa dipecahkan dalam waktu terbatas. Putus asa, dia mempelajari buku-buku untuk penyembuhan sampai dia bertemu dengan Duke Aaron Lorang yang dingin, setelah itu tanda kutukan itu secara ajaib menghilang! Dipaksa untuk tetap dekat dengan sang duke sebagai pelayan, Serenity mengatasi ketidakpercayaan dan kecurigaannya yang mendalam terhadapnya. Awalnya serenity berencana menggunakan duke untuk melarikan diri dari kutukannya, tapi dia tiba-tiba terjerat dalam kesulitan baru – obsesi sang duke yang semakin besar terhadapnya. Seiring berjalannya waktu, mampukah Serenity melepaskan kutukan yang mengikat nasibnya?

Topsy-Turvy 〘Official〙
Topsy-Turvy 〘Official〙Yongdo

Ah-choo! Something about being around Jaehyun just gives Suyong the urge to sneeze. On the one hand, Suyong’s body seems to be rejecting Jaehyun’s mere presence but on the other…they can’t seem to keep their hands off of each other. Seems like these two are the definition of love-hate relationship. The plot is always the same in these stories. They end up getting into the same college, becoming roommates and then living happily ever after. Right? Well, not quite for our dynamic frenemy duo. Suyong’s sneezing fits end up ruining everything. He and good buddy Kim Norman have to matriculate a year later than planned. But a chance run-in on campus lands Suyong and Jaehyun back at each other’s throats. Or is it with their tongues down each other’s throats? Oh, and just who’s the top and who’s the bottom here? Something’s gotta give...and where does our little friend Normie fit into this topsy-turvy mess?

It Seems I've Transmigrated Somewhere [Speedcat Version]
It Seems I've Transmigrated Somewhere [Speedcat Version]Dalbicho/mooncatflower

Even though the harsh reality feels like living as a beggar, to think that the end would be death from overworking! If it’s going to end like this, I should’ve been in a lot of relationships, but wait, oh my... who are you in the mirror? I’m a little flustered but this body… it’s really pretty! It feels like I’ve been transmigrated into a romance fantasy novel. Since I’m already like this, should I enjoy the romance while I’m at it? “But which novel did I get transmigrated into?” I’ve read dozens of books where the ‘Northern Duke’ and ‘Childhood Friends’ exist, I’ve read so many with a black-haired male lead and a blonde female lead, Ah~ I don’t know!! For now, let’s start by conquering the male characters! “I already have a promised marriage." “I volunteered for the Western Guard. We won’t be able to meet for several years.” What is this, is this really a romance fantasy novel? Why is everyone running away?! In the first place… was I really transmigrated as the female lead? What kind of novel is this!!!!

The Lady Wants to Rest S3 ⧼ Lucille ⧽
The Lady Wants to Rest S3 ⧼ Lucille ⧽Yuin / somddam

Raja, pesulap, musisi, jaksa, orang kaya, pengemis, saintess, penyihir... Dia hidup selama seribu tahun, berkali-kali. Terkadang dia adalah orang yang paling mulia di dunia, terkadang dia yang paling rendah hati. Di antara semuanya, kehidupan ke-53 adalah salah satu yang paling menyedihkan dan menyakitkan. Begitu dia mencapai kehidupan ke-54, dia merasa lelah. "Segalanya begitu merepotkan. Aku ingin beristirahat sekarang." Kali ini, meskipun aku sudah memutuskan untuk menjalani hidup sebagai kungkang yang malas, apa pun yang terjadi... "Kenapa kau terus menggangguku... Hei, ayo kita istirahat."


Kang Geon terkenal sebagai seorang sexergizer. Dia adalah seorang [TOP] yang hanya mengejar cinta satu malam. Namun, karena kedatangannya ke sebuah gereja seolah nafsunya telah tertahan oleh seorang Pendeta. Dan selama 4 tahun dia benar-benar tidak bisa berbuat apapun. Seolah sudah ditakdirkan, seorang pelanggan pria tampan masuk ke salon tatonya. Dan tiba-tiba saja P*nis yang selama ini selalu tertidur tiba-tiba saja terbangun dari tidur lamanya. Dia tidak hanya memiliki tubuh yang kencang dan penampilan yang tampan. Ternyata dia memiliki nama yang sama seperti orang yang dia sukai saat masih di SMA. Libido Kang-geon melonjak setiap kali dia melihatnya, dan dia pun merasa bingung. "Ini mungkin sebuah anugerah! Dapatkah Kang Geon mendapatkan kembali libidonya dan merayu Soo-oh?

Teman Kecilku Menjadi Suami Obsesif ⋞ Cont by Pixies ⋟
Teman Kecilku Menjadi Suami Obsesif ⋞ Cont by Pixies ⋟Youndal

Isabelle adalah seorang yatim piatu yang tinggal di kuil dengan banyak pengetahuan tentang cinta antara pria dan wanita berkat novel bersampul merah yang diselipkan oleh orang-orang kudus. Mengetahui bahwa seorang pendeta menjualnya sebagai one-night stand kepada adipati yang membunuh kekasihnya karena malu dengan ketidakmampuannya untuk "berdiri"..... Hanya ada satu cara untuk keluar dari ini, dan itu adalah menjadi wanita yang sudah menikah. Saat itu, Isabelle mengingat temannya, Ricks, yang mengatakan bahwa dia tidak tertarik untuk berkencan. "Jadi, Ricks, menikahlah denganku." "…Apa?" "Para bangsawan menolak wanita yang sudah tidak perawan." “…Kenapa kamu sangat membenci Duke Cardiego?” “tidak masalah jika dia seorang tiran, masalahnya adalah dia tidak bisa "BERDIRI" di malam pertama” Ricks sangat frustrasi seolah-olah dia menjadi gila

Bad Plan 〘Official〙
Bad Plan 〘Official〙Titi

At first you were just a toy, but now you’re all I can think about!

I Can Only See Your Face [NLF]
I Can Only See Your Face [NLF]Jeongyiha/yunji lee

Frede, bujangan paling tampan di kekaisaran menikahi Ayla, satu-satunya putri adipati yang berkuasa dan seorang wanita yang terkenal egois. Meskipun dia tidak mau, Frede tertangkap basah saat Ayla, yang telah pingsan karenanya, menawarkan kesepakatan untuk mengakhiri pernikahan setelah satu tahun. Bingung dengan perubahan hatinya dan sikapnya yang melunak, Frede sekarang bergumul dengan dorongan yang semakin besar untuk menghentikan pernikahan paksa yang ditakdirkan itu.

Obsesive Idol (Cont. By meowmie~)
Obsesive Idol (Cont. By meowmie~)Ryeong

Tubuh idola top dan intimidasi sekolah telah ditukar ?! Hong Joo-ah, idola papan atas yang dicintai seluruh bangsa, dan Hong Joo-ah, yang diintimidasi setiap hari di sekolah, adalah idola yang dicintai di seluruh dunia. Suatu hari, saat merindukan kehidupan satu sama lain, tubuh mereka terbalik!? Tontonan romansa perubahan tubuh, sasaeng idol!

In Too Deep
In Too DeepAngmandu

Is there anything greater than digging deeper, than reaching for that new challenge? The members of Dig Deep, Hangook University’s exclusive free-diving club don’t seem to think so! The thing is, it’s not exactly diving that this club is “free” with… You see, only those in the know are aware of the club’s true name, or the fact that the uncharted waters they explore are the oceans of sexuality! When Nam Joonsoo joins the club, he doesn’t realize that he’s in for the adventure of a lifetime. But with the kind and oh-so-pretty Hong Song seeming to take an interest in him, it surely won’t be long before Joonsoo dives headfirst into deep end. Will the shy Joonsoo be able to keep his head above water in this steamy new world? Or is he perhaps already in too deep…?

-Terjebak sebagai NPC di game TERKUTUK!- ۝Kecapԅ x Lia x MGCHAN  x Cesilia x Kara۝
-Terjebak sebagai NPC di game TERKUTUK!- ۝Kecapԅ x Lia x MGCHAN x Cesilia x Kara۝Gwon gyeoeul / 조윤경(whynotme)

TL-AN tidak 💯 benar!! [Update 2 Minggu sekali] Ada sebuah game yang bernama [Save the Earth] itu sudah 308 kali perbaikan bug.ada seorang karyawan yang ingin memperbaiki malah kejebak!!? Lanjutan nya tinggal di baca ya yaw:>

Rabbits Ejaculate in 3 Seconds (MGS)
Rabbits Ejaculate in 3 Seconds (MGS)Tanmon|탄몬

After failing the auditions for a role he'd been preparing for, Lyle takes a trip to Korea for a change of pace. As a black-footed cat-man, he was not able to present himself as a top amongst the larger beastmen, but having travelled to this place with all sorts of small and cute animals that suited his tastes, he thinks he could be a top here. After downloading an online dating app, Lyle starts chatting with a rabbit-man with the handle 'Kkyu', and steadily grows fond of him. Finally, the day they meet arrives! However, what appears before Lyle, as his heart pounds, is... a brute-like rabbit...?! "Is this person... really my Kkyu...?!"

Aku Kena Kutukan Cabul ⟬CARRYBEANA & VIVIAN⟭
Aku Kena Kutukan Cabul ⟬CARRYBEANA & VIVIAN⟭

Protagonis wanita: Abel – Putri Kerajaan Ernest. Dulu aku memiliki tingkat hasrat seksual yang normal(?), tetapi setelah dikutuk, hasrat seksualku terus meningkat, dan aku harus orgasme kapan pun aku merasakan hasrat itu. * Protagonis pria 1: Liesel – Ksatria penjaga Abel. Setiap perintah dari Abel diikuti. Dia bertubuh besar, dan seperti seorang master, dia kuat secara fisik dan tidak pernah lelah. * Protagonis pria 2: Michael – Pendeta tingkat tinggi. Pria tampan yang tabah dengan penampilan rapi dan tampan serta kepribadian yang lembut. * Protagonis pria 3: Narcion – Penyihir jenius. Seorang anak laki-laki tampan dan cantik yang merupakan lulusan terbaik sekolah sihir kerajaan. *Lihatlah saat-saat seperti ini: Saat kamu membutuhkan cerita tentang bebas melampiaskan hasrat seksualmu dengan berbagai cara * Quote simpatik: “Aku menemanimu seharian untuk melindungimu dari goresan sekecil apa pun di tubuh ini, tapi aku tak menyangka kamu akan melakukannya. senang sekali dipukul.”

Second Life of a Trash Princess
Second Life of a Trash PrincessWheedrian / haean (adaptation)

After her father—the emperor—was assassinated, Regina became the regent in place of her little brother who was still young. No matter how well she dealt with domestic affairs, the empire’s vaults emptied out due to how much of a sucker her little bother—the Trash Prince—was. On top of that, there was news that her fiancé was cheating on her… In the end, she lost everything due to her fiancé leading an insurrection. However, in her final moments, Regina turned back time with the first emperor’s memento and vowed to become an even bigger trash than her little brother to prevent the errors of her past.

Top Couple So Sweet ⪨Delly⪩
Top Couple So Sweet ⪨Delly⪩三原社

Song Yan dan Wen Li adalah pasangan kontrak terkenal di industri hiburan. Sejak mereka menikah, mereka tidak berbisnis dan tidak terikat satu sama lain. Penggemar yang tak terhitung jumlahnya mengeluh, namun banyak yang menyatukan mereka. Sampai keduanya secara resmi mengumumkan keikutsertaan mereka dalam variety show tingkat nasional untuk pasangan dan mereka dengan enggan mulai kembali ke karir mereka. Selama proses rekaman variety show tersebut, keduanya perlahan menemukan bahwa ikatan mereka telah terjalin erat beberapa tahun yang lalu......

Empress Cesia Wears Knickerbockers
Empress Cesia Wears KnickerbockersJeogyeom

With 99 nations conquered and the cup of the ruler in her hands... you'd think she was off to a heroic conquest, but the great queen's Cecia's real concern was her uncomfortable corset! The queen of Valencia suffered from complicated laces and heavy corsets, and thus ordered her trusted brother, Duke Ennon Lionheart to bring her comfortable clothes. Meanwhile, Yuri, a clothing designer was killed in an accident after suffering from a small minimum wage at a medium-sized clothing company in Korea. She was reborn in a medieval country ruled by Queen Cecia. Yuri vowed to revolutionize the outdated clothing dilemma, so she dressed up as a man and worked as a designer at the top of the continent's highest court to do easy business. But... what happens when Ennon discover's Yuri's true identity...?

The Villainess Is Shy in Receiving Affection (Spygetti X Dulcetflo)
The Villainess Is Shy in Receiving Affection (Spygetti X Dulcetflo)류희온 / ryu hion

Suatu hari, Ibuku yang jahat membawa seorang gadis. Dia adalah putri tersembunyi Duke, Loretta, pemeran utama wanita dari [Empat Anak Duke]. Aku Melody, penjahat yang dihukum bersama ibuku karena merundungnya. Aku tidak ingin mati seperti itu, jadi aku harus memperlakukannya dengan baik sekarang. Aku menyuapi Loretta, menidurkannya, dan bermain dengannya. Kemudian tanggapannya adalah…? "Kuharap Melody menikahi Loretta!" Rentetan kasih sayang yang tak berujung membuatku bergabung dengannya kembali ke duke dan dia berkata, "Aku akan tetap dekat dengan Nona Melody." Pernahkah kau bertemu seseorang yang 'Menjadi bodoh untuk Melody' lebih dari dia? Mengapa aku dicintai padahal aku hanya cukup baik untuk membuat diriku hidup dengan damai….!

Counter Offensive «Official»
Counter Offensive «Official»Rando|Ghost

Heesuh hates Jinmoo, always has and always will. However, his plan to destroy Jinmoo’s life flops because instead of humiliating Jinmoo, the pair spends a passionate night together. Jinmoo wants to take responsibility for his drunk actions, and Heesuh is definitely only dating him for another shot at revenge because there is no way Heesuh is falling for his sexy, sexy enemy.

I'm the Most Beautiful Count
I'm the Most Beautiful Countยืนกินปากกาที่ท่าพระ

Prince adalah aktor terkenal yang meraih kesuksesan di industri hiburan setelah menyatakan bahwa dia adalah LGBTQIA+, tetapi tidak lama setelah mencapai puncak tertinggi di industri tersebut, dia tiba-tiba terbangun di tubuh orang asing yang cantik dan merupakan bangsawan di masa lalu.

Comes In Threes 〘Official〙
Comes In Threes 〘Official〙Gyulrock

Three can be a tricky number: some say all good things come in threes, while others say it’s a crowd. Yoo Joon is pretty sure it’s the latter. Ever since he laid eyes on his classmate Pyo Jong-oh, the wimpy and sickly Yoon has been bitten by the lovebug. Tall and dark, with the perfect personality and a banging body to boot, there’s seemingly nothing wrong with his upperclassman - except for the fact that he’s best friends with Seong Ah-in, Joon’s former friend-turned-rival. Wherever Jong-oh goes, Ah-in is sure to follow. But if Yoon is to have a chance of getting closer to the man of his dreams, he’ll have to put up with it…for now. When the three head off on an overnight trip, Jong-oh and Yoon are finally separated from Ah-in, giving the bumbling Yoon a chance to make his move. Will this finally be the opportunity for Yoon to find love, touch, and companionship? Or will it leave him unfulfilled, heart-broken, and alone?

Operation True Love |Cont. By RHEA|
Operation True Love |Cont. By RHEA|

Apa yang akan kau lakukan di saat kala kau dapat melihat jumlah cinta yang bisa di dapatkan oleh orang-orang di sekitarmu? Dan yang lebih parahnya, kau tidak dii takdirkan untuk dicintai?!

Trapped as an NPC in a Cursed Game [Harper Group Version]
Trapped as an NPC in a Cursed Game [Harper Group Version]Gwon gyeoeul

I'm going to live a normal life! ...said Shari Azriel, the apothecary of the Dover village. Then one day, I realised that I possessed an NPC in a video game! I've been locked up here for two years, and I only just noticed. If I can't get out of the game... "A, in their 20's, was found starved to death while playing VR games." This could be what I'm remembered as! "I have to get out!" However, it was too late when I came to the realisation that... I can't log out because of an error! That means, the only way out would be approaching the male lead, "The Lord of Nightmares", and helping his comrades defeat the final villain. So I have no choice but to wait until the game ends... The difficulty level, the story, the likelihood of failure in such a heinous game, a game that nobody won before... "The Lord of Nightmares has a strong urge to kill you." Somehow, I believe that dying by the male lead's hands would be faster.

The Alpha Agenda «Official»
The Alpha Agenda «Official»Tr

Jaehee’s always prided himself on being a reasonable alpha. All that pheromone nonsense between alphas and omegas? Ruts? Heats? He thinks it primitive, and considers his two-year long relationship with the beta Yeowoon as true, pure love. But all that comes to a screeching halt when he finds himself stuck on a bus with an older omega going through heat. After one night of passion(and infidelity) with the said omega, Jaehee finds himself tormented. He’d always thought himself as a nice guy above all that alpha stuff, so what is he to do now? Jaehee knew that night would be the ruin of him but he didn’t know just how much, until he comes across the same omega on campus…

Guro Gyaru ni natta kara Shinyuu to Yatte mita. 〘Official〙
Guro Gyaru ni natta kara Shinyuu to Yatte mita. 〘Official〙Yupopo orishima

"But I'm getting pretty excited, thinking about doing a female Shion." I'm dripping wet down there, thanks to my best friend's touch... Has he always been so good at sex...!!? Genderbending BL romance with a man turning into a cute gyaru.


Legria adalah seorang pendeta muda yang telah dipanggil ke dunia fantasi di mana dia harus melahirkan seorang ksatria suci yang akan menyelamatkan kerajaan dari kehancuran. Namun, dia segera menyadari bahwa takdirnya tidak sesederhana kelihatannya. Dia menjadi incaran empat pria kuat dan berbahaya, yang mempunyai rencana berbeda untuknya. Salah satunya adalah putra mahkota, yang menginginkannya sebagai istri penggantinya. Yang lainnya adalah pemimpin guild pembunuh, yang menginginkan dia sebagai kekasihnya. Yang ketiga adalah komandan para ksatria suci, yang melihatnya sebagai miliknya. Dan yang keempat adalah prajurit terkuat dari suku dataran, yang memperlakukannya sebagai temannya. Legria harus menghadapi cobaan, perasaan, dan rahasianya, sambil berusaha melepaskan diri dari cengkeraman pria-pria yang membuatnya tidak bisa melarikan diri.

Monster Male Lead Tinggal di Bawah Kasurku ⋞ Pixies X JIMINWIFE X Spygetti ⋟
Monster Male Lead Tinggal di Bawah Kasurku ⋞ Pixies X JIMINWIFE X Spygetti ⋟Yo ro-eun

Aku mendapatkan slime sebagai hadiah dari kakak laki-lakiku yang maniak perang. Aku memutuskan untuk menyimpannya di bawah tempat tidur dan membesarkannya diam-diam. Tapi itu monster… "Myuu." Setiap hari aku berbicara tentang segala macam rahasia kepada teman pertamaku. Semuanya dari fakta bahwa aku adalah orang yang kerasukan dan isi dari cerita aslinya. "Sebenarnya, tempat ini adalah novel roman miskin emas ke-19. Pemeran utama pria benar-benar hebat." "Myu." "Seberapa tinggi air itu……" Mendengar kata-kataku, tubuh biru slime berubah menjadi merah. Sepertinya semakin besar seiring berjalannya waktu…… Apakah ini slime sungguhan? Namun, rasa ingin tahu dan kecurigaan tidak berlangsung lama. Karena ayahku membunuh slime. **** Beberapa tahun kemudian, seperti di cerita aslinya, aku menikah dengan pemeran utama pria, Grand Duke Ruslan. Aku akan pergi pada waktu yang tepat sebagai mantan istri pria itu, tapi…… "Kudengar kamu suka dipenjara." …… Aneh? Kapan aku melakukan itu?! "Saya tidak berniat untuk menjadi pasangan resmi. Tentu saja, saya akan melakukan tugas saya sebagai pasangan suami istri." Dia mengelus rahangku dan berbisik dengan lembut. "Karena kamu mengatakan bahwa kamu suka bunyi-'bip', mari kita mulai dengan itu." Bahkan sampai mengetahui seleraku yang buruk. Aku tidak menyadarinya karena aku terlalu bingung. Dari tangan yang memegang daguku, rasa dingin yang lembut dan anehnya rasa itu familiar!

Be Quiet and Don't Even Smile in the Office {VIVIAN}
Be Quiet and Don't Even Smile in the Office {VIVIAN}김차차

Nayul benar-benar merasa ingin mati akhir-akhir ini. Beban kerja yang bahkan kami bertiga awalnya berat, pasca-pemrosesan kecelakaan yang dialami junior setiap saat... “… Sijin Kwon... .” anak anjing… Sijin Kwon. Dia adalah manusia yang sangat manja. Manusia lusuh yang mengucapkan kata-kata lusuh dengan kemanusiaan lusuh. Seseorang yang paling tahu apa artinya menginjak-injak karakter dan martabat orang lain dengan kata-kata. Dan hari ini, berkat manusia sialan itu... Nayul mengertakkan gigi dan menatap layar komputer yang telah dibekukan selama 10 menit. Sudah jam 11. Ini jam 11 malam pada hari Jumat malam. Mengikuti cahaya yang mulai muncul di kejauhan, dia masuk ke kamar CEO Kwon Si-jin, berjalan seolah-olah hanya memiliki dendam dan insting. “CEO, saya rasa ini tidak benar." "Direktur, apakah kamu baik-baik saja?" Tatapan mata bertemu di udara, nafas panas terjalin dengan nafas dingin. Waktu terhenti. Membiarkan Nayul yang berselisih dengan bos mesumnya yang masturbasi saat shift malam, apa adanya.

I Got Married to a Beast Duke [Mellia24]
I Got Married to a Beast Duke [Mellia24]

PJ review, setelah 1 bulan akan di lakukan evaluasi. kalau cocok lanjut... #note : chp 5-6 nyusul. =======/////summary\\\\======= Duke of staton, seorang pria lajang dengan rumor buruk di sekitarnya. Bertubuh besar, tinggi dan menakutkan. Dia adalah binatang buas yang siap menerkam siapa saja. Dan bagian terburuknya, pria itu... akan menjadi suamiku hari ini!

I Thought My Time Was Up
I Thought My Time Was UpHyeyong

Lariette, putri Duke Blanche, yang didiagnosis dengan batas hidup tiga bulan. Dia memutuskan untuk melakukan apapun yang dia inginkan dan menulisnya dalam DAFTAR KEINGINAN. Salah satunya, berpacaran dengan pria tampan. Duke Asrahan Candel, monster dan iblis perang menjadi target Lariette sambil melakukan pemurnian kutukan bau kematian yang melekat pada pria berwajah tampan itu.

Hair-Raising Desires 〘Official〙
Hair-Raising Desires 〘Official〙Chaegoo

Hong Danwoo, a man in his 20s with wild hair, has been avoiding hair salons for years due to a private secret – having his head touched tends to raise his "other head." However, when his boss asks him to tidy up his appearance, Danwoo can no longer avoid the salons. When he reluctantly steps into one, he encounters the strikingly attractive stylist, Taehan. As the man trims his unruly mop, Danwoo quickly gets turned on. And with his huge secret out, Danwoo finds both his hair and body tangled in quite a mess!


Cha Soo-hyuk, tiran yang mengelola ruang gawat darurat anak di Rumah Sakit Universitas S dan pilih-pilih terhadap semua orang kecuali pasiennya, mempunyai satu masalah: makanan tidak sesuai dengan seleranya karena dia baru saja tiba di Korea. dalam perjalanan pulang kerja, enak Dipandu oleh baunya, saya menemukan sebuah restoran kotak makan siang yang terlihat agak hangat. “Jika Anda makan sesuatu dan rasanya tidak enak atau Anda keracunan makanan, mengeluhlah. Anda tahu di mana tokonya, bukan? “Saya Lee Yoon-ah, CEO dari .” Soo-hyuk menatap curiga ke arah Yoon-ah, yang memberinya sandwich potongan daging babi untuk saya cicipi, mengatakan bahwa tidak ada sisa kotak makan siang. “Tapi saya jamin, kamu akan menjadi pelanggan tetapku." Seperti yang diyakinkan Yoon-ah, dia menjadi pelanggan tetapnya, dan dia telah menjadi pelanggan tetap selama tiga hari. Dia tidak hanya memesan bekal makan siang, tapi dia terus menuju ke toko untuk menemui wanita yang memberinya makan... …

Quiet in the Office!
Quiet in the Office!Chacha kim

[Mature Audiences Only] There's no such thing as work-life balance for poor Nayul, thanks to her evil boss, Sijin. Not only does he make her work overtime constantly, but she's also dumped by her boyfriend because of it. Fed up with Sijin's demonic ways, Nayul storms to his office to complain... and finds him jerking off! Though the sight is initially grotesque, Nayul finds herself oddly turned on. Somehow, she ends up banging her boss on his desk, which leads to an irritating yet steamy colleagues-with-benefits relationship. But how long can Nayul keep this shameful secret from her prying ex and gossipy coworkers?

I Will Become the Villain's Poison Taster
I Will Become the Villain's Poison TasterNemolaming

I, an innocent office worker, possessed the devastating novel "The Poisoned Apple". On top of that, I’m Giselle Lloydsvin, a villainess who gets poisoned to death before being hanged! But the poison brought by the assassins doesn't work? It even tastes like fruit! “You’ll be okay since it’s only a little bit, so hurry and drink it.” …Even though I possessed someone, it seems my destiny is to be tormented by a crazy assassin. However, “Leniel”, who I thought was just a crazy assassin, turns out to be the frontman for the final villain, “Wayne Ayore”?! In order to hold onto this lifeline, I clung to the villain in "The Poisoned Apple". “I can distinguish the taste of poison.” “Poison?” “Yes.” “What use is that?” “Your boss is going to be poisoned, so I can be his poison taster.” And so, I thought I could survive well as a general store employee of the villain’s frontman(?)... “My boss is so strong to the point that there’s something suspicious about him!” …Why does it feel like I’m doomed in this life too?

The Empress Wants To Avoid the Emperor
The Empress Wants To Avoid the EmperorKongdanggeun|Nutella

When Louise realizes that all she’ll get in return for slaving away for an incompetent emperor is an early grave, she decides to ditch her role as empress, get a job within the palace, and finally earn a steady paycheck. However, her husband is ousted from the throne overnight and replaced with his long-lost brother, Regan. Just when Louise is about to celebrate her divorce, Regan announces that he’ll keep Louise as his empress. She tells Regan that she’d rather be his subordinate than his woman, but this new villainous employer tells her to be both!

Sepertinya Aku Telah Bertransmigrasi Ke Suatu Tempat ⧼ Rescans ⧽
Sepertinya Aku Telah Bertransmigrasi Ke Suatu Tempat ⧼ Rescans ⧽Dalbicho|Gb

Aku yang sangat suka novel genre fantasy romantis tiba-tiba isekai ke dunia novel. 'Tapi di novel mana aku isekai?' Kalau ku ingat-ingat lagi aku sudah baca puluhan novel tentang pelayan berambut coklat, atau gadis cantik dari selatan yang menikahi duke dingin dari utara, aku juga baca beberapa novel yang ML nya black hair dan FL pirang. “Tunggu dulu, emangnya aku beneran isekai jadi FL?” “Nggak, bisa aja ini bukan novel genre romantis kan?” “Dimana aku? Siapa aku?” Gimana jadinya kalau kamu isekai ke dalam novel tapi nggak ingat di novel mana kamu isekai? Ini adalah kisah FL yang berusaha bertahan hidup sambil menebak insiden insiden klise! Yang nggak punya humor jauh-jauh ya, pokoknya udah ku peringatin kalau MC nya di luar prediksi BMKG, by the way FL di sini kerasukan reader tantrum!

We Got Ourselves Stuck Inside an Adult Fantasy Novel ⟬CARRYBEANA⟭
We Got Ourselves Stuck Inside an Adult Fantasy Novel ⟬CARRYBEANA⟭

Hanya ada begitu banyak yang bisa diambil dari temannya yang memekik tentang novel fantasi roman klise lainnya. Tapi klise terbesar dari semuanya terjadi ketika Jiwon dan Yein bereinkarnasi dengan Sihyeon dalam cerita yang sangat terobsesi dengan teman mereka! Meskipun Tuhan telah memanggil mereka ke dunia baru ini untuk menyelamatkannya dari malapetaka yang akan datang, ketiga wanita itu punya rencana lain. Jiwon ingin memberontak melawan istana kekaisaran, Sihyeon diikat secara romantis dengan putra mahkota, dan Yein benar-benar sibuk mengikat mainan anak laki-laki barunya yang patuh…

☂︎GOBY☂︎ Berikan Aku Empeng Itu!
☂︎GOBY☂︎ Berikan Aku Empeng Itu!Ja eunhyang

Dikhianati oleh rekan saya yang paling tepercaya, saya dibuang.  Aku memejamkan mata saat aku bersumpah untuk membalas dendam, jadi kenapa aku menjadi anak Duke of the Empire of Heiron, yang bertentangan dengan Cillophia? Masalahnya adalah… “Abu!” “Ah, itu benar-benar menjengkelkan.  Terus gigit dotmu.” Mataku melebar saat aku mengisap dot secara refleks. 'Apa yang baru saja saya lakukan?' Apakah otak saya telah diisi dengan air dan lari karena dot? Bahkan tanpa dot, saya benar-benar menjadi bayi yang baru lahir dengan kepala penuh bunga. Ini adalah noda terbesar dalam kehidupan Sorceress Hella. 'Karena sudah menjadi seperti ini, maka saya hanya akan mencuri beberapa rahasia dan kembali.' Saya harus tidak diperhatikan dan dirahasiakan! Hari ini juga, Celina merangkak mati-matian di antara pilar dan pepohonan. “Itu… Anak siapa itu?  Siapa yang merawat anak seperti itu?” Raungan marah bergema di belakangnya, tetapi itu bukan urusan Celina.

A Forest Flowing with Milk and Honey ⟬CARRYBEANA⟭
A Forest Flowing with Milk and Honey ⟬CARRYBEANA⟭

Direktur Konstruksi Baekmu dan Penjabat Ketua. Woo-rim telah menyelamatkannya beberapa kali sejak dia masih kecil. Manusia bagaikan binatang buas yang mempunyai indera yang baik dan pandai berburu. Semangatnya ganas dan kuat, dan bahkan roh pendendam yang perkasa pun tidak bisa mendekatinya. * Protagonis wanita: Baek Woo-rim (24) Cucu dari pendiri Baek Moo Construction, Ketua Baek. Barang-barang berkualitas buruk sering kali diputarbalikkan. Dia percaya dan memiliki cinta tak berbalas kepada Tae-o, yang telah merawat dan melindunginya dari kecelakaan yang terus-menerus terjadi. Saya jujur ​​​​tentang keinginan saya. Ketika susunya menggumpal, dia meminta bantuan Tae-oh.

A Princess Who Reads Fortune [NAO x Mellia24]
A Princess Who Reads Fortune [NAO x Mellia24]

Aktor papan atas Lee Sia mempunyai kemampuan melihat hantu. Setelah kecelakaan itu, dia terbangun di tubuh 'Camilla Sorpel'. Masalahnya adalah. "Oh ayah! Tolong bantu aku!" Akhir dari wanita ini adalah kematian setiap saat! Karena meningkatkan jumlah nyawa adalah prioritas, haruskah kita ngobrol dulu dengan hantu di sini? Oh, tapi kenapa ada orang yang ingin menghindari godaan!?

Friends Don't Do This!【VIORCHE】
Friends Don't Do This!【VIORCHE】

"Nih segepok uang, kamu butuh uang kan? Jadi, putus lah dengan Carsion!" "Kami nggak kencan, cuma temenan." "Jadi, apa mulai sekarang saya boleh memutuskan pertemanan dengan Carsion?" Duchess berdiri kaget dari kursinya. Wah, apa dia akan menamparku? Apa dia akan mengguyurku air? "Lulus!" "....Apa?" Astaga, reaksinya sungguh nggak terduga.

The Spooky Love Tale of Gongchan Seol
The Spooky Love Tale of Gongchan SeolYse

Hantu itu tidak nyata... kan? Gongchan memiliki imajinasi liar sebagai penulis novel horor dengan bakat untuk mengubah kehidupan duniawinya menjadi cerita hantu yang mengerikan. Hantu-hantu ini hanya hidup di kepalanya... sampai dia bertemu Youngmin, seorang pria yang dihantui oleh hantu supernatural dalam novel Gongchan! Dengan segala sesuatu di sekitarnya yang tiba-tiba berubah menjadi kekacauan yang menakutkan, apakah cinta Gongchan yang tumbuh pada Youngmin menjadi alasan mengapa jantungnya berdebar kencang? Atau apakah itu hantu berdarah di belakangnya?

Can't Think Straight
Can't Think StraightPangin

Teman sekamar Han Garam kasar, tidak pengertian, dan…oke, benar-benar tipenya. Tapi setelah mendengar dia berbicara tentang betapa dia membenci kaum gay, Garam tahu dia perlu membalas dendam, dan cara apa yang lebih baik selain menonton film porno gay di ranjang pria lain! Itu akan menjadi rencana yang sempurna, jika saja dia tidak tertangkap basah oleh si homofobia yang mengamuk, Yoon Jaehyuk. Jaehyuk muak dengan apa yang dilihatnya tetapi, karena RA menolak untuk membiarkan dia beralih, dia tidak punya pilihan selain mencoba dan memaksa Garam untuk pindah sendiri. Tampaknya tujuan tersebut dapat dicapai, hingga suatu malam penuh gairah yang tak terduga membuat dunia Jaehyuk berantakan. Tentu, dia pasti masih ingin Garam pergi, tapi…kenapa dia tidak bisa berhenti memikirkannya?!

Four's a Crowd
Four's a CrowdTass

Living alone is tough, as it is... Living with a roommate could bring occasional problems... What if you bring three, four into the mix...?

You Awakened while I Was Dead (moondae_puppy)
You Awakened while I Was Dead (moondae_puppy)자요

Saya memiliki pemeran tambahan yang meninggal segera setelah pekerjaan asli dimulai, saya adalah pemandu pahlawan yang tidak kompeten, hanya sampai saya mati, pemeran utama pria akan bertemu dengan pemandu barunya, pemeran utama wanita, agar tidak menyimpang dari pekerjaan aslinya, saya berpura-pura mati setelah mengonsumsi bunga beracun yang membuat Anda koma, tetapi- "Pemandu saya tidak bernapas lagi."......? "Siapa yang bisa menghentikanku? "Pemeran utama pria terbangun dan mengamuk? Anda terbangun setelah mengira saya mati? Kau tidak mungkin terbangun seperti ini....!*** "Kau meninggalkanku?" Bliss mencemooh surat pengunduran diri Shana. "Apakah ini lelucon baru?" "Tidak. Kamu tidak butuh pemandu lagi jadi aku ......." "Shana," Bliss memanggilnya dengan suara lembut namun tegas. "Kau bisa mengolok-olokku, kau bisa menipuku seperti orang bodoh, atau kau bisa mempermainkanku sesuka hatimu. Jadi jangan pernah bercanda dengan mencoba meninggalkanku." Bliss berbisik pada Shana dengan senyum indah yang terlihat seperti lukisan. "Aku tidak bisa membiarkannya."

Ngumpetin Fandom
Ngumpetin Fandom양과람

Bereinkarnasi menjadi sebuah novel di mana karakter favorit saya bernafas dan hidup. Keindahan yang diklaim sebagai yang terindah di benua ini. Permata yang paling disayangi oleh Kaisar. Ratu dari lingkaran sosial. Bom waktu dari Istana Kekaisaran. Saya menjadi Putri Agnes Saint, yang memiliki semua gelar dan deskripsi ini! Memang menyenangkan berasal dari keluarga kerajaan yang kaya, tapi... Seperti Draco Malfoy yang menghina para Muggle di Harry Potter, masalahnya adalah 'aku' adalah bajingan hina yang menghina integritas karakter favoritku. Lebih buruk lagi, dia putus asa karena berpacaran dengan pria lain. "Karakter favorit saya adalah Kylo, saingan pemeran utama pria, dan sekarang saya telah bereinkarnasi sebagai penggemar berat pemeran utama pria... Tapi sekarang sudah sampai pada tahap ini... Saya akan, dengan segala cara, dengan cara apa pun yang memungkinkan, mencegah kematian karakter favorit saya dan membuka jalan bunga untuknya! Tapi jika saya tiba-tiba mengungkapkan diri saya sebagai penggemar Kylo, semua orang akan mengira saya sudah gila. Kylo sendiri akan menduga saya adalah wanita gila. Saya tidak ingin bayi kucing saya, Kylo, terkejut dengan cara apa pun. Jadi untuk saat ini, saya harus menyembunyikan rasa sayang yang menyakitkan ini. Ditambah lagi, mengungkapkan fandom Anda tidak akan ada gunanya. Jadi untuk saat ini, aku akan dengan sempurna...Menyembunyikannya.

Muhyeok X Naui
Muhyeok X NauiGimmgim

Naui's nights have been disturbed for a month by the moaning sounds coming from his neighbor living in room 302. He was planning to confront the man living next door but he turns out to be a tall, tattooed and scary guy. His neighbor, Muhyeok, mistakes Naui for a package thief and catches him with a dildo. "Naui-ssi, should we use the dildo?" What the hell is he talking about?!

Not Just Anybody Can Become a Villainess [LS Comic]
Not Just Anybody Can Become a Villainess [LS Comic]Jeongdeun

A girl from the modern world transmigrated into the body of Nivea Herbert, the main character of the fantasy novel she was reading.

BELOVED IN-LAWS❤️ {GIYU}Taesojeong >

Reina, putri kedua dari keluarga bangsawan yang bangkrut. Meskipun dia mengabdikan dirinya untuk keluarganya, reina, yang akhirnya menikah seolah-olah dia dijual ke seorang viscount, berpikir bahwa kehidupan yang lebih menyedihkan akan menunggunya. sampai dia bertemu mereka! "Kamu suka memanggilku yang mana? Abonim, aboji, appa. Aku suka yang terakhir...tidak terdengar seperti Viscount!" "Jika kamu tidak ingin melakukannya, kamu tidak harus melakukannya. Jika kamu ingin melakukan sesuatu, jangan ragu untuk mempelajarinya." : Akankah Reina bisa bahagia dengan keluarga barunya?


500 tahun yang lalu, setelah penciptaan dunia manusia di perbatasan dengan dunia iblis, dunia manusia dan dunia iblis bertempur di tanah. Dan seiring berjalannya waktu, seorang putri, keturunan pahlawan, lahir di kerajaan. Namun, sang putri yang dipilih oleh Pedang Suci adalah seorang tiran dengan kekuatan yang sangat besar… Secara harfiah, ada desas-desus bahwa dia mengenakan baju besi dan menjelajahi medan perang, mengayunkan pedangnya jika itu tidak cukup baik, dan bahkan menggunakan punggung orang lain untuk menumpu kakinya. Lalu suatu hari, krisis menimpa istana kerajaan yang tenang. Sang putri yang berjalan-jalan untuk menaklukkan setan mengenakan gaun untuk pertama kalinya dan memasuki istana. "Ayah, aku ingin menikah!" Bajingan malang macam apa yang bisa ditangkap putri malang ini? "Dia Raja Iblis!" Akankah kerajaan dapat menjaga perdamaian dengan aman?

No to Office Romance! ⟦Alicehug⟧
No to Office Romance! ⟦Alicehug⟧Dooboo

Apakah cinta pertama itu penting? Jika kita bertemu cinta pertama itu saat dewasa, apakah kita masih merasakan kupu-kupu? Dengan cinta pertama yang merupakan seorang teman yang juga merupakan rekan kerja, di balik hubungan yang berkembang secara terbalik ini terdapat keyakinan sebenarnya dari "No to Office Romance!" Dooboo dari bertemu Namsoo dari ! Ahli romansa bergabung untuk menghadirkan komedi romantis ini!

A Vacation With Passionate Kisses
A Vacation With Passionate KissesNagi otonashi

Jun, the sucessor of a rich family from Tokyo visits Okinawa in the middle of summer to attend a wedding ceremony. However, his father who was supposed to be waiting for him at the venue abandons him, leaving him a letter that says "Work hard at this inn"...!! As Jun is wandering about under the blazing sun, Natsumi, a handsome guy, offers to take him to the inn. As it turns out, he actually works there. Jun's heart starts racing when he hears that that they're going to live under the same roof and work together. "Well, you had this longing expression", Natsumi says after his hot tongue found its way inside his mouth.

A Playthrough of a Certain Dude’s VRMMO Life (Official)
A Playthrough of a Certain Dude’s VRMMO Life (Official)Howahowa shiina

An adventure manga about an ordinary middle-aged man leisurely enjoying his VRMMO sandbox game! --- A new type of VRMMO called “One More Free Life Online” is out. He logs in as a young boy avatar called “Earth.” Taichi Tanaka (38, single) has a regular office job and enjoys playing video games in his free time. In a world where the player is free to do as they wish, he decides to master a skill that’s been deemed to be useless! He makes potions that are too much of a hassle to make, cooks food that is excessively too good, and uses bizarre original weapons to hunt monsters...

Point of No Return
Point of No ReturnInuoka nii

Ao, with a cool and kind personality, is known as the most handsome prince in school. His childhood friend Haru, is one year older than him. However, Ao, who's secretly in love with Haru, feels lonely because they're in different grades. Meanwhile, summer vacation begins, and when the two boys are curious about a kissing scene they see on TV; Haru suddenly blurts out, "I wonder what kissing feels like?''... Their relationship begins to change.

Just Divine!
Just Divine!Move

Mooksan has done anything and everything for treasure - from murder to theft, nothing is off the docket. So when he is given the opportunity to ascend to the divine realm of The Great Beyond, the ruffian has the chance to pull off a heist that will guarantee him the fortune of a lifetime. But as he begins to grow closer to the naively innocent Cheong-yeon - sole demigod child of The Great Beyond’s ruler - the once fearsome bandit may discover that the greatest treasure of all is right before his eyes...and can only be stolen away with a kiss.

May I Ask for One Final Thing? [Official]
May I Ask for One Final Thing? [Official]Nana otori

In the middle of a ball, Scarlet's fiancé, Kyle, suddenly calls off their engagement. She's falsely accused of being a bully and people unfairly call her a "Villainess." The aristocrats and noble families all denounce her. For years, she had to put up with his abuse and idiocy, but she can't take anymore of it! At her wit's end, she asks for one last favor; to give him a good fist in the face. So begins Scarlet's story of revenge against Kyle and his cronies! A fantasy about an elegant yet rebellious fighter, who doesn't let anyone take advantage of her!!


New manga

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Magetsukan Kitan
Magetsukan KitanIogi juichi

Koudaira Yuuhei has had trouble finding an apartment, mostly because he doesn’t have a lot of money. When one rental agent agrees to take him to a cheap place he knows, he’s a little freaked out by the garlic necklace the man wears, but he goes anyway, and falls almost instantly for the landlady, a pretty young woman named Touno Tsukiko.

Only One (MOEGI Yuu)
Only One (MOEGI Yuu)

A collection of short stories: 1. Only You Accused of being a molester, Mochizuki gets saved by the gentlemanly Nagakura, and their friendship begins... 2. Only One Following his divorce and subsequent loss of his apartment, Mochizuki moved in with Nagakura though they've barely been together for two weeks. A problem soon arises when Nagakura's colleague, Hayami, appears on the scene. Apparently Hayami is an ex-student of Mochizuki's. Just why has his appearance caused a sudden rift between the two lovers? 3. The Gentle Distance Having grown up with a pair of brothers from next door, he slowly discovers his attachment to the younger brother... Could it be love? And what is this niggling feeling he feels for the older brother? 4. Mousou Prize! (The Delusionary Prize!) Shino has quite a crush on his cute tutor Akio. Akio promises Shino a reward if he can do well on his mock exams but what kind of reward is the student expecting? Will the tutor be forced to pay up? 5. 17-sai no Paradox (A 17-Year-Old Paradox) Kuroe is annoyed by his always-smiling teacher, Mizushiro. "So you treat all your students equally? So annoying!" Kuroe passes his boiling point and decides to take action in this ardent and thrilling school romance. 6. Extras Mizushiro tries to get Kuroe to say those magic words.

Magical Trans!
Magical Trans!Kashii yutaka

Minami-kun spots a poster recruiting new members for the Magical Girl Club. Thinking "Cosplay cuties woohoo!" he decides to join... What the hell!? It's not cosplay—we actually become magical girls??A slice of life love-comedy revolving around magical girls and slippery slopes.Originally found on MinComi: @yutakashii Pixiv:

Never Give Up!
Never Give Up!Mutou hiromu

A dad that's a professional model passed on his stunning male looks to his only child, Kiri...but unfortunately, that Kiri is a girl! Tohya Enishi, the love of her life, decides to be a male model, so Kiri fakes her gender and becomes a male model alongside him. But things get really complicated when others start to fall for Kiri and her male alter ego! 

Our Alliance - A Lasting Partnership
Our Alliance - A Lasting Partnership

The US military is to use manga-style comics to teach Japanese children about the two countries' security alliance. Four comics featuring a Japanese girl and a visiting US boy. In it the young girl, Arai Anzu - which sounds like alliance when pronounced by a Japanese person - asks the boy, Usa-kun - a play on USA - why he is protecting her house. "Because we have an alliance," he says. "We are 'Important Friends'." "It's good to have a friend you can rely on to go with you," the little girl concludes.

Otona Ni Nuts
Otona Ni Nuts

From Tokyopop: Natsumi Kawashima, an energetic fifth-grader, is obsessed with her fantasy of being the ideal, sexy woman. Rejected at every advance by the cute guys that she fawns over, she finally gets a break when she picks up a package of mysterious pink nuts that are adults only. Eating these nuts causes her to morph into a voluptuous adult, and she's offered modeling opportunities and suddenly becomes noticed by guys who wouldn't have given her the time of day before. But, she's still a kid inside and is about to learn that things don't always work out exactly as you hope they will...

MajorMitsuda takuya

Shigeharu Honda is a Japanese League batter on the rise. His son Goro is a Little League pitcher who one day hopes to follow in his father's footsteps. Momoko Hoshino, Goro's schoolteacher, is the first woman Shigeharu has been interested in since the death of Goro's mother. The destinies of these three individuals will become intertwined as father and son experience both heartbreak and triumph on the baseball diamond. But when an unspeakable tragedy visits the family, it will take everything they have to pick up the pieces and reclaim their dreams.Won the 41st Shogakukan Manga Award in the Shounen category.

Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! - Usagi no Mark
Papa no Iukoto o Kikinasai! - Usagi no Mark

The younger of three sisters, Miu Takanashi, is an energetic and good-natured 3 year old. The three sisters lost their parents in a plane accident. They now live with their 19-year old uncle, who is struggling to keep the family united and happy... and little Hina brings her happy mood to brighten the darker days. This spin-off story is parallel to the main series.

Marmalade Boy
Marmalade BoyYoshizumi wataru

All Miki Koishikawa wanted was an ordinary family and that's exactly what she had until her parents decided to move in with another couple (as in switching spouses!) and turned Miki's world upside down. Now she lives in a house with four parents and her totally cute stepbrother, Yuu. It's bad enough being brought into her parents' strange soap opera, but Miki will star in a soap of her own as she deals with friends having affairs, trying to survive in school and ending up torn between her long-time crush, Ginta, and her new stepbrother!Sequel:>Marmalade Boy Little( )

Papa To Arukou
Papa To Arukou

Eight years have passed since Haruna, once a child genius, quit university and became a poor detective. Haruna's uncle suddenly visits with a job for him--to take care of a child helper-robot, A-3. Will A-3 help Haruna find what is missing from his life?

Ninja Slayer Setsu
Ninja Slayer SetsuBradley bond

Ninja... Ninja were... merciless demi-gods, ruling Japan with their karate in the age of ninja tranquility. But, some committed a forbidden form of hara-kiri storing their souls at Kinkaku Temple for future resurrection. Their lost history was falsified and concealed and the truth about these ninja was long forgotten. Now, in the future where the universalization of cynbernetic technology and electronic networks are God, suddenly, sinister ninja souls, resurrected from thousands of years past are unleashed on the dark shadows of Neo-Saitama. Fujikido Kenji, is a salaryman whose wife and child were killed in a ninja turf war. In a brush with his own death, Fujikido is possessed by an enigmatic ninja soul. Fujikido cheats death and becomes Ninja Slayer. A Grim Reaper destined to kill evil ninja, committed to a personal war of vengeance. Set in the dystopian underworld of Neo-Saitama, Ninja Slayer takes on Soukai Syndicate ninjas in mortal combat.

I, The Demon Lord, and the Ring of the Immortal Princess
I, The Demon Lord, and the Ring of the Immortal PrincessKankitsu yusura

Kusumi Chiharu gets a message one day that he has been selected as a Monster/Demon Tamer, and he is prompted to select his first partner. He thinks little of the message until he receives a giant package the following day. He assumes it's the porn books he ordered, but the huge box ends up containing the unconscious body of a mostly naked girl! She's a ghoul named Zonmi, who intends to fight with him as his partner. However, it turns out that other hot girls at his mostly-male high school are also magical creatures, and Zonmi may not be the only one who wants to fight by his side!adaptation of the light novel series written by Kankitsu Yusura with illustrations by Shugasuku

Maria Holic
Maria HolicEndou minari

This is a story about a high school girl who is scared of boys. She enrolls in an all girls school hoping to find a female romantic partner. However, her ideal candidate turns out to be a sadistic cross-dressing boy!

Mashiroiro Symphony
Mashiroiro SymphonyPalette

In all-girl's school is preparing to consolidate with another nearby school, which will make them co-ed. Uryuu Shingo is chosen to be a male 'test student' at the girl's school before they officially merge in the following year. On Shingo's first day, he learns that many of the girls are not happy about the coming merger. Specifically, Sena Airi is staunchly opposed and refuses to welcome him to the school. Some of the other girls are friendly, but Airi has a lot of power over public opinion. The truth is, though, that Shingo has met Airi before. When she and Shingo's little sister got lost, he helped them find their way. Airi seemed to like him then, back when she didn't know he was going to be her new male classmate. Maybe he'll be able to win over Airi, as well as all his other interesting female classmates!This is the official comic based on the game of the same name by Palette.Alternate Stories:> Mashiroiro Symphony -Wind of silk- ( )> Mashiroiro Symphony -Twinkle Moon- ( )

Oyayubi kara Romance
Oyayubi kara Romance

Massage Research Society's high expected star Chiaki is a normal, quiet high-schooler. She immediately wants to massage the guy with the beautiful back who she sees on her bus, then coincidentally at her school. But he just happens to be the school's number one good looking guy Yousuke, who doesn't want anybody to massage him. When Yousuke and Chiaki make a bet, what will happen to them!? (From Shojo Beat) The star of her high school's Massage Research Society club, Chiaki Togu is otherwise a normal, quiet girl until she falls in love at first sight with a gorgeous back--a back that happens to belong to Yosuke, the hottest guy at her school! Unfortunately, Chiaki's attraction to Yosuke is thwarted by her own insecurity and the scheming of other girls--especially her twin sister Saya! Although Yosuke seems out of Chiaki's league, she would do anything to give him a massage. The two eventually strike up a deal in which she will be allowed to touch his back if she can make him fall in love with her. What Chiaki doesn't know is the real reason Yosuke wants to hang around her: to avenge his younger brother, who was allegedly deceived and dumped by somebody named Chiaki Togu!

Pet Shop of Horrors
Pet Shop of Horrors

A smoke-filled alley in Chinatown harbors Count D's Pet Shop. The pets sold here aren't your everyday variety and the Count prides himself on selling Love and Dreams in the form of magical creatures that come with an exclusive contract. But buyers beware. If the contract is broken the Count cannot be held accountable for whatever may happen. A fascinating and macabre look into the very soul of human nature.

Melty Blood
Melty BloodFrench bread|Type-moon

Based on the Doujin Fighting game, Melty Blood, made by the Doujin group, Watanabe Seisakujyo (now known as French Bread). This story is one of two side-story sequels occurring approximately a year after the 'good-ending' story of Arcueid from the original Type-Moon game, Tsukihime.One year has passed since the 'Serial Vampire Homicide case' was solved by the deaths of Nero (Nrvnqsr) Chaos and Roa/SHIKI Tohno. But now the rumors of serial murders are happening again. And so, once again, Shiki Tohno patrols the city to find this phantom killer. On patrol he meets--and fights--a mysterious woman named Sion Eltnam Atlasia; member of the church group 'Alchemist of Atlas', who seek to cure vampirism. But to do so she needs data from Arcueid, the last True Ancestor, to help her in her research. But this won't be easy: Ciel is also patrolling the city looking for the rumored killer, while Akiha has been acting strangely the past few days. Also, Arcueid hasn't been seen for awhile--could she be the killer...?> Sequel to Shingetsutan Tsukihime ( )Related:> Melty Blood ACT:2( )> Melty Blood X( )> Hana no Miyako! ( )

Merry Checker
Merry CheckerSuzuki tsuta

Blogger, Shio, meets up with some friends he met online through his blog. He is going to meet Miya (supposedly female), a blogger he hasn't met yet. He is surprised to find out that Miya is a very tall man who has a very calming effect on others.Adapted from:> Sangen Tonari no Tooi Hito( )

Monaco no Sora e - We Never Stop Boxing
Monaco no Sora e - We Never Stop BoxingNobe toshio

Moe Kare!!
Moe Kare!!Ikeyamada go

Wakamiya Hikaru, an otaku, wants a boy who will protect her. One day, she gets kissed by a beautiful, perverted boy whom she calls the "Perverted Prince." Later on, she meets a guy who looks exactly like him, but their eyes are different. What's happening?! A manga full of twists and turns that will surely leave you wanting more!((ot@kus))Hikaru Wakamiya es una chica de quince años común y corriente, que asiste a una secundaria solo para mujeres... común y corriente, exceptuando el hecho de que es una otaku, cuya pasión en la vida es leer manga, espec? ficamente shōjo.Está tan obsesionada que lo único que hace es soñar con su pr? ncipe azul, al estilo de los manga que lee. Su búsqueda termina cuando un d? a, al regresar a casa, se encuentra con unos chicos que intentan abusar de ella, pero es salvada por "su pr? ncipe", un maravilloso y apuesto chico de ojos azules y cabello negro que va por ah? salvando a las chicas... Gran error.El pr? ncipe le pregunta qué le dará a cambio de haberla salvado y sin previo aviso le roba un beso francés, para luego decirle que es demasiado inexperta, y que ni siquiera tiene buenas proporciones f? sicas, para terminar apodándola "Hiyoko" (pequeño pollito)... as? que el chico pasa a ser el "pr? ncipe pervertido" que Hikaru no desea ver nunca más.Pero sus amigas la convencen de ir a una cita a ciegas y se vuelve a encontrar con el,pero el jura nunca haberla besado,es mas sus ojos son de color cafe......

Ore No Kouhai Ga Konna Ni Kawaii Wake Ga Nai
Ore No Kouhai Ga Konna Ni Kawaii Wake Ga NaiFushimi tsukasa

Manga adaptation based on Kuroneko's story, which starts in the 5th light novel. 

Mosspaca Advertising Department
Mosspaca Advertising DepartmentOld xian|Tan jiu

Gag comic about the artists Tan Jiu and Old Xian.Related:>Tamen de Gushi( )>19 days( )

Othello (Shoujo)
Othello (Shoujo)Ikezawa satomi

Yaya’s high school friends haven’t been very nice. They call her “Yaya the cry-ya! Yaya the misfi-ya!” But no matter how badly they act, Yaya is just too naïve and trusting to believe the worst of her friends. Hard-rocking, butt-kicking Nana is just the girl to grab hold of Yaya’s timid demeanor and turn it upside down. Nana exposes Yaya’s “friends” as slime bags, doles out punishment, and does it all with style. Can there be anything that terminally shy Yaya and hyper-confident Nana have in common? Well, for one thing, they’re the same person. -- Manga Updates 

Momoiro Heaven!
Momoiro Heaven!Yoshino mari

Momoko is not your average high school girl. In order to support her family (her younger brother and her hospitalized mother), she works as a popular author! But she doesn't write just any books, she pens erotic novels! It's quite an exciting job, but for Momoko, it is one of high stress because, you see... she is a virgin! Fortunately she has a great imagination, and does very well for herself and her family. However, because of the nature of her work she must keep it a secret.Momoko's troubles begin when Inui Ranmaru, a popular super model and new transfer student at her school discovers her secret! In order to keep him from telling, Momoko becomes his slave?!

Mutou Black
Mutou BlackNonoue daijirou

Wandering traveler Kurotsuki Yukiji goes from town to town enjoying the women, food, and culture each has to offer. He is the master of the Kurotsuki style martial art where instead of using brute force, it uses the aiki form where you use the opponent’s strength and manipulate their force against them. It focuses on settling the conflict without hurting both sides and harnessing the “bladeless soul.” Yukiji is traveling to perfect this style and trouble usually finds him although going by his outward appearance, he looks like a peace seeking man.The oneshot was released in issue 2012/20 of Weekly Shounen Jump. The serialization for this series begins from issue 24/2013 of Weekly Shounen Jump.

Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~
Mushoku Tensei ~Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu~Rifujin na magonote

A 34-year-old NEET otaku is chased out of his house by his family. This plump, unattractive, and penniless nice-guy virgin finds his life quickly going downhill. In a moment of clarity, he realizes that his life could've unfolded better if he'd been able to get over his past trauma. As he begins to regret his past, he spots three high-school students directly in the path of a runaway truck. Not wanting to be left with further regret, he musters his strength to try and rescue them. Predictably, he loses his own life in the process. When next he opens his eyes, he finds himself reincarnated into a world of swords and magic, as a young Rudeus Greyrat. Born into a new world, with a new lease on life, Rudeus resolves that this time, he'll do what he couldn't; 'To live on seriously,' leaving no regrets. Thus starts the journey of a broken man who yearned to start his life anew.

Ou-sama no Tamago - Delicious Love & Cooking
Ou-sama no Tamago - Delicious Love & CookingHayakawa tomoko

From Entropy: A volume of one-shots from the author of Perfect Girl Evolution. 

Ouji no Kikan
Ouji no KikanJunko

Story 1 (Chapter 1-2) Satake Kou attended the wedding of his sister unknowingly that he will be reunited there with his cousin, Fumihiro, who used to be a very dumb fat guy, then transformed into a charismatic prince! Kou became undeniably self-conscious about this while he is not aware of Fumihiro’s high regards towards him since they were little. And in their reunion, Fumihiro’s admiration has turned into something complex. How would Kou respond to Fumihiro’s feelings? 

Ousama ni Kiss!
Ousama ni Kiss!Sera

From Blissful Sin: On the outskirts of Tokyo, Toubuisazaki High School is known for its mottos of “Yakuza are your friends!” and “Seize the chief’s weakness!” Amidst these scary rumors is the king of the school, high school student Maki: a person with an abrasive personality, who thinks of his classmates as servants. It’s a mystery that Yoshifumi, the school nurse, loves him. As Yoshifumi uses various tactics to draw Maki closer, how does Maki react? …He likes it!

Otonari no Nikushokujuu
Otonari no NikushokujuuHigashino you

From Yaoi Otaku Translation: ...The young ikemen who pretends to be a faithful dog turns out to be a carnivorous beast..!? Shuuji is a salary man, who is a crazy-about-idols otaku. He has always been selfish when it came to his childhood friend, Tomoya. But one day, the always faithful dog, Tomoya, suddenly had his button pushed...! (he seems to be capable of very passionate kisses). However, Shuuji, who always has seen Tomoya as nothing more but a childhood friend, gets the 'doki-doki' thump in his chest ; yet it's because of a male..!? A love case where the ever so submissive, faithful dog turns out to be carnivorous. The start of a new pornographic love~! 

Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-san
Namiuchigiwa no Muromi-sanNajima keiji

Mukojima Takuro is a lonely teenager who spends his time fishing at the pier and, to his incredible surprise, fishes up Muromi, a mermaid. Muromi first off doesn’t realize she's a mermaid until she meets Takuro. Not only that, she is incredibly dense and crazy and has a drinking problem to top it off. Now every time Takuro goes fishing, Muromi appears and makes life interesting for him.

Romansu ni Tsutaete
Romansu ni Tsutaete

4 Stories---- The first and second story have the same heroine. She works at a daycare center or kindergarten, and unknown to her colleagues she used to be a much feared female gang leader. ^-^ Also, the heroine has good vibes about a certain male colleague. One fine day, she meets an ex-male gang leader who knows her past.. and events start unraveling from there. For the second story, it's set in the daycare/kindergarten too. The main character is one of the kids in the kindergarten, and he has a secret which he is afraid to let other people know, especially his beloved teacher (The heroine is his beloved teacher)! Story #3 The main heroine is a 16 year old girl. Her father is a scientist and always invents some weird things.What's more, he claims that he came from another planet! All these drive the poor heroine crazy ^-^ But at least now her love life is going fine.. until the day 2 guys from outer space lands on Earth, wanting to find out more about the 'Love disease'! Perhaps her father has not been lying after all?

Neko Majin
Neko MajinToriyama akira

A short series of one-shot manga chapters by mangaka Akira Toriyama, spanning eight total installments released from 1999-2005. It is most notable for its later portion, Neko Majin Z, which is a self-parody of Dragon Ball, the author's most famous work.The series revolves around the adventures of various characters from the "Neko Majin" race, a group of cats that can use a little bit of magic, but seem to enjoy practical jokes and martial arts even more.

Nagato Yuki-chan no Shoushitsu
Nagato Yuki-chan no ShoushitsuPuyo

The spin-off of "The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi" begins! This time the main heroine is Yuki! The story revolves around Yuki and Kyon, about their school life, their club activities, their comedic schoolmates, and the bits and pieces of romantic times that the two have together!> Spin-Off of Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu(

Near Equal
Near EqualMurata taichi

Tsubaki is her school's most proficient student, is polite, and is absolutely good at everything, and little by little, people are hailing her to be the school's queen.... And she absolutely despises that. She quietly admits to herself that being a "perfect student" is not her real personality, but a clever ruse to become a more likable person.She is, however, still not able to interact normally with students and thus is dissatisfied--a fact that prompts her to follow the advice of a magazine on finding happiness: the magazine states that by meeting your doppelganger, you will achieve long-lasting happiness. Determined, Tsubaki follows the instructions in the magazine and opens up a door that will allow her to meet her doppelganger.......And the one she meets at the other side of the world is not who she was expecting.... Well, it is someone who is strangely identical to her when it comes down to it, but it is also essentially different.

Negative-kun to Positive-kun
Negative-kun to Positive-kunHideyoshico

Extremely negative Fujiwara-kun and overly positive Tachibana-kun are... a couple. While eating lunch hand-in-hand, they have their dates. In the midst of a bustling routine, this duo's carefree tale of love occurs--a small part of which is shared in this book.

Sonna Me de Mite Kure
Sonna Me de Mite KureMoudama chokusen

Fun story about an arrogant, strong-chinned prince type and the shy, quiet object of his affections.

Touhou - Donmeite Uhauha Zaboon (Doujinshi)
Touhou - Donmeite Uhauha Zaboon (Doujinshi)That other crowd (circle)|Yukataro

Nitori seems to be wearing a helmet because she has caught a strange disease. Marisa tries to figure out what’s going on with her.

Zenbu Shiritai
Zenbu ShiritaiMakita nao

This is the debut FC book by Makita Nao. Contains 5 short stories. - I Want to Know Everything♥ I won’t act spoiled with my boyfriend, and I definitely won’t trouble him, either. I’m trying to act like a cool and mature ideal girlfriend, but the truth is, I’m a wholehearted and annoying girl! I can’t tell anyone that I’m stalking my beloved boyfriend!! - Upside Down Honey: Kameyama Chisato is a girl without boyfriend, because of her sadistic personality. While trying to fix it by practicing with a skeleton, a classmate sees her, Kurosawa Akihiro. What will happen to her secret?! And.. will Chisato ever find love?? - Fall, Fall, Rise Michiru is a girl with poor luck when it comes to love. She’s been dumped several times by her boyfriend’s for other girls. During her latest breakup, in her attempt to get over her love she makes as if to commit suicide, however a boy from her school stops her, claiming he’ll introduce her to the best guy on earth. Just who is the best guy on earth and where can be found? Or is he right in front of Michiru’s eyes? [from Starry Heaven] - Tomorrow There Will Be Fireworks Above Tomoe has a dream: to go to the fireworks display during the summer together with the guy she likes. However, she hasn’t found that spark of love at all, at least, not until her childhood friend, Miki, moves back to her school and she meets Kagami through him! She makes the perfect plan to confess to him, but that doesn’t go as well as she had hoped, when Kagami confesses to her that he really likes Tomoe’s best friend, Rikka! Is the friendship ruined between these best friends now? And will Tomoe be able to fulfill her dream of watching the fireworks with someone she loves? [from Starry Heaven] - Super ☆Star There’s a certain group of guys in Kiyoko’s class that stands out, and to her Hoshino stands out the most! In fact, he looks like he’s sparkling. However, he isn’t exactly what he seems to be, when Kiyoko discovers his part time job working at his family’s convenience store! But even in his work clothes, Hoshino is still sparkling to her. But it’s not until Hoshino is confessed to by another girl that Kiyoko truly realizes that even if she’s different from Hoshino’s ideal girl, she still has a chance…but is it too late for her? [from Starry Heaven] 

THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Shuffle!! - Rin-chan Lesson!
THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Shuffle!! - Rin-chan Lesson!Tachi

Original webcomic:> THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Shuffle!! - Anthology> THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Shuffle!! - Cinderella★Egg> THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Shuffle!! - Idol wa Hajimemashita> THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Shuffle!! - Piyoderera> THE iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls Shuffle!! - Uraraka Rhythm(!!&name_cond=c&genres=;e9&genre_cond=and )> Part of THE iDOLM@STER series(;e9&genre_cond=and )

THE iDOLM@STER (Mana)Tatsuya takahashi

Manga adaption of THE iDOLM@STER anime.> Part of THE iDOLM@STER series(;e9&genre_cond=and )

The Chef
The ChefTsurugina mai

Like Black Jack. But with a Chef.Ajizawa is a renowned master chef, but he doesn’t have a restaurant. He is a “fixer”, a man who travels from place to place fixing menus and restaurants much like Gordon Ramsey, and he charges a fortune to do it. If your menu must be perfect to impress a foreign client, a head of state, or just a neighbor, Ajizawa is the man to do it. But why does he do it? Is it only the money, or is his mission much deeper… =====Sequels: The Chef - Shinshou (2004 - 20 Volumes) Chef - Final (2012 - 1 Volume) Chef - Alive (2014)

SukimasukiUnita yumi

Through his hobby, which is exploring (peeping?) through the spaces in-between, Heisaku-kun ends up falling in love with his neighbor, Fumio-chan. However, it turns out that Fumio-chan has also been spying on Heisaku-kun all this time. Will this uncontrollable pair's hidden love ever be realized?from MU

Sweet 16
Sweet 16Yukimaru moe

Collection of oneshots• Sweet 16Kataoka Nanami had made a promise with her childhood friend Eiji that once she celebrates her sweet sixteen, they are to marry. However, nowadays Eiji only seems to be interested in surfing and has forgotten all about the promise. Will Nanami be able to revive her childhood promise?• Kira Kira FrozenNakazato An has always loved ice skating since she was young and dreams about becoming a professional. But when it comes to being accepted into a school in America and leaving her boyfriend Ya-chan behind, how will An be able to handle this situation?• Harumachi PlatformIt's spring, which means a new school, new semester, and new challenges for high school student Riko Kurosawa, who is not looking forward to this troublesome period of time. That is, until one day, a boy hands her a "magical" train ticket, and suddenly, Riko's mornings are a lot brighter. And at the center of it all is the boy who shares her train rides...• Itoshii Anata eChiharu writes letters to her sensei, Akiyama, who never returns her feelings. But after one day when Akiyama tells her he has a beloved, he accepts her letter...?• Totteoki no UtaHYBRID is a newly formed band that hit the charts really high because of their lead singer, Aki. Yuri's been friends with Aki since they were kids, and, obviously, she's grown feelings for him. With Aki's band hitting it high, and getting really popular, is Yuri REALLY happy about all this?

Super Secret
Super SecretIon

Gyeonwo and Eunho have been together since their childhood as neighbors and friends, however, as Eunho goes through her new-found college life, she becomes aware of her neighbor's secret. A cute slice-of-life 4koma styled webtoon with a supernatural twist.Raw:

CrystalOlsen nonda

the story takes place in 2030 where androids are built by just one source of energy called the Crystal.In that moment people trust in androids for keeping them safe of criminals and danger.the story is about a young boy named Otani Youko who don't like androids unlucky for him going to meet an android girl.That android is going to confuse him as her older brother and Otani has to get along with her.

SP x Baby
SP x BabyEnjouji maki

Hasegawa Tamaki è diplomata e poco più che ventenne. E' alla ricerca di un lavoro a tempo pieno per mantenere se stessa e suo fratello. Anche se non ha tutti i requisiti, perché non è andata all'università a causa della morte dei suoi genitori. Mentre si dirige ad un colloquio di lavoro, un giorno, vede un uomo inseguito da un altro dall'aria sospetta ed interviene, attaccando l'inseguitore. Fortunatamente, l'inseguitore non stava effettivamente cercando di attaccare l'uomo che fuggiva. I due sono un datore di lavoro e la sua guardia del corpo. L'uomo stava cercando di scappare dalla sua guardia del corpo per andare a divertirsi un po'. Il datore di lavoro sorprende Tamaki offrendole un impiego come sua guardia del corpo!!!

I, the Emperor, am not a Superstar
I, the Emperor, am not a SuperstarNai-nai bear & royan

Beautiful as a flower, delicate as a young blossom, the ruler of a nation accidentally slips and falls through the passages of time to the present world. By strange coincidence he ends up in the body of a famous superstar with all eyes on him! How does the emperor, who is straight as a pen, become bent as coiled incense after traveling through time?! Read to find out! 

MagiOhtaka shinobu

Deep within the deserts lie the mysterious Dungeons, vast stores of riches open for the taking by anyone lucky enough to find them and brave enough to venture into the depths from where few have ever returned. Plucky young adventurer Aladdin means to find the Dungeons and their riches, but Aladdin may be just as mysterious as the treasures he seeks. Together with the Djinn Ugo and his friend, Alibaba, Aladdin sets out to find his fortune in the depths of the endless dunes…Won the 59th Shogakukan Manga Award in the Shounen category.Spin-Off:> Magi - Sinbad no Bouken (

Interspecies Reviewers
Interspecies ReviewersAmahara

In our world, the human race constantly debates about several important issues, such as: which girl is the best girl? How good is something as fapping material? Which fetish is the sexiest? And why your Waifu is the best while everyone else has shit taste.Accompany these great warriors as they present us with different girls, different opinions, different boners, and show us that the fantasy world may not be all that different from ours, as they analyze and meticulously review the most important thing of all: what they should put their **** in.This is a free web-manga, all chapters are available here in Japanese: is Amahara (NSFW!): is Masha (NSFW!): This manga has no explicit images, although it has some pretty strong language...

Souai Blue Marriage
Souai Blue MarriageMiura hiraku

Kazuha Katagiri, after a shock from cancellation of her marriage agreement, is listened and comforted by her superior at company where she works, Nishida. Nishida proposes to marry Kazuha, but is it true? Or was it only a momentary effect of alcohol?

Just One Smile is Very Alluring
Just One Smile is Very AlluringGu man

What is it that makes a man fall in love with a woman at first sight? Appearance? Aura? Wealth? NO, when campus prince and gaming expert, student Xiao Nai first saw Bei Wei Wei, what made him fall in love was not her extraordinary beauty, but her slim and slender fingers that were flying across the keyboard and her calm and composed manner!!! Embarrassing, no?At the same time, gaming expert Bei Wei Wei, at this time and place is on the computer, methodically commanding a guild war, and won a perfect and glorious victory despite being at a disadvantage, and was completely unaware that cupid is nearby.Soon after basketball player, swimmer, all-around excellent student, and game company president, Xiao Nai, uses both tactics on and off-line to take this beauty’s heart. Therefore this romance slowly bloomed.

Basic Ali
Basic AliShahrier khan

Basic Ali is a cartoon series. Publishing daily in Bangladeshi Daily Bangla Newspaper 'Prothom Alo'. The cartoon is created by Shahriar.The comic targets the daily life events of the protagonist Basic Ali and his family and friends. TS: i'm not so good in english, so please pardon my mistake. i just wanna share this funny comic with all of you. Thank You for READING.

Kami-sama no Ekohiiki
Kami-sama no EkohiikiKomura ayumi

To gain the confidence to confess his love to his crush, high school student Yashiro visits a secluded shrine for 100 days straight. This earns him the attention of the enshrined deity and his fox attendant Ukon who follow Yashiro on the 100th day to see how the confession turns out. However, they are surprised to see him confess to a guy, Yashiro's longtime friend Kenta, only for Kenta to turn him down. Although heartbroken, Yashiro tries to joke around with Kenta, but he accidentally gets killed when a truck runs into him.Yashiro awakens in the presence of the shrine's god and Ukon, and as a show of gratitude, the god decides to restore him back to life to give him a second chance with Kenta. In doing so, the god grants his wish to be reborn as a high school girl and gives her the name Kagura Tendou. However, she soon discovers that the god and Ukon plan to watch over her relationship with Kenta, although she's the only one who can see and hear them.

Deleted사월 생

NozokianaHonna wako

Kido Tatsuhiko, dix-huit ans, est un jeune homme comme on en voit des centaines partout : étudiant dans une école d'Arts, c'est avec plaisir qu'il emménage dans un petit studio à Tokyo dans le cadre de ses études, loin de tous problèmes et prêt à démarrer une nouvelle vie. Sauf que voilà, le jour où il découvre un trou dans le mur séparant son studio de celui de sa voisine, Tatsuhiko commet une grave erreur : jeter un oeil dans ce fameux trou. En effet, il surprend alors sa voisine, Ikuno Emiru, dans une position assez inconfortable. Mais loin de faire un scandale, Emiru lui fait une proposition pour le moins étrange : "Dites-moi, cher voisin, cela vous plairait que l'on s’épie l’un l’autre ?" Partant de là, comment Tatsuhiko va-t il pouvoir gérer sa vie "professionnelle", sachant qu'Emiru va dans la même université que lui et qu'elle affiche un comportement tout à fait différent de celui qu'elle a quand elle est chez elle ? Mais surtout comment peut-on gérer sa vie sentimentale lorsque sa voisine est une voyeuse ? Mais derrière ce voyeurisme, que se cache-t il ? Jusqu'où la manipulation d'Emiru peut-elle aller ? Pour quelles raisons tient-elle absolument à mettre en place ce "jeu" ? Quant aux nouveaux "amis" de Tatsuhiko : Horii Makoto, Kotobiki Yuri, Terakado Makiko et bien d'autres encore... Quel est leur véritable visage ? Bien au delà du simple voyeurisme entre voisins, Tatsuhiko comprendra bien vite qu'on ne montre que ce que les autres veulent bien voir.

I Tried to Persuade My Brother and He Entrusted the Male Lead to Me
I Tried to Persuade My Brother and He Entrusted the Male Lead to Me유주

Putri Clara jatuh cinta dengan protagonis pria yang diculik. Raja muda Verona, kakak laki-lakinya adalah orang yang menculiknya dari Kekaisaran Neraha. Sang putri adalah karakter pendukung dalam buku Adriana, yang membantu protagonis, Pangeran Daniel melarikan diri. 'Saya tidak akan hidup seperti itu.' Jadi saya memutuskan untuk berbicara dengan kakak laki-laki saya yang tampak menakutkan, dengan lingkaran hitam di bawah matanya. Saya mencoba… “Kamu berani menyentuh adik perempuanku tanpa rasa takut, pilihlah, penjara, pengasingan, atau eksekusi. Jika Anda tidak dapat memilih, saya akan memilihkan untuk Anda. " '??? Itu tunanganmu! '' Kenapa kamu tiba-tiba seperti ini! '"Aku tidak ingin kembali, Putri Clara ada di sini." Mengapa protagonisnya juga seperti ini? Anda seharusnya kembali ke kerajaan Anda dan menjadi Kaisar!

I'm The Best
I'm The BestKim-byung kwan|김병관

The story of junior high school students new outlook on life. It's an inspiring tale of the many issues in our modern society. And the undue pressures of society to conform their standards instead of being yourself. For those who dealt with issues such as bullying, weight, and appearance.

Dragon of the Lake
Dragon of the LakeMeoggu (먹구)

On the evening of the College Entry Exams, Aran, a third-year high school student, meets a “talking toad statue,” while walking at a park. She lost consciousness after a bright light flashed before her eyes. After awakening in a strange forest, she encountered a wounded dragon and treated his wounds... it transformed from a dragon into a beautiful boy, Kang-Hyun, right in Aran’s arms! Whether it was a dream or not, Aran and Kang-Hyun, along with another dragon, Hoebaek, and the son of the dragon king, appeared in front of them in order to take the ‘three tests’?! All of this had to happen right after the College Entrance Exams?!

Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi Warui
Koi to Yobu ni wa Kimochi WaruiMogusu

Begitu Anda jatuh cinta pada seseorang, Anda tidak bisa menghentikan cinta. Sebuah pertemuan aneh memacu pertemuan Amakusa Ryou, seorang pebisnis berspesifikasi tinggi yang lepas dengan wanita, dan sahabat kakak SMA-nya, Arima Ichika. Dari sana dia jatuh cinta. Di satu sisi, dia mendekatinya dengan metode yang hampir terlalu lurus ke depan, sementara dia menanggapi dengan jijik, menghinanya tanpa ragu-ragu ... dan dia menganggapnya sebagai cara dia menunjukkan cinta.

Tsukuoki Seikatsu: Shuumatsu matomete Tsukurioki Recipe
Tsukuoki Seikatsu: Shuumatsu matomete Tsukurioki RecipeNimoda ai|Nozomi (supervisor(a))

Depois que sua irmã se casou, Umeo viveu por conta própria pela primeira vez. Ele realmente quer fazer suas próprias refeições todos os dias, não importa o quanto esteja ocupado, mas é difícil, já que ele está sempre preso no trabalho até o último trem. É quando ele encontra um novo estilo de vida onde se prepara as refeições com uma semana inteira de antecedência!

Spy x Family
Spy x Familyएन्दो तात्सुया|Endou tatsuya

मास्टर जासूस कोडनेम "ट्वाइलाइट" ले आफ्ना दिनहरू गोप्य अभियानहरूमा बिताएको छ, सबै उत्तम संसारको सपनाको लागि। तर एक दिन, उनले कमाण्डबाट विशेष गरी गाह्रो नयाँ अर्डर प्राप्त गरे। उसको मिशनका लागि उसले अस्थायी परिवार बनाउनुपर्दछ र नयाँ जीवन सुरु गर्नुपर्दछ ?! जासूसी, एक्शन, हास्य प्रकारको कथा एक अनौठौ परिवार को बारे मा!

It's Not As If I Wanted to Dress Like a Woman
It's Not As If I Wanted to Dress Like a WomanBing mao ww

Untuk gaji tiga kali lipat, Lin Zicheng, seorang pria mengenakan gaun wanita untuk pergi bekerja. Dia tidak menyangka Gu Fang, seorang CEO yang tidak pernah menyukai wanita akan jatuh cinta pada pandangan pertama dengan dirinya yang berdandan! Bukankah ada rumor bahwa orientasi ketua dipertanyakan karena dia tidak pernah mendekati wanita? "Di mana kerendahan hati Anda, ketua ?!"

Onii-chan is Done For (AI colored)
Onii-chan is Done For (AI colored)Nekotoufu

Mahiro Oyama was just a normal erotic-game loving dude...until he woke up one morning as a woman! Turns out his mad-scientist little sister, Mihari, tried out one of her new experiments on him...with a disastrous outcome, as far as Mahiro's concerned! But Mihari is as determined to study him as he is determined to go back to his shut-in, game-playing life, and one thing's for is going to get a whole lot weirder from here on out!

Stardust Kiss
Stardust KissChikoile

Tendou Maya, Saijou Claudine, and the rest of the girls in their theatre class are asked to practice on-stage kissing as part of honing their skills in the performance arts. Everyone assumes that Claudine has plenty of kissing experience due to their romanticization of her French heritage, and Claudine doesn't deny it. By that same token, everyone also assumes that Maya has plenty of kissing experience due to her beauty, talent, and prestigious background, and Maya... doesn't deny it, either. This worries Claudine more than it should. [ Yuri MayaKuro (Maya x Claudine) One-Shot Doujinshi ] Source Anime: Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight Pairing: Tendou Maya and Saijou Claudine

We Won't Die Easily!
We Won't Die Easily!China reading, cat姬

"We can see spirits and hear the inner thoughts of others. We were born atop auspicious clouds and are truly the Son of Heaven. We will definitely refuse to” “go die!” “However, we were harmed by an evil-doer and turned into a girl! We don't have our power-ups anymore -- fine! But to that parasite staying in our magnificent body: could you stop only thinking about losing weight?! You're just being mean at this point! Who knows what kind of hilarious events can unfold when two people who have never met each other end up switching bodies?! Please -- enjoy the show!”

Perjuangan Duta SkinCare
Perjuangan Duta SkinCare정든

Aku memasuki tubuh Niviea Herbert, satu-satunya putri Tuhan di kerajaan, yang dipersembahkan sebagai korban. Dia mengorbankan dirinya sebagai putri tertua dari keluarga untuk mereka, kehilangan tunangan untuk sainganku, dan memberikan hidupku sebagai orang percaya untuk kerajaan ... hanya ada bencana demi bencana terjadi. "Tidak ada gunanya mati. Persetan dengan pengorbanannya." Menghancurkan bendera kematiannya dan mengarahkan busur yang akan mengubah nasibnya untuk melawan Tuhan, bos terakhir! "Jadi tindakan yang ku ambil untuk menyelamatkan hidup ku itu jahat?" Dia mengangkat sudut mulutnya dan tertawa. "Jika itu masalahnya, aku akan senang menjadi penjahat."

Bannou Bunka Nekomusume
Bannou Bunka NekomusumeYuzo takada

When inventor Kyusaku Natsume transfers the brain of his son Ryunosuke's cat into a top secret android body, he doesn't lose a family pet...he gains a daughter! Nuku Nuku may appear to be a teenage girl, but her cute and cuddly exterior hides both the superhuman strength of the world's most advanced android chassis and the lightning-quick senses of a domestic feline. She’ll become the sister Ryunosuke never dreamed of, and she’s on a mission to save her new family from disaster!

Durbar Love
Durbar Love清明 qing ming

They met unexpectedly in the country with the highest happiness index in the world. When they walked noisily through the fertile fields of Chitwan virgin forest, when they clenched their hands through the endless dark corridors of Pokhara, and when they watched the sunrise of Bhaktapur Durbar Square dependent on each other. In this poor country, they found happiness that belongs only to each other. An adventure journey in Nepal with the little awkward Li Tiancai and the sunny loyal male god Xie Gan's love story!

3 trio malaikat kucing tampan [ MeowKitt ]
3 trio malaikat kucing tampan [ MeowKitt ]

Raphael si malaikat, bersama teman malaikatnya, Raphael dan Uriel berubah menjadi kucing dunia manusia. Apa yang sebenarnya terjadi! Dalam dunia yang asing manusia dalam tubuh kucing! Malaikat tampan yang berubah menjadi kucing, dan manusia yang menjadi pelayan mereka, EunHo. Romansa paling tidak berbahaya di dunia! (peringatan: super heart warming) tidak ditemukan …

Tunanganku Vampire hunter
Tunanganku Vampire hunterSuh ha / eun na

Ketika Louis secara tidak sengaja terjerat dan terjatuh dari tebing bersama Maxie, seorang pemburu vampir yang terkenal kejam, dia terbangun dengan menyadari bahwa wanita yang bertekad untuk membunuhnya beberapa saat yang lalu itu, telah kehilangan ingatannya. Dengan berat hati louis pun membawanya ke rumahnya dan mengobati lukanya. Namun kebaikan Louis malah disalah artikan, dan Maxie mengira bahwa louis adalah tunangannya. Louis pun harus memutuskan apakah akan mengatakan yang sebenarnya dan mengambil risiko membayar dengan nyawanya, atau akhirnya menikahi seorang pembunuh berdarah dingin yang ingatan lamanya bisa kembali padanya kapan saja. Kebohongan putih kecil tidak ada salahnya, kan? Terutama ketika hidup Anda dipertaruhkan.

Hatsukoi Re - Rutorippu
Hatsukoi Re - RutorippuNagayama yunon

The empty sky full of loneliness and a girl crying because of the fear of riding the train, but from a gentle older sister she received a homemade ticket, the station name is written on it is kanenodai high school! In order to fulfil the promise she made as a child, Sora enters kanenodai High School with a longing, but what awaits her is the abolished railway club..? This is the beginning of a yuri story, built on the railroad! Let's embark on a journey of youth!

Onee Shitsuji to Ojouchama
Onee Shitsuji to OjouchamaDaiba aki

When you remove the lipstick, it transforms ?? ] -Sechika, the daughter of the Shinonome family. Kaoru, the butler who serves her, is a sarcastic onee whose trademark is red lips and heels. I was taking care of Seichika's clothes and makeup while arranging small matters every day. One day, Sechika misunderstands that she will be married to an old man. I've never kissed or loved myself! And panicked and forcibly robbed Kaoru's lips. After that, she returned to his sanity, but the butler who had his lipstick removed looked different than usual ...? Fantastic slapstick master-slave romantic comedy ☆

Gokumane!Sasuga kei

The strongest duo in the "entertainment world" survival comedy. Gangster manager meets selfish prodigy child actor. What will happen when the two meet!?

Szimbiotikus kapcsolat egy nyúl és egy fekete párduc között
Szimbiotikus kapcsolat egy nyúl és egy fekete párduc között야식먹는중 / boicha

Nyúl alakváltó voltam, aki még emberré sem tudott átalakulni a nagykorúság ceremóniáján. A családom azt mondta, hogy csak fél éves vagyok, és egy kosárba helyeztek..."Sírsz? Gyerünk, sírj többet!" Aztán fel vett egy fekete párduc, akinek személyisége nem a legjobb. "Hiányzik belőled a harci szellem. Holnapután megeszlek, szóval jobb lesz, ha tovább próbálkozol. " A vad állat szemei csillogtak miközben remegő arcomat bámulta. "Milyen izgalmas." Anya, szerintem ő őrült! Túlélni egy őrült fekete párducot..."A vadállatok birtoklóak, bármi is legyen az." ....Ez lehetséges?

Haa Haa
Haa HaaYoshihara yuki

As the substitute for a teacher on temporary absence, Shibata Seiko is now the teacher of an all-boys' school. As she just made up her mind to be a fantastic teacher, a man has come into her life and took her as his 'sex toy'?! And the man is actually a teacher from Seiko's school!?

Haiyore! Nyaruko-san
Haiyore! Nyaruko-sanAisora manta

The story centers around Nyaruko, a formless Cthulhu deity of Chaos (Nyarlathotep) who can take on the shape of a seemingly ordinary silver-haired girl. Mahiro Yasaka is a normal high school boy who is being chased by a fearsome black alien one night, until Nyaruko saves him. She explains that the creatures from H. P. Lovecraft’s works are actually races of aliens, and that she has been sent to Earth to protect him from being kidnapped by an alien trafficker. Eventually, Nyaruko and two other Lovecraft-creatures, Cthugha and Hastur, ends up being freeloaders at Mahiro’s place.

Rakudai Kishi no Cavalry
Rakudai Kishi no CavalryMisora riku

In a time and place where one’s soul can be morphed into a weapon, there are modern-day magicians called Mage-Knights. Although Kurogane Ikki is a student at an institution that trains Mage-Knights, he has no particular talent in magic and is labeled the "Failure Knight" or "Worst One." Getting way less than average marks in the scorings, he was forced to repeat a year. But with the arrival of a new head of the institution, a new rule was created: knights whose abilities are compatible, as decided by the board, must share rooms and attend practice and training together throughout their school years to bring up their abilities to the max. It is a rule to implement the absolute verdict of ability. Ikki’s roommate, Stella Vermillion, turns out to be a princess of another foreign country. Stella is a Rank A knight: the type of genius in magic who only appears once a decade. When Ikki walked in on her while she was changing her clothes, it caused a huge misunderstanding (since neither yet knew of the new rule) which eventually ended up in a duel between the two of them. The punishment (or as some might see it, the prize) of the losing side is Eternal Submission to the winning side. Forced to live the same room and practice magic together throughout all their school years, how will Stella and Ikki’s relationship evolve?

HajiotsuUnohana tsukasa

Ashihara Himari hates men. Or rather, she doesn't understand them. In order to alleviate this problem, her friends decide that the first step to take is confess to someone.

Hana ni Arashi
Hana ni ArashiTakagi shigeyoshi

Even though her body has an unusual ability, Kunimi Riko is still (trying to be) a normal high school girl. One day, a guy suddenly comes to see her. He”s Tachibana Ran, the heir of the world-leading super-millionaire Tachibana family! A high tension romance between Ran, who suddenly proposed, and Riko, who turned him down.Extra:- Jigoku Kokyuu no Hitsuyou (Vol.1)Kiyoharu was trying to nap when a girl kissed him because she thought he was dead. He later learns that Touko, the girl, is always kissing someone in response to not being able to breathe and feeling suffocated.- Fureru Ondo (Vol.2)Kashuu hates being touched because of his past experiences. He will only let Sayuri-sensei, the biology teacher, treat his wounds. To him, Sayuri-sensei's touch is precise and practical without bring up bad memories

I Love HS
I Love HS

Yamato Onidzuka. Childhood bully, punk, and sports prodigy. His old childhood friends are terrified of him, as he used to bully and harass them on a daily basis. When he transferred to a special sport's school, it seemed like his friends' worst nightmare had finally come to an end. But now that he's back, it seems like the nightmare has returned. Join Megu, Yamato, and their 4 other friends on their hilarious roller-coaster ride known as High School!

Himeyaka na Tousaku
Himeyaka na TousakuMomono miku

Miyuki is a beautiful rich girl who has lost her mother a few months ago and her father suddenly disappeared. Mikage, her butler, lives in her mansion and is her only emotional support that she has.One day, Miyuki has an obscene dream with Mikage.Miyuki is hiding her true face, and... also Mikage? 

Saint Oniisan
Saint OniisanNakamura, hikaru (story &amp; art)

Saint Oniisan is slice-of-life or divine-life, tale of Jesus and Buddha as they try to experience the modern world, in this case, Japan. The manga places a funny twist on religion, attitudes, culture and customs in Japan through the eyes of Jesus and Buddha. You see Jesus and Buddha experiencing Asakusa, public baths, theme parks, and the internet. Throughout the manga, we get a little history of their divine greatness only to see their apparent insignificance in modern Japanese society. Suffice to say, before people can recognize that they’re actually Jesus and Buddha, people think of them as someone who looks like Johnny Depp or a guy with a button on his forehead. For real. ---------- What if Jesus and Buddha were living on Earth in modern times? What if they shared an apartment in Japan? Saint Young Men is a humorous manga about the daily lives of Jesus and Buddha, with each chapter focusing on some element of modern life, such as Disneyland, rush hour on the train, Christmas, the public pool, carnivals, and more.

I Want to Feed Yumin
I Want to Feed Yumin

Impersonate Kitano Ken to go on a date with Yumin and enjoy some of the specialities Korea has to offer.


Ding Jiayu dreams of being a photographer. Her idol is none other than Yung Jo. When Yung Jo’s photography company holds an audition to find a new photographer, Jiayu decides to take a chance. The thing is, Yung Jo’s company doesn’t hire women, so Jiayu has no choice but to dress up as man and enter. Yung Jo takes great interest in Jiayu's talent and makes her his apprentice. It may seem like a dream to work with your idol, but for Jiayu, it's nothing of the sort. She takes a beating from Yung Jo everyday, and since all the crew members think she is a guy…

Samurai Deeper Kyo
Samurai Deeper KyoKamijyo, akimine

At the dawn of the 17th century, at the end of the era of civil wars, in a world of chaos, the epic Battle of Sekigahara was joined. One man emerged from the largest battle ever fought on Japanese soil; a terrible warrior of unspeakable power, he was nicknamed \\\'the unconquerable.\\\'Kyoshiro is a peaceful medicine peddler who harbors the soul of an assassin. He accompanies a young bounty hunter across Japan in search of a murderer and on a quest to discover the terrible secret of his own identity.

Hitohira no Koi ga Furu
Hitohira no Koi ga FuruYabuuchi yuu

There's a jinx at Haruru's school - if a couple sees the blue train at 6 am together, they'll be together forever! But if a couple sees the blue train at 10 pm together, they'll break up! Haruru is going out with Nagi, a boy who goes to another school, and their love is just starting to blossom. But what happens when Haruru happens to see the 6 am blue train with someone else!? 

Satou-kun no Juunan Seikatsu
Satou-kun no Juunan SeikatsuKaneshiki swiss

17-year-old Satou is part demon/part human boy with a facial expression set in stone. Enjoy his misadventures in the Makkai (the demon world) private high school as the only transfer student from Human world. On the first day of school Satou leaves a lasting impression on future monster classmates, and manages to tick off resident hot shot Grimreaper (aka talking bones), who's now dead set on seeking revenge for his humiliation - except when it comes to Satou things never go as planned...

Haru Natsu Aki Fuyu
Haru Natsu Aki FuyuEiki eiki

A collection of stories:1. Expression of LoveHaruka is one of the stars at St. Teresa's school for girls; tall, beautiful, accomplished, friendly - she also has an unpleasant habit of molesting girls by grabbing their breasts. Particularly new transfer student Akiho's. 2. She-wolfNew transfer student Fuyuka is very excited to be starting a new life at an all-girl's school. Her anticipation soon turns to terror as she becomes the target of extreme stalker/molester behavior at the hands of one of the school's stars, Natsuki.3. First KissStory of the school counselor, Reiko, and Ayano, her childhood friend who's also a teacher at school. Included is a conclusion of two student couples' romance. Will a day out to the beach ends happily for Akhito, Haruka, Natsuki and Fuyuka? 4. Little Red Riding Hood Strikes BackFuyuka has accepted Natsuki's love, however Natsuki is still retaining some distance. Talking things over with Akihito, Fuyuka manages to make clear her and Natsuki's relationship.5. Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall6. Afterword 7. HerTwo girls, Inoue Chiharu & Aida Miho, plotting on seducing each other, each convinced they are the strange one.

Haru x Kiyo
Haru x KiyoOzaki akira

Although Koharu is a little taller than the average person, she's a 15 year old girl who lives a much simpler life than the average person. Having no experience with love, she thought she'd spend her days peacefully with her group of ordinary friends. However, a destined encounter will change Koharu...!!

Harapeko Usagi to Koisuru Ookami
Harapeko Usagi to Koisuru OokamiKanda neko

Shirou wants nothing more than to pet a fluffy rabbit, but his cold and stern expression betrays him and he's never had the chance. So when he finally gets his chance to hold one such fluffy rabbit, you think he'd finally be content, though now it seems his attention has been caught by the young struggling uni-student Kou. He's cute just like a rabbit, but he's not a rabbit, so then what is this feeling?


For Tanpopo Yamazaki, life at the elitist academy in Tokyo seems way out of her league. The children of wealthy families snub her, other students make light of the fact that she actually tested into Meio, instead of relying on family connections, and the cute boy she saw tending a dandelion the day before wouldn't even acknowledge her existence. Hoping to make friends and have some fun, Tanpopo starts up a gardening committee, but will this help her survive in a school where superficiality and money reign supreme?

Between Haru and Natsu, I Am...
Between Haru and Natsu, I Am...Takeda sun

Makoto meets a sweet, shy girl named Haruna helping out at the school's athletics festival. He confesses his feelings for her the next time he sees her, and she bluntly rejects him, only to call him later and ask him out herself! The source of all these mixed signals is Haruna's "evil" twin sister, Natsumi. Natsumi is the opposite of Haruna, she's a forward, crude girl bent on taking whatever she can from her twin sister. Makoto is stuck in between Haruna and Natsumi, as they viciously fight over who will win him in the end.

Shiawase Kissa Sanchoume
Shiawase Kissa SanchoumeMatsuzuki, kou (story &amp; art)

Uru is a very short girl and is constantly mistaken for an elementary school kid, but despite that, she is ridiculously strong and decides to live by herself after her mother gets remarried. She ends up working at a small cafe with two rather unique co-workers, Shindou, who acts gruff and intimidating, but who is really a nice guy who loves to make cakes and pies and the like, and Ichirou, who is really good-looking but who instantly falls asleep when he gets hungry and does not wake up again until he is force-fed something? What will the future bring to them?

He Loves You
He Loves YouKomura ayumi|Aida natsumi|Sakurano mika|Hazuki megumi|Tajima mimi|Sato zakuri

Collection of oneshots.1) Lifeless Life by KOMURA Ayumi2) Fake x Fake by AIDA Natsumi3) Kimi to Watashi no Kyoukaisen by SAKURANO Mika4) Hadashi no Cinderella by HAZUKI Megumi5) Kimi no Te to Hitomi to by TAJIMA Mimi6) Hanbun wa Ai de Dekitemasu by SATO ZakuriHimari Wataya is maybe dating her senpai, Atari Hoshikawa. Hoshikawa is the top student of their school but he's also well-known among the students as the the Super S (Sadist) Prince of Disdain. What is she supposed to do when he teases her mercilessly and he's always angry with her? When she's pushed to the edge, Himari finds out that she might not be as submissive of an M (Masochist) as everyone assumes!(From Osuwari Team)

Shaman King Flowers
Shaman King FlowersTakei, hiroyuki (story &amp; art)

What is Shaman King Flowers? You need to read this series: 1- Shaman King 2- SK: Kang Zeng Bang (280-300 in Mangareader)

Hatsukoi Zombie
Hatsukoi ZombieMinenami ryo

According to his childhood friend, Tarou Kurume is not interested in love. One day Tarou is struck on his head by a ball rendering him unconscious. When he wakes up, there's a girl floating above him.What has happened to Tarou? Who is this mysterious girl? Find out in this one of a kind romantic comedy series!

Ino-Head Gargoyle
Ino-Head GargoyleFujisawa toru

Known as the gargoyle of Inogashira Park police station because of his scary face, Saejima Toshiyuki was a loser. He's pretty much a virgin for all intent and purposes, aside from the companions that he pays for. He wasn’t always a loser though. During his high school days, he was feared as a badass, but now he is just a person people feel sorry for. He then meets Arimori Shizuka, a beautiful girl that seems comfortable in her sexuality. Toshiyuki learns that she was a high class escort that has been with over 1000 men. She was doing it out of love for her abusive boyfriend but, realizing her mistake, quits. Shizuka is now being harassed and Toshiyuki reverts back to his aggressive personality to protect the love of his life. Related Series GTO (Adapted From) GTO - Shonan 14 Days (Adapted From)

Hatsukoi no Tsuzuki
Hatsukoi no TsuzukiUemori yuu

1) Hatsukoi no TsuzukiAfter reaching a dead end in a relationship that never really started, Ogu and Kyoka meet again 4 years later. Will things unfold differently this time around?2) Clumsy3) age22Nene made a promise with her 'childish childhood' friend. But will he remember these years later?4) Suki na Kuseni----------------------Ogu y Kyoka eran amigos en primaria y sin embargo llegarón a ser algo más que amigos pero aun que estaban juntos eran muy timidos para darce la mano y menos darce un beso, un día ella quizo entrar en la misma secundaria que Ogu el cual a este lo puso muy feliz no obstante ella no quedo en la secundaria que Ogu por lo que se tubierón que separar.... 4 años después ellos se vuelven a encontrar estando en la Universidad... sin embargo al pasar los años ellos estubierón con otras personas ¿Comó afectara esto a ellos dos?

Henjo - Hen na Joshi Kousei Amaguri Senko
Henjo - Hen na Joshi Kousei Amaguri SenkoKonogi yoshiru

Amaguri Senko is a high school girl with a cool personality; she is also a massive pervert. She openly reads porn and masturbates, and isn’t perturbed in the slightest at the sight of penises and such. The story is about two adult men that come to live with, and work for, her father, who runs a company that does various odd jobs, that she helps out with. And the various forms of sexual harassment to which she subjects the one which she has taken a liking to.

Sora no Otoshimono
Sora no OtoshimonoMinazuki, suu (story &amp; art)

Sakurai Tomoki has been having the same strange dream since he was a child and would wake up in tears. Sugita, an upperclassmen as his school, believe the dream to be of the new continent. Later that night while waiting under the cherry trees for his Sugita and Sohara, his childhood friend, an angel comes flying down.

Hitorijime Boyfriend
Hitorijime BoyfriendArii memeko

"Would you like to break up with me again or be held, which would you prefer?" My former friend with the beautiful face, whom I've run into again after so long, only says things that cause me trouble. In the winter of sixth grade, Kensuke was upset about having to separate from his best friend Hasekura in middle school, and ended up breaking off their friendship. Three years has passed since then, and Hasekura comes in contact with Kensuke like nothing had changed. Kensuke was happy they could repair their friendship, but Hasekura says something completely out of left field...Spin-off:

Shinobi Naizu
Shinobi NaizuSho hidaka

Taken from Iskultrip Scans: Nishiori style ninjutsu user Nishiori Koto unexpectedly became the bodyguard for the boarders of a specialty boy's dorm for performers, popularly named "Prince's house". Her first duty is to be the bodyguard of the popular movie actor Kanae, but....!? A kunoichi and a top model's ninjutsu action and a little love comedy takes the stage! 

Shounen Shoujo 18 kin
Shounen Shoujo 18 kinKuzushiro

Himekami Ringo is your typical ordinary high school student , whose friend to Hayachine Nagomi, a normal girl with black braids, wearing glasses and a serious look ... Well, not really normal. Unless you consider her dream being an erotic manga artist normal!

Shuu 7
Shuu 7Fujimiya ayu

A collection of love stories of girls who harbor unrequited love. 1) 7 Days a Week Fujimiya Ayu has been working in an amusement park during the summer holidays with her crush, Seto-kun, but on the last day of their job, she sees him get rejected after confessing to an older, married woman. When they get to school, they have a talk about their broken hearts and become closer. What will happen now? 2) In Love Saya, an energetic girl who loves heights, has an enemy. Natsume Ryou, a popular guy which she met in kindergarten, always teases her but even though, she (somehow) likes him! She tries many different tactics to get him to show whether he likes her or not... 3) The Fruit of Love Yuzuhara Mai quit the track-and-field team due to an accident a while back. In her classroom, she is seated next to the window and suddenly a freshman called Tooda Shuuhei appears at her window and asks her out! She turns him down but he said will keep appearing at the window for a month, until the seating arrangements change, trying to win her heart. Then she finds out from a classmate, about Shuuhei's illness.... 4) Sweet Little Winter Ashun has liked Zaine Nayuki since childhood. Nayuki has only thought of him as a little kid whom she takes care of, but when she found out that Ashun was going to go to another high school, Nayuki was surprised when she realized she didn't want Ashun to go... 

Saike Mata Shitemo
Saike Mata ShitemoFukuchi tsubasa

The story follows an unambitious, introverted middle school student called Saike Kuzushiro. After witnessing the death of his childhood friend, Mikan Karatachi, in a road accident, he cries out to God. After a fall, Saike wakes up in bed the previous morning, the day of the accident.Will history repeat? Can he save Mikan? What power does he have to change the future?

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo
Sakurasou no Pet na KanojoKamoshida hajime

After being kicked out of the main dorms for bringing in a stray cat, Kanda Sorata is forced to live in the smaller Sakura Halls where problem students are sent to live. Although he doesn’t mind his roommates, Sorata can’t wait to move out of Sakura Halls. But when Shiina Mashiro moves into the dorm, everything changes. Mashiro is an artistic genius who, at a young age, won many awards for her skills, but due to her childhood being so focused on art, she has no common sense and social skills. Forced to take the role of taking care of Mashiro, Sorata learns about himself and begins on a path of self improvement.adaptation of the light novel series written by Kamoshida Hajime with illustrations by Mizoguchi Keeji

SketchbookKobako totan

Sketchbook revolves around a group of high school students who are members of the art club at their school. The plot follows a slice of life style via the students' experiences at school through the club. The main character is a young shy, and quiet girl named Sora Kajiwara who goes through life at her own pace. She tends to look at the little things in life, and is often at awe of the more simpler things. Sora knows several stray cats around her town and has given them names. [From Wikipedia] 

The Dragon Next Door
The Dragon Next DoorCho

Meet my neighbor - a typical fantasy novelist, more than a little scatterbrained, likes to gossip, borrow things without asking, and play MMORPGs. Oh, and by the way, he's a dragon in disguise.Named Dragon Kim....Yeah... 

Sono Kuchibiru, Itadakimasu
Sono Kuchibiru, ItadakimasuShiraishi yuki

From Intercross: 1) Sono Kuchibiru, Itadakimasu What the poor Sana is aiming for is the boy who has a mysterious mole on his lip: Aki. You won't be troubled over eating with a mole on your lip, so if she gets Aki, she won't be troubled over money... or so she thinks, but Aki is also poor?! With their Culture Festival's Best Couple Contest prize as "A year's worth of free school lunches", what willl happen when the two join forces?! 2) Sukitte Iccha XX Nandesu! Kurashima Touko has been working up the nerve to finally call out the President of the Disciplinary Committee. However, she accidentally sends it to the wrong person, Takimoto Chikage! He is a delinquent that is totally opposite of her ideal man, however, Takimoto likes Kurashima! 3) Narabuna Kiken!! Miku and Natsume have always been fighting with each other until Natsume suddenly asks Miku to pretend to be his girlfriend!!! At first, Miku is quite opposed to the idea, but slowly? 4) Koi ni Nante Naranai! Sakashita Yue is known for being fierce, violent, and abnormally strong. After being dumped by her boyfriend, rumors spread that she beat him up. When she confronts her ex, Ogata Touma helps her. Immediately afterward, he confesses and asks her out. 

S•AMinami maki

Her whole life, Hikari Hanazono has been consumed with the desire to win against her school rival, Kei Takishima--at anything. He always comes out on top no matter what he does, and Hikari is determined to do whatever it takes to beat this guy!At age 6 Hikari lost to Kei in an impromptu wrestling match. Now, at 15, Hikari joins "Special A," a group of the top seven students at a private academy, for the opportunity to trounce the guy who made her suffer her first defeat.(Sequel: Special- Street Fight)

To You, the Immortal
To You, the ImmortalOoima yoshitoki

An immortal being was sent to the surface of the earth and met a boy living alone in the middle of tundra.The being can take the shape of dying things, but only if the "impetus" is stronger than the previous one. What sort of experiences and meetings will the being encounter while living forever?

Yuusha ga Shinda! Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka.
Yuusha ga Shinda! Murabito no Ore ga Hotta Otoshiana ni Yuusha ga Ochita Kekka.Subaruichi

Three years ago, a Hero sealed a Hell Gate. The seal has been weakening ever since, sporadically letting monsters through. After a big group of monsters entered the country through that Hell Gate, the profession of Heroes was needed again.Touka Scott, a small radish farmer in the southern town of Cheza, is prepared for sudden monster attacks. He built himself a hidden bamboo-spiked pit trap to lure unsuspecting monsters in if they ever try to attack the village. When a monster attacks, Touka tries to lure it into the trap with freshly roasted bacon, but the monster dislikes that type of meat. Thankfully, the Hero arrives to save the village from the monster in the nick of time. The hungry Hero tries to grab a bite of the bacon after vanquishing the monster, only to stumble into Touka's pit trap and die.After causing the Hero's death, a necromancer from the Hero's old party transfers Touka's spirit into the Hero's body and forces him to impersonate the Hero as the Hero's body is the only one that can use the holy sword to seal the Hell Gate.

Tenshi na Konamaiki
Tenshi na KonamaikiNishimori hiroyuki

aka. Cheeky Angel Megumi Amatsuka, a rough and tumble nine-year-old boy, always dreamt of becoming the "manliest man on earth." Upon receiving a book of magic from a sorcerer whom he saved from a group of local thugs, Megumi summons a genie in order to make a wish. But due to a sick twist of fate, the genie turns out to be an evil one, and Megumi winds up being the "womanliest woman on earth"! Six years later...Megumi is the most desirable girl in school, but deep within her hot-mama façade is the same trash-talkin', punk-stompin' boy. 

Tokimeki Tonight
Tokimeki Tonight

The story is about a girl who has a vampire father and a werewolf mother. Despite her "Addams Family" home life, she just wants to live like a normal girl. Unfortunately, she is "blessed" with the unfortunate power to turn into anything she bites. Example: she accidentally bites a cake the wrong way, and she'll turn into a cake. Mix school yard romance into all that--she has a crush on the cute guy in school, and she has to deal with a prissy love rival without exposing her supernatural powers--and you've got a great manga.

Toriaezu Chikyuu ga Horobiru Mae ni
Toriaezu Chikyuu ga Horobiru Mae niNemu youko

One day in front of the Dadakusa girls’ basketball team, a man calling himself a prophet appears. “The earth will perish if you don’t win the prefectural tournament.” Find out the fate of the earth, basketball, and love by reading "Toriaezu Chikyuu ga Horobiru Mae Ni."

Sex Pistols
Sex PistolsKotobuki tarako

People are starting to act very odd around Norio. This average, normal boy is suddenly getting a lot of unwanted romantic attention and he can’t figure out why! A broken leg and a fall down the stairs into the arms of a handsome stranger set off the beginnings of an explanation, and it is one Norio never could have possibly imagined. Soon a whole new world opens up for Norio, revealing a secret society of special people evolved from animals other than monkeys. This society has a complex structure and its members are ranked by rarity and desirability, and it turns out that Norio is a particularly rare breed and his DNA is in much demand! How will he survive in this modern jungle where he’s suddenly the prey?

The Kidnapping of Minja Jo's Boyfriend
The Kidnapping of Minja Jo's BoyfriendLee sang-eun

Two high school girls are complete enemies, and they both are in their own gangs. They fight each other all the time, and to get even with the other, one girl tries to kidnap the other's boyfriend. But the information her right-hand girl gives her is wrong, and they kidnap some really good-looking guy who is NOT the boyfriend of the other girl. You know what happens. They fall in love. Side story: Photogenic Photogenic centers around the girl in question, who has gone to cram school every day of her school life, finds a photo of an amazingly cute guy, and imagines what it would be like to be his girlfriend, instead of being one of the smartest girls in Korea. 

Tsukushite Agemasu
Tsukushite Agemasu

Main story: Tsukushite Agemasu - Yuzuko’s a positive, always charming girl with the horrible habit of speaking out loud whatever is on her mind. Sometimes it's for the worst. Just when she’s done it again and insults someone, she’s saved by a drop dead gorgeous maid from the Maid & Butler café. Little does she know that the maid is none other than the high school "Ice Prince" hottie Itsuki...Side Story 1: When Fireworks End - It is summer, and Natsuno takes Yukino to see fireworks at the beach. But is that sea water in his eyes, or tears..?Side Story 2: My Hysteric GirlKou promised to protect Nazuna, his childhood friend. But one day Nazuna pushes him away, saying she doesn't need him any more. But... 


"Their love was a dream." - A member of a boy band, a very popular and charismatic musician, the guitarist of Dada!! I've been dreaming of such yearning love with a boy, who is just out of reach everyone present. But I really would want to live this love that has become a reality?A collection of hearthwarming and romantic stories by Anashin.

Tsuki no Ookamiotoko
Tsuki no Ookamiotoko

From Blissful Sin: Twins Keiji and Keiichi are both skilled in martials arts despite their innocent-looking faces. But the younger brother, Keiji, has harbored unrequited feelings for his older twin. What will happen to these feelings when Keiji suddenly enters a one-sided relationship with a schoolmate? What will happen when Keiichi also finds himself a lover? A sexual omnibus full of trials and tribulations in these blue summer love stories.

Shikabane Cherry
Shikabane CherryKonami shouko

Miu has always been aggravated with a certain problem: She has a weak constitution and spends most of her days either sick or extremely exhausted.After falling ill before a very important date, she decides to take a large quantity of a mysterious medicine which was supposed to cure her and keep her looking fresh and energetic. To her surprise, she finds it has turned her into one of the undead instead!

Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai: Man**-hen
Shimoneta to Iu Gainen ga Sonzai Shinai Taikutsu na Sekai: Man**-henHirotaka akagi

In a dystopian future, Japanese authorities are cracking down on anyone caught using any risque language or distributing lewd materials in the country, to the point where all citizens are forced to wear high-tech chokers analyzing their every spoken word. A new high-school student named Tanukichi Okuma enters the country's leading elite "public morals school" to reunite with his crush and student council President, Anna Nishikinomiya. However, Tanukichi quickly finds himself entwined with the perverted terrorist "Blue Snow" when she kidnaps and forces him to join her organization, "SOX," in spreading semi-pornographic material across the city.

Tiger & Bunny - The Comic
Tiger & Bunny - The ComicYoshida erika

The Metropolis Sternbild is protected by people with special abilities, the NEXT. Most of them work as the defenders of peace known as heroes, commercialized crime fighters who are promoted and rated by the media. Among them are veteran hero Kaburagi T. Kotetsu, called Wild Tiger, and rookie Barnaby J. Brooks who’s been nicknamed Bunny by his partner, much to the latter’s chagrin. The unlikely pair clashes like fire and water: the nonchalant loner Tiger only wants to act as an ally of justice and skips media events as much as he can, while the straitlaced Barnaby has a more modern approach towards his job and enjoys the attention he gets as a public figure. When a former hero known as Lunatic starts to wreck havoc and kills criminals instead of arresting them, these two have to reconcile their differences in order to fight their mysterious opponent.

Yome ga Lolitte Dou yo!?
Yome ga Lolitte Dou yo!?Akino

36-year-old Yasano Mamoru woke up one morning and realized that he has lost his memory. Not only that, he learns that he has a 16-year-old wife who still goes to high school. Mamoru can't believe that Hana is really his wife or that he is a famous erotic manga author. His representative at the manga publisher, the beautiful Shirabe Hoko, even comes to try to help him regain his memory but nothing helps. However, as Mamoru gets closer to Hana, he slowly starts getting bits and pieces of his past back. Little does he know, something may have happened between Hoko and him the night before he lost his memory that could affect his marriage with Hana...

Underground Kids
Underground Kids

Underground Kids: Everyday Kimi finds that her belongings are being searched and destroyed. She feels prying eyes watching her every move. Scared and frustrated, she decides to contact a secret organization within the school;The Underground Kids. This organization has only 3 people and they're obsessed with money. Can they help her solve her problem? ~LB Fake: Asumi Miki is annoyed because all the girls go "Kyaa!" when thy see the gorgeous Disciplinary Committee. She's an honor student and follows the rules: Braided hair, glasses, tucked in uniform and textbooks so she wont get involved in any way with the Disciplinary Committee. But since her records are clean, she has been invited to be one of the Disciplinary Committee! ~LB Summer Love Paradise: Ichiha's been dumped 4 times so to cheer her up, her friends bring her to the beach. She almost drowns and the lifeguard Kouta saves her.... ~LB

Watashi no Shounen
Watashi no Shounen

1) My Boy PossessionSerena has been head-over-heels in love with her childhood friend Kacchan (Kazuya), who's one year younger than her, for 10 years!! She's been working hard this entire time to make herself the kind of woman Kacchan would like, and now she's brimming with fighting spirit! But she's so afraid he'll reject her that she hasn't made a confession yet, even to this day. She wants to be close to him, but she can't manage to do more than just joke around with him. What will become of Serena and her wish for love!?2) I Want to Get Lovey-Dovey!! (Rabu-rabu ni Naritai!!).3) Love Is Invincible and Ultimate4) Your Girl PossessionSequel of My Boy PossessionIt's Christmas, and Serena is excited about the idea of being alone with Kacchan on Christmas Eve because she wants to give him all her body and soul... until her friend gets dumped by some guy because "relationships turn cold after you go all the way." Now Serena's having second thoughts...!?

Wild School
Wild School

You-Geon, a high school student, is saved from drowning by a mysterious girl his own age. Indeed, this girl is a North Korean agent trained to kill. The encounter which will completely change You-Geon's peaceful life means that this mysterious girl never leaves You-Geon alone for a second worried he might reveal her secret to someone. The atmosphere at the high school will never be the same again...

We Broke Up
We Broke UpRyu chaelyn

Everything starts after a break up? An intriguing story of a couple who broke up living together.

Watanuki-san ni wa Boku ga Tarinai
Watanuki-san ni wa Boku ga TarinaiTooyama ema

From KuroUsagi Translations:"The top of her grade year round and all too perfect student council president who repels everyone, Watanuki Leila, has a secret.Her family's home is a love hotel!?While desperately trying to hide that fact, Sangatsu Owaru the new secretary has accidently discovered that?”

Yajuu de Hatsukoi
Yajuu de Hatsukoi

1-3. Yajuu de HatsukoiTale on an physically-overgrown, sports-dedicated, yet mentally-immature college student finds love for the first time.4. Natsu! Koi no Taimingu5. Fuyu! Kakugo no Kurisumasu6. Suteki na RihatsutenKazumi is a businessman who hates stylish hair dressing establishments. So he frequents a barber shop, where he lets only one person cut his hair, Kouichi the barber's son. Kazumi likes that Kouichi does his work efficiently with no annoying small talk. But what is Kazumi to do when Kouichi goes to work part time at a chic salon?

Yagami-kun no Katei no Jijou
Yagami-kun no Katei no Jijou

Yagami-kun's Family Affairs follows Yuji Yagami, a high school student with a problem: his mother, Nomi, looks very young and Yuji has a crush on her. To complicate matters, his high school homeroom teacher is also infatuated with her due to how young she looks. Nomi is oblivious to all of this and is head over heels in love with her husband, Yoji, and frequently displays this affection very publicly, which causes more embarrassment for Yuji.Yuji's high school friends constantly tease him about his "mother complex". When Valentine's Day comes around, though, Yuji receives a box of handmade chocolates. The name on card can be read multiple ways, the most common way being Masayuki Ikari, a male name, so his friends tease him throughout the day until it's time to meet the person who sent the chocolates at the front gate after school.The girl who sent the chocolates (the name is actually read "Mayuki") starts meeting him after school so they can walk home together, and they eventually become an item. The remainder of the story follows Yuji and Mayuki as their love grows and as Yuji works to resolve his "mother complex" issues. 

Uwasa no Oujisama
Uwasa no OujisamaMio junta

From Attractive Fascinante: Takamura Hikaru is a handsome prince. However, contrary to the rumours and his cool appearance, he’s weak, a crybaby and likes snacks and sweet things. He kissed his classmate, Sugimoto Yuu, suddenly and Yuu thought it was just a prank. Yuu took a liking to the prince, but is the prince serious about it? Will their hearts be finally connected? 

Uta no☆Prince-sama♪
Uta no☆Prince-sama♪Broccoli|Kunozuki kanon|Kurahana chinatsu|Yukihiro utako

Nanami Haruka is a shy teenage girl who has a dream to become a talented song writer. She is accepted by Saotome Gakuen, an elite entertainment industry school developed for the sole purpose of nurturing future idols. The classes are taught by famous idols; facilities include top notch recording studios and live theaters. Most importantly, only a small portion of the most talented, natural born idol students are allowed into the prestigious Shining Agency after graduation and introduced to the nation.The school randomly pairs up a singer to a song writer but as fate would have it, Haruka ends up being paired with 3 very different boys all striving to become the next big idol; Ittoki Otoya is upbeat and lively, Shinomiya Natsuki is bright and intelligent, Hijirikawa Masato is cool and calm. Haruka, determined to make all three boys into future idols must work harder than anyone else and overcome her shy personality if she wants to reach her dream.Based on the visual novel of the same name by Broccoli.

UQ Holder!
UQ Holder!Akamatsu ken

In the decade since the world became aware of the existence of magic, the world has undergone massive upheaval. However, a boy named Touta lives in seclusion in a rural town far removed from these changes. His ordinary life is highlighted by his magic-using female teacher and his supportive friends. When his tranquil daily life is disrupted, he embarks on a unique adventure. Prequel:>Mahou Sensei Negima! ( )

Wild Act!
Wild Act!Takada rie

Yuniko Sakuraba isn’t your ordinary 15 year old girl. She is a die hard fan of the late actor Akira Nanae and she became a thief in an effort to recover and collect Akira’s stolen memorabilias. She then encounters, the 17 year old actor Ryu Eba who has been labeled as the ’New Nanae’. She tries to steal his award which formerly belonged to Akira but is discovered. On the other hand, Ryu seems taken by the unique girl and offers to give her the award if she can steal it again. On the other hand, mystery surrounds Yuniko’s past as she finds out that her mother, a former actress and who she hasn’t seen because of her mother’s illness has actually an amnesia and Akira’s death has something to do with it! The story follows fun and hilarious adventures Yuniko and Ryu make as they steal Akira’s other memorabilias in an effort to jog the memory of Yuniko’s mother. Romance develops, secrets are uncovered and mayhem ensues. They will find that being famous isn’t easy, jealousy is a trouble maker and staying in love and together takes effort.

Ultra Battle Satellite
Ultra Battle SatelliteUtsumi yuusuke

Welcome to the world of street fighting!!Sakura Momochi, a mysterious black-haired girl appears before teenage fighter, Jin Matsuriya."You'll get one soon… an invitation to real deadly fights with no rules... a tournament where blood is washed away with blood."Her mysterious words and an invitation arriving at the same time to the UBS (Ultra Battle Satellite) fighting tournament draws Jin into the world of street fighting!!A no rule head-on battle begins!!


Kujo Saburou is an ordinary high schooler, hyperactive and strangely interested in mysterious (alien) things. He quickly becomes friends with a new transfer student, Shima Ango, who happens to find him in a game of hide-and-seek. But what he doesn’t know is Shima’s true goal: the extermination of mononoke terrorizing the Toyko area. Caught in the middle of their fight, Kujo loses his head, unsealing an Oni inside of him...

Trigun: The Lost Plant
Trigun: The Lost PlantBoichi

A Trigun one-shot by Boichi.

Xing Gui Shi Tian Kong De Dao Lu
Xing Gui Shi Tian Kong De Dao LuFeng xi shen lei

Kaphisilia Ailide is the daughter of a noble duke. Ever since the disappearance of her elder brother, her parents have put all their pressure on her. Everyday she has to have sword fighting and etiquette class. Days before her father's birthday, she went to a forest of her family's confer territory to get him a present. All of the sudden a death wolf leaped out and tried to kill her. And then this strange guy... 

Yoiko no Sumu Machi
Yoiko no Sumu MachiTohjoh asami

1) Fevered Glance or Heated Look (Netsu Shisen) High school playboy Tsuji can’t understand why his best friend Mitsuse turns down girl after girl. When Mitsuse admits to having a crush on a male classmate, Tsuji is floored. Will he ever be able to look at his friend the same way again? 2) Piercing the Heart With a Kiss Continuation of one. 3) XY - Let’s Go to the Festival (XY~Omatsuri de ikou) Extra of the story XY. Takaya loves chocolate bananas and his friend Nagisa, so combining them... 4) Shy Us (Uchiki na Bokura) A perverted teacher preys on his junior high students, but is he really the one controlling things? 5) That’s Why We Fall in Love (Dakara Bokura wa Koi wo Suru) The perverted sensei from “Shy Us“ is back, but he’s not touching the one person he should be. 6-8) The Town in Which Good Children Live (Yoiko no Sumu Machi) A perverted shopkeeper deals with a shoplifter, a selfish dog owner, and a thief in his own unique ways.


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Mimori's Naughty Mouth (Official)
Mimori's Naughty Mouth (Official)Rasu

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Lady Beast
Lady BeastYusu hwan

An arranged marriage that ends in a body swap?! The quiet Princess Elissa has lived a miserable life thus far. To get away from it all she agrees to marry the war tyrant, Duke Ginger of Landall Kingdom. But by some evil curse, the new couple wakes up in each other's bodies! Between royal functions to attend and getting used to their physical changes, can they keep their cool long enough to find a way to switch back? Or will they be stuck like this forever?! Based on the hit novel.


After the death of his beloved girlfriend, police officer Kyungjoon just wants to be left alone to water his house plants and catch criminals. But after a police investigation into a mysterious cult goes supernatural, Kyungjoon finds himself unwillingly caught up in a world of demons, succubi and monsters - and the worst of them all is a demon king calling himself "Lord Cain." It turns out that in order to survive, Cain needs mana that can only be accessed through a "door" inside Kyungjoon. The problem is... how is he planning to open that door?

Obey Me
Obey MeMilknono|Rusena

Jinyoo’s life is a living hell—he’s become a hermit due to an abusive father and a traumatic bullying experience. But just when he thinks life can’t get any worse, he is kidnapped by his high school classmate, Gyuh-wool, who’s developed a twisted obsession over him. Jinyoo quickly learns that there is no escape… The only way to survive is to obey Gyuh-wool’s orders. WARNING: This comic contains triggering content, such as graphic depictions of violence, imprisonment, bondage, and rape.

Shingeki no Kyojin & Sex Pistols - Sex Titans (doujinshi)
Shingeki no Kyojin & Sex Pistols - Sex Titans (doujinshi)Ahiru

Paring: Levi x ErenDoujinshi based on the Sex Pistols yaoi manga.

BL Motel
BL MotelUhrin

Some parents give their kids an inheritance. Some give their kids a car. Jinwon's parents gave him... a motel. And not even a great one. Rundown and in need of massive repairs, the Ballantine Motel used to be a golden goose. But, of course, a drunk driver running his car through the entrance tends to change things. So when Jinwon takes over, he makes some upgrades and additions. And while "Ballantine" is a nice name, it's a bit long. So, of course, he makes the obvious choice and shortens it. The BL Motel is the neighborhood's newest addition. Of course, now all Jinwon needs is some new help and maybe find out why so many gay couples have started visiting. Then again, when life give you lemons, you lean in and stock the vending machines with lube.

Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Kuma Kuma Kuma BearKumanano

Yuna, uma garota de 15 anos, começou a jogar o primeiro VRMMO do mundo. Ela ganhou bilhões de ienes em ações e confina-se em sua casa jogando o jogo sem ir à escola. Hoje, uma atualização importante chegou e ela obteve uma roupa de urso rara não transferível. Mas o equipamento é tão embaraçoso que ela não pode usá-lo mesmo no jogo. Além disso, quando ela responde a pesquisa sobre a nova atualização e relança o jogo, ela aparece em uma floresta desconhecida na roupa de urso. Onde é isso? E-mail de Deus? Um mundo diferente? Se ela usa a roupa de urso, ela é uma fraude, se ela tira isso, ela é uma garota normal. Sua aventura começa assim mesmo. Yuna começou a fazer o que quisesse.

Summoning a BL Fan to Another World
Summoning a BL Fan to Another WorldFujisaki moe

Kotone Aizuhara, a hardcore BL fan, is run over by a truck while browsing for more bl books and suddenly transported into another world. This is how he finds himself in front of Nagi, a very handsome but strange-looking man who tells him he's a Sacred Beast and Kotone is his Chosen One, that he's been waiting for him and their wedding night forever! Kotone wants to preserve his virginity at all costs, but his body cannot help but respond…!? A very confident bottom all tied up by a Beast's love, in this erotic BL world!

ℙ𝕒𝕜 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕚 𝕕𝕒𝕟 𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕒 (𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕪)
ℙ𝕒𝕜 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕚 𝕕𝕒𝕟 𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕒 (𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕪)Suhyeol

Jae-hee adalah petugas polisi setempat di desa pedesaan yang tenang. Dengan munculnya Dok Go-hoon, pria aneh dan aneh yang memecah kesunyian. Kehidupan gay Jae-hee yang dulunya sepi, lambat laun menjadi riuh. Jaehee, yang ditunjuk sebagai kekasih Dokgohun pada pandangan pertama, Secara acak, Karena Dokgohun yang seperti idiot ini yang menggoda. Saya khawatir rahasia bahwa saya gay akan terungkap, Namun ternyata Dokgohun pergi ke desa ini untuk memulihkan diri! Dia adalah satu-satunya putra Dok-go Young-sik, kepala Badan Kepolisian Nasional! Pemandangan luar biasa lainnya dihadapkan pada fakta bahwa "Mengapa Ayah keluar dari rumah Komisaris?!" "Apa yang kalian berdua lakukan?!" Seorang pria paruh baya yang terampil, Panasnya pemuda ada di sini! 4 orang lusuh 4 detik! 4 romansa pria

The Duke and the Tutor
The Duke and the TutorMepi

For Jace Walter, his successful future was all but guaranteed. He had top marks, graduated first in his class, and was in the final stages of landing a very prestigious job when he decided to pick a fight with the wrong noble. Three years after losing everything he had so diligently worked towards, he finally gets a temporary position working as a tutor for a family member of the elusive Duke. He’ll do anything to keep this job, but the duke is so handsome it’s hard to focus…

Iron Tile Jan!
Iron Tile Jan!Bingo morihashi

Sanbanchi, a mahjong parlor in Ueno, is an old-timer and has a reputation for its delicious homemade weekly menu. Jan Kurogane, grandson of Mikijiro Kurotetsu, visits Sanbanchi to play mahjong with the owner, Kingo Sanbanchi, an acquaintance of Mikijiro. Kingo promises to let Jan spar against him if he achieves one year without losing a match. Meanwhile Otani, the president of the All Mahjong Road Federation, tries to destroy Sanbanchi by sending in various mahjong assassins. There is no end to the number of opponents he faces, regardless, Jan continues to defend his undefeated record by any means necessary.

Double Your Pleasure – A Twin Yuri Anthology (Official)
Double Your Pleasure – A Twin Yuri Anthology (Official)Bonryu|Yakinikuteisyoku|Hibiki aoto|Emi hinahara|Shiratamamochi|Suto|Ame kanro|Kodama naoko

This risqué collection of yuri short romances features beautiful twins in love with third parties and one another. Twins: endlessly fascinating and tantalizing. This anthology of yuri manga stories features some of the hottest twins by today’s hottest artists. Sexy tales, from the story of a single twin seducing her literal mirror image, to a pair of girls finding satisfaction only when they seduce a third. Erotic adventures await and surprises abound in this exploration of forbidden fantasies.

Futoku no Guild
Futoku no GuildKawazoe taichi

Kikuru Madan, a monster hunter with excellent performance because of his particular job in the forest, decides to quit his job because of fear of wasting his own youth. The reason he wants to quit was that one of his friends got married.One day there is a new recruit. Enome the Guild Receptionist asks him to accompany Hitamu Kyan the Lolipai Martial Artist to keep her safe in the back and teach her how to work. He accepts the request, half because he was worried about her and half because he wanted to make her become his successor before he retires completely. Sadly, his plan to retire is overthrown by Hitamu being useless and always attracting some monster. Can Kikuru Madan retire peacefully, with the presence of some useless newbie's recruitment?Hunting erotic commentary enthusiastically!


Beberapa orang tua memberikan warisan kepada anak-anak mereka. Beberapa memberi anak-anak mereka mobil. Orang tua Jinwon memberinya... sebuah motel. Dan bahkan bukan yang hebat. Rusak dan membutuhkan perbaikan besar-besaran, Ballantine Motel dulunya adalah angsa emas. Tapi, tentu saja, seorang pengemudi mabuk yang menjalankan mobilnya melalui pintu masuk cenderung mengubah keadaan. Jadi ketika Jinwon mengambil alih, dia membuat beberapa peningkatan dan penambahan. Dan sementara "Ballantine" adalah nama yang bagus, itu agak panjang. Jadi, tentu saja, dia membuat pilihan yang jelas dan mempersingkatnya. BL Motel adalah tambahan terbaru di lingkungan ini. Tentu saja, sekarang yang Jinwon butuhkan hanyalah bantuan baru dan mungkin mencari tahu mengapa begitu banyak pasangan gay mulai berkunjung. Kemudian lagi, ketika hidup memberi Anda lemon, Anda bersandar dan mengisi mesin penjual otomatis dengan pelumas.

Kimetsu no Yaiba - Digital Colored Comics
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Digital Colored ComicsGotouge koyoharu

Since ancient times, rumors have abounded of man-eating demons lurking in the woods. Because of this, the local townsfolk never venture outside at night. Legend has it that a demon slayer also roams the night, hunting down these bloodthirsty demons. Ever since the death of his father, Tanjirou has taken it upon himself to support his mother and five siblings. Although their lives may be hardened by tragedy, they've found happiness. But that ephemeral warmth is shattered one day when Tanjirou finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko, turned into a demon. Adding to this sorrow, a demon hunter named Tomioka Giyuu arrived and was about to finish Nezuko off, but to his surprise she and Tanjiro started to protect each other. Seeing this oddity and Tanjiro's promising fighting skills, Giyuu decides to send them to his old mentor to be trained. So begins Tanjiro's life as a demon hunter, bound on a quest to cure his sister and find the one who murdered his entire family. Now in coloured format as released alongside in Jump!

lima musim panas - Jujutsu Kaisen DJ (GetoXGojo)
lima musim panas - Jujutsu Kaisen DJ (GetoXGojo)[dr. check]

ini tentang suguru geto yang mabuk ramune dan skidipapap bareng satoru gojo sampe gojo pingsan. ya intinya ini tentang geto x gojo

Counterattack Through Pregnancy
Counterattack Through PregnancyHaier|Popeye|Ying che shi xue

Having a two-faced bitch as a love rival isn’t scary… What’s scary is that the bitch has the upper hand—reincarnating as his little brother! Due to his "little brother," his lover was snatched away, his grandfather suffered a terrible death, the family business was taken over, and on top of all that, he was chained and thrown into prison. However, on the night before his release, he got laid by a man in the midst of confusion and became pregnant. After he got out of prison, he came back anew; he opened a restaurant and made a fortune while raising his child. He lived a vibrant life, but certainly didn’t forget to deal with his horrible ex and bitch. Based from a Webnovel with the same title by 盈澈逝雪.

No Way, Vampires Don't Exist
No Way, Vampires Don't ExistKi moong, racking

Four college housemates — Juwon, Eunho, Seongjae, and Gyumin — are in desperate need of a fifth person to fill a vacant room in their place. But their main concern isn’t about paying rent: they’re ravenous vampires, dying to sink their teeth into a fresh, live human! So they can’t believe their luck when Dongha, who grew up isolated from society, eagerly moves in with no idea of what awaits him. To the vampires’ dismay, however, Dongha doesn’t weigh enough for them to suck his blood! As they shower their unsuspecting new housemate with food and attention to fatten him up, have they gotten too attached to their would-be prey? And is there more to sweet, naive Dongha than meets the hungry vampires’ eyes?

Did It Work
Did It WorkRain

Seungjeong mewarisi kemampuan nenek moyangnya yang merupakan dukun terkenal, namun kemampuan tersebut hanya bisa digunakan saat mereka mendapatkan kenikmatan dari kontak seksual dengan orang yang tepat. Seung-jeong, yang pergi ke kasino karena tipuan temannya, kehilangan semua kekayaannya dan mencari-cari untuk menggunakan kemampuan leluhurnya. Seung-jeong yang menemukan Gayoon mengikutinya dan dengan paksa menggosok tubuhnya untuk mendapatkan kesenangan. Setelah memenangkan uang di kasino, dia bisa kembali ke Seoul dengan selamat. . Setelah itu, dia bertemu kembali dengan Gayoon di klub tempat dia bermain dengan temannya, dan setelah kepalanya dipukul dan pingsan, dia bangun dan mendapati dirinya terkubur di tanah.

The Delivery is Complete
The Delivery is CompleteLee so na

Euijae is a popular BL web novelist, but he finds it difficult to go out and meet people due to his large sized body, even though he has timid tendencies that doesn’t match his looks… One day, he ordered a sex toy for comfort, however, it got delivered to his next door neighbor and his next door neighbor is none other than the popular handsome actor, Park Jinhoo!!! What will be Park Jinhoo's reaction for this unexpected package and what will happen when Euijae finds out?

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta KenFuse

O ordinário Minami Satoru se viu morrendo depois de ser esfaqueado por um criminoso. Deveria ter sido o fim de seus escassos 37 anos, mas ele se viu surdo e cego depois de ouvir uma voz misteriosa. Ele havia reencarnado em um lodo! Embora se queixando de se tornar o lodo fraco, mas famoso, e aproveitando a vida de um lodo ao mesmo tempo, Minami Satoru encontrou-se com o monstro do nível de catástrofe "Storm Dragon Verudora", e seu destino começou a se mover.

Aku Harus Menjadi Villain Hebat [Namaku]
Aku Harus Menjadi Villain Hebat [Namaku]Mu huoran

Villain sejati harus kejam, jahat, dan merusak diri sendiri! Setelah menyiksa protagonis seperti neraka lalu kembali, mereka akan keluar dari tempat kejadian dengan luar biasa saat pekerjaan mereka selesai. Wang Yi bertekad untuk bertindak sebagai Villain (Penjahat) semacam itu. Sayangnya… pemeran utama prianya bisa membaca pikiran. "Kamu bajingan!" Tuan Yi terkekeh saat dia memandang rendah pemeran utama pria di novel itu. Lalu tiba-tiba, gelembung pikiran berisi emoji imut (⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄) dengan kata-kata "Kau sangat imut…" muncul di depan Qin. Dan Qin pun menjadi bertanya-tanya...

Sexual Education 120%
Sexual Education 120%Takaki kikiki|Hotomura

"Sex" made more familiar! Health and physical education teacher Tsuji, who has doubts about modern sex education, attempts boldly to teach sex education to an audience of, among others, a girl who has a girlfriend, a girl who like BL, and a girl who simply likes cats. "What is safe sex between girls?" "Positive masturbation?" "Why do sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) have vaginas?" Beyond dirty jokes, but less than gravely serious, a sex education comedy! Bright sex education begins with a heretical female teacher and female high schoolers! Uploader: BBLOVER

Darling for Dessert
Darling for Dessert12

After a major screw-up at work, Hyunho is pretty much ready to give up on life. What he receives instead of punishment, however, is a delectable strawberry cream custard tart. Thinking it's his last meal alive, Hyunho gobbles it up, licking every last dollop of cream off of Seung-yun's fingers. This lights a certain spark within Seung-yun, which gets him thinking about all the other wild things he could make Hyunho do with his tongue...

My Demon Boss Gokudera Wants To Be Exposed
My Demon Boss Gokudera Wants To Be ExposedArata licca

A lewd body, with lewd underwear… It’s insanely arousing. Even though he’s capable, Shouji is a corporate slave, who is always being berated by his boss, Gokudera-san. In an unexpected turn of events, Gokudera-san accidentally sends him the link of a sexy man wearing women’s underwear instead of his dog’s social media account… This can’t be…?!?! The gap between the boss who is devilish by day, and erotic and cute by night is enough to make a corporate dog explode in desire!!!

Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei MajutsuMurasaki yukiya

No MMORPG Cross Reverie, Takuma Sakamoto é tão poderoso que é elogiado como o "Demon Lord" por outros jogadores. Um dia, ele é convocado para um mundo fora de si mesmo - mas com a mesma aparência que ele tinha no jogo! Lá, ele conhece duas garotas que se proclamam suas invocadoras. Eles realizam um ritual de escravização para transformá-lo em sua invocação ... mas é quando a habilidade passiva de Takuma > é ativada! Em vez disso, são as garotas que se tornam escravizadas! Embora Takuma possa ser o Sorcerer mais forte que existe, ele não tem ideia de como falar com outras pessoas. É aqui que ele faz sua escolha: agir baseado em sua persona do jogo! "Surpreendente? Mas claro ... Sou Diablo, o ser conhecido e temido como o Lorde Demônio!

Araiya-san!: Ore to Aitsu ga Onnayu de!?
Araiya-san!: Ore to Aitsu ga Onnayu de!?Toyo

Male student Sota Tsukishima begins working at his family's public bathhouse as a back washer. While concealing her true identity, Sota's classmate Aoi Yuzuki visits the bathhouse. A relationship between the two begins to develop when Sota washes Aoi's back.

4 Cut Hero
4 Cut HeroGojira-kun

The Hero has defeated the Demon King! But the Princess he meant to save turned out to be a Prince. NEETdom, here he comes, but a life of relaxation surrounded by animes is a pretty sweet deal.Unfortunately, he gets caught up in millennia old legends, curses, and a twisted plot involving multiple Kingdoms and many dragons. Through and through, though, he'll follow a path of whimsy, even if that involves him palling it up with "villains".Original Webcomic: English Translation: account and login.)

Black Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei
Black Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta SenseiSouryuu

Professor Imada Sasamichi foi atribuído a uma escola cheia de meninas! Apenas para descobrir que todos na classe são Gyaru de pele escura! Kuroi, Kuroiwa, Kuroiso ... Todos os seus nomes começam com Kuro (Black)! Enquanto isso, Kuroi Mariko já se apaixonou por seu Sensei ...!? É o começo dessas garotas cheias de luxúria e seus ataques diretos de amor à vida do Sensei!

Blood and Love
Blood and LoveHaeson

"When sunbae drinks my blood... I get this weird feeling." Jiwon tried to offer his blood to the vampire he met in his dreams but the vampire disappeared. Now, the vampire who disappeared last night reappears in front of the happy and excited Jiwon.

Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife Is A Little Sweet (Official)
Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife Is A Little Sweet (Official)Jiong jiong you yao

"How perverted is Si Ye Han's taste? He still wants me like this?” Waking up, she looked at her reflection in the mirror: explosive wig, tattoos, and demon-like makeup. Any normal person’s eyes would burn if they looked at her for more than a second. Before her rebirth, she was in love with a different guy, so all she wanted to do was escape from Si Ye Han and hated him to his core after being locked up by him. After her rebirth, she looked differently at him, thinking that maybe he changed for the better? In the past, her mind was muddled. She let go of a stunning husband, was hurt by a scumbag and backstabber and most of all, was brainwashed by her most trusted friend. In the end, she was utterly alone. In her current lifetime, there are evil people scheming and eagerly waiting for her downfall. Sorry, but this girl won't fall for the same tricks twice!

A Sensitive Issue
A Sensitive IssueGaehoju

Minjoon has a very peculiar condition: he’s hypersensitive to the point where he gets turned on by women constantly. Even the mere sound of a woman breathing next to him can get him worked up. So he’s built a life avoiding women, even to the point of picking a job on a team where there’s only men. Except, that carefully built life is at risk when Sumin is assigned to his team. Now, Minjoon must navigate his way through the office with a gorgeous coworker making his life harder and harder. Will Minjoon be able to keep everything under wraps and in his pants? Or will he finally let it all out?

Boku no Futatsu no Tsubasa
Boku no Futatsu no TsubasaYui toshiki

Hiromi can't wait for her cousin Makoto to come live with her - but when ''he'' finally shows up, she gets a good deal more than she bargained for. Toshiki Yui turns a hentai fetish into the plot hook of this high school situation comedy.

Access All Areas
Access All AreasBlguri

The new boy group sensation “Poison” is out to conquer the K-Pop scene with their buff bodies and sexy charm. With a successful debut and thousands of eager fans, everything seems to be going well…or is it? As the group’s prim and proper leader, Sihyun should be dreaming of chart domination. But instead, his dreams are filled with fantasies about his groupmate, the sullen and mysterious Seong-eun. As the two spend more and more time together, they get caught up in a whirlwind of muddled passion and sweaty tension, both on and off the stage. Will they manage to keep things together? And will those dreams be fulfilled?

The Precious Sister of the Villainous Grand Duke
The Precious Sister of the Villainous Grand DukeIkkamnu|Eclair

I became the sister of the villain, who shed no blood or tears in a war-ridden novel! I thought I was born again as the youngest daughter of a noble family, but I'm the little sister of a villain who's only being used! A baby's body too fragile to survive in the Lagrange household, a brutal family that makes children fight for successors... I've decided to stick to the villain in order to live! I need you to be my guardian until I run away from here. Raise me, villain!


Doravmon refers to hentai doujinshi title of Doraemon, which went viral on Weibo in summer 2020. Many Asian internet users making memes by using the reference of it. The comic sees a robotic cat named Doraemon encouraging a boy named Nobita Nobi to use an anal suppository as part of a plan to defecate on his rapist bully.

Love Me, Doctor!
Love Me, Doctor!Ana

Hyuk is a happy-go-lucky college student who’s dating the girl of his dreams. But there’s one issue: when it’s showtime in the bedroom, he gets massive performance anxiety. Desperate to keep his girlfriend, Hyuk works up the courage to go see a urologist. He prepares for the worst, but his first prostate exam actually feels…amazing?! Thanks to one smooth Dr. Han and his masterful hands, Hyuk is now on the path to recovery through regular massage sessions! How lucky of him to have found such an attentive doctor, one who’ll even take him out for drinks to listen to his woes. But as the treatments unfold, Dr. Han has a way of slipping into Hyuk’s mind, not just his bum…

How I came to like my male friend
How I came to like my male friendPyap

Hae Seong waits in front of her childhood friend Ji Woon's house to go swimming together. She can’t stand to wait outside because the weather was so hot. So she went in but then unintentionally sees Ji Woon's enormous thing. Was it from that day? There’s something glimmering in front of Haeseong's eyes... Haeseong eventually broke up with his boyfriend and end up being bedridden. Is this a lovesick...? To a dick?! Far away from love and closer than a friendship! Romance that start with other intention

Yubisaki Kara Honki no Netsujou
Yubisaki Kara Honki no NetsujouTanishi kawano

"I can't get enough of how you're so strong-willed, but you still lose yourself in me." I never wanted to be held by a flirty man... But for some reason, inside his strong arms, his warmth feels so good...

I Can't Tell Anyone I Became a Woman! -Seduced by the Chief and a Co-Worker!?
I Can't Tell Anyone I Became a Woman! -Seduced by the Chief and a Co-Worker!?Yumi aihara

Sato gets dumped by his girlfriend after she tells him that she likes more reliable men. Falling into despair, a thought crosses his mind as he dozes off. "If only I were a woman..." Waking up the next day, he finds himself in the form of a girl! Although he knows he shouldn't go to work in his current state, he hopes if he explains that everyone will understand. However, upon arrival he is mistaken as a temp worker and winds up organizing documents with his colleague, Takahashi. After work, they end up going out for drinks. He finds himself quickly getting drunk in his new body and is taken back to Takahashi's home!!

Minum Susu Rasa Semangka 🍄Momogie🍄
Minum Susu Rasa Semangka 🍄Momogie🍄C.c

Taeyang dan Hee-tae telah bersahabat sejak kecil. Mereka pergi ke universitas yang sama, tinggal di apartemen yang sama, dan menghabiskan hampir setiap momen bersama. Seluruh dunia Hee-tae berputar di sekitar Taeyang, mendapati dirinya sangat cemburu jika ada orang lain yang menarik perhatian Taeyang. Taeyang, bagaimanapun, hanya menemukan obsesi Hee-tae dengan dia menggemaskan. Suatu hari, tiba-tiba, puting Taeyang mulai mengeluarkan susu secara spontan dan terlepas dari upaya terbaiknya untuk menyembunyikannya dari Hee-tae, dilema susunya dengan cepat ditemukan.

Salty Lust (Bobo)
Salty Lust (Bobo)Tropicalarmpit/bip bip

Mengucapkan selamat tinggal ke Bumi dan berangkat ke sekolah di luar angkasa adalah mimpi yang menjadi kenyataan bagi Nux. Tapi tidak ada yang memberitahunya betapa biasa-biasa saja dia tampaknya ditumpuk melawan pikiran paling cemerlang di alam semesta. Dengan nilai buruk yang tidak pernah bisa memberinya beasiswa, dia dipaksa bekerja paruh waktu ilegal hanya untuk membayar tagihan. Tetapi ketika seorang alien tampan mengajukan tawaran kepadanya untuk menghilangkan masalah uangnya, dia menyadari bahwa itu datang dengan harga yang sangat mahal.

The Girl and the Geek
The Girl and the GeekHuryunhwa

Single with no regular job, Go Nanhee starts a new cleaning gig and meets Oh Deokhoo; literally the filthiest, NERDIEST guy she's ever seen! If that wasn't bad enough, his uber expensive action figure goes missing during her shift! Now she’s stuck cleaning his messy apartment in order to pay him back. Can a man who’s only ever seen a girl in games and a woman who only fawns over stars on TV… actually fall in love?

Tensei Kyuuketsuki-san wa Ohirune ga Shitai
Tensei Kyuuketsuki-san wa Ohirune ga ShitaiChokingyomaru|47agdragon

A polite and lethargic boy was reincarnated in another world as a vampire bishoujo.In this world of swords and magic, this protagonist who was reborn replete with all kinds of cheat powers was searching for one thing――!“Three meals a day, snacks and an afternoon nap, I guess.”Are you really the protagonist!And thus begins the fantasy comedy of a vampire looking for the ideal moocher lifestyle…?RAW:

My Awful Boss Is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner [Official]
My Awful Boss Is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner [Official]Kinaco

Workplace romances may help workers expand their skillsets... "My Handsome Junior is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner": Morishita has always admired Kase from afar. How can someone be so perfect? But now is not the time to be distracted; Morishita must focus on his (technically his coworker's) task at hand. It's looking like it'll be another late night for him at the office... with Kase...? "My Awful Boss is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner": Ever since Momose realized he was gay, he has kept it secret from those around him. Soon, he found himself isolated and unable to communicate with people properly. Momose is the polar opposite of his boss, Chief Uchiumi, who emits the sparkly aura of a beautiful social butterfly. Momose steers clear of him in every and all situation. It's good he won't ever have to interact with Uchiumi outside of work!

Seriously!? I'm Playing The Lead Role in a Gay Movie!? (And I'm The Bottom)
Seriously!? I'm Playing The Lead Role in a Gay Movie!? (And I'm The Bottom)Meo uroco

"Why not have sex while we're at it......?" He pushes me onto the bed and talks me into bathing with him and scrubbing each other down...... Wait, why the hell am I getting turned on!? ......I'm a struggling actor who gets approached one day to play the lead role in a gay film! Plus, it turns out the love interest is played by my rival, Soji (but he's a really popular actor). I'm excited about my first lead role, but all I'm hearing from the director is "CUT!" over and over again...... I don't know what it's like to be gay! But the director wants me and Soji to live together as lovers!!

Just Give it to Me
Just Give it to MeJica

Havi is the girl who has it all. Money, looks, boys, you name it. She's got everything she could ever want... except for one thing. Her new boyfriend's virginity! Eager to have some fun with the guy she's hounded for a year, will Havi finally have her way with Yul? Or is getting this docile boy into bed more than she bargained for?!

One Piece - Digital Colored Comics
One Piece - Digital Colored ComicsOda eiichiro

Gol D. Roger was known as the Pirate King, the strongest and most infamous being to have sailed the Grand Line. The capture and death of Roger by the World Government brought a change throughout the world. His last words before his death revealed the location of the greatest treasure in the world, One Piece. It was this revelation that brought about the Grand Age of Pirates, men who dreamed of finding One Piece (which promises an unlimited amount of riches and fame), and quite possibly the most coveted of titles for the person who found it, the title of the Pirate King. Enter Monkey D. Luffy, a 17-year-old boy that defies your standard definition of a pirate. Rather than the popular persona of a wicked, hardened, toothless pirate who ransacks villages for fun, Luffy s reason for being a pirate is one of pure wonder; the thought of an exciting adventure and meeting new and intriguing people, along with finding One Piece, are his reasons of becoming a pirate. Following in the footsteps of his childhood hero, Luffy and his crew travel across the Grand Line, experiencing crazy adventures, unveiling dark mysteries and battling strong enemies, all in order to reach One Piece.

Cesar Ngebucin Cana (Official)
Cesar Ngebucin Cana (Official)Nokki (녹끼)

Canaria is reincarnated as the villian of a popular cliche novel. Based on the novel, she is destined to be executed but can she prevent this from happening before it’s too late?

Your Wish Is My Command
Your Wish Is My CommandSagold

Hi! My name is Cheon Chiwoo, 27 years old. I have a crush on Danhwan, who I've been close to since I was a kid. Confession? I can't imagine such a thing in my situation. I was so anxious that something appeared in a secret package... "Hello! I'm here to grant your wish!"

Keluarga Cemara 𓊈LUCASSBRIDE𓊉
Keluarga Cemara 𓊈LUCASSBRIDE𓊉

The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novel’s original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroine’s pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought he’d arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragon’s butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming. ‘Oh, male lead, won’t you sign a life contract as a real butler?

Kisah Dongeng Erotis 🔞 [Lolipop]
Kisah Dongeng Erotis 🔞 [Lolipop]F

Berbagai kisah dongeng

I'll Marry Him!
I'll Marry Him!Carumok

As the illegitimate daughter of Duke McKellion, Lilian was never fully embraced by her father or society. So, when she has the opportunity to take her sister’s place in an arranged marriage to Emperor Kael Lu Kaldorf, Lilian jumps at the chance. The only problem is, her prospective partner gets cranky without his sleep, and since being cursed by a vindictive witch, the tyrannical emperor hasn’t experienced a single moment of slumber. But that’s no challenge for Lilian, who possesses the ability to induce sleep with a kiss. Now, tasked with the duty of keeping His Majesty well-rested, Lilian must kiss the emperor each night to keep his temper at bay. It’s a simple contractual agreement, and Lilian has no plans to develop romantic feelings, but what happens when Kael unexpectedly falls for her?

How to snag an Alpha
How to snag an AlphaKim nyeong

Terlahir dari keluarga alpha yang tampan, kaya, dan terpelajar, Wooyoung selalu berharap dia akan sama. Datang untuk mencari tahu, dia adalah pria aneh sebagai satu-satunya omega, dan bahkan bukan yang sempurna pada saat itu. Untuk mengimbanginya, Wooyoung menjalani hidup dengan berpura-pura menjadi beta, tetapi ketika dia mulai mengalami ketidakseimbangan hormon, siklus panas yang tidak teratur, dan kurangnya kontrol atas impulsnya, status omega resesifnya yang rendah menjadi tidak mungkin untuk diabaikan. Saat itulah dia bertemu Kyungju, alfa dominan yang kuat dan sukses yang dapat mengubahnya menjadi omega sejati, dan juga membuatnya bertekuk lutut. Sekarang, Wooyoung harus menggunakan setiap taktik yang ada untuk merayu Kyungju dan membuat alfa merenung miliknya sendiri.

The Duchess Of Rosia -A Contract Marriage? How Did This Happen!?-
The Duchess Of Rosia -A Contract Marriage? How Did This Happen!?-Kazura kinosaki

Viola is the daughter of a destitute earl from a famine-stricken kingdom. Cersis is the rich, handsome and eligible duke of Rosia. He asks for her hand in marriage, but only as his "contract wife"! Instead of undying affection, he promises her a comfortable life with the freedom to do as she pleases - including having a boyfriend! Read on and watch her embrace life as a "pretend wife"! We are happy to finally be able to present this comedy manga of a "contract marriage" between a destitute earl's independent daughter and her handsome duke husband and his nomadic girlfriend!

Dame BL
Dame BLAoyama toomi|Chiba ryouko|Cotorino deathco|Est em|Kashima|Kevin komine|Kumota haruko|Mochimeko|Momoyama naoko|Morozumi sumitomo|Okadaya tetuzoh|Psyche delico|Rotta ikumi|Takeuchi sachiko|Umematsu machie|Uno jinia|Yoneda kou|Zin

Dame BL is "a collection of BL oneshots written by some of the lesser-known participants in the genre (and some you may be familiar with already), with a focus on less conventional settings and characters. We're very far away from high school here, which hopefully you'll agree makes a pleasant change of pace."1. Be Here to Love Me (KUMOTA Haruko)The relationship of a foot-fetishist and his cunning colleague.2. Kou no Kawa (MOROZUMI Sumitomo)Set in ancient times, a village is near starvation due to a bad harvest. For some reason, the young chief takes care of a cursed man he finds lying in the river...3. Khaa Thoong (Est Em)Can the young Thai kick-boxer rekindle the thirst for competion in a senior boxer after his devastating defeat?Column 1 (AOYAMA Toomi)Useless Side CharactersColumn 2 (Kashima)Obsession/FavoritismColumn 3 (KUSAMA Sakae)Terror! Kappa Lake4. Natsu no Saigo ni Yosete (UMEMATSU Machie)Two elderly men reminisce about their lives together over a bowl of peaches.5. Locas! (OKADAYA Tetuzoh)Jean-Luc fell in love through correspondence in a chat with Al. What will occur, when he will decide to meet off-line? Is it really Al that wrote to him in chat?6. And Robo (CHIBA Ryouko)A touching tale of robot clones... or something.7. Shinumade BL Shindemo BL (Takeuchi Sachiko)8. Tonari wa Nani wo Suru Hito zo (UNO Jinia) The unusual love a man has for his fan in the hot summer. 9. Soldier/Through the Darkness (Zin)A nazi sadist and a prisoner in camp. Excitement, desire, but... what about love? Attachment?Column 4 (KEVIN Komine)Column 5 (COTORINO Deathco)Eronashi BLColumn 6 (PSYCHE Delico)Column 7 (YONEDA Kou)10. Muhou no Shounen (Mochimeko)A story involving a Reckless Young Man and some scary faced gangsters.11. Ima Doushiteru (ROTTA Ikumi)The funny relationship between a man who has a fetish for soft/chubby things and his fatty otaku-friend.12. It Must Be (MOMOYAMA Naoko)A story about two professional cyclists and their travails.

A Rabbit Down in a Bite {Mochi_Scans}
A Rabbit Down in a Bite {Mochi_Scans}Orange peel

Di dunia di mana hanya hewan yang hidup, seekor singa dengan reputasi sebagai bos, Mu Wei, jatuh cinta pada seekor kelinci, Bai Li. Dia biasanya memiliki kehadiran yang sangat mendominasi di sekolah, tetapi begitu dia melihat Bai Li, dia menjadi kucing besar yang sangat pemalu. Terlebih lagi, setelah terus-menerus bergaul dengan singa, Bai Li, yang biasanya pemalu, perlahan-lahan membuka hatinya...... Manhua asmara kehidupan sekolah yang sangat manis, manis sekali sampai sakit gigi!

Love Of Cloud And Rain
Love Of Cloud And RainMoscareto

"You may lie with me, human." On the day of his new vet clinic's opening, Jung finds a sickly lizard at his doorstep. But the lizard soon turns into a human... and it turns out he's the Dragon King's son! Can the arrogant yet sexy Prince Woonwoo convince Jung to help him become a full-fledged dragon through intimacy?

One Punch Man (Official)
One Punch Man (Official)One

After rigorously training for three years, the ordinary Saitama has gained immense strength which allows him to take out anyone and anything with just one punch. He decides to put his new skill to good use by becoming a hero. However, he quickly becomes bored with easily defeating monsters, and wants someone to give him a challenge to bring back the spark of being a hero. Upon bearing witness to Saitama's amazing power, Genos, a cyborg, is determined to become Saitama's apprentice. During this time, Saitama realizes he is neither getting the recognition that he deserves nor known by the people due to him not being a part of the Hero Association. Wanting to boost his reputation, Saitama decides to have Genos register with him, in exchange for taking him in as a pupil. Together, the two begin working their way up toward becoming true heroes, hoping to find strong enemies and earn respect in the process.

Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School (Official)
Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School (Official)Warm color su

She was originally a puppet of her family, a business spy, and an assassin that the police were pursuing. Then, she was betrayed and fell into the deep sea. When she opened her eyes once more, she had become a normal high school student in her third year. Because of her disgraceful birth, her relatives ostracized her since she was young, while her classmates bullied her because of her low self-esteem and withdrawn nature. After her reincarnation, she became a domineering person and beat those people when they bullied her again. Others had to gamble or rely on their luck to see if a jade was valuable. However, with a powerful cheat in her hands, the Spiritual Jade Vision, she could easily detect spiritual qi in pieces of jade with one glance! Life was comfortable, but there were jealous people all around her, and her skin crawled with every move they made!

One-way Romance
One-way RomanceTae-shik

Reporter Do Jae-hwan, who only wanted to grab a scoop, secretly attends a rooftop party to catch the mafia meeting with the CEO of the Korean branch of a famous Hong Kong company.However, Jaehwan, who drank too much alcohol, unexpectedly encounters the mafia.What will happen to Jae-hwan, who fell asleep the moment he decided to attack Yuan?

The Kang's Yeesu (Momo bangke)
The Kang's Yeesu (Momo bangke)Mambo/winterbaum

Aku Han Yeesu, pria gay paling keren di kota ini. Tapi atas nama cintaku pada Kang Jihyung, aku rela menjadi menantu keluarga chaebol. Namun- "Dia gadis yang dulu selalu kau hargai dan kagumi, ayah. Aku membawanya ke sini untuk menikahinya, jadi mengapa kau marah?" Suatu hari, Kang Jihyung membawa pulang seorang gadis acak. Semua hanya untuk mengacaukan ayahnya, Kang Joongman. Apa yang akan aku lakukan sendiri, dasar brengsek berwajah tampan! Meskipun aku marah, aku berpegangan pada ayah mertua ku Joongman untuk awal yang baru. "Itu karena kau aku berakhir dalam situasi ini! Ambil tanggung jawab! Kau harus menggantikan orang itu!" Setelah omelan ayah mertua ku dan omelan terus-menerus untuk menjadi penerus kelompok mereda, aku kembali sadar untuk menemukan diri ku terkubur dalam file dan kertas dan bekerja lembur. Tetapi bahkan jika itu menyakitkan dan melelahkan secara mental dan fisik, keinginan itu tidak pernah layu- Apakah pria tua seksi pemarah Kang Joonman, Atau tipe ideal ku yang mengkhianati ku, Kang Jihyung? Sebuah sitkom yang penuh dengan cinta dan kebencian Yeesu yang goyah di antara dua pria kaya yang kotor.

Ookii Onnanoko wa Daisuki Desu ka?
Ookii Onnanoko wa Daisuki Desu ka?Aizome goro

Tachibana Souta é um freeter multi-talentoso que passa de um emprego a tempo parcial para outro, sendo a sua característica de destaque que ele é um pouco curto. Um dia, ele é amarrado por sua irmã mais velha para "servir" a equipe de vôlei de sua faculdade, da qual ela é membro. Ela também tem pelo menos 6 e 1/2 pés de altura, assim como o resto dos membros da equipe que se interessam por Souta.

Love Tractor
Love TractorHmmyongyong

When family obligations force Sun Yool, a stressed-out law school student, to the countryside, it seems like a great opportunity to escape the chaos of the city. After all, the great outdoors promises fresh air, sunshine… and a new romance?! Soon after arriving, Sun Yool is thrown into a series of strange encounters and misunderstandings with his 20-year-old neighbor, Yechan. But in spite of Yechan’s bumbling first impression and Sun Yool’s prickly exterior, the two find themselves drawn to each other… Will this tractor-driving stud's rustic charm be enough to melt this cold city boy's heart?

Conrad (Adult Version)
Conrad (Adult Version)Hongye

The dark ages of oppression and fear had ended and the era of the peaceful reign of Bayern Agentil and Haus III had begun. Jayden, a knight who had returned home from his military service, happened to pick up a mysterious "egg" while wandering the street. Jayden tried to eat the egg, but out popped a dragon! He was destined to be the babysitter of the dragon from then on. An emperor, who finds himself distrusting of dragons because of 'Hydra', the dragon that caused terror through out the Dark Ages... Jayden, a knight who finds himself taking care of a dragon out of the blue... What will happen in their future?! Enjoy this Romance Fantasy BL story between Bayern, the emperor, and Jayden, the knight accompanied by Conrad, the dragon!

Oni-san Dochira? - Koushokubaraishi to Toraware no Oni
Oni-san Dochira? - Koushokubaraishi to Toraware no OniHaruo natsuno

A female demon is held captive by Mutsu, a handsome, ruthless exorcist with a horrible personality. Given the bizarre name, "Soul," she is forced to help Mutsu with day to day chores as well as finding clients for exorcisms. One day, she tries to escape while Mutsu is asleep, only for him to wake up and force himself onto her. As his hands wander under her clothes, Soul, unfamiliar with her own body, is unable to contain the pleasure she feels. She melts into a puddle after her first "mating" experience... especially after seeing certain expressions on the face of such a brutal man! A love story between a sarcastic exorcist and an optimistic demon!

Love Only the Body (Official)
Love Only the Body (Official)Namaniku

Haruka Tohgoh, who is feared by others for being strict at work, has been hiding that she is a lesbian. She is becoming more attracted to Sayama, who is the only coworker being friendly to her, but she has set a boundary by making others feel uncomfortable when they’re around her. Sayama has recently found out that Haruka is a lesbian and…

Parfum Homme [Eng]
Parfum Homme [Eng]Meisho hanten (haruaki)

Feromon Berkata Sebaliknya! [Nyonya Suiying]
Feromon Berkata Sebaliknya! [Nyonya Suiying]Furball|Mao qiu qiu|毛球球|Chang pei literature

Luo Zhiyu dan Xiao Yan, keduanya hadir di tengah perkelahian geng, dibawa ke rumah sakit satu per satu. Satu menjadi omega, dan satu menjadi alpha. Mungkin karena keduanya berada di tengah perkelahian yang intens pada saat presentasi, kompatibilitas feromon mereka adalah 0% yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya secara historis. Selain kadang-kadang berkelahi dan berhubungan buruk setiap kali mereka bertemu, kedua orang ini disatukan pasti aman - sampai-sampai ketika tidak ada cukup kamar hotel untuk perjalanan sekolah, guru menempatkan mereka di kamar yang sama. Guru: Siapa pun memiliki potensi untuk berkencan di sekolah menengah, tetapi keduanya pasti tidak memiliki kesempatan!

Supreme Ocular Master: The Peerless Heiress (Official)
Supreme Ocular Master: The Peerless Heiress (Official)Mo yan (陌烟)

Luo Qingtong, a young lady from the 24th century who ranked first among those with superpowers, miraculously transmigrated into a different world. There, she begins her journey of vengeance as the crippled, oldest daughter of a duke from the lower kingdoms, where villains line up to get face-slapped and scumbags and manipulative bitches wait to get tortured! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. She'll exterminate anyone who offends her! All is going well... but then she accidentally gets involved with a man of peerless beauty, whom she attempts to flirt with whenever she's unable to win against him in a fight. From there on, it becomes a story about their romantic pursuits...

Bakudeku fanmade (magyar)
Bakudeku fanmade (magyar)

Sziasztok! Ez a manga egy fanmade bakudeku fordítás, amely wattpadon is kint van, de a sok cenzúra ellenére sem engedi kint hagyni. Ezért feltöltöttem nektek ide, cenzúrázatlanul! Jó szórakozást mindenkineek!

Secret Therapy (Official)
Secret Therapy (Official)Cheongdam

Yoon Jaesung is handsome, rich, popular, and at the top of his class. Well, he was, until Lee Hyun returned to school and took his place as number one. Jaesung can’t stand the fact that his spot has been overtaken, especially by a loser like Lee Hyun. And to make matters worse, Jaesung recently began having trouble getting an erection. Unlike Jaesung, Hyun must work several part-time jobs just to afford school and stay afloat. One of Hyun’s gigs includes secretly moonlighting as a streamer for the infamous gay steaming site, “Cake,” where users donate money to have their requests fulfilled. When one of Jaesung’s friends suggests “Cake” as a form of treatment for his penile problems, Jaesung comes across a special streamer who’s tantalizing solo show solves Jaesung’s impotence in an instant. Jaesung is so stunned, he’ll do whatever it takes to meet the guy who made his flag fly at full mast again…

King's Maker
King's MakerHaga

Season 1: Wolfgang Goldenleonard, the 4th Prince of the kingdom, returns to the palace after years of living in hiding. He rejects everything about his new royal life but is intrigued by the mysterious and dutiful Shin Soohyuk, a catamite of the King. As Wolfgang slowly opens up and learns the ways of the palace, Soohyuk begins to see something special about the wild, unkempt, and stubborn young prince. He might just be the one Soohyuk has been waiting for... the one who could light the flame of rebellion. Season 2: With the defeat of his father, Wolfgang Goldenleonard has achieved all that he's sought -- the love of Shin Soohyuk, the power of the throne, and vengeance over the kingdom's tyrannical ruler. But, Soohyuk, a "possession" of the former king, views their rocky relationship as one of war trophy and victor, despite Wolfgang showering him with affection. As uncertainty grows in the royal courts, forces beyond their control are preparing a second coup d'etat. Will these two be able to keep a grasp on the throne and on each other? The saga of King's Maker continues in this official second season of the hit BL series! [Age 16+ver.]

Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club
Yarichin ☆ Bitch ClubOgeretsu tanaka

From Whitelies Fansub: Freshmen Toono moves to Tokyo in order to transfer to an all-male-academy, surrounded by the mountains [Private Academy Mori-Mori]. Our friendly character Yaguchi is the first one to befriend him, but the lack of interest in sports coming from Toono, force him to join the photography club instead of the soccer club with Yaguchi. Not only is it called the photography club, but also “The Yarichin Bitch cub”, whose members are outstanding senpai’s. Besides Toono, there’s also a new member in the club: Kashima senpai, they both started the same day, and they don’t seem to have any problem at all, even when Toono gets confessed in the club! Toono thinks that Yaguchi is adorable, but he always ends up blushing whenever Kashima is near. But above anything else, there are feelings found between the senpai’s…

Erotic Toy Attack [Adult BL Anthology]
Erotic Toy Attack [Adult BL Anthology]Nire|Dasik|Yuje|Chaegu|Comello

Cinque storie brevi in cui si mescolano dolcezza, ironia e tanta passione… anche grazie all’aiuto di vari sex toys! Impossibile non amarle.

I Woke Up as the Villain (Official)
I Woke Up as the Villain (Official)Yu hyun so|Arlg

Yuseong’s an ordinary office worker, reincarnated as a web novel’s foolish side character of the same name. Born into the wealthy Haesung Group conglomerate, hated by his family, and prone to violent tantrums, the character’s fated to be manipulated and killed. To escape his doom, the new Yuseong finds a way to become one of the Awakened, those gifted with supernatural powers. He’ll try to level up and climb the ranks, defeating monsters in different dimensions… and his enemies at the same time.

Hate You, Love You (Official)
Hate You, Love You (Official)Dong ye

TAPAS: Lance has been in love with his best friend Danny, since they were kids. However, something from his childhood looms over Danny's heart, preventing him from finding love with boys. They say that you can't wake a person who's pretending to sleep, but with the help of his best girl friend, will Lance be able to open Danny's eyes and live happily ever after? - OFFICIAL COMIC FROM U17 -

The Superb Captain in the City
The Superb Captain in the CityChaojineirong

An extraordinarily charming and capable retired special forces who is pursued by enemies all over the world and targeted by evil powers. On top of these, he is also burdened with the mission of protecting his loved one. What kind of experience will this be?

(Manhwa CIA) Merry Marbling
(Manhwa CIA) Merry MarblingPengki

Lee-ahn, yang selalu memperhatikan pandangan orang lain sejak ia terkenal dengan julukannya "Malaikat Natal" ketika ia menemukan sekantong besar uang sebagai seorang anak. Yugeon, teman sekelas yang pindah ke rumah tetangga lee-ahn, memiliki kepribadian yang tidak peduli dengan pandangan orang-orang di sekitarnya, dan dia blak-blakan di kelasnya di sekolah. Setelah mendengar kabar tersebut, ibu lee-ahn ingin dia menjaga orang luar demi reputasinya. Lee-ahn dengan enggan mengikuti kata-kata ibunya. Namun, Yugeon, yang tahu lee-ahn memanfaatkannya karena citranya, mengancam lee-ahn untuk memberi tahu teman sekolahnya tentang hal ini, dan dia keluar dengan sikap bermusuhan. “Aku tidak keberatan memberitahumu. Sebaliknya, apa pun hasilnya, itu bukan tanggung jawabku.” Aku hanya akan mengakhirinya dengan kecanggungan. Kamu akan melihat! aku akan melakukan apa yang kamu inginkan! Kisah dua orang yang menciptakan perselisihan yang menyenangkan seperti marmer indah yang tidak menyatu dengan air!

Dakaretai Otoko Ichii ni Odosarete Imasu. (Easy Reading Edition)
Dakaretai Otoko Ichii ni Odosarete Imasu. (Easy Reading Edition)Sakurabi hashigo

“I’ll make it so your body’s unable to forget mine.” Saijou Takato’s 5 year reign as the “Most Huggable No. 1” has been snatched. Stealing his thunder is the newbie actor with a 3-year debut, Azumaya! Towards the stuffy hostile Takato, Azumaya’s sincere sparkling smile starts to become effective. Even as Takato sets his alert level on MAX, Azumaya catches Takato in his shameful drunken state and uses it to blackmail him! In exchange for Azumaya’s silence, Azumaya states, “Please let me hold you”…?! “Embrace me, who was the Most Huggable No.1? What the heck is he saying!”

One Piece
One PieceOda eiichiro

Um romance marítimo pelo "One Piece"!!! Estamos na Grande Era dos Piratas. Nela, muitos piratas lutam pelo tesouro deixado pelo lendário Rei dos Piratas G. Roger, o "One Piece". Luffy, um garoto que almeja ser pirata, embarca numa jornada com o sonho de se tornar o Rei dos Piratas!!!

Gal Gohan
Gal GohanMarii taiyou

Home Economics Teacher, Shinji Yabe, is asked by the biggest gal in school, Miku Okazaki, to help her "bake cookies to give to the teachers." The principal told her to do this, after she flunked every subject and makeup-class they put her in. He gets her to successfully finish a batch of cookies after several mishaps and is touched by his students glee over her success. He decides to start a cooking club after this experience to get more time and connection with his students. Upon hearing this, Miku decides to join, since he was the first teacher that didn't shove her into makeup-lessons after her failings and pushed her to try harder instead.

Secret Inside My Head (Decensored-Nostalgic Scans)
Secret Inside My Head (Decensored-Nostalgic Scans)Chaegu

[By: Nostalgic Scan] The intelligent Hong Danwoo who also is an introvert, has a secret that’s also a problem… He’s unable to get a haircut! But that isn’t the only issue… He’s broke. So, in search of a job, Danwoo finds himself at a small hair salon where he meets a remarkably attractive hairstylist, Kwon Taehan. A fateful occurrence unfolds when Danwoo can't help but feel an intense sensation from Taehan’s skillful touch while he’s getting his haircut. Unable to hold back his feelings towards the touching, he says, “Um… When you touch my head, it feels like this…” In the end, Danwoo decides to confess his little problem with Taehan expecting to receive judgment, Taehan offers to help him instead of thinking he’s some kind of pervert. In order to become a better version of himself, Danwoo starts up secret training sessions with Taehan. But little does he know, these hidden training sessions become more than just training sessions.

Blood Bank
Blood BankSilb

A world where vampire govern humans! Welcome to Blood Bank, it's filled with fresh blood. One is a hard-working banker and isn't affected by vampire pheromones. One day, Shell, the son of an overlord comes to visit for inspection. During One's report, Shell keeps staring at One. And later... follows him to the toilet!

Haga-kun wa Kamaretai
Haga-kun wa KamaretaiSakishita senmu

Prisoner Haga was tired of his boring life in jail and thought of staging a jailbreak! Just at that moment, an alpha prison officer was assigned to him...?

Love in Orbit
Love in OrbitLattepanda

Beberapa orang memenangkan lotere atau menemukan pekerjaan impian mereka, tetapi Sohan.... memiliki pesawat ruang angkasa asing yang mendarat di rumah barunya?! Lebih buruk lagi, ada alien yang diakui seksi di dalam yang mengancam akan memusnahkan seluruh populasi. Sihwa datang ke bumi untuk mencari seseorang yang spesifik dan tidak ragu menggunakan Sohan untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya. Masalahnya, hal-hal bekerja secara berbeda di planet asal Sihwa, dan dia tampaknya mengharapkan hal-hal dari Sohan yang terdengar sangat mustahil! Namun demikian, Sohan mendapati dirinya membuat kesepakatan: membantu Sihwa menemukan orang yang dia cari dengan imbalan keselamatan umat manusia. Tapi apakah kemitraan aneh ini akan berubah menjadi sesuatu... dari dunia ini?

Flirting 9 to 6
Flirting 9 to 6Yoonhee lee

When country bumpkin Kang Bongsoo lands a new office job in the big city, he falls in love at first sight with Yoo Jiwon, the refined and sophisticated deputy manager in a neighboring department. After initially resigning to silently pine for Jiwon, Bongsoo unwittingly spots him making out with a man at a gay club and decides to confess his true feelings. When Bongsoo’s plans to form an emotional connection go awry as Jiwon responds with a naughty proposition, the innocent and naïve Bongsoo is caught completely off guard. How will Bongsoo handle the sudden onset of sexy workplace flirting?

The Story of a 30-Year-Old Gay Bachelor [INKR Official]
The Story of a 30-Year-Old Gay Bachelor [INKR Official]S-monkey

Wei Qiuyu is seen as a calm and reliable executive, but he is keeping his gay sexuality a secret,At the behest of his mother, he gets into a blind date with a woman, but meets Fu Yicheng instead,Though Qiuyu finds Yicheng an annoyance, he can't help but be drawn to him every time they meet

Pleasure Principle
Pleasure PrincipleRotten greent

Jiho’s very innocent (a virgin) — and to his horror, he applied to work for a sex toy shop! He tried to get out of it, but now he’s indebted to the Dreamcat for broken merch. (Are these toys supposed to be that fragile?!) Then with his lousy luck he accidentally breaks the cell phone of the super handsome Seonghyun, a Dreamcat regular, and he has to repay HIM now too — but with “very special treatment!” Jiho doesn't know what he's gotten himself into... but is it bad that it feels so good?

My Breast Friend
My Breast FriendC.c.

Taeyang and Hee-tae have been best friends since childhood. They go to the same university, live in the same apartment, and spend almost every waking moment together. Hee-tae’s whole world revolves around Taeyang, finding himself insanely jealous if anyone else garners Taeyang’s attention. Taeyang, however, just finds Hee-tae’s obsession with him adorable. One day, out of the blue, Taeyang’s nipples begin spontaneously leaking milk and despite his best efforts to conceal it from Hee-tae, his dairy dilemma is quickly discovered. Hee-tae is udderly willing to do whatever it takes to help Taeyang nip this problem in the bud. Can these two take their relationship from best friends to breast friends?

Gochisou Omega wa Chuu to Naku (Official)
Gochisou Omega wa Chuu to Naku (Official)Hanasawa namio

Sachio Kurumizawa is an omega mouse manga artist, and Ukano, the alpha fox, is his editor... but Sachio can't help but feel uncomfortable around Ukano. He always seems to look at Sachio with predatory eyes. One night, Sachio goes into heat at an omega-only bar, and Ukano saves him. Unfortunately, Sachio has no idea how long he'll stay in heat... and then, Ukano offers to help him stop it. Will Sachio say yes to getting between the sheets with Ukano despite his terror of being devoured...!?


Setelah kehilangan tunangannya, petugas polisi Kyungjoon mengurungkan diri dari kehidupan dengan menyiram tanaman rumahnya dan menangkap penjahat. Tetapi setelah penyelidikan polisi terhadap kultus misterius menjadi supernatural, dia mendapati dirinya berhadapan langsung dengan "Lord Cain," seorang raja iblis yang sangat membutuhkan mana untuk bertahan hidup. Kabar baik: Tubuh Kyungjoon berfungsi sebagai "pintu" di mana Kain bisa masuk Neraka dan memulihkan mana. Berita buruk: cara membuka pintu itu… tidak begitu aman untuk bekerja… DEAR DOOR By PLUTO Diterbitkan oleh TAPAS MEDIA 2021

The Alpha Agenda
The Alpha AgendaTr

Jaehee’s always prided himself on being a reasonable alpha. All that pheromone nonsense between alphas and omegas? Ruts? Heats? He thinks it primitive, and considers his two-year long relationship with the beta Yeowoon as true, pure love. But all that comes to a screeching halt when he finds himself stuck on a bus with an older omega going through heat. After one night of passion(and infidelity) with the said omega, Jaehee finds himself tormented. He’d always thought himself as a nice guy above all that alpha stuff, so what is he to do now? Jaehee knew that night would be the ruin of him but he didn’t know just how much, until he comes across the same omega on campus…

TOY XX BOXPizzahooman

Taeyi has a reputation on campus for being extremely beautiful but a hard nut to crack. There’s a reason for that. She’d much rather enjoy the company of her toys than other people. She’s had enough of complicated and bothersome relationships with real humans. That is until a certain underclassman, Kim Ha-on, approaches her. After being convinced that she needs a partner to make the most of her new toy, she reluctantly let’s Ha-on in on her fun. But only on a strictly no strings attached basis! Things were supposed to be purely physical but it was only a matter of time before someone started to catch feelings… Will Ha-on become Taeyi’s new favorite toy or just be thrown back in the box with the rest of them?

How to Be the Chosen One
How to Be the Chosen OneFace park

Cho Sunwon finds his life boring and tedious. Sex is the only thing he isn’t sick of, but it’s getting a little too easy to talk any guy into bed. He wants a new life, a new world, and a new challenge…and he totally gets all of those when he’s summoned into another world as the so-called god of Abroria! Awesome, right? Except, nobody seems to fall for his bedroom talk, and there’s a sexy king hell-bent on exposing Sunwon as a fraud. Seducing the gorgeous men around him without blowing his cover is going to be quite the divine challenge. Can Cho Sunwon actually become the Chosen One?

Freeze, It Will Stand If You Move!
Freeze, It Will Stand If You Move!Suhyeol

Jae-hee's gay life which was supposed to be quiet, ruined due to the appearance of Dok Go-hoon, a strange man who breaks the silence of Jae-hee, a local police officer who lives in a quiet rural village, is gradually disturbed. Jae-hee, who was appointed as Dokgo-hoon's lover at first sight, is worried that the secret that he is gay will be revealed because of this crazy Dokgo-hoon, who constantly flushes whatever he is caught, but it turns out that Dokgo-hoon was the only son of Dokgo-young-sik, the police chief who came to this village to recuperate! Another incredible landscape faced with the fact that, why is his father coming out of the commissioner's house?! "What the hell are you two doing?!" Here is the slick middle-aged richness and the hotness of a young men! The tangled romance of four men, four sex!

The Tale of a High School Ninja
The Tale of a High School NinjaChazuke ume

Show your resolve if you want to get on the mission."...In order to take on a mission to protect her beloved master, Kunoichi high school girl Kohana crosses the line with her childhood pervy friend and ninja classmate, Toranosuke! Can Kohana handle the special naughty training required of her? Authentic ninja techniques, love, and non-stop thrills... This is the beginning of a naughty school romantic comedy!

Someone Else's BL Comic
Someone Else's BL ComicBbobariee

Seunghee may seem like a regular high school boy, but he's got a few secrets: he loves to cross-dress and read BL comics. He's looking for a match that will accept him, but it's classmate Seungtaek who spies him on a date gone bad. Now that someone at school knows he's gay, can Seunghee's life remain ordinary the way he likes it?

Hold On, Crown Prince!
Hold On, Crown Prince!Icho

Hold on, Crown Prince! Why are you doing this to me?! With a charming face and a not-quite-so attitude, not a day passes in the life of a beautiful boy Ray without some trouble. Seeing Ray get repeatedly fired from various jobs due to his fiery temper, Edward lets him in on a must-have item(!) for noble ladies that is sure to bring in a big sum of money. While searching through the forest for the material for the item, Ray is injured, though lightly, by an arrow out of nowhere. He runs away refusing any treatment. The arrow's owner is none other than Crown Prince Lucas of Luvecia. Having saved Ray from his troubles time and again, Lucas makes an offer Ray can't refuse--the terms of which dictate that his life will be spared, should he grant Lucas his wishes.

Isekai de Skill wo Kaitai shitara Cheat na Yome ga Zoushoku Shimashita Gainen Kousa no Structure
Isekai de Skill wo Kaitai shitara Cheat na Yome ga Zoushoku Shimashita Gainen Kousa no StructureSengatsu sakaki

Quando um ônibus cheio de pessoas é invocado para outros mundo, Nagi Souma não segue a ideia de ser um herói como os outros. E assim ele deixa o palácio e começa sua vida num outro mundo com sua habilidade de reestruturar habilidades. Baseado na Light Novel com o mesmo nome.

Aku Menjadi Anak Angkat Pemeran Utama (Official)
Aku Menjadi Anak Angkat Pemeran Utama (Official)Ttona

Keputusan mendadak Duke Ferio Voleoti membuat semua orang terkejut. Tidak hanya itu, ia juga memberikan nama yang hanya bisa didapatkan oleh keturunan keluarga Voleoti. Terlebih, anak yang ia adopsi itu juga memiliki penampilan yang begitu mirip dengan Duke sendiri. "Bahkan saat bernapas saja, kita menghasilkan uang." "Itu namanya percaya diri, bukan arogan." "Aku suka dengan otot yang kuat dan besar!" "Ayah macam apa kamu?" Cerita tentang ayah yang arogan serta anak yang unik pun dimulai.

My One and Only [Official]
My One and Only [Official]Sonyeon

Yeo-ul has pop star-like looks but that hasn’t stopped him from being misunderstood his whole life. And with the school year finishing up, this summer break could be a lonely one. That is until one night a street cat follows Yeo-ul home. This persistent little guy won’t take no for an answer so Yeo-ul decides to take him in, adamant that it’ll be for one night only. However, after one little smooch, this kitty turns into a really buff - and really naked! - man. For Tater, the white cat, finding Yeo-ul is anything but a coincidence. And once Yeo-ul agrees to take care of him, this is his chance to pounce! But it turns out, being human isn’t as easy as it seems…

ᴄᴇʀɪ ᴘᴏᴘ ᴏɴᴇ
ᴄᴇʀɪ ᴘᴏᴘ ᴏɴᴇYuri azul

“Tolong biarkan aku pergi, suamiku,” “Jika kamu bisa mengatakannya dengan manis, apakah aku akan membiarkanmu pergi?” Keduanya dianggap alfa sempurna. Keduanya, yang tidak terlalu dekat satu sama lain, telah berteman sejak kecil dan memiliki hubungan yang buruk. Itu berubah ketika Sakima menjadi panas dan mulai meraba-raba dirinya sendiri sambil mengendus aroma seragam Renji. Renji dikatakan sebagai siswa teladan oleh orang-orang di sekitarnya, tetapi pada kenyataannya, dia adalah seorang Sadis sejati yang suka mengikat dan menggertak pasangannya… Tidak hanya ditemukan oleh pria yang tidak ingin dia temukan. keluar paling banyak, tapi dia sekarang juga dirusak dan diganggu oleh Sakima …!??

Jujutsu Kaisen (Official)
Jujutsu Kaisen (Official)Gege akutami

For some strange reason, Yuji Itadori, despite his insane athleticism would rather just hang out with the Occult Club. However, her soon finds out that the occult is as real as it gets when his fellow club members are attacked! Meanwhile, the mysterious Megumi Fushiguro is tracking down a special-grade cursed object, and his search leads him to Itadori...

❦ ⓒⓞⓤⓟⓛⓔ ѕєℓєв s̊⫶o̊⫶ 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 ⪨Delly⪩
❦ ⓒⓞⓤⓟⓛⓔ ѕєℓєв s̊⫶o̊⫶ 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 ⪨Delly⪩三原社

Song Yan dan Wen Li adalah pasangan kontrak terkenal di industri hiburan. Sejak mereka menikah, mereka tidak berbisnis dan tidak terikat satu sama lain. Penggemar yang tak terhitung jumlahnya mengeluh, namun banyak yang menyatukan mereka. Sampai keduanya secara resmi mengumumkan keikutsertaan mereka dalam variety show tingkat nasional untuk pasangan dan mereka dengan enggan mulai kembali ke karir mereka. Selama proses rekaman variety show tersebut, keduanya perlahan menemukan bahwa ikatan mereka telah terjalin erat beberapa tahun yang lalu......


The most important life lesson Seo Jimin has ever learned was from her parents: Never get too absorbed to someone else. That’s why this young lady plays by her own law of bedroom, refusing to stay with the same person for too long. She gets all the pleasure of having a good time without the messiness of a relationship.. So what if her rules have earned her a certain reputation around uni? At least no one gets hurt this way, especially her. But when ridiculously gorgeous wolfy Female moves in next door, Jimin is not sure how long her vow against emotional intimacy can last.

Kansaijin To Fukumen Satsujinki Sex shiteiikara Korosantoite (Official)
Kansaijin To Fukumen Satsujinki Sex shiteiikara Korosantoite (Official)Maria (mりあ)|Maria

While on a solo camping trip, Taichi witnesses a murder, and is taken prisoner by the assailant. Locked up in a strange room with his hands and feet bound, Taichi wonders if his life is about to end when the murderer suddenly licks his ear! The masked man then plants himself in a chair and starts staring at him. Taichi's puzzled, wondering what's happening, when his captor says he's fallen for him. And Taichi had thought the guy wanted to kill him! In a desperate attempt to get away, he tells the murderer that the feeling is mutual. The next thing he knows, the guy suddenly gets physical! It should have hurt, but it's getting better and better... as the Kansai native and the masked murderer begin a strange life together!

Why Are You Doing This, Duke?
Why Are You Doing This, Duke?Eddy

"My sweet songbird-- my eternal love-- Don't make such a sad face. When my little songbird gets sad, it feels like my entire world is raining." The duke known to many as the grim reaper, "Rowan Peruka". He, the very person who was about to chop off my head last month, managed to become my husband?! He took me in not as a second or third wife, but as a first one at that?!! I'd love it if this was true love, but this is all thanks to a mysterious magic spell. And the magic spell's power's been weakening to boot--! A marriage with a bipolar(?) husband where your own life is at stake,

My Delicious Dream Boy (Official)
My Delicious Dream Boy (Official)Xiyuer

Mara's got everything you could dream of... good looks, charisma, and style. After all, he's secretly a demon on the hunt for the best dreams to feast upon. Mara can't believe his luck when he stumbles upon the new student—shy, sweet Joel, who also happens to dream the most delectable nightmares. He immediately tries to charm Joel, but none of his spells are working! Now Mara's gotta beguile him the old-fashioned way... What happens when the boy of your dreams is actually here to devour them?

KiriBaku Anthology – Boku no Hero Academia dj
KiriBaku Anthology – Boku no Hero Academia djAm|Anakura (komu)|Aoaa|Atonomatsuri|Bakusan|Bite (natsuo)|Bu-nyon-nyon (emunosentan)|Cc (micco)|Chigireru paseri|Crim|Daidai|Dandandanshi (denden)|Drip cappuccino (usabi)|Fuzainoyamada (fuzai yumoto)|Gochisousamadeshita|H a|Hakononaka|Hanamizu|Hatojiro|Hatomaru (pigeon)|Hellenism (y)|Hiyoko kanteido|Ho|Hrnzm (ysn-yuusatona)|Ichigo tawolket|Inunabe (shuhuhu)|Kara-kara|Karanarinosu|Kirinott|Kobouzu|Kohaku chan|Kuromitsu (kuzumochi)|Lian (@liandoodle)|Lowah|Madogiwa|Manjiro|Manjirou|Mary mary lou|Masoe|Mayoimiti (shiki)|Mayu|Meroaki (aki)|Mrcl|Nanamigoku|Nasugorira|O2|Oc5|Oishiqli kappa|Okujou kantorera (abaraya)|Ore jon|Osova|Ouson|P|Pinknock (piyo)|Pop de ayashige|Prt|Rikiko|Sco.labo (shoco)|Senowo|Shima|Shimo ga dorodoro|Shufufu|Soranatabi|Suabi|Tacowasa|Tasogare logic|Tea (kyoura)|Touge|Tsubaki watanabe|Tsukadaiko (yazaki)|Tsukihi|Watanabe|Ys (satou)|Yukimika (yukky)|Yumeyume|Zaza|Zoz!

Eijiro Kirishima x Katsuki Bakugou (KiriBaku) Katsuki Bakugou x Eijiro Kirishima (BakuKiri) (some other couples - TodoDeku)

Lick Me, Like Me (Official)
Lick Me, Like Me (Official)Riffle

Jooin is a young vet that charms pets and owners alike at his animal clinic. When a puppy and kitten are dumped at his door, he decides to raise them as his own. With love and care the furballs quickly become full-grown -perhaps a bit too much as they're now two... hunky humans?! When your pets are this eager, it takes being a 'pet lover' to a whole new level!

My Life as an Internet Novel
My Life as an Internet NovelYu han-ryeo

Every novel has the usual cast: a gorgeous heroine, handsome boys vying for her attention, and a homely best friend at the heroine’s side. Dani, an ordinary student and avid reader of internet novels, is all too familiar with these tropes. But she never imagined that one day she’d wake up at the center of one herself! Her new fictional world is complete with a beautiful best friend named Yeoryung, and four impossibly good-looking boys who all happen to be in her class. Dani is determined to stay out of the way and not get involved in the twists and turns of the plot. But is she really just the sidekick -- or is Dani actually the leading lady? Anything is possible in the world of a novel!

Seducing the Jerk
Seducing the JerkMila

Lingering feelings can haunt you. Eunsung has always been genetically blessed in the looks department. But what happens when his good looks catch the attention of a ghost? And what will he do when the ghost refuses to pass on till Eunsung helps him get revenge on his first love... by turning him gay?!

Hatsujou Kareshi
Hatsujou KareshiSakira

Collection of oneshots From Blissful Sin: With naked bodies in close contact at a hot springs inn on a school field trip, they’re hot to trot! ♥ Horny Keitatsu’s erotic rampage on Ran just won’t end! The boys from “Bousou Kareshi” – Keitatsu x Ran, Seisuke x Tsubaki, and Himura the shota-con public health doctor – all are getting worked up and having extremely perverted sex! ♥ The climactic comic! 1) Punishment Sweets Misaki forgets his boyfriend Rui's birthday, how can he make it up to him? 2) Love Fever Boy 3) Hot-to-Trot♥Boyfriend 4) Phantom♥Boyfriend?! 5) Love♥Fighter! 6) Oppai Fighter! 7) Himura-sensei no Junan (The Suffering of Dr. Himura) Himura Yuu is a high-school doctor with a serious shota complex and there's only one person standing in the way of his virtual smorgasbord; his colleague, Ashiya. Himura is clueless as to why Ashiya interrupts him everyday, but when he learns of their previous connection, things become all too clear. 8) Himura-sensei no Moekare (Himura-sensei's Moe Boyfriend) 9) Lonely Little Bird 10) Love♥Love Je t'aime 

One Punch-Man
One Punch-ManOne

One-Punch Man segue la vita di Saitama, un eroe medio che dopo costanti e faticosi allenamenti riesce ora a vincere tutte le sue battaglie con un solo pugno! Questo finisce per essere la causa di un sacco di frustrazioni poiché egli non sente più l'emozione e l'adrenalina di combattere una dura battaglia. Forse non valeva la pena di intraprendere il suo rigoroso allenamento per diventare forte. Dopo tutto, cosa c'è di buono nell'avere un potere così schiacciante?

Nuretoro 3P: Otona no Omocha Monitor
Nuretoro 3P: Otona no Omocha MonitorZunda mochiko

Mutsumi, a poor college student, takes on a shady but well-paying job as a toy tester, only to find out that the toys in question are exclusively for adults! His employers are a pair of handsome studs from his college, Kamishiro and Takase. Despite it being Mutsumi's first time, they test all sorts of toys on him, in various situations... (Source: Renta!)

Double Your Pleasure – A Twin Yuri Anthology
Double Your Pleasure – A Twin Yuri AnthologyBonryu|Yakinikuteisyoku|Hibiki aoto|Emi hinahara|Shiratamamochi|Suto|Ame kanro|Kodama naoko

Kumpulan roman pendek yuri bersifat cabul ini menampilkan si kembar cantik yang jatuh cinta dengan pihak ketiga dan satu sama lain. Kembar: mempesona dan menggiurkan tanpa henti. Antologi cerita manga yuri ini menampilkan beberapa saudara kembar terpanas oleh seniman terpanas saat ini. Kisah-kisah seksi, dari kisah seorang kembar tunggal yang merayu bayangan cerminnya, hingga sepasang gadis yang menemukan kepuasan hanya ketika mereka merayu yang ketiga. Petualangan erotis menunggu dan kejutan berlimpah dalam eksplorasi fantasi terlarang ini.

40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto / 10 things I want to do before I turn 40
40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto / 10 things I want to do before I turn 40

English chapter1 “I’d be down to sleep with you.” These past 10 years I haven’t dated anyone and given up on love. Now it’s three months until my 40th birthday. Have a takoyaki party, eat a parfait, spend my birthday with a lover. The handsome member of my team who’s 10 years younger than me just had to find my secret list and now we’re going to check it off together? Making the list changed my life?! A love story between a handsome subordinate x his older superior. 「あなたのこと余裕で抱けます」 10年以上恋人なし、恋は諦めている、40歳の誕生日まであと3か月。 「タコパ」「パフェ食べる」「誕生日を恋人と過ごす」 ――絶対ひみつの「40までにやりたいことリスト」をよりによって10歳年下のイケメン部下に見られ一緒にやる羽目になり…!? リストを作ったことで人生一変!? イケメン部下×枯れた上司のリーマンラブ。

Hardcore Vanilla
Hardcore VanillaYoumy|Yu myeong

"Tie me up and punish me. I want to be your dog..." Chanhee has a major crush on Eunjo, the campus goddess. Tired of waiting around, he decides to join her in her secret fetishes - stepping foot into the wild, wild world of BDSM. What Chanhee doesn't realize, however, is that Eunjo is a vanilla just like him, and that the two have just embarked on a journey neither of them had asked for. Kinks and crushes, and a whole lot of drama in between!

Don't Get Me Wrong, Boss!
Don't Get Me Wrong, Boss!Limeho

Lim Iro is a BL writer, and a pretty successful one at that! His last project was lavished with praise by everyone… Well, almost everyone. Under pressure from his unimpressed parents, Iro is forced into applying for a “real” job. But instead of a cover letter, he accidentally submits an unreleased extract from his book instead! Disaster! Or maybe not…? Faced with Iro’s unconventional application, Baek Ho-ryung, the dashing CEO of Beus drinks company, is intrigued. But once Iro joins Beus, will his office life begin to emulate his steamy writing…?

Leash Me Up [Official]
Leash Me Up [Official]Yp

Meet Noel, a part-time worker at a pet store who’s completely and utterly obsessed with puppies. Noel loves puppies so much that he decides to join a chat app to find a friend who likes them as much as he does. Just his luck, he manages to find "J," a user that seems to match Noel’s passion for cuddly creatures. After Noel decides to send J a collar as a gift, J suggests they meet in person. When J shows up wearing the collar around his own neck, it’s evident there has been some sort of misunderstanding between the two…

Sex Fantasy
Sex FantasyYu kagami

Benua megaleisia, tanah di mana negara-negara bersaing untuk hegemonia. Di sana bukan prajurit kuat atau penyihir veteran yang memerintah di medan perang, tetapi gadis "Maihime" cantik mengenakan pakaian yang memiliki kekuatan dewa iblis. Di tengah-tengah peperang, ada seorang pria muda yang mencintai wanita dan menjelajahi benua untuk mengirimkan "cinta" / "seks" ke dunia, namanya Sid. pertemuan antara Sid, yang memiliki kemampuan untuk merayu lawan jenis dan memanipulasi mereka sesuka hati, dan Maihime tertentu menyebabkan lebih banyak keributan di megaleisia!

Love Sex Show
Love Sex ShowKayou amamiya

Atsufumi is a performer for a membership-based show for sex. Atsufumi is excited to be popular, but is provoked by Mitsuki, another performer skilled in technique and control, who says his popularity is only because he is new. Atsufumi will not have such slander, and proclaims that he will make Mitsuki drop to his knees in pleasure. The two continue to bicker like an old couple… and continue to be paired up with each other for special events like the Sweetheart Play event! Will Mitsuki and Atsufumi be able to pull off a lovey-dovey act when they’re both determined to make each other cry?

Give Me Back My Wife
Give Me Back My WifeHyeonjeong

"With a beautiful face and body, my wife Sora is a perfect woman. However, why is it that I always lose my erection when I should be burning up in bed with her? I don't show it, but I can feel that Sora is also dissatisfied with our sex life. I can't keep going on like this forever. I'll make sure to make Sora happy. Even if it means allowing her body to be used by another man... But something is wrong with this. I only allowed a physical relationship; I never asked her to give her heart as well. So, please, return my wife to me now."

Tiger’s Den
Tiger’s DenHuung / damrain

Omega Lee Sun-woo, who has a superior trait, decided to sell himself lastly to give his body, his only family, his grandmother, a luxury after spending it here and there due to debt.

When the Killer Falls in Love
When the Killer Falls in LoveEresemo

Breaking News: Professional killer Joo Tae Man fell in love with Korea's favorite actor, Kang Da Hyuk! Professional killer Joo Tae-man has endured extreme physical training, mental education, and cruel torture-- but somehow easily falls apart to Kang Da-hyuk's kindness...? Joo Tae Man who has trained for NN years as a professional killer thought “is this love?”, What should I do at times like this?”

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta KenFuse

Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate.

Become A Girl At Night
Become A Girl At NightAke

He comes across a cute girl on the way home in the late night. Out of kindness, he helps “her“ get out of trouble and decided to let “her“ stay just one night at his house. But “she“ doesn’t seem to interest him much, by contrast, “she“ is kicked out of his bed when “she“ is trying to sleep with him...

In My Closet (Official)
In My Closet (Official)Risa lisa

When Sua met Jung for the first time, that’s when he knew he liked boys. As the founder of the famous band Attack, Jung was Sua’s idol and more. Years later Sua follows in his idol’s footsteps to become a star but, little did he expect his new manager to be Jung?! Terrified to reveal his true feelings, Sua spirals deeper into depression and refuses to work until Jung begins working closer with him. He promises to keep training so long as Jung rewards him…

Perfectly Broken Love
Perfectly Broken LoveSuma

Business student Ma Dongjae is cursed with only ever falling for ultra-straight dudes, so you can just imagine the luck he’s had with love. All he really wants is a relationship of his own, but his own poor taste keeps getting in the way! Finally, Dongjae is propositioned, but…it’s by a weirdo in the campus changing rooms. It doesn’t matter how sexy he is, Dongjae has to turn him down, obviously! That should be the end of it, but fate just loves messing with Dongjae, and so they end up not only sharing a class but also being assigned to work on the same project! The thing is, the cool and aloof man who introduces himself is nothing like the creep Dongjae met before. One minute he’s hot, the next minute he’s cold, and half the time he seems to forget they’ve ever even spoken. It’s almost like he’s two different people…

Can't Get Caught! XXX «Official»
Can't Get Caught! XXX «Official»Lee

Some people are just drawn together…literally. Eun Se-eun has never gotten over his first love and eternal crush, the charismatic and effervescent Seo Jeongwoo. Unable to forget him, Se-eun decides to take things into his own hands - by making them the main characters of his hit BL series, Can’t Get Caught! XXX. But after returning to his hometown, Se-eun’s fantasy just might become reality when he comes face to face with the man of his dreams (and drawings) once again! As the two begin to reignite their friendship from years gone by, Se-eun must do whatever he can to ensure Jeongwoo doesn’t find out what he’s been up to. He can run, he can hide...but he can’t get caught!

Log in to Lust-a-land
Log in to Lust-a-landHamdinga

Nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened to Namjoo, that is, until the day he picks up a mislaid USB on the street. Curiosity gets the better of him and when he takes a look inside, he finds a steamy VR game that’s still in the works. To Namjoo, the game looks ready for release, but little does he know about the bug that’s affecting all of the NPCs and making all of them super horny. Meanwhile, Hye-na’s panicking about her lost USB and is determined to get it back before more people find out about the game's fatal flaw. Join Namjoo and Hye-na on their journey to Lust-a-land, a world that isn’t for the faint of heart...or the low of libido.

Gedou Tenisha no Harem Dungeon Seisakuki
Gedou Tenisha no Harem Dungeon SeisakukiChiri

ke Isekai, Bangun Dungeon, buat Harem, nge NTR Pacar orang. Bodo amatlah mending baca sendiri aja

When Beauty Meets Beasts (Official)
When Beauty Meets Beasts (Official)阅文漫画

Lin Huanhuan, a regular 20-year-old girl who just joined the workforce, suddenly transmigrated while taking a bath! What’s more, it’s a world filled with handsome men who wear loincloths and can transform into beasts! Romance with another race is bound to be difficult, but luckily, there’s a transmigration system which teaches her how to survive in this strange new world. Study hard to achieve your sweet romance, Huanhuan!


Apa aku sedang bermimpi sekarang? Kalau tidak, saya tidak bisa menjelaskan situasi di mana kesucian saya terancam oleh sesama bajingan saya. Kim Tae-kwon, seorang guru bahasa Korea berusia 35 tahun sebagai ibu tunggal. Ketika saya sadar, saya masuk ke buku komik BL hard-core yang melelahkan selama berhari-hari. "Kamu adalah orang pertama yang sangat memengaruhi tubuhku. Aku tidak akan pernah melepaskannya♥", "Aku mengenalinya pada pandangan pertama! Bahwa kamu adalah satu-satunya pejuang yang dapat menyelamatkan kerajaan ini!", "Kupikir dia adalah bajingan sialan ... Bukankah dia seorang hyung yang sangat baik hati?" Semua jenis pria mulai terjerat dengannya ... Mengapa cara berpikir setiap orang yang saya temui diatur oleh bagian bawah tubuh saya? Ini sudah berakhir dan aku hanya ingin pulang. Petualangan Tae kwon mencari peninggalan untuk pulang. Bisakah Tae kwon pulang?

Friending Until the End
Friending Until the EndZack

As a supportive best friend, Soogyum decides to visit a gay bar with his childhood friend Jinhyung when Jinhyung declares he's gay. However, after a chaotic night, both Soogyum and Jinhyung need to rethink about their friendship, and on Soogyum's preference. Will these two remain friends... or become more?!

Becoming the Librarian’s Pet
Becoming the Librarian’s PetSakae matsubara

Legendary delinquent Ryu disappeared two years ago, but that doesn't deter Hizuru Omoda, who aspires to become his right-hand man. With "Accept all fights!!" as his motto, Hizuru terrorizes his fellow students at the library every day. But, the only person he can't beat is the student librarian, Ryusei Hatogaya, who has no mercy for those who disturb the peace on his turf. He's always keeping Hizuru busy with library assistant tasks. One day, Hizuru overhears the other library assistants demanding that Ryusei kick him out, but surprisingly, Ryusei seems to acknowledges Hizuru's worth. Ever since then, Hizuru's been opening up to Ryusei, but that doesn't stop him from picking a fight with him!This is a story of a hero-worshipping delinquent, a student librarian with a secret, and... a man who claims to be Ryu's old partner...! Packed with serious fistfights and equally intense lovemaking, this is Sakae Matsubara's first yaoi story with a delinquent bottom. All shall cower before his glorious member!! (Source: Renta!)


Nobita yang selalu di bully oleh shuneo ingin membalas dendam kepada shuneo, nobita di bantu oleh Doraemon untuk membalaskan dendam nya kepada shuneo, apakah nobita berhasil membalaskan dendam nya atau sebaliknya...?

The Grand Mudang Saga (Official)
The Grand Mudang Saga (Official)Eunyeol|Giparan

On his deathbed, the supreme dark leader is given an ironic second chance at life. He’s reborn as Jinmu, a young disciple of his rival clan, the righteous Mudang. Determined to make the best of a bad situation, he resolves to plunge the clan into corruption and debauchery by becoming their master disciple. Oblivious to this nefarious scheme, the Mudang begin to fall for Jinmu’s audacious approach to life and martial arts. Will Jinmu be the Mudang Clan’s downfall or just the kick in the pants it needs?

Cherry Picking
Cherry PickingJino

Is being a virgin a good or a bad thing? For 24-year-old Joo Hansol, it’s a pain in the ass. Why you ask? Because he finally managed to meet the love of his life but was coldly rejected just for not having any experience. So, he makes it his mission to have his cherry popped. But it won’t be that easy, especially when his best friend is Do Woobin. A man of many talents, Woobin seems to be the only one capable of reining the impulsive Hansol in. Will Hansol succeed in his quest to finally have his cherry picked…?

My Harem Grew So Large, I Was Forced to Ascend
My Harem Grew So Large, I Was Forced to Ascend黎之恒

Tsundere heavenly master, big-breasted sister, barefoot poison cultivator, immortal swordswoman with white silk clothes, the last 5 out of the 6 strongest people in the world. I, Ye Gulou have become the first person to cultivate immortality through pure unbounded Yang. But wait, cultivating pure unbounded Yang means I can't form relationships with women or else I'll die?! Then what can I do about this harem of mine that's grown so large over the years? They're all chasing me down, coercing me to choose between them (otherwise they'll kill Me). They've forced me to ascend to the Heavens, to immortality right now to escape from their wrath. Oh shit, they followed me to the new world?!! Let's see what awaits us as my harems from both worlds combine!

Sadistic Beauty: Side Story A
Sadistic Beauty: Side Story AYunhee woo

The first meeting starting in a new place, leaving Dona behind! There, Gyerin meets her perfect taste from head to toe... Is Na Juyeon, full of enormous anti-war charm, the opponent of Gyerin's fate?

Cara Berpikir Egosentris
Cara Berpikir EgosentrisWonmick

Update Raw Korea tiap tgl 10, 20, 30 Manajer Woo Ji Oh, yang merupakan atasan langsung Soo Han, memiliki wajah tampan dan pantat yang indah. "Sayang, sudah lama menunggu?" Tidak seperti biasanya, Chief Woo memanggil semua bawahannya 'sayang'. Masalahnya di sini adalah Soo Han, seorang pria gay dan selalu merasa nyaman dengan kata-kata itu. "Sayang, kamu melihat pantatku sepanjang waktu dan selalu menatapku saat rapat." "Apakah kamu menyukaiku sampai batas tertentu?"

Lady Baby (Official)
Lady Baby (Official)Hæon

Calliope Rustichel’s family dies one by one in a series of tragedies. Just when she had given up all hope, a mysterious woman grants Calliope a second chance at life. Little did she know that chance would literally start from birth! Now stuck as an adult in a baby’s body, Calliope must uncover the conspiracy behind the death of her family and use her memories of the past to change the future… all while learning how to walk and talk! Who said being a baby was all naps and diaper changes?

Naruto (Official)
Naruto (Official)Kishimoto masashi

Whenever Naruto Uzumaki proclaims that he will someday become the Hokage—a title bestowed upon the best ninja in the Village Hidden in the Leaves—no one takes him seriously. Since birth, Naruto has been shunned and ridiculed by his fellow villagers. But their contempt isn't because Naruto is loud-mouthed, mischievous, or because of his ineptitude in the ninja arts, but because there is a demon inside him. Prior to Naruto's birth, the powerful and deadly Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village. In order to stop the rampage, the Fourth Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the demon inside the body of the newborn Naruto. And so when he is assigned to Team 7—along with his new teammates Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, under the mentorship of veteran ninja Kakashi Hatake—Naruto is forced to work together with other people for the first time in his life. Through undergoing vigorous training and taking on challenging missions, Naruto must learn what it means to work in a team and carve his own route toward becoming a full-fledged ninja recognized by his village.

The Call Boy Wants it Inside (Official)
The Call Boy Wants it Inside (Official)Meguro

Akiyama just started working, but he's extremely annoyed because he has to take over the duties of his senior who suddenly quit...! Daydreaming about having a boyfriend who'd make him feel better... makes him take the leap to request the visit of a call boy specialized in gay men! The one knocking on his door was Aoi, a super cute call boy. As they started making out, just touching the flirtatious and sexy Aoi makes Akiyama rock hard...!! On top of that, Aoi's passionate fellatio pushes him over the edge. It feels so good it's crazy...! This is the heart-pounding love story of a younger, virgin salary man with an older, sexy call boy!

The Lady I Served Became a Master [Official]
The Lady I Served Became a Master [Official]Tabby star

When Sua wakes up inside the world of her favorite novel as the character of Blair, she is determined to help the female protagonist, Chloe, get through the darkest period of her life. For years, Chloe has had to endure discrimination and abuse for being an illegitimate child. Blair becomes her maid and confidante, and the two form a special friendship. But Chloe turns out to be quite a different character than the one described in the book. She wields black magic, sends Blair to fetch her mysterious potions, and seems totally uninterested in any of the male lead candidates. Then one day, a handsome man who looks an awful lot like Chloe shows up at Blair’s doorstep. Could it be…the lady she used to serve?! All bets are off as plot twist after plot twist unravels in this unpredictable tale of love and redemption.

A Nonsense Relationship [Mature]
A Nonsense Relationship [Mature]Space dust|Jambi

Carter's relationships get complicated one after another and his one-night stand turns out to be the father of one of his troublesome student... but thats not all it gets even more complicated by adding his ex into the mix and his old student who now have feelings for him. An unsure carter who can't make up his mind between the 3 guys.

Juyeon's Jinx [𝙄𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨]
Juyeon's Jinx [𝙄𝙙𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙨𝙨]Mp (ll)

"Ini semua karena dia..." Kim Han-gyeol, seorang siswa SMA biasa, selalu bertemu dengan Seo Joo-yeon pada hari-hari yang buruk. Seperti pembawa sial. Kepala yang tertunduk, suara yang pelan. Poni panjangnya yang kusut dan tergerai membawa desas-desus buruk. Semakin aku berinteraksi dengannya, semakin kuat rasa sialnya. Namun sejak Kim Han-gyeol melihat wajah tersembunyi Seo Joo-yeon, setiap kali Kim Han-gyeol melakukan kontak mata dengannya, dia merasakan sensasi yang aneh. Jantungku berdebar-debar karena penasaran...

Omae no Subete wo Daki Tsukusu
Omae no Subete wo Daki TsukusuHashiba mizu

"I'm already overflowing like this... I'll just shove it in." "Manager... more... I mean.. Ahh!" Kiyoko (33) a female banker, who was about to get married, suddenly got her engagement cancelled. It was an old enemy and Manager, Samejima, who consoled Kiyoko in her disappointment. We were getting drunk, and then I found myself in bed and getting really crazy... The hot and hard part of the Manager, who was difficult to get close to, stimulated Kiyoko's innermost body, and she enjoyed unbelievable pleasures. The next day, when I thought all of it was just a one night thing, the Manager declared, "I already registered our marriage." ?!!

The Keystone Romantic Combination
The Keystone Romantic CombinationYuni lim|Teava

A wholesome romantic comedy between a baseball prodigy and a mediocre player! Ever since they first met seven years ago, Youngjun has spent most of his career comparing himself with Hyun, a star baseball prodigy. Youngjun’s own insecurities festered until he doubted Hyun’s kindness and has tried to push him away ever since. Just knowing Hyun has never been anything less than special was enough reason to be jealous. But, all this time, Youngjun hasn’t taken his eyes off Hyun and Hyun has always been there for him. After all, they are the Keystone Romantic Combination.

Shinyuu Ouji To Koshiginchaku
Shinyuu Ouji To KoshiginchakuRyuusei honey|Magome yori

I was cursed to become a woman in place of the prince, and then he proposed to me?! My best friend from childhood, the high-spec Prince Vincent, and me, his follower Renoa. Though I've always been a loyal yes-man… Even if you're taking responsibility for me, I can't accept that proposal! The infatuating love story between a troublesome prince and his scapegoat attendant!

Sweet Escape
Sweet EscapeHangman (manyu)

She was pushed to a man with extremely mysterious identity. After she was intimate with him, she had no choice but to run away during pregnancy. A few years later, she showed up with her son, Bao! As a little man, the biggest dream of Bao is to help his mom find a perfect husband who should be the richest man in the world with a height of 1.99 meters and 8 abs for his mother! “Mom, what do you think of this man?” Added Bao pointing his finger at the man who seemed to be a plus size version of himself. “Woman, you’ve escaped for a long time, it’s time to come back and make an apology!” The man appeared aggressively! As a result, Lin zhi lost not only her son, but also her heart!

No Love Zone
No Love ZoneDanbi

Lee Eun-gyeom is your typical office worker. A newbie at his workplace, he’s friendly and sociable. However, when it comes to love and relationships, he has the most rotten luck. Enter Han Jihyuk, the handsome team manager who’s totally Eun-gyeom’s type! But wait a second... Is this demon of a manager out to get him? His arrival is about to send Eun-gyeom through a roller coaster of emotions!

Aggressive Sex with an Angelic Smile
Aggressive Sex with an Angelic SmileWwwave

"You're going to turn into a woman before you even get to bang one, huh." It's the first time he felt pleasure aching in that hole. Thrusting it deep into the macho man, making him melt…


Dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama, setelah penyebaran apa yang disebut Virus Adam, yang mengubah manusia menjadi zombie melalui plot Adam Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., hanya tersisa tiga negara bersatu di dunia. Menyusul kematian tak terduga Dr. Oh, salah satu pengembang vaksin virus, Kwak Soo-hwan, seorang mayor di Angkatan Darat Biro Persatuan Kota Pelangi, bertanggung jawab untuk memulangkan Seok-hwa, seorang peneliti senior yang tinggal di pengasingan di Pulau Jeju, ke Seoul. Nanti, di Penampungan Yeouido di Seoul, dia akan bertanggung jawab atas penjaga Seokhwa, yang mengambil alih penelitian Dr. Oh dan berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan vaksin. Pengembangan vaksin melawan virus Adam, yang bermutasi berkali-kali, hanya lambat, dan perlawanan para pemberontak yang menyerang Kota Pelangi, yang tidak menanggapi rezim kota yang kejam, hanya tumbuh lebih kuat. Di masa kekacauan, Seok-hwa mempertanyakan kebijakan kota yang hanya berfokus pada pengembangan vaksin, bukan obat.

Sekai no Owari no Sekairoku
Sekai no Owari no SekairokuSazane kei

The valuable treasure, the “Encore” which was left by the legendary Brave Hero Elline, has the recording of the end of the world and the reincarnation of the world. The countries and parties all over the world are searching for the location of its whereabouts; the age to fight for the Encore. The boy called Ren who wants to become a MASTERKnight has no talent in wielding swords despite looking exactly like the Brave Hero Elline, he has been having a lifestyle where people taunts him as the “Fake Brave Hero”. The one that appears in front of him is the legendary Dragon-Princess Krische, who had awoken from her seal. She mistook Ren for Elline. Though she gets disappointed since he simply looked like him, she later finds out a hidden potential in him. And she invites him to the journey to find the Encore together with the Archangel Phia and the Demon-Lord Elise that saved the world before. “Do you want to come with us?”. This is the prelude of wild excitement played by the heroes. The boy known as the fake Brave Hero cross paths with the legend now!

Everything Is Agreed
Everything Is AgreedMuldeok

Sang-wook and So-eun, who were enjoying a sweet honeymoon, have a chance to meet with Joo-hee and Jong-hun couple during an excursion, and four people are attracted to each other's partners. Among the pleasant drinks, the level of the game started is not unusual

Descent of the Demon Master (Official)
Descent of the Demon Master (Official)Mayorang

Jinho Kang used to be an average teenager, before an accident took away his family and his ability to walk. After reincarnating in medieval China, he becomes the demon master known as the Crimson Emperor. When his life is tragically cut short, he wakes up back in his previous life, before the accident AND with his powers and martial arts prowess intact. All Jinho wants is to live a normal life, but he soon realizes that monsters exist even in the modern world, and only he can stop them.

Blood and Love
Blood and LoveHaesun

Since childhood, Jiwon has been captivated by stories of vampires. He promised himself that if he ever encountered a real one, he would go out of his way to befriend them. Finally, during Jiwon's college years, the opportunity strikes when he witnesses a handsome vampire indulging in a feeding session. Filled with indescribable excitement, Jiwon attempts to approach and even offer his own blood to the vampire. However, to his dismay, the mysterious bloodsucker vanishes in an instant. Disappointed and brimming with unanswered questions, Jiwon attends class the next day only to discover that the man from the previous night is none other than Yoon Seong-hyun, a sunbae in the same class. Will this unexpected revelation set the stage for Jiwon's ultimate dream of forging an extraordinary friendship or, perhaps…something more?

Lady Wants to Rest (Official)
Lady Wants to Rest (Official)Yuin|Somddam

Tokoh utama ini sudah hidup yang ke-54 kalinya. Dia sudah hidup lebih dari beribu tahun tanpa henti. Dia telah bertemu dengan berbagai macam orang mulai yang jahat, baik, dan lainnya. Dia juga pernah hidup susah, kaya dan bahkan menjadi seorang putri di kekaisaran. Di kehidupan yang ke-54 nya dia terlahir kembali sebagai putri Rubia dari Duchy Ruxen. Sebagai putri yang diremehkan oleh ibu tiri, ayah kandung, dan bahkan para pelayannya sendiri, Rubia muak akan semua kehidupan ini, terlebih lagi dia telah bosan harus hidup terus menerus hingga yang ke-54 kalinya sekarang. Hingga akhirnya dia membulatkan tekad untuk hidup bermalas-malasan kali ini seperti kungkang. Baru terlahir kembali beberapa hari di Duchy Ruxen, Rubia sudah langsung melaksanakan rencananya dan pergi meninggalkan Duchy diikuti oleh Marie yang merupakan satu-satunya orang yang berpihak pada dirinya. Mereka berdua pun pergi ke kota Linnet yang merupakan tempat bersejarah bagi Rubia di masa lalu. Bagaimana kah kelanjutan kisah hidupnya? Ini adalah kisah seorang Lady yang ingin beristirahat.

Hold Me Safe
Hold Me SafeMocho

Is it a good or bad idea to have your ideal type as your bodyguard? Young bestselling author Han Jaehwa is about to find out. With three hit novels and a slew of film adaptations, not to mention a flood of media attention for his chic good looks, Jaehwa seems to have everything going for him…but fame comes at a price. After a stalker breaks into his home, Jaehwa decides to hire a bodyguard for some inner peace. Seong Taekyung is seasoned and capable, everything you’d want in a bodyguard. The only problem is that he’s way too hot, and Jaehwa can’t keep his eyes off him. Hounded both by a stalker and by his own turbulent feelings, Jaehwa must face not only the enemies of his past but also his own longstanding intimacy issues with Taekyung's help.

BL Game no Shujinkou no Otouto de Aru Koto ni Ki ga Tsukimashita
BL Game no Shujinkou no Otouto de Aru Koto ni Ki ga TsukimashitaHanaka yui|Shive

[TL by CutiepieCY] Reincarnated from a Fujoshi to the protagonist’s younger brother in a BL game!! I was going to watch and protect my big brother, but instead I was promoted to be the main character!? A working adult Fujoshi reincarnated as the main character’s "younger brother" in the world of a BL game she played in her previous life. ‘It seems that my brother has already been tied to one of the capture targets ... And to be able to see what happens after the ending, such as the afterward stories of my favorite couple, and how the broken-hearted capture targets will recover from now on…really, this position is just too delicious for me!! But when I was playing the game, I didn't see any "younger brother" though!?’

Security Alert!
Security Alert!Cheok kong

Woomin, a talented hacker, infiltrates Taeyoung Corporation at the request of a criminal organization. However, he was caught by the security network in the middle of it. Instead of reporting Woomin, the CEO of Taeyoung Corporation, Beomhyun, proposed a contract that is nothing short of a slave contract. "Why don't you pay me back with your body? Mr. Criminal." Woomin, who had no choice but to sign the contract, had to do all sorts of weird and dangerous errands ordered by Beomhyun.

Megumi Amano Is Full of Openings!
Megumi Amano Is Full of Openings!Nekoguchi

Shindo Manabu is a student at a very prestigious high school whose goal is to get into Tokyo University. He studies constantly and tries to never lose sight of that goal. That is until his childhood friend, Amano Megumi, who goes to the same school starts to distract him. He originally only remembered her as the tomboy she was as a kid, until they meet up again and he notices how "developed" she has become. As these two get closer to each other, hilarity often ensues and subsequently, Manabu becomes more and more distracted from his goal of getting into Tokyo U.

Nise x Koi Boyfriend
Nise x Koi BoyfriendYamamoto ataru

A collection of stories:Vol. 1: Nise x Koi Boyfriend1-2) Nise x Koi BoyfriendSoutarou Inugami is a shy and reserved high schooler interested in anime and manga. Although content with his lot in life, Soutarou also wouldn't mind having a fateful encounter with a cute girl someday. Lucky for him, he comes home from school one day to find a girl sitting at his doorstep who he's never seen before, but who happens to have the same red earrings as Meguru Satoi, a cool and good-looking guy at his school.Related side story:Nise x Koi Boyfriend - Henshin Shichau (Doujinshi) ( Yowamushi Kareshi to RokudenashiKeishi is a college student fed up with his mischievous boyfriend's unhealthy attitude towards sex and wants to have a more normal love life.4) Kimi to Boku de Chouchou Musubi oHanao notices that a short guy in his class named Koino is often looking at him, and Hanao suspects that he likes him. Hanao decides to show Koino what he thinks about love.5) Usotsuki to Happy End oKeita Hirono is popular among girls for his good looks, and enjoys their attention, but after he gives some advice to Ogata, a loner who spends much of his time reading alone, Keita suddenly finds all the girls gravitating to Ogata.Vol. 2: Nise x Koi Boyfriend lovely1-5) Nise x Koi Boyfriend lovelyA sequel to Nise x Koi Boyfriend as a continuation of Soutarou's and Meguru's relationship.6) Yowamushi Kareshi to Kuroi NekoA sequel to Yowamushi Kareshi to Rokudenashi as a continuation of Keishi's and Yukihito's relationship.

The Kang’s Yeesu (Unofficial)
The Kang’s Yeesu (Unofficial)Winterbuam / mambo /

I am Han Yeesu, this city's coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I'm willing to become a chaebol family's daughter-in-law. However- "She's the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?" One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. "It's because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility! You have to replace that guy!" After my father-in-law's scolding and constant nagging to become the group's successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it's mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu's wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.

Make Me Bark
Make Me BarkSagold

Sungjoon's not doing great, but life is looking up. His job at the convenience store pays enough for him to afford his own place. A tiny, smelly, and laughably cheap place, but he loves it. He loves it right up until he walks home and finds it on fire. Unfortunately, things get worse as he realizes he doesn't know anyone in the city who can help. Wait, no... that's not right. Actually, he does know Lee Hyo-in. A rich kid from his university who is, coincidentally, looking for a roommate. Well, not a roommate. More of a... dog.

Only One (MOEGI Yuu)
Only One (MOEGI Yuu)

A collection of short stories: 1. Only You Accused of being a molester, Mochizuki gets saved by the gentlemanly Nagakura, and their friendship begins... 2. Only One Following his divorce and subsequent loss of his apartment, Mochizuki moved in with Nagakura though they've barely been together for two weeks. A problem soon arises when Nagakura's colleague, Hayami, appears on the scene. Apparently Hayami is an ex-student of Mochizuki's. Just why has his appearance caused a sudden rift between the two lovers? 3. The Gentle Distance Having grown up with a pair of brothers from next door, he slowly discovers his attachment to the younger brother... Could it be love? And what is this niggling feeling he feels for the older brother? 4. Mousou Prize! (The Delusionary Prize!) Shino has quite a crush on his cute tutor Akio. Akio promises Shino a reward if he can do well on his mock exams but what kind of reward is the student expecting? Will the tutor be forced to pay up? 5. 17-sai no Paradox (A 17-Year-Old Paradox) Kuroe is annoyed by his always-smiling teacher, Mizushiro. "So you treat all your students equally? So annoying!" Kuroe passes his boiling point and decides to take action in this ardent and thrilling school romance. 6. Extras Mizushiro tries to get Kuroe to say those magic words.

One Summer Day
One Summer DayKer

It’s not every day you become a ghost. Han Seowoo thought he had it bad when the sunbae he liked rejected him. But on his way back home with a broken heart, he ends up slipping from the top of a building and plummeting…to his premature death. Then a surprisingly young grim reaper shows up to collect his soul. But luckily enough, the reaper messes things up…and Seowoo is given the chance to stay in the corporeal world for a bit longer. There’s just one catch: the reaper is to move in with Seowoo and make sure he stays out of trouble and the lives of the living. Maybe that one summer day, death wasn’t the only thing in store for Seowoo…

Hari's Sexy Star [Official]
Hari's Sexy Star [Official]Gaehoju

Dongsoo's a loser, no doubt about it. He's unreliable, unemployed, and unlikely to get laid any time soon. At least, until he runs into Geumsil on a train to Seoul. Short skirt and and boob window aside, she's way out of Dongsoo's league. But, that all changes when an accident on the train embues Dongsoo and some other passengers on the train with a thousand years worth of sexual spiritual energy. The thing is, there's only one way to release the energy. Time to hang out with your yang out.

My father-in-law is my wife
My father-in-law is my wifeXingkong she / yue guanri

On the day of the wedding between a male dentist and a female doctor, the female doctor suddenly swapped body with her own father after a mysterious lightning strike. From that moment onwards, the male dentist’s wife is officially his father-in-law!

Adik Iparku Yang Berbahaya (Heavenly)
Adik Iparku Yang Berbahaya (Heavenly)Strawberry soymilk

Lima tahun yang lalu saudara iparnya, Yooha muncul di depan Hyunseo, yang telah hidup sendiri sejak istrinya meninggal karena sakit. Setelah kematian kakak perempuannya, Yooha dan keluarganya pergi ke luar negeri. Beberapa tahun kemudian yooha kembali ke Korea dan meminta Hyunseo untuk merawatnya. Dengan cara ini, keduanya mulai hidup bersama, dan Hyunseo menerima perasaan aneh dari Yooha, perasaan yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Meskipun dia malu dengan Yooha, yang selalu mendekatinya, dia secara bertahap bersandar padanya secara fisik dan mental . Tapi... apa tidak apa-apa seperti ini dengan keluargaku...!?

Pop One's Cherry
Pop One's CherryYuri azul

"Please let me go, my husband," "If you can say it cutely, will I let you go?" The two are considered perfect alphas. The two, who are not particularly close to each other, have been childhood friends since they were small and have a bad relationship. It changes when Sakuma goes into heat and starts groping himself while sniffing the scent off of Renji's uniform. Renji is said to be an honor student by the people around him, but in reality, he is a genuine Sadist who loves to tie up and bully his partners... Not only was it found by the guy who he didn't want to find it out the most, but he is now also tampered with and disturbed by Sakuma's ...!??

Love Camera
Love CameraNaeli

BJ Jay fa spettacoli per adulti. Ultimamente, i commenti al suo lavoro dicono che le sue dirette sono noiose. Jay, che si innervosisce facilmente, sta pensando di farsi sponsorizzare da un’azienda di prodotti per adulti… Poi arriva la frase: “Potresti insegnarmi tu come si usa questo dildo?”

Imaizumi Brings All the Gyarus to His House Compilation (Official)
Imaizumi Brings All the Gyarus to His House Compilation (Official)Norigorou

Some gyarus have decided to use Imaizumi’s house as a gathering spot to play video games and eat snacks. When Reina gets bored with video games, she sets her sights on another toy in the house: Imaizumi himself…

My Childhood Friend Can't Be This Big!
My Childhood Friend Can't Be This Big!곽두팔 (kwak dupal)

"That's true. It's hard to recognise your childhood friend just by looking at their dick photo, isn't it?" Unlike Seoyeon who has lived ordinarily, her friend, the golf star Lee Won, lives a splendid life. Perhaps it's because Seoyeon grew tired of being compared to him for over 20 years... that she decided to run a social media account for adult items. One day when she posted a usual product review, she received a photo of a solid six-pack through a DM. [sdfesdfa] That photo really is me. Ah, and my dick is no problem, too. If you want a photo, I could show you. Yes, this is all just curiosity. A man who has such a tasty— I-I mean, a nice body like this is sending a message, and what kind of woman is able to resist? "But if he's not just a lunatic, but a handsome lunatic... it's probably fine if I enjoy for a bit, right?" In the end, she replied to his DM. [ahahah2] Fuck me.

Kids Café Moms (Official)
Kids Café Moms (Official)Fab

Jae-Ho works at a children’s café and has a tough time dealing with the feisty moms. So-Yul’s mom is the only one that gets him through his day. However, it all changes when he sees something that he shouldn’t by accident…


Aku bereinkarnasi sebagai pelayan karakter sampingan dalam permainan harem terbalik. Bahkan setelah melalui semua enam akhir permainan, Aku masih tidak bisa kembali ke kenyataan. Jadi aku mengambil keputusan pada ronde ketujuh— “Ini surat pengunduran diriku. Aku akan meninggalkan mansion ini.”—untuk keluar dari game dan menjalani hidupku sendiri.* * *Tidak peduli seberapa keras aku mencoba, aku hanya tambahan. Aku tidak lagi ingin berkutat pada tragedi karakter di dalam game. Karena aku tidak terlalu penting di sini, kupikir semua orang akan melupakanku jika aku pergi diam-diam. Namun…“Siapa yang meninggalkan mansion? Bukankah kamu bilang kamu milikku, Irene?” “Irene, aku tidak punya niat untuk terlibat dengan siapa pun kecuali kamu. Hanya kamu." “Jangan pergi, Rea. Tinggallah di sisiku. Tolong?” Para pria dalam game, yang seharusnya terobsesi dengan pemeran utama wanita, Tapi tiba-tiba mereka mulai menempel padaku, tapi…Aku tidak ingin mencintai siapa pun lagi.

Sayonara Alpha
Sayonara AlphaIchinashi kimi

A high school boy who's always considered himself to be an alpha finds out that he's an omega?? And his destined partner is a kid?

Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!Toyota yuu

It's complicated: A thirty-year-old virgin gets more than he bargained for when his newfound magical power reveals he's the object of his male coworker's affections! Businessman Adachi turned thirty a virgin, and now he's a wizard who can read the mind of anyone he touches...which is how he learned that his handsome coworker Kurosawa was in love with him! Inexperienced Adachi was initially bewildered by Kurosawa's intense feelings, but after being exposed to Kurosawa's genuine affection, Adachi finds Kurosawa on his mind a lot more often than he'd care to admit these days! Will the upcoming staff business trip turn into a trip for two for Kurosawa and Adachi?!

The Dangerous Convenience Store [Lezhin R19]
The Dangerous Convenience Store [Lezhin R19]Gusao

Danger can come in many shapes and sizes, and the kind of danger Yeo Eui-joon has to deal with comes in the form of buff, brash, belligerent gangsters. He knew that working nights in a shifty neighborhood wouldn’t be the safest job on the planet, but reality sure does exceed expectations. However, Eui-joon’s days as the neighborhood punching bag look like they’re coming to a close when Gunwoo steps into this small store. Gunwoo, gruff as he is, genuinely seems to care about Eui-joon’s well-being, so it doesn't take long for Eui-joon to fall for this charismatic giant.

Handsome and Cute
Handsome and CuteYoung dream

Tang Xiaohan (Han-Yi) almost lost her life in a traffic accident, but a miracle happened — she was revived in the body of a brain-dead vegetative patient. However, something isn't exactly right... The patient was a man!

I Don't Want To Be the Magpie Bridge [LF Ver.]
I Don't Want To Be the Magpie Bridge [LF Ver.]살오른 곱등이|Chubby cricket

I’ve been reincarnated into a side character of a novel. On top of that, I am the character who is like a magpie bridge in the mentally-exhausting story, "The Guys Around Hestia." There is no romance in store for me, and it absolutely horrifies me to think that my family is destined to drown in debt! I planned on becoming a civil servant, enjoying a life of wealth and honor that I was unable to attain in my previous life but… why are the guys behaving out of character? Why are you blushing in front of me? Why do you keep giving me food? “Can you Imagine Shushu being shy when looking at someone?” “Whoa… It’d be amazing if that happens.” As Cory absent-mindedly said to Hiley, Eve frowned and murmured under his breath. “Should I run away with her…” Swan remained silent while he hid his face with his sleeves. His face and ears turned red. What’s up with you guys? Why are you guys doing other things instead of being obsessed with the female lead? Get yourself together! This is the survival story of an academy student, Schulaina West, who wants to pursue a wealthy future in a reverse harem novel. TL/N: Magpie Bridge is the bridge made by a flock of magpies that connects the two star-crossed lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi in the legend behind the Tanabata festival.

In a rebellious phase [Kotose]
In a rebellious phase [Kotose]

Rikito Takanashi, pegawai toko serba ada, menyukai seks dengan perempuan. Namun, saat Rikito sedang menikmati seks biasa dengan banyak teman seks, tiba-tiba Rikito kehilangan ereksi! Bahkan setelah itu, ereksi nya sangat buruk sehingga Rikito tidak bisa keluar... Suatu hari, dia bertemu Toya Kadokura, seorang mahasiswa, di kamar mandi taman. Tampaknya Touya adalah seorang pecinta oral yang zona sensitif seksualnya berada di dalam mulutnya, dan dia mendapatkan kesenangan terbesar dari layanan oral (=fellatio). Ketika Rikito memintanya untuk mencobanya, Musco yang keras kepala dengan cepat menjawab...! ! Rikito sangat gembira dan mencoba menikmati seks dengan temannya, tapi entah kenapa, fase pemberontakan Musco dimulai lagi...!?

I became the lousy side top [ by Nd ]
I became the lousy side top [ by Nd ]Eerim

Seo Jaewoo bangun dan menemukan dirinya berada di dunia novel BL. Tapi dia bukan sembarang orang sembarangan. Dia sebenarnya adalah karakter top sampingan yang buruk yang dimaksudkan untuk menyiksa bawahan utama, Yoo Hyeonjin.

Room Share Yajuu Host to Futari Gurashi
Room Share Yajuu Host to Futari GurashiAkira tadano

Tomomi works in a company that's supposed to provide her with board and lodging, so when she's suddenly told to temporarily leave her apartment, she's at a loss. With nowhere to go, she accepts the offer to share a room... with Ryou, a handsome but unreadable man. In exchange for a place to live, she has to take care of the housework, but no one told her she had to become a host as well! On top of that, there's another secret condition she must fulfill... and it involves getting very, very close with Ryou!


Lim Iro adalah seorang penulis BL, dan penulis yang cukup sukses! Proyek terakhirnya dibanjiri pujian oleh semua orang… Yah, hampir semua orang. Di bawah tekanan dari orang tuanya yang tidak terkesan, Iro dipaksa melamar pekerjaan "nyata". Tapi alih-alih surat lamaran, dia secara tidak sengaja mengirimkan kutipan yang belum pernah dirilis dari bukunya! Bencana! Atau mungkin tidak…? Dihadapkan dengan aplikasi Iro yang tidak konvensional, Baek Ho-ryung, CEO perusahaan minuman Beus yang gagah, tertarik. Tapi begitu Iro bergabung dengan Beus, akankah kehidupan kantornya mulai meniru tulisannya yang beruap…?

Picking Up a Stray
Picking Up a StrayHackgamy

Sung-jun is a young man working at a pet café for mostly abandoned animals. He one day runs into a seemingly abandoned dog on his way home from work. Sung-jun adopts the dog and names him 'Tan', not knowing how this decision will change his life completely. Upon waking up from sleep, Sung-jun gets startled by a male stranger lying next to him, only to find out that man is actually Tan. From that day onward, every pet animal Sung-jun meets in the streets and at work appears to take human forms in his eyes. While Sung-jun tries hard to adjust to this entirely new environment, he can't help but feel that Tan (or at least Tan's human form) is turning out to be more than just a pet to him... This is a story about an unlikely romance between a pet-loving young man and his supposedly adopted dog who seems to be just too human to be anyone's pet.

Naruto dj - Family Wedding
Naruto dj - Family WeddingEchizen|Sakigake onna mae

Pairings: Naruto x Sasuke, Minato x Kushina Mainly humorous doujinshi focusing on the interactions between the Uzumaki/Namikaze family and the Uchihas over the years. Minato, Kushina, and Naruto are all perverts who think the Uchihas look "delicious." 

Sexual Hunter Riot
Sexual Hunter RiotTsukiji toshihiko

The Kirionira are the demons that live in another dimension and invade the human world through their dreams. The only defense humanity has against the demonic assault are the hunters who rely on their sex drive as a source of power to fight against them. Riku Yoichi came from a long line of hunters and had high amounts of sexual energy which allowed him to be a great hunter. He moved away from his home town after middle school to demolish the Kirionira and was successful in finishing off the king and ending the battle forever. However, the peace came at the price of Yoichi losing his sex mojo. Returning back to his home town, he soon learns that the demon invasion was not over, but without his sex drive, he is helpless to fight back. He tries convincing his childhood friend Namba Midori and her female classmates to get him sexually aroused, but they want nothing to do with it.

Boss Makes the Boy Group's Center of Me ( Official)
Boss Makes the Boy Group's Center of Me ( Official)郑九川|阅文漫画

The influential A-list female artist Ye Xian becomes a vicious character with the same name in the novel "Proud Best Actor Only Favors Me." In this novel, she disguises herself as a boy in the hero's boy group to pester the hero, bullies the heroine, sabotages the relationship between the hero and heroine, and finally dies a tragic death. To avoid the sad demise, Ye Xian decides to stay away from the hero and heroine, work hard as a boy, turn the tables by virtue of her appearance and strength, and attract thousands of fans. Ye Xian thinks her future will be bright, but she accidentally "offends" Bo Tingshen, the top boss who helps the hero in the novel. As an amateur in romantic relationships, Ye Xian is unaware of Bo Tingshen's crazy love and intense possessiveness, resulting in many awkward situations…

Our House Love Trouble
Our House Love TroubleOwaru

When Nonohiko’s college dorm shuts down, he finds an all-male share house. The beautiful cross-dressing landlord only rents to hot men, but despite Nonohiko’s average looks, he manages to meet the strange requirement and moves in. Things only get stranger when his attractive neighbor, a man in fashionable glasses, invites Nonohiko into the bath, mistaking Nonohiko for an escort! Poor Nonohiko is about to see exactly how much trouble a flirty, bespectacled businessman can be.

Comes In Threes
Comes In ThreesGyulrock

Three can be a tricky number: some say all good things come in threes, while others say it’s a crowd. Yoo Joon is pretty sure it’s the latter. Ever since he laid eyes on his classmate Pyo Jong-oh, the wimpy and sickly Yoon has been bitten by the lovebug. Tall and dark, with the perfect personality and a banging body to boot, there’s seemingly nothing wrong with his upperclassman - except for the fact that he’s best friends with Seong Ah-in, Joon’s former friend-turned-rival. Wherever Jong-oh goes, Ah-in is sure to follow. But if Yoon is to have a chance of getting closer to the man of his dreams, he’ll have to put up with it…for now. When the three head off on an overnight trip, Jong-oh and Yoon are finally separated from Ah-in, giving the bumbling Yoon a chance to make his move. Will this finally be the opportunity for Yoon to find love, touch, and companionship? Or will it leave him unfulfilled, heart-broken, and alone?


タタリは一匹の野良猫だ。 タケルとユキの兄妹の世話になっている。 ボロアパートで彼らは貧しくも幸せな日々を送っていた。 あの日まではーーーー

HUNTER × HUNTERTogashi yoshihiro

Hunters are a special breed, dedicated to tracking down treasures, magical beasts, and even other men. But such pursuits require a license, and less than one in a hundred thousand can pass the grueling qualification exam. Those who do pass gain access to restricted areas, amazing stores of information, and the right to call themselves Hunters.

Kohitsuji Hokaku Keikaku
Kohitsuji Hokaku Keikaku

Katsutaka and Kazuomi are seniors with a secret hobby: they love watching a pair of younger boys making love. Katsutaka and Kazuomi have fallen completely in love with Yuki and Kaede, and vow to capture them once they enter high school. That awaited day has finally arrived, but will the two seniors be able to reach their goal? And are Kaede and Yuki really who the seniors imagined them to be?

Room X Mate
Room X MateKijima.m

Donmi Lin—Nickname “Control Freak”, a college student who likes to control other people. One day he moves into a new dorm and meets an uncontrollable dorm mate, and f****d with him. His brain starts to uncontrollably generate fantasies...

Onnanoko ga Daicha Dame desu ka?
Onnanoko ga Daicha Dame desu ka?

English ver(Cp.20).. 男女逆転セックスラブコメディー! 清楚で可愛らしい容姿で、付き合ってきた人もそれなりにいる、普通のOL美月。 しかし、彼氏に頭をポンポンされたり、優しくほほを撫でられたり、胸キュン台詞を言われても、ときめくどころかゾワッとしちゃう…! 「普通の女の子の幸せ」を楽しめず、誰と付き合っても長続きしないままに、美月は24歳となっていた――。 そんな美月が「今度こそは!」と思って付き合いだした、さわやかなエリート商社マンの彼氏・篠宮(28)。 この完璧な好青年との出会いが美月の中に眠っていた本性を呼び起こす――!?

My Hero Academia dj - Imitation Red
My Hero Academia dj - Imitation RedMaru|Bunta

Another day, another quirk accident. BKDK / Bakugo x Deku


Memiliki wajah yang tampan, tubuh yang indah, dan bahkan kekayaan. Baek Euigoon seorang gay yang memiliki segalanya. Satu-satunya hal yang tidak dia miliki adalah... hati nurani! Euigeon bertemu dengan seorang pria yang disukainya di sebuah klub. Dia mendekati pria itu, Song Dajun untuk mengajaknya tidur tapi entah kenapa dia menghilang begitu saja! Euigoon, yang mencoba melupakan Dajun saat menghabiskan waktu dengan pasangan seks lainnya, berada dalam krisis klimaks yang ekstrim. Kemudian, ketika Dajun berhenti menjadi guru les karena adanya kesalahan yang dilakukan Euigoon, Euigoon pun mendekati Dajunn untuk mengajarinya bahasa Jerman. Akankah Dajun menyutujuinya?

Yuuna-san's Ghost Inn
Yuuna-san's Ghost InnMiura tadahiro

Fuyuzora Kogarashi has the ability to see supernatural, and has been possessed by ghosts since he was a kid. This has caused a lot of trouble in his life, but now he has learned to fight back against the evil spirits! Unfortunately, he's now also very poor, homeless, and hoping for a happier, more normal, high school life. In his search for housing, he's introduced to a very cheap boarding house called Yuragi Manor, which was formerly a popular hot springs inn. It's so cheap because the house is haunted by the spirit of a high school student whose corpse was found there. Kogarashi doesn't think this is going to be a problem for him, and the rest of the house's tenants appear to be sexy women. While relaxing in the hot springs, though, he finds there is an issue with his ghost-banishing plan; Yuragi Manor's ghost is a 16-year-old girl named Yuna, who lives in his room. Kogarashi has no desire to hurt a ghost girl, and instead he ends up agreeing to help her to figure out her unfinished business. That way, she can move onto the afterlife before turning evil and falling into hell. Once it is clear that he is fine with Yuna, the other tenants reveal their own supernatural secrets—his life in Yuragi Manor is going to be far from ordinary!

Szerelemmérő - 100%
Szerelemmérő - 100%Sagold

Yihan a "Szerelemmérő" nevű játék rajongója, azon belül is Mikaros, a jóképű BL karakter a kedvence, a szerelme. Egy nap belebotlik egy ifjú férfiba, aki Mikaros kiköpött mása! Kövesd Yihan kalandját, ahogy próbálja megízlelni a valóságban is Mikaros csókját Park Há közreműködésével. Ez a rövid, mindössze 7 részből álló romantikus komédia el fogja rabolni a yaoi-rajongók szívét, mint Mikaros tette Yihan esetében!

Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri (Official Simulpub)
Kamonohashi Ron no Kindan Suiri (Official Simulpub)Akira amano

Despite lacking the skills suited for his role on the Metropolitan Police Department investigative team, Totomaru Isshiki wants to solve murders and help people. Following the advice of one of his seniors, he ventures out to enlist the aid of the reclusive Ron Kamonohashi. Five years ago, Ron was the most promising detective from the illustrious Detective Training Academy Blue; yet for reasons unknown to the public, he sank into obscurity. Totomaru expects a well-dressed, composed man; but what he gets is a messy-haired and uninhibited eccentric. After years in solitude, Ron barely resembles his former self and he refuses to even hear out the detective. However, as quickly as Ron rebuffs, he flips on a dime and dives headfirst into the current serial murder case. The true reason Ron withdrew from the detective world was not from lack of desire, but rather from something out of his control—and Totomaru might just be the key for his return to his former calling. Together, the wide-eyed officer and deranged detective tackle each mystery that comes their way.

Bedtime fairy tale
Bedtime fairy taleYu ci / cai cai yang

Garland Neuss, the vice captain of HeiYu team, is soon to be possessed and on the verge of death as he was parasited by a demon when he was a child. However, his secret was found out by a well-known perverted duke, Hazel...

Mo Dao Zu Shi
Mo Dao Zu ShiMo xiang tong xiu

Wei Wuxian, il gran maestro della setta demoniaca, talmente odiato per le sue malefatte, finì per essere tradito e venne assassinato dai potenti clan, i quali combinarono le proprie forze per sconfiggerlo. Una volta morto, si reincarna nel corpo di un pazzo abbandonato dal suo clan e, per puro caso, viene raccato dalla sua nemesi, Lan Wangji. Insieme, i due intraprenderanno un viaggio, durante il quale affronteranno mostri e risolveranno misteri stuzzicandosi ogni tanto durante il percorso. Lan Wangji inizierà lentamente a comprendere quali sono i suoi veri sentimenti nei confronti di Wei Wuxian e la sua corazza di finta indifferenza verrà ben presto scalfita.

Iraine's Circumstances (Syaum)
Iraine's Circumstances (Syaum)Bok sung ah, mong syu

Iraine, yang menjalani kehidupan sederhana sebagai pembantu di asrama desa, Merebut kesempatan emas, dia mendapat pekerjaan sebagai pelayan istana kekaisaran yang makmur. Pada saat itu, ketika saya berpikir bahwa hidup saya berkembang saat diakui kemampuan saya oleh sang putri, Secara kebetulan, dia bertemu dengan seorang pria dengan mulut yang buruk di taman Istana Kekaisaran. “Apakah kamu memiliki hobi yang aneh? Berdarah dari kakiku.”

Love Level Up
Love Level UpBrothers without a tomorrow

Jung Dongwoo, famously known as "Another" in the game world, meets a player named "Honey Milk Tea" online. Over time, he develops a crush on her and decides to ask her out at the players' meetup - but when Sujin walks in, Dongwoo realizes that his beloved Honey Milk Tea is actually a man. Disappointed and embarrassed, Dongwoo starts chugging one drink after another, and it all goes south from there...

Aku laki-laki masuk otome game?!
Aku laki-laki masuk otome game?!Kano ikusa

Mahasiswa Otonari Otoya adalah seorang anak laki-laki yang kurang percaya diri dan bermimpi untuk dilahirkan kembali ke dimensi yang berbeda. Suatu hari saat bermain game [video], dia secara tidak sengaja mengklik iklan, dan pergi ke dunia lain?!?! Dia terkejut tapi senang, sampai dia menyadari bahwa ada sesuatu yang aneh. Sekelompok pria memperlakukannya terlalu baik, hampir seperti dia perempuan! Mungkinkah dunia tempat Otonari dipindahkan... adalah sebuah otome game?!?!

Oppai no Yure ni Gochuui kudasai
Oppai no Yure ni Gochuui kudasaiWakachiko

A collection of stories of people who took a bite from the forbidden fruit. "Watch Out For Those Pillowy Pecs": Ryuichi Handa is not used to the morning commuter trains. When the day comes where he has to experience being packed into a train carriage like a can of sardines, he inevitably topples over and lands... on a heavenly pile of pillowy pecs!? "The One I Long For": Ryusuke Ozaki used to be a world-class rugby player, someone that Ryota Tezuka looked up to. Tezuka admired him so much that he entered the university's rugby team, where Ozaki coaches after his professional career. Little did he know, Coach Ozaki doesn't just oversee the team's rugby skills... (Warning: Sexual assault) "Twin Genes": Chiaki and Chiharu are identical twins and are treated as such until one day, Chiaki finally snaps and dyes his hair so that people wouldn't mistake him for his brother. While Chiaki is adamant about being different, Chiharu convinces him that they are the same. (Warning: Incest, Rape) "Sweet Daze": Even if Dr. Mita still treats him like one, Shoma is not a child anymore, and clearly, his body can prove it. "Sweet Confusion": The continuation of 'Sweet Daze.' "The Abandoned Bride": A secret laboratory on a nameless island goes through a silent eruption, and one human is left behind to take care of the last monster that guns and poisons can't kill. But when the time comes, what will he do in the face of the monster he helped create? "The Lost One's Scars": Nowadays, you can find anyone on the web, even people to die with. That exactly the kind of person Tetsuya sought and found. But a sudden change of plans leaves him alive and cared for, all thanks to his uncanny resemblance to someone significant. (Warning: Suicide) "My Sin, You, and Our Memories": Ever since someone posted Manada's innocent love letter to a girl in his elementary class in front of the whole class to see, he has had a phobia of girls, even through university. Feeling responsible for Manada's social life, Nagase, his friend from elementary school, tries to undo the knots of time. "Beware of Office Romance": The continuation of 'Watch Out For Those Pillowy Pecs.'

Bj Alex side story 1 (magyar)
Bj Alex side story 1 (magyar)Mingwa

A történet Jiwon és Dong Gyun életét mutatja,miután összeköltöztek.


Junhee penurut dan entah bagaimana berhasil meminjamkan semua uangnya. Dia akhirnya menemukan pertunjukan paruh waktu yang hebat, tapi itu hanya untuk wanita! Sangat membutuhkan uang tunai, dia berdandan sebagai seorang gadis hanya untuk menemukan pekerjaan yang baru saja dia lamar adalah uji klinis pada pil libido untuk wanita. Tidak hanya dia terkunci selama seminggu dengan lima wanita lain (ahem, horny), mereka semua wanita dari sekolah menengahnya! Berapa lama sebelum semua orang tahu dia bukan wanita?

Could the Boy Next Door be a Vampire?
Could the Boy Next Door be a Vampire?Lee manse

Navigating the uncertainty of early adulthood is no easy feat, as Hong Wooree is realizing on his year off from college. Not only is he trying to make it as a published author, but he also thinks that his best friend, Gong Minnee, is a vampire! After making some flawed assumptions, Wooree believes that Minnee's secretive behavior comes from hiding his "true" identity-- he's completely unaware that Minnee isn't actually a vampire, and just has a huge crush on him. While Wooree struggles to get his writing published and protect Minnee's "secret," Minnee must find a way to confess his feelings for the oblivious Wooree. Will these two be able to reconcile their misunderstandings and allow for a real relationship to blossom?

He Wants to Drown [Official]
He Wants to Drown [Official]Tadano

A collection of stories about drowning in lust. "He Wants to Drown": Taji is weak in the summer heat. His nose bleeds and sweats through his uniform, much to Shitara's delight. Shitara's wandering mind comes up with vivid scenarios. Will Shitara ever act on those thoughts? "Close and Open": Asahina and Sakamaki can't keep what happens in their bedroom a secret. With bruising on their wrists from being tied by ropes, who could? But who's kink is it, really? "Neverland: End": Masazumi and Meguru are in their last year of university, a high-pressure time for students with job-hunting and senior theses. Although Masazumi seems to have it all figured out, Meguru is also trying to figure out, or rather, CONfigure, something else... "Secret Promise": The new transfer student Shizukui is warned of Kogome after his classmates found gay porn in his desk. But what will happen when Kogome finds out Shizukui's secret? "Full with You": Negishi goes to college and is an aspiring musician in a band. To save money for the high costs of instrument maintenance, he cuts back on food. Needless to say, Negishi almost collapses and probably would've dwindled with hunger if it weren't for Sasaki, the chef from the diner next door.

Side Characters Deserve Love Too (Official)
Side Characters Deserve Love Too (Official)Dandi|Morockbull

Setelah ditelan kesedihan karena kematian karakter favoritnya dalam novel King Maker, Kim Geumja tiba-tiba terbangun di hadapan Kyle De Vilteon, karakter favoritnya. Menyadari bahwa dirinya telah masuk ke dalam novel tersebut, Kim Geumja berniat mengubah nasib Kyle. Dia bertekad untuk menyelamatkan Kyle, membuatnya bahagia, dan memberinya cinta. Akankah Kim Geumja berhasil melakukannya?

I Would Rather You Destroy The Earth
I Would Rather You Destroy The EarthWhite box studios

From INKR: The different-dimensional demon king invaded the earth and encountered the greatest natural enemy-human Shen Xia! Shen Xia said: Who can tell himself what the hell is that black dumpling with tentacles! ? Devil: Stupid earthlings, it is your blessing to be regarded by me! Shen Xia: Get out!

Bucinnya milik DG {NanayMHW}
Bucinnya milik DG {NanayMHW}Mingwa

Setiap malam pukul 22.00, DG (Dong-Gyun) selalu mengunci dirinya didalam kamar, mengambil beberapa tissue, dan menonton Live stream dari pria gay cam yang dihost oleh Broadcasting Jockey Alex (BJ ALEX), Dong-Gyun yang pemalu tidak hanya menganggumi tubuh sobek milik Alex, tetapi dia juga memiliki ketertarikan secara seksual dengannya sebagai penonton. Suatu malam, di PUB dimana semua jurusan hadir untuk mengadakan minum-minum bersama, Dong-Gyun yang hadir mabuk berat karna ketidakberuntungannya yang duduk bersama senior jahat yang memaksanya untuk minum terus. Ahn Jiwon yang melihatnya, terpaksa membawanya pulang karena mabuk berat. Ketika DG sadar dari mabuknya, ia tak sengaja melihat Tanda lahir yang ada di tubuh Ahn Jiwon sama persis dengan tanda lahir yang dimiliki oleh Alex, Seorang BJ yang sangat dikagumi oleh DG (Dong-Gyun). Bagaimana cerita Selanjutnya?

The Unspeakable Touch
The Unspeakable TouchTangzheba comics studio

Does rebirth really exist? Do people have a soul after their death? The comic tells stories between a cold psychic and a super lucky college student. Will Shi Chenhua bring luck to Xia Ke who has been surrounded by trouble? An exciting but unmentionable part-time job; the spirits dispelling rites that can touch souls; the destined encounter... and someone hiding in the daekness. After going through all the trouble, Xia Ke says to Shi Chenhua: "Would you like to be my lucky charm?"

Megami no Sprinter
Megami no SprinterHarada shigemitsu

Takase is the opposite of his brother. Hes weaker and struggles in school. He recently moved in to his married brother’s house in order to receive coaching to improve his physical health. The coach, also known as the “Venus of track,“ is none other than his sister-in-law. The Venus of track is researching and developing a new technique to improve male performance by testosterone management. In other words, manipulation of sexual desire. She has dubbed it “Absolute Obedience“ and Takase must undergo it to improve himself. Takase’s life is in for a dramatic change...

Match Rate 99.99% [Official]
Match Rate 99.99% [Official]Lash

In the world of modern omegaverse, Haejin is an average office worker with a spirit of adventurer who happens to be the omega that Hwan Lee, a sharp-looking and ambitious corporate executive has been searching for. Hwan, who needs a matching omega with a sufficient compatibility rate in order to have him bear his child, offers Haejin an overwhelming deal that is too sweet to be rejected.

Love me, Love My Dog
Love me, Love My DogNago nayuta

Akihiko Yamabushi is a famous author currently working on a new novel. With a recent switch in editors, he's been trying to feel out the new guy, Aiichiro Enomoto. Something about him reminds Akihiko of a puppy dog. Maybe it's the way he wags his theoretical tail when Akihiko praises his documents. Or maybe it's the way he can only fathom being devoted to one person and one person only. It's cute. To Akihiko, though, what's not cute is when that 'one person' for Aiichiro ends up being the author himself! Maybe the young editor is confusing his admiration with love? Ugh, what a pain...

Killer Crush (Official)
Killer Crush (Official)Eresemo

A killer only has to do three things. Go on missions. Kill people. Leave absolutely no trace behind. Joo Taeman has 14 years of experience under his belt and he’s never let his feelings get the better of him. Never. That is, until Taeman experiences butterflies in his stomach after seeing national sweetheart Kang Dahyeok in person. But as it turns out, Taeman’s not the only one smitten on the spot. Dahyeok’s been looking for someone who can help him escape his reputation as a hunky heartthrob to live his gritty noir dreams. This killer crush’s out to get someone, but who’ll be the first to succumb?

Dreamland Adventure
Dreamland AdventureBlue world|Haojie animation|Reading manga|浩杰动漫|碧蓝的世界|阅文漫画

Howard, the lowly office employee, is stuck at the bottom of the corporate ladder until a chance encounter with the mimic dream system changes his life! Now he can access all the adventure he ever wanted: having adventures, fighting monsters and living with his gorgeous but fierce boss! The mission, as always, is to be attractive but independent, bold but sensitive.

Fate Makes No Mistakes
Fate Makes No MistakesShin

Eunjae’s been losing sleep from some decidedly disturbing dreams: some kind of otherworldly being keeps having its way with him in the middle of the night. His days are filled with strange coincidences and hours of his day just seem to disappear... Then one night, a man in a strange mask saves him from being hit by a bus. Turns out the strange man isn’t a man at all, but a goblin. It isn’t long before Eunjae’s forced to accept that according to the world of the afterlife, he’s dead. And there’s only one being now that can protect his body and soul from slipping away: San, the goblin.

Tomb Raider King [Official]
Tomb Raider King [Official]San.g|Yuns

Mysterious tombs appeared all over the world one day, each containing a relic which grants its owner supernatural abilities. Jooheon Suh is a tomb explorer, excavator, and raider. Betrayed by his employer, he's about to die at the hands of a powerful new relic when he suddenly finds himself 15 years in the past, before any relics or tombs made their debut. Driven by feelings of revenge, how will Jooheon use his knowledge of the future to become the Tomb Raider King?

Catching Two Birds with One Sweet Princess
Catching Two Birds with One Sweet PrincessCat-hands|Ppuing|Yuz

After awakening in a webnovel as Princess Clara, this former office worker isn’t getting the royal treatment. As the shy sister of the tyrannical King Bastian, she’s immediately faced with disdain and so much drama! Plus her character's destined to be seduced by his latest hostage, Crown Prince Daniel, accused of betrayal, and executed. But Clara’s got a backbone and a plan to win over her brother. She’s ready to take control, slap some sense into meddling nobles and servants, and resist the charms of her handsome (really handsome) charge!

Hantu cantik [moccacino]
Hantu cantik [moccacino]로맨스

Kombinasi rambut lurus panjang bola putih, gaun putih, dan cinta pertama yang membuat pingsan. Bukan karena dia pernah melihatnya sekali, tapi karena dia mengira dia adalah hantu, dia akhirnya kembali ke satu-satunya tempat yang aman untuk menangis. Dia mungkin merindukannya yang tidak bisa menyembunyikan panas tanpa bertanya apa-apa. *Karya asli: Woo Ji-hye [Novel Web] 11336 (Satu, Tiga, Enam)

Otameshi Kikan (Zoro x Sanji Dj One Piece)
Otameshi Kikan (Zoro x Sanji Dj One Piece)Shijou trillxtrill / mayama mirai

"Zoro mengutarakan rasa cintanya pada Sanji. Namun, alih-alih menerima... Sanji malah mengajukan periode percobaan kepada Zoro sebelum menjadi pacarnya secara utuh".

Seduce the Villain's ‏Father (Official)
Seduce the Villain's ‏Father (Official)Dalseul

Upon opening my eyes after a bus accident, I found myself in the fantasy world of a web novel I enjoyed reading… the only catch is, I reincarnated twenty years before the novel begins! Reborn as Princess Yerenica of the small Lebovny kingdom, I'm determined to change the future in order to prevent the series of unfortunate events that will soon occur. In the original story, my older sister, Tejavia, is pregnant with the future female lead, when she's suddenly kidnapped by the Belgoat Empire's emperor. But in my desperate attempts to protect her, I got kidnapped instead! And as if that wasn't bad enough, my body is ridiculously weak to magic. But… strangely enough, whenever I'm by the emperor, I feel fine! The only way to save the emperor, who's destined to die at the hands of his own son after marrying the villainess, and save myself from being afflicted by magic… is for us to marry! "Marry me, Father." "'Father?' Princess, I haven't married yet, nor do I have any kids…"

Chasing Mr. Ceo
Chasing Mr. CeoLeaf, sogun

Oh Deokhae is an otaku and is a regular worker who has been suffering a lot lately. The source of his problem is his boss who resembles one of his favorite characters, Cain! The boss has a nice family, a beautiful face, amazing fashion sense, and great work ethics. Sadly, he doesn't like Oh Deokhae. Mr. President, I'm sorry. As the days go on, Oh Deokhae decides to resign. "I can't go to work anymore with this impure mind!" What is going on here? I want to quit my job but my boss doesn't want me to?! An exhilarating love story of two people! -

Cita-cita Jadi Pak Kades
Cita-cita Jadi Pak KadesMk

Setiap kali Naruto Uzumaki menyatakan bahwa dia suatu hari nanti akan menjadi Hokage-gelar yang diberikan kepada ninja terbaik di Desa Daun Tersembunyi tidak ada yang menganggapnya serius. Sejak lahir, Naruto telah dijauhi dan diejek oleh sesama penduduk desa. Tapi penghinaan mereka bukan karena Naruto bermulut keras, nakal, atau karena ketidakmampuannya dalam seni ninja, tapi karena ada iblis di dalam dirinya. Sebelum Naruto lahir, Rubah Ekor Sembilan yang kuat dan mematikan menyerang desa. Untuk menghentikan amukannya, Hokage Keempat mengorbankan hidupnya untuk menyegel iblis di dalam tubuh Naruto yang baru lahir. Maka ketika dia ditugaskan ke Tim 7 bersama dengan rekan satu tim barunya Sasuke Uchiha dan Sakura Haruno, di bawah bimbingan ninja veteran Kakashi Hatake Naruto dipaksa untuk bekerja sama dengan orang lain untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidupnya. Melalui menjalani pelatihan yang giat dan mengambil misi yang menantang, Naruto harus belajar apa artinya bekerja dalam tim dan mengukir jalannya sendiri untuk menjadi ninja yang diakui oleh desanya.

Single Not Ready to Mingle《Shizunnn》
Single Not Ready to Mingle《Shizunnn》Chadol

Dahulu kala, di negeri yang jauh… hiduplah seorang pria lajang yang bekerja sebagai guru sastra sekolah menengah biasa, Bu Taekwon namanya. Dia hanyalah pria biasa, hingga dia menemukan dirinya dipindahkan ke salah satu buku komik muridnya. Tapi ini bukan petualangan buku komik biasa, dan Taekwon tidak pernah mengantisipasi genre yang tidak biasa menunggunya. Dalam keputusasaannya, dia sekarang terjebak dalam dunia fantasi BL Hardcore, di mana terdapat para maniak penggila seks--tidak terkecuali!--yang selalu melakukan tindakan yang tak senonoh padanya. Hal terakhir yang mau tidak mau harus dilakukan Taekwon yang selalu lajang adalah...berbaur dengan orang-orang dari dunia gila ini. Tapi bisakah dia benar-benar berhasil menangkis rayuan mereka dan menjaga keperawanannya?

Touch Your World
Touch Your WorldZhi wen

Xie Cheng, yang terlahir tanpa bisa melihat warna apapun, telah hidup di dunia hitam-putih selama bertahun-tahun... Sampai suatu hari, dia tanpa sengaja menemukan warna yang begitu cemerlang ketika melihat Bai Lu. Setiap menyentuh Bai Lu, Xie Cheng bisa melihat berbagai warna di dunia. Percikan macam apa yang akan tercipta antara dua orang yang sangat berbeda ketika mereka bersama?

Call Me the Devil
Call Me the DevilAnte 2022|Sun_ah

Like other devils of his kind, Hyeonshin has adapted to the modern world to consume the Deadly Sin, Pride. Working as a plastic surgeon means there's always more than enough ego around him to feed off of. There's just one small problem: because of past trauma, he has an overwhelming repulsion toward blood! Luckily, a solution appears in the form of a plucky human named Ina, whose eyes seem to have the mysterious effect of alleviating this condition. Knowing that she's desperate to book a surgery at his busy clinic, Hyeonshin agrees to operate on her if she helps him with his "blood tolerance experiments." But due to their clashing personalities and constant interruptions from his devil coworkers, Hyeonshin's recovery seems far away. Will the devil and human both be able to attain what they truly desire?

Prince Cinderella
Prince Cinderella77a0r

Outgoing and athletic, Darim’s always surrounded by friends. But back in elementary school, she used to be a social outcast—she only started making friends when Taehoo brought her into the fold. Now in high school, the two have drifted apart, but Darim is waiting for a chance to reunite with her icy Prince Charming. There’s just one issue: Darim’s body transforms into a boy’s at noon every day, only to turn back at midnight! Well, if she can’t get close to Taehoo as a girl… Why not try as a boy?!

Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?
Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?Mang go-kim

She possessed a villainess who is known and hated for her evil acts in an unpopular novel. But because of her personality, it was extremely difficult for her to play the villainess role. But not for long… “I’ll fix your dress according to your taste this instant!” “My request.” “O-Of course! As per your request, there’s only one piece available in the whole Empire.” People around me listen to me well even if I just frown and sit still. Since I don’t have to live in difficulty, I decided to just comfortably live on as a villainess. “Father. Is it necessary for you to solve formulas in this slow and inefficient way?” I thought it would be good to be a rich villainess, so I used all my knowledge. “Why don’t you give me the honor of escorting the Princess?” I have had enough of dealing with my father, so why did an unexpected character suddenly appear? What if this person disrupts my plan?

The Bride Is A Well Brought Up Boy
The Bride Is A Well Brought Up BoyUeda niku

Having lived as the second son of a temple, worshipped as a deity, and being a sheltered boy capable of transforming into a snake, Sei finally decides he's had enough of this life, and sets out to run away from home! Not being used to human society, Sei gets worn out and escapes to a grassy field where he meets and is helped by Murasaki, the reptile enthusiast college student. As the sheltered boy who longed to be "normal", Sei takes this chance to befriend the unfriendly and hard-to-read Murasaki, but their co-habitation life is riddled with misunderstandings...?!

I Married My Father-in-Law
I Married My Father-in-LawPlumage

On the day of the wedding between a male dentist and a female doctor, the female doctor suddenly swapped body with her own father after a mysterious lightning strike. From that moment onwards, the male dentist’s wife is officially his father-in-law!

Boy's Love Oharai Mousu!
Boy's Love Oharai Mousu!Yancha

爆笑必至!! カオスとエロスの底抜けにハッピーなメタBL、登場。――逆カプ人気、解釈違いなどにより果たせなかった腐女子たちの無念が集合的想念となり生み出した理想の攻め様の生霊、通称『BL霊』。ある日、オールドタイプの「スーパー攻め様(タワマン住まい)BL霊」に取り憑かれてしまった大学生のヤスは、美貌の陰陽師・信太とのセックス(除霊)に無事お祓いに成功。以来、その憑依体質を生かして信太専用の依り代となったヤスは、女装癖、獣人、オメガバース…等、様々なタイプのBL霊たちと対峙していくのだが…!? 純朴なガチムチ青年×奇人変人陰陽師がおくる、BLあるあるネタ&親父ギャグ満載のエロティック・ラブコメディ! 電子限定おまけ付き!!

Zombie Darake no Kono Sekai de wa Sex Shinai to Ikinokorenai
Zombie Darake no Kono Sekai de wa Sex Shinai to IkinokorenaiMikura naru

Dunia menjadi kacau kenena virus misterius yang mengubah orang menjadi zombie. tapi untungnya ada satu metode untuk mencegah zombie menyerang, dan itu adalah ... Ngentot.

Rolling to be the King
Rolling to be the KingSolanine|Eom joo seok

Min Girin, a 19+ BL video game maniac, finds himself unwittingly drawn into an infamous and mysterious BL video game! In the game, with unknown setting and objectives, he has to conquer various characters. Despite having fun and suffering at the same time, Min Girin realizes that despite being a virgin in the real world, he is more talented at a certain thing(?!) than he thought. "If I'm a BL video game prodigy, I don't have to limit myself to just conquering characters, right? It's decided, I'll become king!" Will Min Girin be able to conquer and XX the characters and become king?


Gi-woo has always been a merciless go-getter. He was a top student in school, and now he’s playing all his cards right at work. He gets the ladies, too, of course, and though his marriage is loveless, you can't tell from the outside. One day, he receives news that an old professor of his, a father figure, has passed away. Gi-woo rushes to the funeral and meets the beautiful widow and her gorgeous daughter for the first time in years. Soon enough, desires old and new begin to snowball beyond control... A new series from the creator of "Redemption Camp" and "The Seagull and the Hunter"!

Kimetsu no Aima
Kimetsu no AimaHirano ryouji

A four-panel gag manga spin-off of Kimetsu no Yaiba manga. The manga will feature SD versions of the characters from the main manga. And it’ll release after each anime episode premiere, featuring stories covered by the anime.

Yokoshima Moobstretch
Yokoshima MoobstretchOshizu

Yutaka's really insecure about being pigeon-chested, so he decides to go to a stretch gym his colleague recommends. He tells himself this is for his health, so he can keep eating sugary sweets, and to get rid of his pigeon chest once and for all! A motivated Yutaka goes to the gym and finds himself in front of the super buff stretch trainer Asami who's going to teach him how to stretch... except Asami morphs into a different person as soon as he sees and touches Yutaka's chest!! Apparently, Asami is gay and has a fetish for men's chests, and Yutaka's is the best!! Asami totally exploits his position as a trainer and helps himself to Yutaka's perfect chest...!! Your sexual boundaries are bound to be stretched with this cute, fetish-driven romantic comedy!

The Day She Became A Sex Toy
The Day She Became A Sex Toy

The female manager’s unexplored body is mine. Her pussy quivers and shivers in pleasure, but until she remembers the shape of me... her job as my tool for sex won’t end.

Shota Oni
Shota OniNakayama miyuki / okmgmk

Après avoir laissé une cicatrice sur le visage de son meilleur ami il y a des années, Tsubaki s'en sent responsable et est déterminé à devenir un grand garçon afin de pouvoir protéger Yuu. Yuu est déjà au lycée et Tsubaki n'est qu'au primaire, mais il est sûr que ses sentiments iront au delà de cette barrière et que Yuu finira par se fier à lui.


I met the male lead in prison. Okay. I get that I transmigrated into an R-19 tragic romantic novel, but why is he like this? “Bark! Bark! Bark! Grrrrrr…” I can’t believe this guy is held by a curse that makes him act like a beast…And that’s not the end of it, because when he returns to normal for a moment. “I-i-if you aren’t g-going to take responsibility for what you did to me, th-th-then don’t t-touch me!” At any rate, I felt relieved that I probably wouldn’t have any sort of romantic interactions with this guy. A year later… “Th-th-the day I leave this place, please…m-meet up with me!” Well it wouldn’t be a big deal to meet him once. But, then, when I was released from prison… “Welcome back. My lovely younger sister.” The day of my release, a man approached me. Turns out, I’m the villain’s sister. “You must have suffered going to prison in my stead. I waited only for you.” …F*ck. My brother’s the male lead’s sworn enemy? 3 years later, I met the male lead. He looked totally different than when I last saw him. “It’s been a while, Iana. I’m going to kidnap you now.”

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Shinji to Asuka to Atsui Hi
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Shinji to Asuka to Atsui HiGainax|Igarashi ran

Adapted From Neon Genesis Evangelion. A short story in the lives of the young Evangelion pilots. One hot day, Shinji gets into a fight with his apartment-mate Asuka, due to her revealing clothing. Will Shinji be able to figure out how to patch things up with her? 

I Have a Boyfriend [Mature]
I Have a Boyfriend [Mature]Pibi

A campus love story that's more lovely because it's clumsy! Hyunho from the university soccer team meets his first love and middle school classmate, Gyul, at an elective class. Hyunho decides now's the time to confess his feelings that he didn't get to years ago, but Gyul doesn't open his heart easily, caught up in taking care of his younger brother after losing their parents. But swayed by Hyunho's persistent advances, Gyul just might come around... *** This is a non-censored version of the ‘i Have a Boyfriend’. Matured Readers Only. ***

Your Moans Are Mine Alone -Is It Okay for a Yaoi Fangirl to Be Popular?-
Your Moans Are Mine Alone -Is It Okay for a Yaoi Fangirl to Be Popular?-Nonda noda

"I won't hand you over to anyone, Yume." One day, Taiyo, a handsome delinquent, fell from the sky right in front of hard-core yaoi fan Yume. He's got a mean stare, blond hair, and he's terrifying... "RUN!" Or so Yume thought, but he actually has a super sexy voice! What's more, he spends every day fooling around with his male classmate! Yume thinks about hearing him moan... Then starts fantasizing about it... Then her foot slips, and... suddenly she's on top of his face... "Ah! Wait... No... If you move your lips down there, I'm going to... Nh! I can't take it...!" An overly earnest and pure punk boy and a perverted girl's comedic love story begins!

Love So Pure [ZuyeAhn]
Love So Pure [ZuyeAhn]Planb

Berbeda dari yang lain, playboy Ryu Jihyun jatuh cinta pada Han Yohan yang berhati murni. Meskipun Jihyun tidak bisa menyerah pada wajah dan tubuh Yohan, dia menemukan kepolosannya membebani. Bisakah dua orang yang berbeda ini bersatu?

Reincarnated into Demon King Evelogia's World
Reincarnated into Demon King Evelogia's WorldKaziwara io

Gozu, který je trochu.... spíš hodně šílené, drzé, hrubé povahy, zemře při bitvě gengu a reincarnuje se do světa jenž zná ze hry, kterou hrál jako dítě. Potká ještě mladého pána demonů, který zatraceně roztomilý.

Riman Loveho Danshi-kai / SalaRymen's Love Hotel Boy's Club
Riman Loveho Danshi-kai / SalaRymen's Love Hotel Boy's Club

Straight guy Mamori Sendachi gets invited to a "Love Hotel Guys' Night" by his cool co-worker Taichi Ushirogi, but he's a little hesitant. Even so, he still goes with him. Eat, drink, hang out, and take a bath in the huge tub when you're tired... it looks like Mamori has discovered a whole new way to have fun! But now that he's defenseless, there's a bit more to it -- Taichi has feelings for him! Mamori notices something is a little off with Taichi... has he noticed how his coworker feels about him? Their time at the love hotel is a little awkward, but their relationship starts to deepen... ただの会社の先輩と後輩なのに2人でラブホに行ってみた。 「会社の先輩と後輩で、ただのラブホ男子会してみたけど後輩は俺のことが好きらしい」 SNSでバズリ続けた大人気“創作BL”がついにコミックス化! 年下の狡猾ワンコ×ちょろりん先輩の恋の攻防、刮目せよ!

Kimetsu Gakuen!
Kimetsu Gakuen!Hokami natsuki

Kimetsu no Yaiba high school spin-off by Hell Warden Higuma mangaka, Hokami Natsuki.

Ginger and the Cursed Prince
Ginger and the Cursed PrinceBae hee jin

For hopeless romantic Ginger Torte, getting engaged to the man of her dreams is a fairy tale come true. It isn’t long before she realizes the gut-wrenching truth — her fiancé has been seduced by her rival! The heartbroken Ginger finds solace in a new book that recounts the tale of a young woman and a cursed prince… But to her horror, the protagonist turns out to be none other than her beautiful nemesis, Lerazie! As reality unfolds according to the book, both ladies fall in love with the handsome prince at first sight. Ginger vows to steal both the spotlight and the prince’s heart! But, does this story harbor a sinister secret? Based on the hit novel.

Surviving as an Obsessive Attendant [LF Ver.]
Surviving as an Obsessive Attendant [LF Ver.]무유 (muyu)|이투 (itu)

She had the same rare disease as the fragile main character and died three times of it in a BL novel. She doesn't want to die in vain like that again. Therefore, she has taken an extraordinary measure! 'Let's try to benefit from someone's remedy rack!' I won't waste even one drop of your medicine or breath, Young Master! She disguised herself as an attendant and set on her journey to find the medicine. I can't believe that even the spiritual force emanating from his breath has the ability to cure me! It can't get any better than this! However, tending to such a person isn’t an easy task…. "Leave! I said leave!! I'm sick of all of you!!! ...Wait. Why are you on your knees?" "Young Master, if you just planning on throwing it away, please throw it into my mouth." The hand that was about to throw the medicine bottle faltered as he was flustered. And so, I said to him... "I also don't mind if you just dump it onto my face..." I saw his pupil widen at that very instant. ==== I am a girl who does what has to be done. I took great care of my savior, the Young Master, while I was at it. As his attendant, I hugged him, piggybacked him, and became his legs as I helped him move from one place to another. Perhaps he was trying to see my worth as he was the heir to a distinguished dukedom? He looked at me tiredly from time to time, but he didn't kick me out. Well, now that I'm cured and have repaid his kindness. I started to slowly make my plan to escape, but... ...The Young Master's behavior became weird. "You like me so much, yet why are you trying to run away?" "...." "You said that you'd die without me." His expression suddenly shifted to that of a hungry predator. [A female lead who became obsessed without realizing it X A male lead who learned from the female lead and became the real obsessive one]

This Brat Is Constantly Thirsting for Step-Mommy (Official)
This Brat Is Constantly Thirsting for Step-Mommy (Official)Tendou itsuki

The adopted daughter of a witch grows up to be a horny mommy’s girl! Daughter “Shiro Nezumi 0978” tries to gain her stepmother’s affection by sneaking a love potion into the witch’s food.

My Influencer Boyfriend
My Influencer BoyfriendGui

Nan-ge is a popular youtuber about to reach 300,000 subs. But there’s a problem plaguing him... his subscriber count is stalling at 299,000! At his wit’s end, he takes up a friend’s suggestion and tries collaborating with another popular influencer - Prince Mengtai. On-screen, Mengtai's pretty face and cute personality has captured the hearts of young girls everywhere. But in reality, Mentai's personality is - !?

Joshi BL
Joshi BLAnthology|Blue chome|Fumi fumiko|Harada|Hideyoshico|Ichikawa kei|Itoi nozo|Kobato mebaru|Nishida higashi|Shimura takako|Tamekou

Cover by Hideyoshico Occasionally, there was a woman that appeared in BL ... it was a rival or a bystander or just a good understanding person. This anthology is told form that girls point of view. Boys Love painfully transmitted through the women's eyes and feelings. New world of Moe! Includes: 1. Shoujo C 「少女C」 by Hideyoshico (From Must Be Endless) I’m nothing special, but Koizumi-kun is a very special guy whose looks and personality are seriously those of an angel. He’s our idol. This popular pair was introduced in “High School ☆ Lullaby” (Gesu BL). 2. Tamaisan, Koi to Yuujou 「玉井さん、恋と友情」 by SHIMURA Takako 3. Donyoku no Hana 「貪欲な花」 by NISHIDA Higashi (From Must Be Endless) Greedy Flower: My precious, beloved children… When two shady salesmen come knocking on her door, what’s reflected in old lady Tanaka-san’s eyes is… Thinking her life is almost over, the feelings of another time are resurrected in Tanaka-san’s heart. 4. Kami no Doutokuron Teki Shoumei「神の道徳論的証明」 by FUMI Fumiko 5. Watashitachi ha Byplayer 「わたしたちはバイプレーヤー」 by Harada (From Must Be Endless) We’re Supporting Actors: There are love stories that you can’t say how they got so complicated. A three-way struggle with an ultra-popular woman, an ultra-popular man, and a guy with a plain face. The martial arts of love! (also included in Nega) 6. Haihai, Kawaiine「はいはい、かわいいね」 by KOBATO Mebaru 7. Natura-turaly 「ナチュラチュラリィ」 by ICHIKAWA Kei (from Must Be Endless) We thought the world would forever continue with just the two of us. Twins Aki and Kana are always together. Then something steps between them… 8. Stockholm 「ストックホルム」 by ITOI Nozo 9. Tanedakun to Tsukiai tai「種田くんと付き合いたい」 by Tamekou 10 Oribonchan to Otokonoko 「おりぼんちゃんと男の子」 by Blue Chome 

Knock On Wood [MATURE]
Knock On Wood [MATURE]Gamyeong

Two childhood friends, Eunchae and Jiho, decide to hit each other with a backscratcher to beat away bad luck. And why not? Nothing weird about a couple guys doing favors for each other — you scratch my back and I scratch yours! But sometimes it takes a hard hit to knock some sense into you... or some feelings into your body. Some very good feelings. As their bodies suddenly react to each new bump in their relationship, will their hearts also be tied together? For good luck, knock on wood!

Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki [fan-translation]
Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki [fan-translation]Scarlet beriko

Tatsuyuki is the reluctant young master of a Yakuza group. He would rather spend his days playing around than learning the ropes of his family's dubious business. When his caretaker sends him off to a branch office in Fukuoka, the recently heartbroken Tatsuyuki finds himself in a weirder situation than he would have ever expected.CW: Non-con, rape, physical and emotional abuseRelated:>Minori no Te (Adapted From)- Minori-sensei's story( )>Jealousy (Spin-off)- Rogi's story( )

Relationship Guidelines
Relationship GuidelinesEpum

Ugh! Life’s been miserable ever since that one stupid kiss! I NEVER should've done that! 'You wanna try?' she asked—It’s all her fault, and now she’s ignoring me! I can’t stop thinking about her!!!" Poor, unfortunate Jiwon, stuck in a hormonal, teen game of cat and mouse. Kissed by her best friend, she’s left to her own devices to figure out what the hell is going on. Watch as cat turns to mouse, mouse to cat, and see how two childhood friends tiptoe the boundaries of their relationship.

Yoo Su You Shouldn't Eat That! [MATURE]
Yoo Su You Shouldn't Eat That! [MATURE]Sip bun

A house covered with a mysterious tree with a delicious horny fruit. Yoo Su, who endured picking the fruits of the tree in a collapsing house, finally made a call trying to get help. The meeting with Jae Hee, a special police detective who came will try to help him. Yoo Su starts to have special needs. What kind of relationship will lead to the first meeting between the two?

Secret Lady (Official)
Secret Lady (Official)

A child who has the ability to see ghosts, Yoon Seol-woo. Has reincarnated into Rosantine, a princess who could see ghosts. I've managed to fake not being able to see ghosts somehow but... "Leave my sibling's body this instant!" I cried out to the spirit who's possessed my one and only little (brother/sister)'s. However, only the death penalty awaited for me if my ability were to be found out. Then, there's only one way. "You're planning to kill Prince Chartus, right?" I will save the Empire's second prince, Prince Chartus with this ability! "I'll bet my life on Your Highness."

Hanitora! Shoukan Yuusha wo Hameru Honey Trap Hoi Mou
Hanitora! Shoukan Yuusha wo Hameru Honey Trap Hoi MouKeteru

Yuri sudah mengalahkan dewa jahat bersama teman-temannya dan menyelesaikan petualangan di dunia lain, Setelah itu yang harus dilakukannya adalah kembali ke dunia asalnya...! Tapi Yuri yang telah memutuskan untuk hidup di dunia yang berbeda, menyesali bahwa dia telah menjadi pengangguran, untuk bertahan di negaranya sendiri, yang tidak mau menghabiskan uang atau kekuasaan, para gadis-gadis cantik seperti putri Lunaria, pelayan, putri, dan orang suci, strategi fisik (Honey Trap) mulai bergerak!?

Timing [Official]
Timing [Official]Mary calmes

“So you’re that gay guy, huh?” Stefan has flown all the way to Texas for his best friend, Charlotte’s four-day wedding extravaganza! Unfortunately for him, that also means spending time with his nemesis of 10 years — Charlotte’s brother, Rand. But why is Rand acting so nice? Something strange is going on…

What's Going On?
What's Going On?Minguk23

Friends since middle school, Yipeul and Dawoon rekindle their friendship after Yipeul returns from military deployment. To celebrate Yipeul’s return, Dawoon plans a surprise—she waits for him in his closet with some birthday cake one night. The surprise is on her, however, when Yipeul comes home, takes off his pants, and starts masturbating while calling her name. Will the two be able to go back to being friends? Or will this mark the beginning of something more?

Kimi ha Kokan no Mochigusare
Kimi ha Kokan no MochigusareKureha izumi

28 years old. Still never been with a girl. Because of his big problem, girls refuse to take their relationship a step further! Handsome, nice and smart, but Kaname Kusakabe gets dumped all the time because of his unusually large male organ. He decides to go to counselling. Doctor Minato Momose is extremely sympathetic to Kaname's dilemma. "An impressive specimen, but he's never been with woman!!? I have to help him!" As a doctor, Minato can't help be curious about Kaname's oversized organ. After having it poked and rubbed... Kaname can't help exploding all over the doctor's face. Minato doesn't mind at all, though. He's actually very excited...! Practice love-making at the clinic! An office worker with a big problem and a VERY DIRTY doctor!

Assorted Wildness
Assorted Wildness

Mongryong is having what we’ll call... a tough time. His sister’s having an affair with a married man, and the guy’s wife is the older sister of a major mob boss. To make matters worse, Mongryong's sister’s boyfriend’s wife’s brother decides to take him hostage as bait to lure the lovers out of hiding. Will the madness never end?! ...Still, maybe—JUST maybe—Mongryong can convince his captor to go easy on him. Just not TOO easy. After all, there's nothing wrong with playing a little rough either.

BL Drama no Shuen ni Narimashita
BL Drama no Shuen ni NarimashitaSuzuri machi

A popular BL manga is going to be adapted into a live-action drama. The double lead roles will be played by Aoyanagi Hajime, a talented actor who used to be a successful child actor but is not so successful anymore and Akafuji Yuuichirou, a popular and handsome actor. Aoyagi has a hard time with Akafuji who has an unfriendly attitude, but on the other hand Akafuji has too much love for Aoyagi... Will the two stars succeed in their BL drama?

Biting the Tiger - Side Stories
Biting the Tiger - Side StoriesMindal park

"Lord Tiger, are you going to eat me?" After Hanwool finds his way back to Yunho, they spend some much-needed romantic time together. But, as Yunho falls back into his routine of practicing amd performing with his band, Hanwool finds himself feeling a bit lonely. So, Yunho and Hanwool decide to head out on a relaxing trip to a Waterpark with Naroo and Kyunhoon. While on the trip, Naroo decides to help Yunho bring Hanwool's fantasy to life with the introduction of a steamy present! Dive into the tempting and enchanting side stories of

Sekai wo Sukuu tame ni Ajin to Asa-chun dekimasenka?
Sekai wo Sukuu tame ni Ajin to Asa-chun dekimasenka?Rekomaru otoi

Long ago, the Chosen One defeated the Demon King and brought peace to the world...not that it matters to ordinary high school student Hironori Tabata. But word is the Demon King's coming back, and the only thing that can stop him is what's in Hironori's pants. Before long, demi-human girls are throwing themselves at him, hoping to give birth to the next Chosen One, and Hironori has to worry more about saving his chastity for the girl he loves than saving the world!

Pearl boy
Pearl boyZoey

Dooshik steckt in der Klemme. Nachdem er sich mit den Einnahmen aus der Schwulenbar, in der er arbeitete, davongemacht hat, sucht er Zuflucht in einer kleinen Küstenstadt. Als sein Geld weniger wurde, braucht er dringend einen Weg, um über die Runden zu kommen. Trotzdem, ein Junge muss essen! Also taucht er in ein Muschelhaus ein, um seinen Hunger zu stillen. Aber ohne Geld zum Bezahlen rennt er davon und lässt Jooha, den Server, die Rechnung bezahlen. Später, als Dooshik zurückkommt, um seine Schulden zu bezahlen, wird er von einer schmutzigen Szene begrüßt, die einen verlockenden Einblick in die Lösung seiner Geldprobleme bietet. Denn in Joohas wunderschöner Muschel liegt ein geheimer Schatz, der darauf wartet, geborgen zu werden. Und Dooshik ist genau der richtige Mann dafür.

Isekai Onsen ni Tensei shita Ore no Kounou ga Tondemosugiru
Isekai Onsen ni Tensei shita Ore no Kounou ga TondemosugiruNanaumi sou

High school student Atami Kusatsu on his way to a rural onsen, meets with a tragic accident along the way and dies, but he's reincarnated as an onsen in a fantasy universe. In this world, the liquefied Atami turns out to have remarkable physical and magical healing properties, and he soon finds himself being regularly visited by beautiful elven adventurer Laticia, large-breasted priestess Kumu, and petite village chieftess Chichiku.

Mr. 100% Perfect! (Mature)
Mr. 100% Perfect! (Mature)Hobaen

Suk-yun is Mr. Perfect from head to toe with crisp creases in his suit, a handsome and fit figure... and an expensive wristwatch dominating his timetable. Woo-in fell for him HARD, because he’s just so... perfect. But over time, the beep of the wristwatch had more power over Suk-yun than his feelings for Woo-in, so he left. To get over the breakup, Woo-in starts working for a cleaning company and just who is his first customer? The crazy messy junk-filled home of Suk-yun, Mr. (Not 100%) Perfect.

The Guy I'm into Is a You-Know-What!
The Guy I'm into Is a You-Know-What!Nanae chioka

"No problem. A man always keeps his word. We can do it as many times as you want." Sakiko Kotohira is a devoted yaoi fangirl and absolutely head over heels for Reiji, the cool, dominant protagonist of her favorite comic. One of the highlights of Sakiko's day is catching a glimpse of Masayuki Utazu, a coworker who happens to look just like Reiji. One day, distracted by her daydreams, Sakiko suddenly finds herself face-to-face with the office lookalike. He turns out to be even hotter than she'd imagined. Desperate for material to fuel future fantasies, Sakiko all but rips her clothes off and pounces on the guy. Masayuki's cool, imperial resolve melts away in a second. Further prompted by a secret reason of his own, Masayuki decides he has to have her!! Get ready for a showdown between two explosive desires, as well as a passionate battle of misunderstandings!

My Housemaid is a Tentacle Monster (Official) (Uncensored)
My Housemaid is a Tentacle Monster (Official) (Uncensored)Gy

I Am Beautiful
I Am BeautifulChadoji

Can you really get over someone you loved? College student Jaewoo asks himself that every day Growing up it used to be questions like: why do I like boys? Is this okay? Then the only man he ever loved fell in love with a woman, and the answers just seemed more and more far away. Imagine next, when he falls in love with that man's older brother?! Sujin is sweet, caring,. and the sole proprietor of a quaint countryside farm. And Jaewoo has just volunteered his summer working under him. The sequel to You Are Beautiful has arrived!

A Sex Therapist
A Sex Therapist

1) Sex TherapistHoping to make an arrest, detective Ryouichi Ohnuki decides to investigate Kain, but gets distracted with thoughts of his straitlaced co-worker.2) A Man Who DreamsSalesman Obinata is in love with adorable co-worker Himeno, but feels guilty over his dirty thoughts. Maybe a trip to Kain will help clear things up. 3) The First and Last ManWhen Aki runs into his former brother-in-law Naoto at a gay bar, he's furious! What else has Naoto been hiding from him?4) Sweet ManTakerou's sweet shop is a rival of the foreigner Shimon's pastry shop. But Takerou is secretly addicted to the competitions sweets, and not just for the taste. 5) Prince of the IceAfter a serious injury, ice skating champion Reo Toujou's relationship with his coach, Dzhokhar fell apart. 6) Timid FlowerIce skater Akira Ohno is assigned a new coach, flamboyant foreigner Zio Maurizio. Can Zio remind Akira why skating is fun?7) Free-F@#%ing FatherAfter an amazing one night stand, seminary student Ippei Niwa can't get the sexy guy out of his head. When they meet again, Seiji Kusama is the priest Niwa is mentoring under.

Mr He with Mahasiswa imut x pria tampan(Official)
Mr He with Mahasiswa imut x pria tampan(Official)蔡蔬菜

Cerita Mr he dan Sekertaris Gao with He Guan Yu dan Xu Xingchen

The Skeleton Becomes a Cat Dad
The Skeleton Becomes a Cat DadMago

Life becomes a nightmare for Skelly when the oddest cat they've ever seen arrives on their doorstep. It's definitely not the Persian cat they ordered... not only is it hairless, but it pees constantly and cries around the clock. As if the neighbors' complaints aren't enough trouble, the vet bills are sky high and nearly bankrupts the newly independent skeleton. But even a mutant cat deserves an owner-- and so, Skelly struggles to fill the shoes of a cat dad with the help of an alcoholic succubus and a devil priest. Meanwhile, a mysterious demon notices their unique pet and wants to steal it for sinister reasons. Can Skelly protect their new cat from kidnappers and other threats within the Devildom, let alone handle living together with it?

So I'm a Spider, So What?
So I'm a Spider, So What?Baba okina

In another world, the Hero and the Demon King continued to oppose each other. As their great magic collided, the explosion crossed over worlds and destroyed a classroom full of high school students. The victims who died in that explosion will be reincarnated in that alternate world. Our heroine, who has the lowest standing in the class, was reincarnated into a spider. She nevertheless faces this challenge head-on with great determination, and adapts to it surprisingly quickly. This is the story of how our protagonist, who was reborn as a weak spider monster, does whatever needed to survive.

Tôi là Fan cứng của hoàng tử
Tôi là Fan cứng của hoàng tửZoo sun

Fanfic của Angela bỗng trở nên nổi tiếng đến mức nó lan truyền đến cả Hoàng tộc khiến cô bị bắt vì tội phản quốc. Tuy nhiên, Fanfic của cô ấy đã cải thiện được hình ảnh của Đệ nhất Hoàng tử- Raybrun và em gái của anh ấy- Công chúa Hoya. Hoya đã quyết định tận dụng lợi thế chính trị của việc này và giữ Angela ở bên cạnh họ.

4 Week Lovers
4 Week LoversMaroron (마로론)

'You... never changed at all. The touch of your rough lips and the way your hands gather as if praying when you're nervous... That foolish side of yours.' Outstanding look, top of the department. Jeong Dojun —Business Department, Class of '18— thought that his university life would go smooth, but he ended up meeting Song Jaehee again inside their dormitory. There was something that he couldn't solve with Song Jaehee during high school. 'Is it wrong for me to have a crush on you?' '...' 'You just ended up ignoring me and left.' Dojun only wanted to run away, but when Jaehee told him, 'I have no feelings for you anymore.' he smiled. Unfortunately, Jaehee's broken arm was Dojun's fault. Instead of repaying with money, he offered a contract. He wanted Dojun to be his lover for only 4 weeks?

The Demon From The Bloodstained Dark Jade
The Demon From The Bloodstained Dark JadeCatnip dongman (猫薄荷动漫)

Unpopular young star Mo Ji meets by chance a man, Shen Yi, who bears a remarkable resemblance to himself. At their first meeting in the largest Jiangnan clubhouse in Hongcheng, a misunderstanding occurs between the two. Shen Yi thinks this pretty-faced boy that looks like an internet celebrity, is wanting to take the opportunity to seduce him. Mo Ji thinks this old mister that stinks of money wishes to sign him via the casting couch. From this misunderstanding, love, hatred, affection and enmity is born.

Love gym
Love gymMu handae

He is super rich and has never been in a relationship. Exercise and romance. He tried it for the first time because of the PT instructor Dogun. “If I can become like the athletic model in the poster, would you go out with me?” "I can't believe a man who used to be so chubby becomes a man with such wonderful abs!! "Instructor Dogun! Do it with me!"

Senyummu Seperti Jebakan [ Flawlesseu ]
Senyummu Seperti Jebakan [ Flawlesseu ]Aengo

Ex-idol trainee Kiyu has lived his whole life adored by everyone for his good looks. But he dreams of ordinary high school life, so when he puts on glasses to blend in with his peers, he finds that making friends is a lot harder when you don't have your looks to fall back on. Not to mention he's also socially awkward, his new seatmate has a permanent scowl on her face, and his fans have tracked him down at his new school.


Ceritanya tentang ham suyeon dan Cha Jihyuk yang senasib alias sama² diselingkuhin, karna ujan mereka nginep di rumah jihyuk trus wleowlweo Paginya suyeon kabur, jihyuk ngak terima dia nyariin suyeon ke rumahnya

I Adopted a Villainous Dad〖RubyMoon x Spygetti〗
I Adopted a Villainous Dad〖RubyMoon x Spygetti〗

Amelia terlahir kembali ke dalam novel favoritnya sebagai tokoh utama. Masalahnya? Dia adalah seorang saintess berusia enam tahun yang ditakdirkan untuk menderita. Ketika tiba waktu untuk ritual pemilihan keluarganya, dia bertemu karakter favoritnya, Miltiades, dan dia memutuskan untuk mengambil keputusan sendiri. Miltiades dicerita aslinya mungkin bersifat buruk, tetapi itu tidak berarti dia tidak bisa menjadi ayah yang sempurna! Tapi disaat yang sama, Amelia masih memikirkan cara agar dia bisa mendapatkan akhir yang bahagia dengan ayah barunya. Ada rintangan besar menghalangi jalannya, yaitu : keberadaan Tokoh utama Pria yang ditakdirkan untuk memusnahkan si pejahat. Bisakah Amelia menyelamatkan ayah barunya dan sang pemeran utama?

SexerciseChoe namsae

Bae Woong was once a strong and fit athlete – at least in his mind. Eager to get back to his old physique, he goes looking for a gym in the neighborhood. He stumbles upon one that seems oddly expensive and discrete. He isn’t even allowed to hear about the specific workouts they provide until after he signs a nondisclosure agreement. He finds it strange, but the women working there are very attractive and Woong has nothing to lose. After signing the agreement, he learns the secret to their bodies: sex.

Can’t Be Helped (Yaoi)
Can’t Be Helped (Yaoi)Cherry manju

In a joint essay class held in the summer as an extra class, Jung Yi-tae, an ordinary beta high school student, meets the Dominant Alpha, Geum Dan, a junior and a celebrity at the school. But after accidentally seeing Yi-tae’s ass, the Alpha begins to make strange suggestions.....

ANAK KERANG ( SEASON 2 )Zoy / inking

Dooshik dalam keadaan terjepit. Setelah melarikan diri dengan hasil dari bar gay tempat dia bekerja, dia mencari perlindungan di sebuah kota pesisir kecil. Saat dananya menipis, dia sangat membutuhkan cara untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Tetap saja, seorang anak laki-laki harus makan! Jadi dia menyelam ke dalam rumah kerang untuk memuaskan hasratnya. Tetapi tanpa uang untuk membayar, dia berlari meninggalkan Jooha, server, untuk membayar tagihan. Kemudian, ketika Dooshik kembali untuk membayar hutangnya, dia disambut oleh pemandangan mesum yang menawarkan sekilas solusi untuk masalah uangnya. Karena di dalam cangkang indah Jooha terdapat harta rahasia yang menunggu untuk ditarik keluar. Dan Dooshik adalah orang yang tepat untuk melakukannya.

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: Mabutsu no Kuni no Arukikata (Official)
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken: Mabutsu no Kuni no Arukikata (Official)Shō okagiri

The Jura-Tempest Federation is finally making waves in the wider world around them. Their leader decides it's time to compile a Tempest guidebook—and there's no one better for the job than a local rabbitfolk girl! Follow her adventures in this unique spin-off, out in June 2020! With all its innovations, the kingdom of Tempest-founded by the demon lord Rimuru-is a veritable paradise for travelers such as Framea, the rabbitfolk chief's daughter. Framea has always had a nose for adventure, an inquisitive mind, and a knack for discovering and identifying the latest and greatest the world has to offer! Her notepad is open at all times, ready for any three-star delights she may encounter, so when Rimuru himself gives Framea a mission to catalog the area's attractions, she'll have her work cut out for her-and tons of stars to hand out!

Because She is a Little Girl, I am Excited Sexually.
Because She is a Little Girl, I am Excited Sexually.Yuzuki ryouta

Tsuji Motochika is a guy who loves little girls. Yuna looks like a little girl, but she's actually older than Tsuji. Also, she likes much older men.Together, they make an agreement to show each other's greatest desires - Tsuji's father and Yuna's little sister - and in the process, learn that age is only a number..........Okay, you read the title, right? Then you know exactly what this series is going to be about - it couldn't be more literal than that. No need to go so quickly, we won't judge you (though secretly, we will).Original Webcomic:

UNDEAD UNLUCK official colored version
UNDEAD UNLUCK official colored versionYoshifumi tozuka

As an UNLUCKY girl prepares to face her death, an UNDEAD who desperately wants to die appears before her! Vicious, violent and buck naked! An unprecedented picaresque hero appears in Shonen Jump!

19 Days
19 DaysOld xian

19 Days vypráví zábavný příběh o každodenním školním životě skupiny horkokrevných teenagerů, o jejich dojemném přátelství a osobním růstu. V hlavních rolích vystupují postavy Jian Yi (见一) a Zhan Zheng Xi (展正希), kteří jsou kamarády z dětství, pohledný He Tian (賀天) a neochotný Mo Guan Shan (莫关山).

Bojone si rewel Woooyoung
Bojone si rewel WoooyoungKimnyeong

Terlahir dari keluarga alfa tampan, kaya, dan terpelajar, Wooyoung selalu berharap dia akan sama. Setelah mencari tahu, dia adalah orang aneh sebagai satu-satunya omega, dan bahkan bukan orang yang sempurna dalam hal itu. Untuk mengimbanginya, Wooyoung menjalani hidup dengan berpura-pura menjadi beta, tetapi ketika ia mulai mengalami ketidakseimbangan hormon, siklus panas yang tidak teratur, dan kurangnya kendali atas impulsnya, status omega resesifnya yang rendah menjadi tidak mungkin untuk diabaikan. Saat itulah dia bertemu Kyungju, alfa dominan yang kuat dan sukses yang dapat mengubahnya menjadi omega sejati, dan juga membuatnya bertekuk lutut. Sekarang, Wooyoung harus menggunakan setiap taktik yang ada untuk merayu Kyungju dan menjadikan alpha brooding miliknya sendiri.

DARLING in the FRANXXYabuki kentarou

The story is set in the distant future. The land is ruined, and humanity establishes the mobile fort city Plantation. Pilots produced inside Plantation live in Mistilteinn, also know as the "birdcage." Children live there knowing nothing of the outside world or the freedom of the sky. Their lives consist of battling to carry out missions. Their enemies are mysterious giant lifeforms known as Kyōryū, and the children pilot robots called Franxx to face off against them. For the children, riding the Franxx proves their existence. A boy named Hiro is called Code:016, and he was once known as a prodigy. However, he has fallen behind, and his existence seems unnecessary. Not piloting a Franxx is the same as ceasing to exist. One day, a mysterious girl known as "Zero Two" appears before him. Two horns grow out of her head.

"Ittemo yo ka yo?" Jun'ai Tiger wa Jikkuri Amaku Seme Ageru
"Ittemo yo ka yo?" Jun'ai Tiger wa Jikkuri Amaku Seme AgeruHaruo

"I'll erase and override the touch of all the other guys you've slept with until now." He goes deeper than he even should! He's not only marking her heart, but also deep inside...!! Slowly, carefully...!! Even if she falls in love with him, he'll be gone in another three months... She knows, but his love is captivating... Kotori, a girl who's looking for a serious relationship, is constantly betrayed by the men she meets. But she has someone who always worries about her. It's a part-timer at the restaurant she frequents, Taiga. The restaurant's regulars tease them saying that they're a perfect couple, but Kotori has a reason for not wanting to fall in love with Taiga... "If you're lonely, you've got me." She finds herself in his gentle embrace... but it's so unfair! Who wouldn't fall in love with a younger guy who's good at sex... and who expresses his love straightforwardly?

Man's House Mansim
Man's House MansimJ.young

Wooyoung is a reporter of a gay magazine and has opened Mansim, a share house only for gay men,Hyunwoo, a rock group guitarist and fashion model Chiyoo, soon move into the lively share house,A heartfelt comedy about three gay men finding their gender identities by solving unexpected cases!

Strictly Professional
Strictly ProfessionalDolee

Erin is a 27-year-old product director who's heard it all: hard-to-get, picky, impossible, too ambitious, and worst of all, too old to still be single. Unwilling to compromise for the sake of society’s standards, but desperate to break away from the endless cycle of blind dates her aunt imposes on her, she sets out with a hidden agenda for a contract boyfriend. With the right partner, it’ll be perfect—none of the emotions, drama, or responsibilities of a real relationship… or so she thinks!


Rating rises

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Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear
Kuma Kuma Kuma BearKumanano

Yuna, uma garota de 15 anos, começou a jogar o primeiro VRMMO do mundo. Ela ganhou bilhões de ienes em ações e confina-se em sua casa jogando o jogo sem ir à escola. Hoje, uma atualização importante chegou e ela obteve uma roupa de urso rara não transferível. Mas o equipamento é tão embaraçoso que ela não pode usá-lo mesmo no jogo. Além disso, quando ela responde a pesquisa sobre a nova atualização e relança o jogo, ela aparece em uma floresta desconhecida na roupa de urso. Onde é isso? E-mail de Deus? Um mundo diferente? Se ela usa a roupa de urso, ela é uma fraude, se ela tira isso, ela é uma garota normal. Sua aventura começa assim mesmo. Yuna começou a fazer o que quisesse.

Learning The Hard Way
Learning The Hard WayOver.j

Bullied ruthlessly by girls in high school, Jinhoo’s done his best to put his past as a complete loser behind him. However, one day, he finds out that his newest tutee is his ex-bully, Yejin! Despite flunking the college entrance exam twice, Yejin’s only interested in her dildo and is adamant that she doesn’t need a tutor. However, as she starts to torture Jinhoo as per usual, Yejin realizes that there are some things that Jinhoo can teach her…but they’re going to have to find out the hard way.

The Kang's Yeesu
The Kang's YeesuMambo|Winterbaum

I am Han Yeesu, this city's coolest gay guy. But in the name of my love for Kang Jihyung, I'm willing to become a chaebol family's daughter-in-law. However- "She's the girl you used to always treasure and adore, father. I brought her here to marry her, so why are you mad?" One day, Kang Jihyung brought home a random girl. All just to screw over his father, Kang Joongman. What am I going to do alone, you nothing-but-a-handsome-face jerk! Although I was angry, I held onto my father-in-law Joongman for a new start. "It's because of you I ended up in this situation! Take some responsibility!You have to replace that guy!" After my father-in-law's scolding and constant nagging to become the group's successor died down, I came back to my senses to find myself buried in files and papers and working overtime. But even if it's mentally and physically painful and tiring, the desire never withers- Is it going to be the hot-tempered sexy old man Kang Joonman, Or my ideal type who betrayed me, Kang Jihyung? A sitcom filled with Yeesu's wavering love and hatred between the two filthy rich men.

Youngest On Top
Youngest On TopHæon

Arpemia, Dewaku yang terhebat di dunia, beri aku kekuatan jadi-' "Biarkan aku mengalahkan semuanya!" Sebelum kembali, Saelica menjadi baterai suci dan mati. Di sisi lain, Amalia, saintess pelindung Parmanas, dicintai oleh seluruh dunia. Orang-orang tidak tahu. Faktanya adalah bahwa keajaiban semua itu adalah kekuatan Saelica. Kali ini aku tidak akan mati secara tidak adil. Musuh berada di pihakku, pertama-tama, pergi ke kuil Artemisia. Artemisia adalah dewa terbaik. Aku ingin melatih pikiran dan tubuhku di sisi Artemisia." Begitulah kehidupan kuil Saelica dimulai. Dan sebagai tambahan, mereka mencari harta karun kuno yang terlupakan, dan berkata, "Tuan pendeta, kita berhasil." Dia mendidik anak-anak seusianya, masa depan bait suci. "Ayo, aku ingin dipanggil olehmu." Tapi situasinya jadi aneh. "Aku akan di pihakmu." "Hal yang paling disukai Sae adalah aku." "Aku bilang roti madu yang paling enak." Di mana para pendeta dan anak-anak seusiaku yang meragukan dan memusuhi aku? "Aku akan membawanya bersamaku." "Tidak, dia akan ikut denganku." Pertempuran antara Grand Duke Utara dan Admiral Selatan akan membuatku sangat terpukul. "Aku bukan gadis itu!" Aku Bahkan- terlibat dengan pria berbahaya. "Kamu senang bermain denganku? Kalau begitu bermainlah lebih lama." Yang ingin aku kalahkan adalah Parmanas dan Amelia! Apakah Saelica akan berhasil?

Oshiete Kudasai Fujishima-San
Oshiete Kudasai Fujishima-SanAwaji nae

"Could you please let me watch you masturbate!?" Romance novelist Rio's struggling to write a young adult erotic novel. From what her agent says, her writing "has no sex appeal"... After some careful deliberation, she begs Mr. Fujishima, a cute banker she just happened to meet, to let her interview him about his sexual encounters. Fujishima doesn't look happy... In fact, he never looks happy, and yet, he can't help indulging her and softening a little at her straightforward authenticity...

Behold the True Villainess
Behold the True VillainessJeongdeun

I entered the body of Niveia Herbert, the only daughter of God in the kingdom, who was offered as a sacrifice. She sacrificed herself as the eldest daughter of the family for them, lost her fiancée to her rival, and gave her life as a believer for the kingdom... there were just calamities upon calamities happening. "There's no point in dying. Fuck the sacrifice." Destroying her death flag and aiming a bow that will change her fate to fight God, the final boss! “So the actions I’m taking to save my life are evil?” She lifted the corner of her mouth and laughed. “If that’s the case, I'd be happy to be a villainess."

si pendek dan si tinggi [ LEAFLY ]
si pendek dan si tinggi [ LEAFLY ]Nakta

nuri dan homil adalah teman sejak kecil, saat smp homil tiba-tiba pindah lanjutanya di chap 1 udh di jelasin

Oyayubi kara Romance
Oyayubi kara Romance

Massage Research Society's high expected star Chiaki is a normal, quiet high-schooler. She immediately wants to massage the guy with the beautiful back who she sees on her bus, then coincidentally at her school. But he just happens to be the school's number one good looking guy Yousuke, who doesn't want anybody to massage him. When Yousuke and Chiaki make a bet, what will happen to them!? (From Shojo Beat) The star of her high school's Massage Research Society club, Chiaki Togu is otherwise a normal, quiet girl until she falls in love at first sight with a gorgeous back--a back that happens to belong to Yosuke, the hottest guy at her school! Unfortunately, Chiaki's attraction to Yosuke is thwarted by her own insecurity and the scheming of other girls--especially her twin sister Saya! Although Yosuke seems out of Chiaki's league, she would do anything to give him a massage. The two eventually strike up a deal in which she will be allowed to touch his back if she can make him fall in love with her. What Chiaki doesn't know is the real reason Yosuke wants to hang around her: to avenge his younger brother, who was allegedly deceived and dumped by somebody named Chiaki Togu!

Threesome Life in an All Gay Apartment
Threesome Life in an All Gay ApartmentYona ryutoku

"Let's see what position you're suited for, bottom or top." I should hate being persistently teased in my sensitive spot, but I was forced to cum! What... will happen to me!?

Red Candy
Red CandyHanse

Shihyeon, aka “Red Candy,” is a secret agent whose code name comes from bathing in the blood of his marks on dangerous missions. Shihyeon’s tasked with seducing and obtaining intel from Hajun, a hot college professor. Shihyeon can disarm enemies, but didn’t expect to be disarmed himself by Hajun’s own tight body. Now Shihyeon’s caught between loyalty to his spy agency and Hajun. Can Red Candy survive the incoming wave of enemies and still indulge in the sweet ecstasy of Hajun’s embrace?

Candy Man
Candy ManChanok

Kyuyeon has an alternate persona in an online game, he pretends to be a female player with a character named “Yorong” only to rip off items from other clueless users. One of “her” diehard fans named “Yeommin” showers Kyuyeon with gifts day and night. He’s happy but at the same time, Kyuyeon feels a bit pressured about Yeommin because he’s always asking “Yorong” for a date. To top it all off, Kyuyeon finds out that Yeommin is his handsome classmate called Kimin Yeom. How is he going to get out of trouble?

Solmi's Channel
Solmi's ChannelDabble

Jinsoo, an engineer specializing in augmented reality, has always dreamed of using the technology in creative ways. So when Solmi, a camgirl, asks him to develop adult content for her live stream show, he’s presented with the opportunity of a lifetime. He finally has enough money to research and design at his will, whether it be holographic clothes that allow people to walk around naked in public, or gadgets that boost orgasmic pleasure. Tune in to Solmi’s channel for some hot, high-tech porn.

The Destroyer Fell in Love with Me
The Destroyer Fell in Love with MeDian|Youndal

Out of one mistake erupts an exciting and intense romance story! The day after finally paying off all of her student debts, Amelia wakes up to find that she has been teleported into a novel she loves … But as the daughter of a count who has the kind of debt that takes one’s whole life to pay off. She heads to a bar to drink away her sorrows, but ends up drunkenly spending the night with Duke Kyle, a man on the fast track to self-destruction. She tries to get away from the Duke and his notorious reputation… But will Amelia be able to change fate and give this love story a happy ending?

Lady Beast
Lady BeastYusu hwan

An arranged marriage that ends in a body swap?! The quiet Princess Elissa has lived a miserable life thus far. To get away from it all she agrees to marry the war tyrant, Duke Ginger of Landall Kingdom. But by some evil curse, the new couple wakes up in each other's bodies! Between royal functions to attend and getting used to their physical changes, can they keep their cool long enough to find a way to switch back? Or will they be stuck like this forever?! Based on the hit novel.

That Man & My Underwear Shop
That Man & My Underwear ShopGo yeoun

Hyeah - the protagonist who opened a sexy lingerie store online. She was in trouble since she didn't have a male model, but the model who finally applied ended up being a classmate she had a one-night stand with?! What in the world are they up to? A close-up story of the two begins in this closed-room setting...

The Artist and the Beast
The Artist and the BeastCoda koda

Annoyed by everything and lacking any interest in love whatsoever, manga artist Rui gets an unexpected visit from a built, scary-looking yakuza. After carelessly becoming the guarantor for her friend's loan, she is told to settle his debt of tens of thousands of dollars... "I'll wait for payment. That is, if you let me have sex with you." And just like that, she's pulled into it. "But, I'm a virgin... Am I gonna be okay?" Just as she thinks she's going to be made to suffer, she gets treated kindly and gently, making her first sensual experience all the more confusing...


There are a few unusual things about Cafe Goyo. Number one, their coffee sucks. Number two, their customers never order off the menu. And number three, Yohan, the cafe manager, is deaf. So when Soohwa joins as a part-timer, though he is not expected to learn how to make good coffee, he is asked to expand his sign language vocabulary beyond the words, “higher,” “pay,” and “please.” But when Yohan offers to give him private lessons, Soohwa is reluctant. Not because he doesn’t want to study, but because he has a “hard” time around Yohan. Like, literally. He gets hard. Whenever he hears Yohan’s deep, sexy voice.

My Bias Is Showing?! [Mature]
My Bias Is Showing?! [Mature]Nabit

When high school teacher Na Aejoon shows up for work on an ordinary day, he never expects to bump into his favorite celebrity in the hallway. But when his school becomes a filming location for a show starring Choi Siyeol, his bias from the idol group A-One, that’s exactly what happens! If that’s not enough to give a fanboy a heart attack, Siyeol takes an interest in Aejoon and asks him to join the show as his “co-teacher.” Desperate to keep his fan life a secret, Aejoon is forced to put his acting skills to the test, and not just on camera. But as he spends more and more time with Siyeol, the deception becomes harder to keep up. Not to mention, he might not be the only one keeping secrets…

Yakuza in Love
Yakuza in LoveMolimi

Min Joon thought studying abroad in Japan would mean the beginning his fabulous gay life. But instead, he’s scammed by his boyfriend, loses his passport and is basically screwed. What’s worse, a kid comes up to him calling him “mama” and before he knows it, he’s being kidnapped by the yakuza. Then the hot yakuza boss makes him an offer he can’t refuse… so now it’s either be “mama” to his little kid or to not live at all. What to do, what to do? And this yakuza boss is just too hot for his own good…

Access All Areas
Access All AreasBlguri

The new boy group sensation “Poison” is out to conquer the K-Pop scene with their buff bodies and sexy charm. With a successful debut and thousands of eager fans, everything seems to be going well…or is it? As the group’s prim and proper leader, Sihyun should be dreaming of chart domination. But instead, his dreams are filled with fantasies about his groupmate, the sullen and mysterious Seong-eun. As the two spend more and more time together, they get caught up in a whirlwind of muddled passion and sweaty tension, both on and off the stage. Will they manage to keep things together? And will those dreams be fulfilled?


Beberapa orang tua memberikan warisan kepada anak-anak mereka. Beberapa memberi anak-anak mereka mobil. Orang tua Jinwon memberinya... sebuah motel. Dan bahkan bukan yang hebat. Rusak dan membutuhkan perbaikan besar-besaran, Ballantine Motel dulunya adalah angsa emas. Tapi, tentu saja, seorang pengemudi mabuk yang menjalankan mobilnya melalui pintu masuk cenderung mengubah keadaan. Jadi ketika Jinwon mengambil alih, dia membuat beberapa peningkatan dan penambahan. Dan sementara "Ballantine" adalah nama yang bagus, itu agak panjang. Jadi, tentu saja, dia membuat pilihan yang jelas dan mempersingkatnya. BL Motel adalah tambahan terbaru di lingkungan ini. Tentu saja, sekarang yang Jinwon butuhkan hanyalah bantuan baru dan mungkin mencari tahu mengapa begitu banyak pasangan gay mulai berkunjung. Kemudian lagi, ketika hidup memberi Anda lemon, Anda bersandar dan mengisi mesin penjual otomatis dengan pelumas.

No Way, Vampires Don't Exist
No Way, Vampires Don't ExistKi moong, racking

Four college housemates — Juwon, Eunho, Seongjae, and Gyumin — are in desperate need of a fifth person to fill a vacant room in their place. But their main concern isn’t about paying rent: they’re ravenous vampires, dying to sink their teeth into a fresh, live human! So they can’t believe their luck when Dongha, who grew up isolated from society, eagerly moves in with no idea of what awaits him. To the vampires’ dismay, however, Dongha doesn’t weigh enough for them to suck his blood! As they shower their unsuspecting new housemate with food and attention to fatten him up, have they gotten too attached to their would-be prey? And is there more to sweet, naive Dongha than meets the hungry vampires’ eyes?

Third Ending「Official」
Third Ending「Official」Chovom

Suh Yoonseul has had life easy—everyone likes him, he’s good at his job, basically everything has always worked out as smooth as butter. However, there’s something that brings all of his good luck down, and it’s the infrequent dreams he has of Kang Jun. Who knew that rejecting a guy once would hang so heavy on your life? To make things worse, after he runs into Jun the dreams keep on coming daily. At his wit’s end, Yoonseul takes some advice from a friend so that he can free himself from this jinx. It’s simple. Make Kang Jun think that he’s a nice person. That can’t be hard, right?

Darling for Dessert
Darling for Dessert12

After a major screw-up at work, Hyunho is pretty much ready to give up on life. What he receives instead of punishment, however, is a delectable strawberry cream custard tart. Thinking it's his last meal alive, Hyunho gobbles it up, licking every last dollop of cream off of Seung-yun's fingers. This lights a certain spark within Seung-yun, which gets him thinking about all the other wild things he could make Hyunho do with his tongue...

Love Shuttle
Love ShuttleAeju

There’s a late bloomer, and then there’s a *late bloomer.* Doyun may be half Omega, but he certainly doesn’t look it: he’s tall, chiseled... But the worst of it all is that he’s a full-grown adult male who has yet to go into heat. He doesn’t see the problem, and everyone assumes he’s an Alpha, anyway. But when his body finally decides it’s “time,” it just happens to be at the most inopportune moment. He has no-one to turn to but his work rival, Taehan – but thankfully, Taehan is more than man enough to help him out.

My Demon Boss Gokudera Wants To Be Exposed
My Demon Boss Gokudera Wants To Be ExposedArata licca

A lewd body, with lewd underwear… It’s insanely arousing. Even though he’s capable, Shouji is a corporate slave, who is always being berated by his boss, Gokudera-san. In an unexpected turn of events, Gokudera-san accidentally sends him the link of a sexy man wearing women’s underwear instead of his dog’s social media account… This can’t be…?!?! The gap between the boss who is devilish by day, and erotic and cute by night is enough to make a corporate dog explode in desire!!!

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta KenFuse

O ordinário Minami Satoru se viu morrendo depois de ser esfaqueado por um criminoso. Deveria ter sido o fim de seus escassos 37 anos, mas ele se viu surdo e cego depois de ouvir uma voz misteriosa. Ele havia reencarnado em um lodo! Embora se queixando de se tornar o lodo fraco, mas famoso, e aproveitando a vida de um lodo ao mesmo tempo, Minami Satoru encontrou-se com o monstro do nível de catástrofe "Storm Dragon Verudora", e seu destino começou a se mover.

Farming Life in Another World
Farming Life in Another WorldNaitou kinosuke

Having died of sickness at the age of 39, Machio Hiraku is given the opportunity to go to another world. When asked what his wish is by God intending to give him strength, he requests to have a healthy body, offered a second wish, he chooses to live peacefully, a third wish to be able to know the local language, and for a final wish, to be able to be a farmer.

Did It Work
Did It WorkRain

Seungjeong mewarisi kemampuan nenek moyangnya yang merupakan dukun terkenal, namun kemampuan tersebut hanya bisa digunakan saat mereka mendapatkan kenikmatan dari kontak seksual dengan orang yang tepat. Seung-jeong, yang pergi ke kasino karena tipuan temannya, kehilangan semua kekayaannya dan mencari-cari untuk menggunakan kemampuan leluhurnya. Seung-jeong yang menemukan Gayoon mengikutinya dan dengan paksa menggosok tubuhnya untuk mendapatkan kesenangan. Setelah memenangkan uang di kasino, dia bisa kembali ke Seoul dengan selamat. . Setelah itu, dia bertemu kembali dengan Gayoon di klub tempat dia bermain dengan temannya, dan setelah kepalanya dipukul dan pingsan, dia bangun dan mendapati dirinya terkubur di tanah.

Top to Bottom (Official)
Top to Bottom (Official)Cheongyeong & samrang

The morning after he meets his new boss, Mu-gyeol, ordinary office worker Hee-tae gets caught masturbating by that very same boss. And not only was it the kind of masturbating that involved jerking off, but the kind that also involved his ass. Uh oh. But the thing is, Mu-gyeol is very interested in asses, and he thinks Hee-tae’s is perfect. So perfect that he’d do anything to gain access to it, including asking Hee-tae out. So yeah, what should have totally ended someone else’s career might just end up being the thing that lands Hee-tae the deal of a lifetime.

How My Daddies Became Mates
How My Daddies Became MatesMikkamita

"L-l-l-let’s get married!!!" - Shima has two daddies - daddy Akane (α) is the laid back one who does things at his own pace, while daddy Aoi (Ω) is levelheaded and gentle. The two of them are now loving mates who’ve been blessed with their daughter Shima, but it looks like it wasn’t quite that way back in the day…? These are the memoirs of an omegaverse delinquent couple, starting from their fateful encounter all the way to their marriage!

ℙ𝕒𝕜 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕚 𝕕𝕒𝕟 𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕒 (𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕪)
ℙ𝕒𝕜 𝕡𝕠𝕝𝕚𝕤𝕚 𝕕𝕒𝕟 𝕋𝕖𝕣𝕠𝕟𝕘 𝕣𝕒𝕜𝕤𝕒𝕤𝕒 (𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕔𝕙𝕖𝕣𝕪)Suhyeol

Jae-hee adalah petugas polisi setempat di desa pedesaan yang tenang. Dengan munculnya Dok Go-hoon, pria aneh dan aneh yang memecah kesunyian. Kehidupan gay Jae-hee yang dulunya sepi, lambat laun menjadi riuh. Jaehee, yang ditunjuk sebagai kekasih Dokgohun pada pandangan pertama, Secara acak, Karena Dokgohun yang seperti idiot ini yang menggoda. Saya khawatir rahasia bahwa saya gay akan terungkap, Namun ternyata Dokgohun pergi ke desa ini untuk memulihkan diri! Dia adalah satu-satunya putra Dok-go Young-sik, kepala Badan Kepolisian Nasional! Pemandangan luar biasa lainnya dihadapkan pada fakta bahwa "Mengapa Ayah keluar dari rumah Komisaris?!" "Apa yang kalian berdua lakukan?!" Seorang pria paruh baya yang terampil, Panasnya pemuda ada di sini! 4 orang lusuh 4 detik! 4 romansa pria

Dareka Yume Dato Ittekure
Dareka Yume Dato Ittekureみっしぇる(michelle)

[TL by CutiepieCY] Hoshikawa Sayo, a high school student who is worried about his short height, witnesses the girl he has a crush on being dumped by Mashiba, a handsome tall guy. ‘I challenged him in many things, but I lost on everything in a row...! Just as I was thinking that being called “cute” by Mashiba made me even more pissed off, I started having a strange dream about being cuddled by someone…And moreover, the contents of it are escalating more and more ...!?’

Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Monster Musume no Iru NichijouInui takemaru (okayado)

Three years ago, the world came to know of the existence of humanoid beast creatures after the government decided to stop hiding their existence from the world. It was decided that they would be integrated into human society, and thus the "Cultural Exchange Between Species Bill" was created. Since then, the cultural exchange program became a huge success helping many species integrate into human society.Kurusu Kimihito is a volunteer (?) in this exchange program who has been given a Lamia (Snake Girl) named Miia to take care of. After spending some time together, Miia has fallen in love with Kurusu, which isn't a bad thing per se. However, there is a stipulation in the exchange program that prohibits interbreeding between humans and beast creatures. Violating this law results in a severe punishment for the human. Will Kurusu be able to resist Miia's advances and keep himself out of trouble?

I'll Marry Him!
I'll Marry Him!Carumok

As the illegitimate daughter of Duke McKellion, Lilian was never fully embraced by her father or society. So, when she has the opportunity to take her sister’s place in an arranged marriage to Emperor Kael Lu Kaldorf, Lilian jumps at the chance. The only problem is, her prospective partner gets cranky without his sleep, and since being cursed by a vindictive witch, the tyrannical emperor hasn’t experienced a single moment of slumber. But that’s no challenge for Lilian, who possesses the ability to induce sleep with a kiss. Now, tasked with the duty of keeping His Majesty well-rested, Lilian must kiss the emperor each night to keep his temper at bay. It’s a simple contractual agreement, and Lilian has no plans to develop romantic feelings, but what happens when Kael unexpectedly falls for her?

The Girl and the Geek
The Girl and the GeekHuryunhwa

Single with no regular job, Go Nanhee starts a new cleaning gig and meets Oh Deokhoo; literally the filthiest, NERDIEST guy she's ever seen! If that wasn't bad enough, his uber expensive action figure goes missing during her shift! Now she’s stuck cleaning his messy apartment in order to pay him back. Can a man who’s only ever seen a girl in games and a woman who only fawns over stars on TV… actually fall in love?

Retsujo Love Cross
Retsujo Love CrossMatsuyoshi aco

[From Fujoshi Bitches] Leo’s on his first hot springs trip with a lover, not caring about being in public and wanting only to act lovey-dovey, but because it’s a relationship between men, his partner who is obsessed with appearances, puts a damper on things. While taking a walk Leo finds himself being ogled by a handsome man he meets. His Leofriend having refused physical intimacy, he escapes from his room only to run into the hunky Ryouta again. Saying he’s checking on his well being, he tries to seduce him, with the surprising hope that there will be an erotic turn of events...all the while with a smirk on his face! Under a superficial layer of kindness, Ryouta appears to have a bad personality.


Ada beberapa hal Aneh tentang Cafe Goyo. Pertama, kopi mereka Tidak enak. Kedua, pelanggan mereka tidak pernah memesan makanan dari Menu. Dan yang ketiga, Yohan, sang Manager Kafe, adalah seorang Tunarungu. Jadi, saat Soohwa bergabung sebagai pekerja paruh waktu, meskipun dia tidak diharapkan untuk belajar cara membuat kopi yang enak, dia diminta untuk memperluas kosakata bahasa isyaratnya di luar kata-kata, "higher", "bayar," dan "tolong." Namun saat Yohan menawarkan untuk memberinya les privat, Soohwa enggan. Bukan karena dia tidak ingin belajar, tapi karena dia memiliki waktu yang "sulit" dengan Yohan. Seperti, secara harfiah, Dia Terangsang Setiap kali mendengar suara Yohan yang dalam dan seksi.

How I came to like my male friend
How I came to like my male friendPyap

Hae Seong waits in front of her childhood friend Ji Woon's house to go swimming together. She can’t stand to wait outside because the weather was so hot. So she went in but then unintentionally sees Ji Woon's enormous thing. Was it from that day? There’s something glimmering in front of Haeseong's eyes... Haeseong eventually broke up with his boyfriend and end up being bedridden. Is this a lovesick...? To a dick?! Far away from love and closer than a friendship! Romance that start with other intention

The Duchess Of Rosia -A Contract Marriage? How Did This Happen!?-
The Duchess Of Rosia -A Contract Marriage? How Did This Happen!?-Kazura kinosaki

Viola is the daughter of a destitute earl from a famine-stricken kingdom. Cersis is the rich, handsome and eligible duke of Rosia. He asks for her hand in marriage, but only as his "contract wife"! Instead of undying affection, he promises her a comfortable life with the freedom to do as she pleases - including having a boyfriend! Read on and watch her embrace life as a "pretend wife"! We are happy to finally be able to present this comedy manga of a "contract marriage" between a destitute earl's independent daughter and her handsome duke husband and his nomadic girlfriend!

Who Made Me a Princess
Who Made Me a PrincessPlutus

The beautiful Athanasia was killed at the hands of her own biological father, Claude de Alger Obelia, the cold-blooded emperor! It’s just a silly bedtime story… until one woman wakes up to suddenly find she’s become that unfortunate princess! She needs a plan to survive her doomed fate, and time is running out. Will she go with Plan A, live as quietly as possible without being noticed by the infamous emperor? Plan B, collect enough money to escape the palace? Or will she be stuck with Plan C, sweet-talking her way into her father’s good graces?!

4 Cut Hero
4 Cut HeroGojira-kun

The Hero has defeated the Demon King! But the Princess he meant to save turned out to be a Prince. NEETdom, here he comes, but a life of relaxation surrounded by animes is a pretty sweet deal.Unfortunately, he gets caught up in millennia old legends, curses, and a twisted plot involving multiple Kingdoms and many dragons. Through and through, though, he'll follow a path of whimsy, even if that involves him palling it up with "villains".Original Webcomic: English Translation: account and login.)

The Sexual Demon (Official) (Uncensored)
The Sexual Demon (Official) (Uncensored)Flanvia

Ditzy demons leave you in a daze! There's a local legend of a dense demon that roams the halls of a sports stadium who does nothing but partake in two things: drinking the finest summer beer and consuming the seed of the team's virgin star athletes! Rumor has it that if you find her and make her orgasm, miraculous comebacks can happen, and one player is about to find out it's more than just an urban legend! With each climax, home runs start racking up wins for the home team and this sluggar thinks he can game this system with some light foreplay with the demon. But as the final game starts with the championship on the line, the demon wants more than just her sweet spot stimulated–she wants this power hitter to knock her out of the park! The Sexual Demon from flanvia is filled with all sorts of clueless cuties like dumb bunnies from the moon looking for a pounding, simpleminded spectors trying to move on from this world, and a foxy deity seeking to get a new follower the only way she knows how! Collecting eight cheeky chapters, The Sexual Demon is full of unrefined monster girls who might lack intellect, but make up for it in devotion and desire!

Obey Me
Obey MeMilknono|Rusena

Jinyoo’s life is a living hell—he’s become a hermit due to an abusive father and a traumatic bullying experience. But just when he thinks life can’t get any worse, he is kidnapped by his high school classmate, Gyuh-wool, who’s developed a twisted obsession over him. Jinyoo quickly learns that there is no escape… The only way to survive is to obey Gyuh-wool’s orders. WARNING: This comic contains triggering content, such as graphic depictions of violence, imprisonment, bondage, and rape.

I Can't Tell Anyone I Became a Woman! -Seduced by the Chief and a Co-Worker!?
I Can't Tell Anyone I Became a Woman! -Seduced by the Chief and a Co-Worker!?Yumi aihara

Sato gets dumped by his girlfriend after she tells him that she likes more reliable men. Falling into despair, a thought crosses his mind as he dozes off. "If only I were a woman..." Waking up the next day, he finds himself in the form of a girl! Although he knows he shouldn't go to work in his current state, he hopes if he explains that everyone will understand. However, upon arrival he is mistaken as a temp worker and winds up organizing documents with his colleague, Takahashi. After work, they end up going out for drinks. He finds himself quickly getting drunk in his new body and is taken back to Takahashi's home!!

Iron Tile Jan!
Iron Tile Jan!Bingo morihashi

Sanbanchi, a mahjong parlor in Ueno, is an old-timer and has a reputation for its delicious homemade weekly menu. Jan Kurogane, grandson of Mikijiro Kurotetsu, visits Sanbanchi to play mahjong with the owner, Kingo Sanbanchi, an acquaintance of Mikijiro. Kingo promises to let Jan spar against him if he achieves one year without losing a match. Meanwhile Otani, the president of the All Mahjong Road Federation, tries to destroy Sanbanchi by sending in various mahjong assassins. There is no end to the number of opponents he faces, regardless, Jan continues to defend his undefeated record by any means necessary.

Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei Majutsu
Isekai Maou to Shoukan Shoujo Dorei MajutsuMurasaki yukiya

No MMORPG Cross Reverie, Takuma Sakamoto é tão poderoso que é elogiado como o "Demon Lord" por outros jogadores. Um dia, ele é convocado para um mundo fora de si mesmo - mas com a mesma aparência que ele tinha no jogo! Lá, ele conhece duas garotas que se proclamam suas invocadoras. Eles realizam um ritual de escravização para transformá-lo em sua invocação ... mas é quando a habilidade passiva de Takuma > é ativada! Em vez disso, são as garotas que se tornam escravizadas! Embora Takuma possa ser o Sorcerer mais forte que existe, ele não tem ideia de como falar com outras pessoas. É aqui que ele faz sua escolha: agir baseado em sua persona do jogo! "Surpreendente? Mas claro ... Sou Diablo, o ser conhecido e temido como o Lorde Demônio!

Araiya-san!: Ore to Aitsu ga Onnayu de!?
Araiya-san!: Ore to Aitsu ga Onnayu de!?Toyo

Male student Sota Tsukishima begins working at his family's public bathhouse as a back washer. While concealing her true identity, Sota's classmate Aoi Yuzuki visits the bathhouse. A relationship between the two begins to develop when Sota washes Aoi's back.

BL Motel
BL MotelUhrin

Some parents give their kids an inheritance. Some give their kids a car. Jinwon's parents gave him... a motel. And not even a great one. Rundown and in need of massive repairs, the Ballantine Motel used to be a golden goose. But, of course, a drunk driver running his car through the entrance tends to change things. So when Jinwon takes over, he makes some upgrades and additions. And while "Ballantine" is a nice name, it's a bit long. So, of course, he makes the obvious choice and shortens it. The BL Motel is the neighborhood's newest addition. Of course, now all Jinwon needs is some new help and maybe find out why so many gay couples have started visiting. Then again, when life give you lemons, you lean in and stock the vending machines with lube.

If You Lay A Hand On My Brother, You're All Dead [Bored Corona Kids Version]
If You Lay A Hand On My Brother, You're All Dead [Bored Corona Kids Version]몰포

One day, she woke up from bed and opened her eyes to realise she has transmigrated into the BL novel . The protagonist of a crazy story who killed himself on the verge of death. I've become that protagonist's older sister... Rosalite! The issue is that if and when my brother, Asterion, dies, the system will automatically revert me back to the sixteen-year-old Rosalite! That is why I must protect my brother from a plethora of other assholes in order to avert infinite regression! Whether it's from a son of wealthy household, a prince of the country, or even the imperial prince from across the sea, no matter whoever it is.

How to Snag an Alpha
How to Snag an AlphaKimnyeong

Born into a family of handsome, wealthy, and well-educated alphas, Wooyoung always expected he would be the same. Come to find out, he was the odd man out as the lone omega, and not even a perfect one at that. To compensate, Wooyoung goes through life pretending to be a beta, but when he begins to experience hormone imbalances, irregular heat cycles, and a distinct lack of control over his impulses, his lowly recessive omega status becomes impossible to ignore. That’s when he meets Kyungju, a powerful and successful dominant alpha who can turn him into a true omega, and also makes him weak in the knees. Now, Wooyoung must use every tactic there is to court Kyungju and make the brooding alpha his very own.

Love Me, Doctor!
Love Me, Doctor!Ana

Hyuk is a happy-go-lucky college student who’s dating the girl of his dreams. But there’s one issue: when it’s showtime in the bedroom, he gets massive performance anxiety. Desperate to keep his girlfriend, Hyuk works up the courage to go see a urologist. He prepares for the worst, but his first prostate exam actually feels…amazing?! Thanks to one smooth Dr. Han and his masterful hands, Hyuk is now on the path to recovery through regular massage sessions! How lucky of him to have found such an attentive doctor, one who’ll even take him out for drinks to listen to his woes. But as the treatments unfold, Dr. Han has a way of slipping into Hyuk’s mind, not just his bum…

Out of control
Out of controlBboong

Yuri, one of the school's most handsome guys, and Jaerim, one of the school's ugliest, collide!...or don't they...Can't understand what's going on between these two! It's Out of Control!!

The Quiet Girl’s Erogenous Zone
The Quiet Girl’s Erogenous Zone

Sympathizing with him, I invited him to my house and took off his worn-out clothes in the dressing room, but what I saw underneath his clothes were… beautiful boobs that a man shouldn’t have!? What’s more, that night, for some reason, I ended up sleeping together with her! I was so shaken that I shouted, “What if I asked you to let me touch you for letting you stay in my house?” and her answer was, “Go ahead.” I took off her clothes and saw good-looking breasts that I had seen in the dressing room earlier. Excited, I stroked her pussy with my fingers, and it was already soaking wet. I couldn’t wait any longer, so I took off my pants. She grabbed my dick with her beautiful fingers and put it in her dripping wet pussy…

Summoning a BL Fan to Another World
Summoning a BL Fan to Another WorldFujisaki moe

Kotone Aizuhara, a hardcore BL fan, is run over by a truck while browsing for more bl books and suddenly transported into another world. This is how he finds himself in front of Nagi, a very handsome but strange-looking man who tells him he's a Sacred Beast and Kotone is his Chosen One, that he's been waiting for him and their wedding night forever! Kotone wants to preserve his virginity at all costs, but his body cannot help but respond…!? A very confident bottom all tied up by a Beast's love, in this erotic BL world!

Love Of Cloud And Rain
Love Of Cloud And RainMoscareto

"You may lie with me, human." On the day of his new vet clinic's opening, Jung finds a sickly lizard at his doorstep. But the lizard soon turns into a human... and it turns out he's the Dragon King's son! Can the arrogant yet sexy Prince Woonwoo convince Jung to help him become a full-fledged dragon through intimacy?

Sexual Education 120%
Sexual Education 120%Takaki kikiki|Hotomura

"Sex" made more familiar! Health and physical education teacher Tsuji, who has doubts about modern sex education, attempts boldly to teach sex education to an audience of, among others, a girl who has a girlfriend, a girl who like BL, and a girl who simply likes cats. "What is safe sex between girls?" "Positive masturbation?" "Why do sugar gliders (Petaurus breviceps) have vaginas?" Beyond dirty jokes, but less than gravely serious, a sex education comedy! Bright sex education begins with a heretical female teacher and female high schoolers! Uploader: BBLOVER

I Can See the Number of Times People Orgasm
I Can See the Number of Times People OrgasmNamita

I, Sagusa Homare gifted by Goddess with divine power in my eyes to see the number of times people orgasm, I will make full use this power whatever I want.

Just Give it to Me
Just Give it to MeJica

Havi is the girl who has it all. Money, looks, boys, you name it. She's got everything she could ever want... except for one thing. Her new boyfriend's virginity! Eager to have some fun with the guy she's hounded for a year, will Havi finally have her way with Yul? Or is getting this docile boy into bed more than she bargained for?!

Kimetsu no Yaiba - Digital Colored Comics
Kimetsu no Yaiba - Digital Colored ComicsGotouge koyoharu

Since ancient times, rumors have abounded of man-eating demons lurking in the woods. Because of this, the local townsfolk never venture outside at night. Legend has it that a demon slayer also roams the night, hunting down these bloodthirsty demons. Ever since the death of his father, Tanjirou has taken it upon himself to support his mother and five siblings. Although their lives may be hardened by tragedy, they've found happiness. But that ephemeral warmth is shattered one day when Tanjirou finds his family slaughtered and the lone survivor, his sister Nezuko, turned into a demon. Adding to this sorrow, a demon hunter named Tomioka Giyuu arrived and was about to finish Nezuko off, but to his surprise she and Tanjiro started to protect each other. Seeing this oddity and Tanjiro's promising fighting skills, Giyuu decides to send them to his old mentor to be trained. So begins Tanjiro's life as a demon hunter, bound on a quest to cure his sister and find the one who murdered his entire family. Now in coloured format as released alongside in Jump!

Keluarga Cemara 𓊈LUCASSBRIDE𓊉
Keluarga Cemara 𓊈LUCASSBRIDE𓊉

The witch, Eleonora Asil, has fifteen previous convictions. And the transmigrator, Noah Park, had no intentions of being involved in the novel’s original plot of the dragon beheading the villainess. With that thought in mind, she abandoned her titles as The Wicked Witch and sought to live a long and peaceful life. So she heads down to the countryside wrought with deep remorse for all her misdeeds. And all should be happy… or she thought. “Please raise me!” And so it would seem that she stumbled upon the heroine’s pet dragon — the black-haired kid that would turn ballistic and obsessive later on — imprinted the villainess as his mother. And to make matters worse, the male lead suspects her as the prime culprit of stealing the dragon. “How long should I keep up with you?” She thought he’d arrest her right away, but seems like the male lead was slowly becoming the dragon’s butler. “Can I hug you?” “No.” “Then… can you hold me?” The villainess believes that the dragon needs a bit of taming. ‘Oh, male lead, won’t you sign a life contract as a real butler?

Ookii Onnanoko wa Daisuki Desu ka?
Ookii Onnanoko wa Daisuki Desu ka?Aizome goro

Tachibana Souta é um freeter multi-talentoso que passa de um emprego a tempo parcial para outro, sendo a sua característica de destaque que ele é um pouco curto. Um dia, ele é amarrado por sua irmã mais velha para "servir" a equipe de vôlei de sua faculdade, da qual ela é membro. Ela também tem pelo menos 6 e 1/2 pés de altura, assim como o resto dos membros da equipe que se interessam por Souta.

Tales of a Harem in Another World (Official)
Tales of a Harem in Another World (Official)Tachibana omina

Naoki Oikawa was busily fapping away to his naughty porn mags when he was suddenly transported to a fantasy world filled with demon lords, monsters, and…sexy babes? Join the ostensible MC-turned-hero as he helps his comrades defeat the demon lord by using the power of his own semen!

How to snag an Alpha
How to snag an AlphaKim nyeong

Terlahir dari keluarga alpha yang tampan, kaya, dan terpelajar, Wooyoung selalu berharap dia akan sama. Datang untuk mencari tahu, dia adalah pria aneh sebagai satu-satunya omega, dan bahkan bukan yang sempurna pada saat itu. Untuk mengimbanginya, Wooyoung menjalani hidup dengan berpura-pura menjadi beta, tetapi ketika dia mulai mengalami ketidakseimbangan hormon, siklus panas yang tidak teratur, dan kurangnya kontrol atas impulsnya, status omega resesifnya yang rendah menjadi tidak mungkin untuk diabaikan. Saat itulah dia bertemu Kyungju, alfa dominan yang kuat dan sukses yang dapat mengubahnya menjadi omega sejati, dan juga membuatnya bertekuk lutut. Sekarang, Wooyoung harus menggunakan setiap taktik yang ada untuk merayu Kyungju dan membuat alfa merenung miliknya sendiri.

The Devil's Temptation
The Devil's TemptationYoun

Hyun was supposed to spend his Christmas snuggling with his car on his comfy couch watching Tv. This year, however, he decides to attend his company holiday party to make his existence known to his office crush-the devilishly handsome Alek, but instead, downs too many drinks, makes a fool of himself, and blacks out. The morning after, he wakes up to a Christmas nightmare: lying next to him butt naked is his despicable colleague, Ivan Mariani. Hyun has always hated everything about Ivan. So why does Ivan suddenly look different... smell wonderful... and radiate irresistible sexual energy?

Monster Musume no Iru Nichijou
Monster Musume no Iru NichijouOkayado

Monsters? They’re real, and they want to date us! Three years ago, the world learned that harpies, centaurs, catgirls, and all manners of fabulous creatures are not merely fiction; they are flesh and blood?not to mention scale, feather, horn, and fang. Thanks to the “Cultural Exchange Between Species Act,“ these once-mythical creatures have assimilated into society, or at least, they’re trying. When a hapless human teenager named Kurusu Kimihito is inducted as a “volunteer“ into the government exchange program, his world is turned upside down. A snake-like lamia named Miia comes to live with him, and it is Kurusu’s job to take care of her and make sure she integrates into his everyday life. Unfortunately for Kurusu, Miia is undeniably sexy, and the law against interspecies breeding is very strict. Even worse, when a ravishing centaur girl and a flirtatious harpy move in, what’s a full-blooded teenage human with raging hormones to do?

Aku Harus Menjadi Villain Hebat [Namaku]
Aku Harus Menjadi Villain Hebat [Namaku]Mu huoran

Villain sejati harus kejam, jahat, dan merusak diri sendiri! Setelah menyiksa protagonis seperti neraka lalu kembali, mereka akan keluar dari tempat kejadian dengan luar biasa saat pekerjaan mereka selesai. Wang Yi bertekad untuk bertindak sebagai Villain (Penjahat) semacam itu. Sayangnya… pemeran utama prianya bisa membaca pikiran. "Kamu bajingan!" Tuan Yi terkekeh saat dia memandang rendah pemeran utama pria di novel itu. Lalu tiba-tiba, gelembung pikiran berisi emoji imut (⁄ ⁄ ⁄ω⁄ ⁄ ⁄) dengan kata-kata "Kau sangat imut…" muncul di depan Qin. Dan Qin pun menjadi bertanya-tanya...

Love Only the Body (Official)
Love Only the Body (Official)Namaniku

Haruka Tohgoh, who is feared by others for being strict at work, has been hiding that she is a lesbian. She is becoming more attracted to Sayama, who is the only coworker being friendly to her, but she has set a boundary by making others feel uncomfortable when they’re around her. Sayama has recently found out that Haruka is a lesbian and…

The Secret Tales of a 30-Year-Old Gay Bachelor
The Secret Tales of a 30-Year-Old Gay BachelorS_monkey

Charlie Wei is a single and handsome executive. He’s also a closeted gay guy who’s been on way too many bad blind dates with women. Charlie’s still hung up on his ex-boyfriend James and is… gasp, 30! Charlie’s family thinks he’s straight and too old to be without a wife! During another bad blind date, Charlie meets the flirty Ethan, who both annoys and intrigues him. Can Charlie finally come out and find true love with Ethan or will he continue on his streak of bad blind dates?

Vampire Heart
Vampire HeartSoonbo

On the night of a full moon, Dokyung runs into a vampire with blood dripping from the corners of his mouth. Haunted by the encounter, he tries to dismiss it as a dream...but not only does the vampire go to the same school as him, he begins following him around everywhere! Dokyung is horrified of course, but as time passes, he discovers some peculiar quirks about the creature: he prefers his meat well done, flinches at the sight of cats, and loves to cuddle. Who is this mysterious vampire, and why is he so fixated on Dokyung?

One Piece - Digital Colored Comics
One Piece - Digital Colored ComicsOda eiichiro

Gol D. Roger was known as the Pirate King, the strongest and most infamous being to have sailed the Grand Line. The capture and death of Roger by the World Government brought a change throughout the world. His last words before his death revealed the location of the greatest treasure in the world, One Piece. It was this revelation that brought about the Grand Age of Pirates, men who dreamed of finding One Piece (which promises an unlimited amount of riches and fame), and quite possibly the most coveted of titles for the person who found it, the title of the Pirate King. Enter Monkey D. Luffy, a 17-year-old boy that defies your standard definition of a pirate. Rather than the popular persona of a wicked, hardened, toothless pirate who ransacks villages for fun, Luffy s reason for being a pirate is one of pure wonder; the thought of an exciting adventure and meeting new and intriguing people, along with finding One Piece, are his reasons of becoming a pirate. Following in the footsteps of his childhood hero, Luffy and his crew travel across the Grand Line, experiencing crazy adventures, unveiling dark mysteries and battling strong enemies, all in order to reach One Piece.

Flirting 9 to 6
Flirting 9 to 6Yoonhee lee

When country bumpkin Kang Bongsoo lands a new office job in the big city, he falls in love at first sight with Yoo Jiwon, the refined and sophisticated deputy manager in a neighboring department. After initially resigning to silently pine for Jiwon, Bongsoo unwittingly spots him making out with a man at a gay club and decides to confess his true feelings. When Bongsoo’s plans to form an emotional connection go awry as Jiwon responds with a naughty proposition, the innocent and naïve Bongsoo is caught completely off guard. How will Bongsoo handle the sudden onset of sexy workplace flirting?

The witches of Adams
The witches of AdamsImai yuu

Satou Yukinari is an ordinary high school boy. However, while playing a game of pocket pool one day, he suddenly felt as if he was passing a kidney stone. But this kidney stone was shiny and pink? A trip to the hospital shows that Yukinari has a medical malady called Adamasu Syndrome - in short, whenever he jets his juice, a little diamond pops out of his saltshaker. Of course, it's painful as hell, to the point where even the act of popping the champagne bottle will shave off his lifespan. And of course, once his secret comes out, dozens of women flock to seduce him, their best friend now stuck inside his best friend. Can Yukinari survive when the world wants to sell his seed? Released in Gekkan Young Magazine - Twitter author: @ruarua201

My Awful Boss Is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner [Official]
My Awful Boss Is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner [Official]Kinaco

Workplace romances may help workers expand their skillsets... "My Handsome Junior is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner": Morishita has always admired Kase from afar. How can someone be so perfect? But now is not the time to be distracted; Morishita must focus on his (technically his coworker's) task at hand. It's looking like it'll be another late night for him at the office... with Kase...? "My Awful Boss is My Secret Jerk-Off Partner": Ever since Momose realized he was gay, he has kept it secret from those around him. Soon, he found himself isolated and unable to communicate with people properly. Momose is the polar opposite of his boss, Chief Uchiumi, who emits the sparkly aura of a beautiful social butterfly. Momose steers clear of him in every and all situation. It's good he won't ever have to interact with Uchiumi outside of work!

Supreme Ocular Master: The Peerless Heiress (Official)
Supreme Ocular Master: The Peerless Heiress (Official)Mo yan (陌烟)

Luo Qingtong, a young lady from the 24th century who ranked first among those with superpowers, miraculously transmigrated into a different world. There, she begins her journey of vengeance as the crippled, oldest daughter of a duke from the lower kingdoms, where villains line up to get face-slapped and scumbags and manipulative bitches wait to get tortured! An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. She'll exterminate anyone who offends her! All is going well... but then she accidentally gets involved with a man of peerless beauty, whom she attempts to flirt with whenever she's unable to win against him in a fight. From there on, it becomes a story about their romantic pursuits...

Salah ambil USB
Salah ambil USB

Gunwoo menghibur dirinya dengan video yang menampilkan aktor yang mirip dengan seniornya (Jin-wook) yang mencintai tak berbalas. Seperti tahun N dengan cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan, Gunwoo yang hari ini menghabiskan waktu kelas yang menyenangkan sambil melihat seniornya yang keren Dia menemukan bahwa Jin-wook telah mengambil USB-nya. Kenapa harus USB yang berisi 0 buah aktor yang mirip dengan Jinwook! Sebelum Jin-wook melihatnya, Eun-woo mencoba mengambil USB-nya, tapi kenapa harus tersangkut di jendela kamar Jin-wook? Tapi apa itu? Senior, kenapa kamu menurunkan celanaku?

King's Maker
King's MakerHaga

Season 1: Wolfgang Goldenleonard, the 4th Prince of the kingdom, returns to the palace after years of living in hiding. He rejects everything about his new royal life but is intrigued by the mysterious and dutiful Shin Soohyuk, a catamite of the King. As Wolfgang slowly opens up and learns the ways of the palace, Soohyuk begins to see something special about the wild, unkempt, and stubborn young prince. He might just be the one Soohyuk has been waiting for... the one who could light the flame of rebellion. Season 2: With the defeat of his father, Wolfgang Goldenleonard has achieved all that he's sought -- the love of Shin Soohyuk, the power of the throne, and vengeance over the kingdom's tyrannical ruler. But, Soohyuk, a "possession" of the former king, views their rocky relationship as one of war trophy and victor, despite Wolfgang showering him with affection. As uncertainty grows in the royal courts, forces beyond their control are preparing a second coup d'etat. Will these two be able to keep a grasp on the throne and on each other? The saga of King's Maker continues in this official second season of the hit BL series! [Age 16+ver.]

The Duke and the Tutor
The Duke and the TutorMepi

For Jace Walter, his successful future was all but guaranteed. He had top marks, graduated first in his class, and was in the final stages of landing a very prestigious job when he decided to pick a fight with the wrong noble. Three years after losing everything he had so diligently worked towards, he finally gets a temporary position working as a tutor for a family member of the elusive Duke. He’ll do anything to keep this job, but the duke is so handsome it’s hard to focus…

40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto / 10 things I want to do before I turn 40
40 Made ni Shitai 10 no Koto / 10 things I want to do before I turn 40

English chapter1 “I’d be down to sleep with you.” These past 10 years I haven’t dated anyone and given up on love. Now it’s three months until my 40th birthday. Have a takoyaki party, eat a parfait, spend my birthday with a lover. The handsome member of my team who’s 10 years younger than me just had to find my secret list and now we’re going to check it off together? Making the list changed my life?! A love story between a handsome subordinate x his older superior. 「あなたのこと余裕で抱けます」 10年以上恋人なし、恋は諦めている、40歳の誕生日まであと3か月。 「タコパ」「パフェ食べる」「誕生日を恋人と過ごす」 ――絶対ひみつの「40までにやりたいことリスト」をよりによって10歳年下のイケメン部下に見られ一緒にやる羽目になり…!? リストを作ったことで人生一変!? イケメン部下×枯れた上司のリーマンラブ。

My Love Doll
My Love Doll

A naked woman hidden in my courier package, if she is my first lover ?! is a place for fans of Manga Hentai, Manga Porn, Manga Adult, Mature hentai, Mature Webtoon. You can read thousands of high-quality Free Adult Comics Online. We want you to know that was born for you. If you are a lover of Adult comics 18+, and you want to read all kinds of adult comics online manhwa, manga, manhua. This is a paradise for you.

Black Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta Sensei
Black Gakkou ni Tsutomete Shimatta SenseiSouryuu

Professor Imada Sasamichi foi atribuído a uma escola cheia de meninas! Apenas para descobrir que todos na classe são Gyaru de pele escura! Kuroi, Kuroiwa, Kuroiso ... Todos os seus nomes começam com Kuro (Black)! Enquanto isso, Kuroi Mariko já se apaixonou por seu Sensei ...!? É o começo dessas garotas cheias de luxúria e seus ataques diretos de amor à vida do Sensei!

A cat's world
A cat's worldBookong

>Animal bender & forced to live in an awkward place. >Discover classmate's hidden side and develop their relationship into... Cute daily life of a rookie cat and cat person. A school bully wakes up and finds himself a pink-furred cat. Beneath him is a handsome all-As boys in the same class. The pink cat who can not escape, has to condescend to be a "domestic cat" and the A classmate take it for granted to be the master. But it never occurred to the cat that this seemingly benevolent "master" was a maniac cat person, wandering around him every day without good intentions...

Oni-san Dochira? - Koushokubaraishi to Toraware no Oni
Oni-san Dochira? - Koushokubaraishi to Toraware no OniHaruo natsuno

A female demon is held captive by Mutsu, a handsome, ruthless exorcist with a horrible personality. Given the bizarre name, "Soul," she is forced to help Mutsu with day to day chores as well as finding clients for exorcisms. One day, she tries to escape while Mutsu is asleep, only for him to wake up and force himself onto her. As his hands wander under her clothes, Soul, unfamiliar with her own body, is unable to contain the pleasure she feels. She melts into a puddle after her first "mating" experience... especially after seeing certain expressions on the face of such a brutal man! A love story between a sarcastic exorcist and an optimistic demon!

Nonke Joushi, 30-nichi no Kaihatsu Method
Nonke Joushi, 30-nichi no Kaihatsu MethodNanao

For 30 days, I'll make him mine…! This is a battle-filled love between a gay subordinate and his straight boss (who has already been trained).

Secret Inside My Head (Decensored-Nostalgic Scans)
Secret Inside My Head (Decensored-Nostalgic Scans)Chaegu

[By: Nostalgic Scan] The intelligent Hong Danwoo who also is an introvert, has a secret that’s also a problem… He’s unable to get a haircut! But that isn’t the only issue… He’s broke. So, in search of a job, Danwoo finds himself at a small hair salon where he meets a remarkably attractive hairstylist, Kwon Taehan. A fateful occurrence unfolds when Danwoo can't help but feel an intense sensation from Taehan’s skillful touch while he’s getting his haircut. Unable to hold back his feelings towards the touching, he says, “Um… When you touch my head, it feels like this…” In the end, Danwoo decides to confess his little problem with Taehan expecting to receive judgment, Taehan offers to help him instead of thinking he’s some kind of pervert. In order to become a better version of himself, Danwoo starts up secret training sessions with Taehan. But little does he know, these hidden training sessions become more than just training sessions.

Penthouse XXX
Penthouse XXXBacong|Jipadak

Siyeon, a contract killer, has declared a boycott on men after being screwed over by his ex. That is, until he moves into a penthouse owned by Taekyung, a rich heir with killer looks. Contrary to first impressions, there’s more to Taekyung than his party animal persona, and there’s more to Siyeon than the cool, collected facade he puts on. The two can’t quite figure each other out…and yet are instinctively drawn to each other.

Why Are You Doing This, Duke?
Why Are You Doing This, Duke?Eddy

"My sweet songbird-- my eternal love-- Don't make such a sad face. When my little songbird gets sad, it feels like my entire world is raining." The duke known to many as the grim reaper, "Rowan Peruka". He, the very person who was about to chop off my head last month, managed to become my husband?! He took me in not as a second or third wife, but as a first one at that?!! I'd love it if this was true love, but this is all thanks to a mysterious magic spell. And the magic spell's power's been weakening to boot--! A marriage with a bipolar(?) husband where your own life is at stake,

Counterattack Through Pregnancy
Counterattack Through PregnancyHaier|Popeye|Ying che shi xue

Having a two-faced bitch as a love rival isn’t scary… What’s scary is that the bitch has the upper hand—reincarnating as his little brother! Due to his "little brother," his lover was snatched away, his grandfather suffered a terrible death, the family business was taken over, and on top of all that, he was chained and thrown into prison. However, on the night before his release, he got laid by a man in the midst of confusion and became pregnant. After he got out of prison, he came back anew; he opened a restaurant and made a fortune while raising his child. He lived a vibrant life, but certainly didn’t forget to deal with his horrible ex and bitch. Based from a Webnovel with the same title by 盈澈逝雪.

Blooming Summer Making Her Cum in Her Tight Wetsuit Manga
Blooming Summer Making Her Cum in Her Tight Wetsuit MangaPepeta Demio

She’s polite and reserved, but when I see how the wetsuit clings to her flushed skin and perfectly plump body…I can’t stop thrusting!.

Sl*tty Immoral Older Sister
Sl*tty Immoral Older SisterType.90

The older sister, an elite career woman is actually a serious brocon. When she goes to clean her younger brother's apartment, who's in university and started living alone, she finds an an*l porn video. After watching the DVD, the older sister becomes interested in an*l sex and begins to an*lly masturbate right then. When her younger brother Takashi comes home then, he sees a bizarre scene, but his crotch swells at the sight of his older sister's ass sticking out, so he forgets himself and plunges into her an*s with great force. The older sister becomes Takashi's meat toilet for the sole purpose of pleasure.

Hold Me Safe
Hold Me SafeMocho

Is it a good or bad idea to have your ideal type as your bodyguard? Young bestselling author Han Jaehwa is about to find out. With three hit novels and a slew of film adaptations, not to mention a flood of media attention for his chic good looks, Jaehwa seems to have everything going for him…but fame comes at a price. After a stalker breaks into his home, Jaehwa decides to hire a bodyguard for some inner peace. Seong Taekyung is seasoned and capable, everything you’d want in a bodyguard. The only problem is that he’s way too hot, and Jaehwa can’t keep his eyes off him. Hounded both by a stalker and by his own turbulent feelings, Jaehwa must face not only the enemies of his past but also his own longstanding intimacy issues with Taekyung's help.

My One and Only [Official]
My One and Only [Official]Sonyeon

Yeo-ul has pop star-like looks but that hasn’t stopped him from being misunderstood his whole life. And with the school year finishing up, this summer break could be a lonely one. That is until one night a street cat follows Yeo-ul home. This persistent little guy won’t take no for an answer so Yeo-ul decides to take him in, adamant that it’ll be for one night only. However, after one little smooch, this kitty turns into a really buff - and really naked! - man. For Tater, the white cat, finding Yeo-ul is anything but a coincidence. And once Yeo-ul agrees to take care of him, this is his chance to pounce! But it turns out, being human isn’t as easy as it seems…

Classic BL Theater [Mature]
Classic BL Theater [Mature]Byeol

Ever wondered what popular folktales would be like if more men were involved?! The answer is: perfectly queer! Classic folktales from around the world take on a whole new hunky spin when boy loves boy. From Korean fables like "The Tale of Chunhyang" to more well-known fairy tales like "Snow White," you'll never read the originals the same way again.

My Harem Grew So Large, I Was Forced to Ascend
My Harem Grew So Large, I Was Forced to Ascend黎之恒

Tsundere heavenly master, big-breasted sister, barefoot poison cultivator, immortal swordswoman with white silk clothes, the last 5 out of the 6 strongest people in the world. I, Ye Gulou have become the first person to cultivate immortality through pure unbounded Yang. But wait, cultivating pure unbounded Yang means I can't form relationships with women or else I'll die?! Then what can I do about this harem of mine that's grown so large over the years? They're all chasing me down, coercing me to choose between them (otherwise they'll kill Me). They've forced me to ascend to the Heavens, to immortality right now to escape from their wrath. Oh shit, they followed me to the new world?!! Let's see what awaits us as my harems from both worlds combine!

Dame BL
Dame BLAoyama toomi|Chiba ryouko|Cotorino deathco|Est em|Kashima|Kevin komine|Kumota haruko|Mochimeko|Momoyama naoko|Morozumi sumitomo|Okadaya tetuzoh|Psyche delico|Rotta ikumi|Takeuchi sachiko|Umematsu machie|Uno jinia|Yoneda kou|Zin

Dame BL is "a collection of BL oneshots written by some of the lesser-known participants in the genre (and some you may be familiar with already), with a focus on less conventional settings and characters. We're very far away from high school here, which hopefully you'll agree makes a pleasant change of pace."1. Be Here to Love Me (KUMOTA Haruko)The relationship of a foot-fetishist and his cunning colleague.2. Kou no Kawa (MOROZUMI Sumitomo)Set in ancient times, a village is near starvation due to a bad harvest. For some reason, the young chief takes care of a cursed man he finds lying in the river...3. Khaa Thoong (Est Em)Can the young Thai kick-boxer rekindle the thirst for competion in a senior boxer after his devastating defeat?Column 1 (AOYAMA Toomi)Useless Side CharactersColumn 2 (Kashima)Obsession/FavoritismColumn 3 (KUSAMA Sakae)Terror! Kappa Lake4. Natsu no Saigo ni Yosete (UMEMATSU Machie)Two elderly men reminisce about their lives together over a bowl of peaches.5. Locas! (OKADAYA Tetuzoh)Jean-Luc fell in love through correspondence in a chat with Al. What will occur, when he will decide to meet off-line? Is it really Al that wrote to him in chat?6. And Robo (CHIBA Ryouko)A touching tale of robot clones... or something.7. Shinumade BL Shindemo BL (Takeuchi Sachiko)8. Tonari wa Nani wo Suru Hito zo (UNO Jinia) The unusual love a man has for his fan in the hot summer. 9. Soldier/Through the Darkness (Zin)A nazi sadist and a prisoner in camp. Excitement, desire, but... what about love? Attachment?Column 4 (KEVIN Komine)Column 5 (COTORINO Deathco)Eronashi BLColumn 6 (PSYCHE Delico)Column 7 (YONEDA Kou)10. Muhou no Shounen (Mochimeko)A story involving a Reckless Young Man and some scary faced gangsters.11. Ima Doushiteru (ROTTA Ikumi)The funny relationship between a man who has a fetish for soft/chubby things and his fatty otaku-friend.12. It Must Be (MOMOYAMA Naoko)A story about two professional cyclists and their travails.

The Kang's Yeesu (Momo bangke)
The Kang's Yeesu (Momo bangke)Mambo/winterbaum

Aku Han Yeesu, pria gay paling keren di kota ini. Tapi atas nama cintaku pada Kang Jihyung, aku rela menjadi menantu keluarga chaebol. Namun- "Dia gadis yang dulu selalu kau hargai dan kagumi, ayah. Aku membawanya ke sini untuk menikahinya, jadi mengapa kau marah?" Suatu hari, Kang Jihyung membawa pulang seorang gadis acak. Semua hanya untuk mengacaukan ayahnya, Kang Joongman. Apa yang akan aku lakukan sendiri, dasar brengsek berwajah tampan! Meskipun aku marah, aku berpegangan pada ayah mertua ku Joongman untuk awal yang baru. "Itu karena kau aku berakhir dalam situasi ini! Ambil tanggung jawab! Kau harus menggantikan orang itu!" Setelah omelan ayah mertua ku dan omelan terus-menerus untuk menjadi penerus kelompok mereda, aku kembali sadar untuk menemukan diri ku terkubur dalam file dan kertas dan bekerja lembur. Tetapi bahkan jika itu menyakitkan dan melelahkan secara mental dan fisik, keinginan itu tidak pernah layu- Apakah pria tua seksi pemarah Kang Joonman, Atau tipe ideal ku yang mengkhianati ku, Kang Jihyung? Sebuah sitkom yang penuh dengan cinta dan kebencian Yeesu yang goyah di antara dua pria kaya yang kotor.

One Piece (Official)
One Piece (Official)Eiichiro oda

As a child, Monkey D. Luffy was inspired to become a pirate by listening to the tales of the buccaneer "Red-Haired" Shanks. But his life changed when Luffy accidentally ate the Gum-Gum Devil Fruit and gained the power to stretch like the cost of never being able to swim again! Years later, still vowing to become the king of the pirates, Luffy sets out on his guy alone in a rowboat, in search of the legendary "One Piece," said to be the greatest treasure in the world...


Apa aku sedang bermimpi sekarang? Kalau tidak, saya tidak bisa menjelaskan situasi di mana kesucian saya terancam oleh sesama bajingan saya. Kim Tae-kwon, seorang guru bahasa Korea berusia 35 tahun sebagai ibu tunggal. Ketika saya sadar, saya masuk ke buku komik BL hard-core yang melelahkan selama berhari-hari. "Kamu adalah orang pertama yang sangat memengaruhi tubuhku. Aku tidak akan pernah melepaskannya♥", "Aku mengenalinya pada pandangan pertama! Bahwa kamu adalah satu-satunya pejuang yang dapat menyelamatkan kerajaan ini!", "Kupikir dia adalah bajingan sialan ... Bukankah dia seorang hyung yang sangat baik hati?" Semua jenis pria mulai terjerat dengannya ... Mengapa cara berpikir setiap orang yang saya temui diatur oleh bagian bawah tubuh saya? Ini sudah berakhir dan aku hanya ingin pulang. Petualangan Tae kwon mencari peninggalan untuk pulang. Bisakah Tae kwon pulang?

ᴄᴇʀɪ ᴘᴏᴘ ᴏɴᴇ
ᴄᴇʀɪ ᴘᴏᴘ ᴏɴᴇYuri azul

“Tolong biarkan aku pergi, suamiku,” “Jika kamu bisa mengatakannya dengan manis, apakah aku akan membiarkanmu pergi?” Keduanya dianggap alfa sempurna. Keduanya, yang tidak terlalu dekat satu sama lain, telah berteman sejak kecil dan memiliki hubungan yang buruk. Itu berubah ketika Sakima menjadi panas dan mulai meraba-raba dirinya sendiri sambil mengendus aroma seragam Renji. Renji dikatakan sebagai siswa teladan oleh orang-orang di sekitarnya, tetapi pada kenyataannya, dia adalah seorang Sadis sejati yang suka mengikat dan menggertak pasangannya… Tidak hanya ditemukan oleh pria yang tidak ingin dia temukan. keluar paling banyak, tapi dia sekarang juga dirusak dan diganggu oleh Sakima …!??

ᴅᴀᴘᴀᴛᴋᴀʜ ꜱᴇᴏʀᴀɴɢ ɢᴀɴɢꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴍᴇɴɪɴɢɢᴀʟᴋᴀɴ ɢᴇɴɢɴʏᴀ?
ᴅᴀᴘᴀᴛᴋᴀʜ ꜱᴇᴏʀᴀɴɢ ɢᴀɴɢꜱᴛᴇʀ ᴍᴇɴɪɴɢɢᴀʟᴋᴀɴ ɢᴇɴɢɴʏᴀ?Baekgong

Hyungwon, anggota Geng Viper, memutuskan untuk meninggalkan geng dan melarikan diri dari negara itu. Dia masih memiliki jalan panjang, tetapi di saat yang lemah, dia akhirnya melakukan one-night stand dengan SungjinTapi siapa sebenarnya Sungjin?

Hell's Harem
Hell's HaremGao|Warren

35-year-old virgin Gihyeon may not have sex experience, but he’s mastered the art of masturbation. But when he ends up in the afterlife due to an accident, he’s taken straight to hell for all the times he’s jacked his joystick. When he begs for another chance, the Wardens of Hell decide to give him a year-long trial. He’s sent to a hotel in the underworld where he must have sex with all the women he’s ever jerked off to, as many times as he’s gotten pleasure from them! Pop stars, porn actresses, crushes from his teen years… They’re all at River Samdo Hotel. And because a huge reward awaits the women who’ve completed this trial, these busty beauties are ready to get it on. Can Gihyeon handle all these hotties and avoid the flames of hell?!

Nuretoro 3P: Otona no Omocha Monitor
Nuretoro 3P: Otona no Omocha MonitorZunda mochiko

Mutsumi, a poor college student, takes on a shady but well-paying job as a toy tester, only to find out that the toys in question are exclusively for adults! His employers are a pair of handsome studs from his college, Kamishiro and Takase. Despite it being Mutsumi's first time, they test all sorts of toys on him, in various situations... (Source: Renta!)

Habibi’s Rabbits
Habibi’s RabbitsDong gobi mum / gongil

Myowol-guk, where rabbit spirit creatures ‘myoin’ gather.Nungso, the 101st prince of Myowol-guk, who is mixed with human blood and is bullied, receives the following tasks for coming of age.”Rescue the sacred and honorable ‘Moon Rabbit’ captured by evil humans and bring him back safely.”Haru, a dalgona-colored brown rabbit imprisoned in an evil human’s house… … .’Hold on. To say that I was kidnapped and imprisoned… … .’One day, as a pet, you are terribly fond of it?Besides, to be called a sacred and noble moon rabbit, he reveals that he has no shame!“Sex… .”“Sex? Uh, where are you touching now?”There is only one thing that I want to do with a young rabbit as white as the snow that suddenly appeared in front of me on a day with a slight fever on the first estrus.“I’ll make you happy. Let’s give birth to our baby rabbit. Huh?”

A Pervert's Daily Life
A Pervert's Daily LifeAlice crazy

Shin Seyoung just got accepted in the company thus started living in the employee's dormitory. On her first day of moving she accidentally went to the wrong room and saw her mentor masturbating! What will be of Shin Seyoung when she awakened her dirty side after the incident?


“Kenapa aku telanjang di ranjang dengan pria lain…?” Jaewoo dengan enggan menghadiri reuni SMA-nya dan dia tidak sabar untuk pergi. Tapi setelah melihat seseorang yang dia pikir dia tidak akan pernah bertemu lagi, dia akhirnya mabuk sendiri. Keesokan harinya, Jaewoo bangun di sebelah Siyeon, anak laki-laki yang merindukannya sepanjang sekolah menengah. Ini adalah kesempatan Siyeon untuk menerkam! Dia menawarkan Jaewoo kesepakatan, satu bulan kencan, setelah itu semuanya bisa berakhir damai, tidak ada pertanyaan yang diajukan. Tapi saat rumor mulai menyebar tentang keadaan seputar reuni, Jaewoo mulai curiga dengan niat sebenarnya Siyeon…

Freeze, It Will Stand If You Move!
Freeze, It Will Stand If You Move!Suhyeol

Jae-hee's gay life which was supposed to be quiet, ruined due to the appearance of Dok Go-hoon, a strange man who breaks the silence of Jae-hee, a local police officer who lives in a quiet rural village, is gradually disturbed. Jae-hee, who was appointed as Dokgo-hoon's lover at first sight, is worried that the secret that he is gay will be revealed because of this crazy Dokgo-hoon, who constantly flushes whatever he is caught, but it turns out that Dokgo-hoon was the only son of Dokgo-young-sik, the police chief who came to this village to recuperate! Another incredible landscape faced with the fact that, why is his father coming out of the commissioner's house?! "What the hell are you two doing?!" Here is the slick middle-aged richness and the hotness of a young men! The tangled romance of four men, four sex!

Trap City
Trap CityBomtoon

Trap City, a crime city in which the first, second, and third thing you must beware of is people. Noah Humphrey stole away the boss' money and ran away with it amidst an inconspicuous war between the two greatest groups in the city. Will he live as a toy for the boss Kahliya, or as a bait for the boss Rex, leaders of the rivaling groups? A love story blooms during a critical situation in which you have to do anything in order to survive! The following content is intended for mature audiences and may contain sexual themes, gore, violence and/or strong language. Discretion is advised.

(Manhwa CIA) Merry Marbling
(Manhwa CIA) Merry MarblingPengki

Lee-ahn, yang selalu memperhatikan pandangan orang lain sejak ia terkenal dengan julukannya "Malaikat Natal" ketika ia menemukan sekantong besar uang sebagai seorang anak. Yugeon, teman sekelas yang pindah ke rumah tetangga lee-ahn, memiliki kepribadian yang tidak peduli dengan pandangan orang-orang di sekitarnya, dan dia blak-blakan di kelasnya di sekolah. Setelah mendengar kabar tersebut, ibu lee-ahn ingin dia menjaga orang luar demi reputasinya. Lee-ahn dengan enggan mengikuti kata-kata ibunya. Namun, Yugeon, yang tahu lee-ahn memanfaatkannya karena citranya, mengancam lee-ahn untuk memberi tahu teman sekolahnya tentang hal ini, dan dia keluar dengan sikap bermusuhan. “Aku tidak keberatan memberitahumu. Sebaliknya, apa pun hasilnya, itu bukan tanggung jawabku.” Aku hanya akan mengakhirinya dengan kecanggungan. Kamu akan melihat! aku akan melakukan apa yang kamu inginkan! Kisah dua orang yang menciptakan perselisihan yang menyenangkan seperti marmer indah yang tidak menyatu dengan air!

Feromon Berkata Sebaliknya! [Nyonya Suiying]
Feromon Berkata Sebaliknya! [Nyonya Suiying]Furball|Mao qiu qiu|毛球球|Chang pei literature

Luo Zhiyu dan Xiao Yan, keduanya hadir di tengah perkelahian geng, dibawa ke rumah sakit satu per satu. Satu menjadi omega, dan satu menjadi alpha. Mungkin karena keduanya berada di tengah perkelahian yang intens pada saat presentasi, kompatibilitas feromon mereka adalah 0% yang belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya secara historis. Selain kadang-kadang berkelahi dan berhubungan buruk setiap kali mereka bertemu, kedua orang ini disatukan pasti aman - sampai-sampai ketika tidak ada cukup kamar hotel untuk perjalanan sekolah, guru menempatkan mereka di kamar yang sama. Guru: Siapa pun memiliki potensi untuk berkencan di sekolah menengah, tetapi keduanya pasti tidak memiliki kesempatan!

Love in Orbit
Love in OrbitLattepanda

Beberapa orang memenangkan lotere atau menemukan pekerjaan impian mereka, tetapi Sohan.... memiliki pesawat ruang angkasa asing yang mendarat di rumah barunya?! Lebih buruk lagi, ada alien yang diakui seksi di dalam yang mengancam akan memusnahkan seluruh populasi. Sihwa datang ke bumi untuk mencari seseorang yang spesifik dan tidak ragu menggunakan Sohan untuk mendapatkan apa yang diinginkannya. Masalahnya, hal-hal bekerja secara berbeda di planet asal Sihwa, dan dia tampaknya mengharapkan hal-hal dari Sohan yang terdengar sangat mustahil! Namun demikian, Sohan mendapati dirinya membuat kesepakatan: membantu Sihwa menemukan orang yang dia cari dengan imbalan keselamatan umat manusia. Tapi apakah kemitraan aneh ini akan berubah menjadi sesuatu... dari dunia ini?

On or Off (Official)
On or Off (Official)A1

Yiyoung is building a startup with his college friends. They get a chance to present their proposal to SJ Corporation, one of the leading companies in the country. But in the meeting room he sees Kang Daehyung, the extremely handsome company big shot that's so very much his type, and Yiyoung's heart starts to race...! Can pretty-faced Yiyoung win both in love and his career?

The Titan's Bride 〘Official〙
The Titan's Bride 〘Official〙Itkz

Kouichi starts his day off leaving school with a big farewell from his other club members. When he gets home he hears a voice calling to him, next thing he knows he is surrounded by giants. One of whom declares that Kouichi is going to be his bride.

Ochikobore Shiro Madoushi Cecil wa Taishougai no Hazu deshita
Ochikobore Shiro Madoushi Cecil wa Taishougai no Hazu deshitaSengoku kanon

During a party, Cecil, a clumsy white mage, spills on Oswald, the popular leader of the first squadron of holy knights, a homemade antidote. The reason is that he emitted a strong evil aura. An upset Oswald kidnaps her an takes her to his mansion, and she panics: "My chastity is in danger! Cecil grows impatient, but he rebuffs her, telling her: "You are not to my liking". It seems that Oswald is behind Cecil's potion, which was the first to take effect on a curse he had received in the past. Oswald formally asks Cecil to treat him, and she decides to take the opportunity to make a name for herself and accepts the request.... The romantic comedy of a cursed holy knight and a clumsy white mage begins! 落ちこぼれの白魔導士セシルはパーティーの最中、社交界人気ナンバーワンの第一聖騎士隊隊長オズワルドにお手製の解毒薬をぶっかけてしまう。その理由は、彼から強烈な邪気が放たれていたから。 不機嫌なオズワルドに彼の屋敷まで拉致され「貞操の危機!?」と焦るセシルだが、「お前は趣味じゃない」と一蹴される。 どうやら彼の目的は、以前受けた呪いに初めて効果があったというセシルの薬のようで――!? オズワルドから正式に治療の依頼を受けたセシルは、功績を残すチャンス!と引き受けることにするが……。 呪いを受けた聖騎士と落ちこぼれ白魔導士のラブコメディ♪

Milking Assistance
Milking Assistance6no1

I'ts Okay if You Fall Into it [MOONCAKE]
I'ts Okay if You Fall Into it [MOONCAKE]Haemi, ohui

Perusahaan Kami itu menyenangkan! Dari manajer yang ramah sampai bos tampan! Tetapi, setelah melakukan kesalahan yang tak masuk akal pada acara selamat datang untuk karyawan baru, teman kerja hebatku yang sebelumnya ramah mulai menghindari aku. Aku tidak bisa berhenti mendukung sang manajer sampai dia menerima perasaanku! Aku berusaha keras sampai dia membalas perasaanku! Tetapi, mengapa ini bukan sekadar dukungan, melainkan menjadi percintaan? Siapa yang bisa memberi tahu aku tentang ini?

❦ ⓒⓞⓤⓟⓛⓔ ѕєℓєв s̊⫶o̊⫶ 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 ⪨Delly⪩
❦ ⓒⓞⓤⓟⓛⓔ ѕєℓєв s̊⫶o̊⫶ 𝚜𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚝 ⪨Delly⪩三原社

Song Yan dan Wen Li adalah pasangan kontrak terkenal di industri hiburan. Sejak mereka menikah, mereka tidak berbisnis dan tidak terikat satu sama lain. Penggemar yang tak terhitung jumlahnya mengeluh, namun banyak yang menyatukan mereka. Sampai keduanya secara resmi mengumumkan keikutsertaan mereka dalam variety show tingkat nasional untuk pasangan dan mereka dengan enggan mulai kembali ke karir mereka. Selama proses rekaman variety show tersebut, keduanya perlahan menemukan bahwa ikatan mereka telah terjalin erat beberapa tahun yang lalu......

Pembuat Onar Kesayanganku
Pembuat Onar Kesayanganku

Prodigy sekolah Ji Yuming dihadapkan pada pengganggu sekolah, Shen Yichen!? Dua tokoh siswa terkenal yang awalnya tidak memiliki koneksi, terlibat dalam konflik karena buku harian khusus. Shen Yichen dengan sengit menyadari bahwa Yuming tampaknya bukan tipe orang yang akan melakukan "hal semacam itu" kepada sepupunya. Namun, Ji Yuming, saat berurusan dengan pengganggu sekolah yang marah dan sombong di depannya, secara bertahap menguasai metode untuk menangani situasi.

Erotic Dream Aquarium
Erotic Dream AquariumNon food

From Good Girls Scan BL: I, Hiroto Yuri, have apparently become a pervert. Lately, I keep seeing erotic dreams where sea creatures are playing with me. And all while Ogasawara-kun, the marine biology nerd, watches me! I honestly didn’t understand all of his geeky sea creature talk at first. But… I’ve always tried to act “normal” by hiding the fact that I’m gay, so I became attracted to how he’s true to himself and doesn’t care about what other people think. When I realized that I liked him, my dreams became even more obscene, and I even got aroused at the aquarium… What the hell is happening to me…!?

Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)
Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)Mo xiang tong xiu

As the grandmaster who founded the Demonic Sect, Wei WuXian roamed the world in his wanton ways, hated by millions for the chaos he created. In the end, he was back-stabbed by his dearest shidi and killed by powerful clans that combined to overpower him. He incarnates into the body of a lunatic who was abandoned by his clan and is later, unwillingly, taken away by a famous cultivator among the clans—Lan WangJi, his archenemy. This marks the start of a thrilling yet hilarious journey of attacking monsters, solving mysteries, and raising children. From the mutual flirtation along the way, Wei WuXian slowly realizes that Lan WangJi, a seemingly haughty and indifferent poker-face, holds more feelings for Wei WuXian than he is letting on.

Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono Deshita
Skirt no Naka wa Kedamono DeshitaHanamaluo

Shizuka goes to a party but can't get into the mood. Just then, a stunning woman named Ryou approaches her. They ditch the party to have a drink together and quickly hit it off. Shizuka ends up going to Ryou's place afterward, where Ryou suddenly pushes a kiss on her. Shizuka thinks that Ryou must be a lesbian, and then she feels something hard below Ryou's waist. Could Ryou actually be... a man...!? Shizuka's mind goes blank as Ryou's fingers delve into her deepest area...!

Gal Gohan
Gal GohanMarii taiyou

Home Economics Teacher, Shinji Yabe, is asked by the biggest gal in school, Miku Okazaki, to help her "bake cookies to give to the teachers." The principal told her to do this, after she flunked every subject and makeup-class they put her in. He gets her to successfully finish a batch of cookies after several mishaps and is touched by his students glee over her success. He decides to start a cooking club after this experience to get more time and connection with his students. Upon hearing this, Miku decides to join, since he was the first teacher that didn't shove her into makeup-lessons after her failings and pushed her to try harder instead.

Onnanoko ga Daicha Dame desu ka?
Onnanoko ga Daicha Dame desu ka?

English ver(Cp.20).. 男女逆転セックスラブコメディー! 清楚で可愛らしい容姿で、付き合ってきた人もそれなりにいる、普通のOL美月。 しかし、彼氏に頭をポンポンされたり、優しくほほを撫でられたり、胸キュン台詞を言われても、ときめくどころかゾワッとしちゃう…! 「普通の女の子の幸せ」を楽しめず、誰と付き合っても長続きしないままに、美月は24歳となっていた――。 そんな美月が「今度こそは!」と思って付き合いだした、さわやかなエリート商社マンの彼氏・篠宮(28)。 この完璧な好青年との出会いが美月の中に眠っていた本性を呼び起こす――!?



Memiliki wajah yang tampan, tubuh yang indah, dan bahkan kekayaan. Baek Euigoon seorang gay yang memiliki segalanya. Satu-satunya hal yang tidak dia miliki adalah... hati nurani! Euigeon bertemu dengan seorang pria yang disukainya di sebuah klub. Dia mendekati pria itu, Song Dajun untuk mengajaknya tidur tapi entah kenapa dia menghilang begitu saja! Euigoon, yang mencoba melupakan Dajun saat menghabiskan waktu dengan pasangan seks lainnya, berada dalam krisis klimaks yang ekstrim. Kemudian, ketika Dajun berhenti menjadi guru les karena adanya kesalahan yang dilakukan Euigoon, Euigoon pun mendekati Dajunn untuk mengajarinya bahasa Jerman. Akankah Dajun menyutujuinya?

Yarichin ☆ Bitch Club
Yarichin ☆ Bitch ClubOgeretsu tanaka

From Whitelies Fansub: Freshmen Toono moves to Tokyo in order to transfer to an all-male-academy, surrounded by the mountains [Private Academy Mori-Mori]. Our friendly character Yaguchi is the first one to befriend him, but the lack of interest in sports coming from Toono, force him to join the photography club instead of the soccer club with Yaguchi. Not only is it called the photography club, but also “The Yarichin Bitch cub”, whose members are outstanding senpai’s. Besides Toono, there’s also a new member in the club: Kashima senpai, they both started the same day, and they don’t seem to have any problem at all, even when Toono gets confessed in the club! Toono thinks that Yaguchi is adorable, but he always ends up blushing whenever Kashima is near. But above anything else, there are feelings found between the senpai’s…

Secret Therapy (Official)
Secret Therapy (Official)Cheongdam

Yoon Jaesung is handsome, rich, popular, and at the top of his class. Well, he was, until Lee Hyun returned to school and took his place as number one. Jaesung can’t stand the fact that his spot has been overtaken, especially by a loser like Lee Hyun. And to make matters worse, Jaesung recently began having trouble getting an erection. Unlike Jaesung, Hyun must work several part-time jobs just to afford school and stay afloat. One of Hyun’s gigs includes secretly moonlighting as a streamer for the infamous gay steaming site, “Cake,” where users donate money to have their requests fulfilled. When one of Jaesung’s friends suggests “Cake” as a form of treatment for his penile problems, Jaesung comes across a special streamer who’s tantalizing solo show solves Jaesung’s impotence in an instant. Jaesung is so stunned, he’ll do whatever it takes to meet the guy who made his flag fly at full mast again…

The Keystone Romantic Combination
The Keystone Romantic CombinationYuni lim|Teava

A wholesome romantic comedy between a baseball prodigy and a mediocre player! Ever since they first met seven years ago, Youngjun has spent most of his career comparing himself with Hyun, a star baseball prodigy. Youngjun’s own insecurities festered until he doubted Hyun’s kindness and has tried to push him away ever since. Just knowing Hyun has never been anything less than special was enough reason to be jealous. But, all this time, Youngjun hasn’t taken his eyes off Hyun and Hyun has always been there for him. After all, they are the Keystone Romantic Combination.

Make Me Bark
Make Me BarkSagold

Sungjoon's not doing great, but life is looking up. His job at the convenience store pays enough for him to afford his own place. A tiny, smelly, and laughably cheap place, but he loves it. He loves it right up until he walks home and finds it on fire. Unfortunately, things get worse as he realizes he doesn't know anyone in the city who can help. Wait, no... that's not right. Actually, he does know Lee Hyo-in. A rich kid from his university who is, coincidentally, looking for a roommate. Well, not a roommate. More of a... dog.

《NeToMi》Cinta di Kitsch [DROP]
《NeToMi》Cinta di Kitsch [DROP]Dell studio

"Ayo pergi ke tempat tipe idealku berada!" Dengan kepribadian impulsifnya yang hanya menghargai wajah cantik, Chae Yeonwoo pergi ke Pulau Jeju untuk bertemu dengan pria ideal yang pertama kali dilihatnya di layar ponselnya. Meskipun dia tanpa berpikir pindah untuk bekerja sebagai staf di wisma... Dari cara dia mengabaikan sapaannya di hari pertama, dia ternyata adalah pria seksi yang menikmati XXX di luar ruang staf?

Hatsujou Kareshi
Hatsujou KareshiSakira

Collection of oneshots From Blissful Sin: With naked bodies in close contact at a hot springs inn on a school field trip, they’re hot to trot! ♥ Horny Keitatsu’s erotic rampage on Ran just won’t end! The boys from “Bousou Kareshi” – Keitatsu x Ran, Seisuke x Tsubaki, and Himura the shota-con public health doctor – all are getting worked up and having extremely perverted sex! ♥ The climactic comic! 1) Punishment Sweets Misaki forgets his boyfriend Rui's birthday, how can he make it up to him? 2) Love Fever Boy 3) Hot-to-Trot♥Boyfriend 4) Phantom♥Boyfriend?! 5) Love♥Fighter! 6) Oppai Fighter! 7) Himura-sensei no Junan (The Suffering of Dr. Himura) Himura Yuu is a high-school doctor with a serious shota complex and there's only one person standing in the way of his virtual smorgasbord; his colleague, Ashiya. Himura is clueless as to why Ashiya interrupts him everyday, but when he learns of their previous connection, things become all too clear. 8) Himura-sensei no Moekare (Himura-sensei's Moe Boyfriend) 9) Lonely Little Bird 10) Love♥Love Je t'aime 

Are you the Hero's Boyfriend?
Are you the Hero's Boyfriend?Team ddakkong, zigozi9

Now the most famous hero × ordinary couple, Devil M and Zheng Nana have also entered countless periods of burnout after 10 years of love life. But one day, the pearl of love that Nana swallowed unconsciously bears fruit in his body, and the burnout period of the two seems to develop in a new direction.

Counterattack Through Pregnancy
Counterattack Through PregnancyHaier

It's not that terrible to have a rival in love. You know what makes things terrible? Your rival in love is actually reincarnated! His luv was taken away, his family died in tragic, his family business was taken up, and he himself went to jail... He thought that his bad luck should come to an end. But on the eve of his release, he... He came back again after his release. He punished the villains while living a happy life with his baby...

Single Not Ready to Mingle
Single Not Ready to MingleChadol

Once upon a time, in a land far away…lived the ordinary and painfully single high school literature teacher, Bu Taekwon. Ordinary, that is, until he found himself transported into one of his students’ comic books. But this wasn’t your typical comic book adventure, and Taekwon never anticipated the unconventional genre awaiting him. To his despair, he was now trapped in a hardcore BL fantasy world, where sex-crazed maniacs - dudes no less! - were ready to enact unspeakable acts upon him. The last thing the forever-single Taekwon desired was to…mingle with the men of this insane realm. But can he really manage to fend off their advances and safeguard his virginity?

A Nonsense Relationship [Mature]
A Nonsense Relationship [Mature]Space dust|Jambi

Carter's relationships get complicated one after another and his one-night stand turns out to be the father of one of his troublesome student... but thats not all it gets even more complicated by adding his ex into the mix and his old student who now have feelings for him. An unsure carter who can't make up his mind between the 3 guys.

Kimi ha Kokan no Mochigusare
Kimi ha Kokan no MochigusareKureha izumi

28 years old. Still never been with a girl. Because of his big problem, girls refuse to take their relationship a step further! Handsome, nice and smart, but Kaname Kusakabe gets dumped all the time because of his unusually large male organ. He decides to go to counselling. Doctor Minato Momose is extremely sympathetic to Kaname's dilemma. "An impressive specimen, but he's never been with woman!!? I have to help him!" As a doctor, Minato can't help be curious about Kaname's oversized organ. After having it poked and rubbed... Kaname can't help exploding all over the doctor's face. Minato doesn't mind at all, though. He's actually very excited...! Practice love-making at the clinic! An office worker with a big problem and a VERY DIRTY doctor!

Haru-nee ga Boku ni XX Suru Riyuu
Haru-nee ga Boku ni XX Suru RiyuuOhmi takeshi

When Hideto, a high school student who is afraid of women, is suddenly targeted by a beautiful older woman whom he believes to be a molester, he runs for his life. Mid-pursuit, he is attacked by what he previously believed to be an illusion, a blur that nobody else could see.

Ayangku stalker! [XXIDYA]
Ayangku stalker! [XXIDYA]Minmi

Rindo Tachibana adalah pegawai di toko piercing dan aksesoris yang terlalu baik untuk kebaikannya sendiri. Sayangnya, dia mendapat nasib buruk dengan para wanita, dan yang lebih penting lagi... dia dikuntit. Saat Rindo tiba-tiba diajak berkencan oleh seorang gadis yang memiliki segalanya yang ia inginkan, ia merasa hal itu terlalu mustahil untuk menjadi kenyataan. Dan itu benar. Setelah diborgol ke tempat tidur di sebuah hotel cinta terdekat, Rindo mengetahui bahwa gadis yang dia anggap tipenya ternyata adalah seorang pria... pria yang selama ini menguntitnya! Rasanya sedikit berbeda mendengar "Aku mencintaimu" dari pria yang sepuluh menit lalu kamu anggap sebagai gadis idamanmu... Bersiaplah untuk manga Boys' Love yang mengikuti pria ramah dan penguntitnya yang sangat mencintainya.

Mo Dao Zu Shi
Mo Dao Zu ShiMo xiang tong xiu

Wei Wuxian, il gran maestro della setta demoniaca, talmente odiato per le sue malefatte, finì per essere tradito e venne assassinato dai potenti clan, i quali combinarono le proprie forze per sconfiggerlo. Una volta morto, si reincarna nel corpo di un pazzo abbandonato dal suo clan e, per puro caso, viene raccato dalla sua nemesi, Lan Wangji. Insieme, i due intraprenderanno un viaggio, durante il quale affronteranno mostri e risolveranno misteri stuzzicandosi ogni tanto durante il percorso. Lan Wangji inizierà lentamente a comprendere quali sono i suoi veri sentimenti nei confronti di Wei Wuxian e la sua corazza di finta indifferenza verrà ben presto scalfita.

Nyotai-kaRuen rouga

Manaka Makoto, a 24-year-old salaryman without a girlfriend, wakes up one morning suddenly changed into a female, and a knockout at that who attracts just about everyone of the opposite sex. And when he learns through a magical being that the only way he’s going to become male again is by getting aroused (as a woman) he tries to find a way back without any success. But when success finally comes and he switches back, he discovers that he will switch back and forth ANY time he gets close to someone sexually, and there are exceptions…


The most important life lesson Seo Jimin has ever learned was from her parents: Never get too absorbed to someone else. That’s why this young lady plays by her own law of bedroom, refusing to stay with the same person for too long. She gets all the pleasure of having a good time without the messiness of a relationship.. So what if her rules have earned her a certain reputation around uni? At least no one gets hurt this way, especially her. But when ridiculously gorgeous wolfy Female moves in next door, Jimin is not sure how long her vow against emotional intimacy can last.

2020 [DINDIN]
2020 [DINDIN]Ryuha

Jung Hee-jae, yang masih berusia dua puluh tahun namun masih duduk di bangku sekolah menengah atas karena hutang judi ayah tirinya, melarikan diri ke sebuah pulau terpencil di Laut Selatan bersama neneknya ketika ancaman dari penagih hutang menjadi semakin parah. Di pulau tersebut, di mana tidak ada internet, Hee-jae bertemu dengan gangster Cha Bum-joon dan menjadi seseorang yang selalu mengantarnya kemanapun itu

SPY X FAMILY: Damian and Anya
SPY X FAMILY: Damian and AnyaM_nmy01

Authors: M_nmy01 Artists: Mew4136972 TL Indo: IndoNovTrans24 Edit: Bang Jo Genres: Doujinshi , Manga , Comedy , Full Color , Oneshot , Romance Original language: Korean/Jepang Translated language: Indonesia Read direction: Kanan ke kiri Spy x Family Doujinshi about Anya and Damian. Please follow the artist on twitter, they have an amazing art. Author's Twitter: @m_nmy01 & Artist Twitter: @Mew4136972

With Your Tail, Yes (Kayell)
With Your Tail, Yes (Kayell)Noonae, weeji, jayjay, joon kang, junggak, gom gaesyak

Lima cerita dengan sentuhan liar. 1. Please Feed Me! 2. Bad Night Kiss 3. Forbidden Fruit 4. Halfing Gods 5. Between Two Tails

Becoming the Librarian’s Pet
Becoming the Librarian’s PetSakae matsubara

Legendary delinquent Ryu disappeared two years ago, but that doesn't deter Hizuru Omoda, who aspires to become his right-hand man. With "Accept all fights!!" as his motto, Hizuru terrorizes his fellow students at the library every day. But, the only person he can't beat is the student librarian, Ryusei Hatogaya, who has no mercy for those who disturb the peace on his turf. He's always keeping Hizuru busy with library assistant tasks. One day, Hizuru overhears the other library assistants demanding that Ryusei kick him out, but surprisingly, Ryusei seems to acknowledges Hizuru's worth. Ever since then, Hizuru's been opening up to Ryusei, but that doesn't stop him from picking a fight with him!This is a story of a hero-worshipping delinquent, a student librarian with a secret, and... a man who claims to be Ryu's old partner...! Packed with serious fistfights and equally intense lovemaking, this is Sakae Matsubara's first yaoi story with a delinquent bottom. All shall cower before his glorious member!! (Source: Renta!)

Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki [fan-translation]
Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki [fan-translation]Scarlet beriko

Tatsuyuki is the reluctant young master of a Yakuza group. He would rather spend his days playing around than learning the ropes of his family's dubious business. When his caretaker sends him off to a branch office in Fukuoka, the recently heartbroken Tatsuyuki finds himself in a weirder situation than he would have ever expected.CW: Non-con, rape, physical and emotional abuseRelated:>Minori no Te (Adapted From)- Minori-sensei's story( )>Jealousy (Spin-off)- Rogi's story( )

Log in to Lust-a-land
Log in to Lust-a-landHamdinga

Nothing out of the ordinary has ever happened to Namjoo, that is, until the day he picks up a mislaid USB on the street. Curiosity gets the better of him and when he takes a look inside, he finds a steamy VR game that’s still in the works. To Namjoo, the game looks ready for release, but little does he know about the bug that’s affecting all of the NPCs and making all of them super horny. Meanwhile, Hye-na’s panicking about her lost USB and is determined to get it back before more people find out about the game's fatal flaw. Join Namjoo and Hye-na on their journey to Lust-a-land, a world that isn’t for the faint of heart...or the low of libido.

I Have to Be a Great Villain
I Have to Be a Great Villain木火然 云中

A true villain is ruthless! Evil! A troublemaker! And after beating the male lead black and blue, he walks away as explosions go off on the back. Wang Yi was determined to act as this kind of villain. Unfortunately... the male protagonist can read minds. "You bastard!" Mr. Yi sneered, glaring and looking down at the novel's male lead. The young gong, Qin, suddenly sees his inner thoughts plastered on his face, with cute emoticons. You're so cute... He gradually wonders?

Nise x Koi Boyfriend
Nise x Koi BoyfriendYamamoto ataru

A collection of stories:Vol. 1: Nise x Koi Boyfriend1-2) Nise x Koi BoyfriendSoutarou Inugami is a shy and reserved high schooler interested in anime and manga. Although content with his lot in life, Soutarou also wouldn't mind having a fateful encounter with a cute girl someday. Lucky for him, he comes home from school one day to find a girl sitting at his doorstep who he's never seen before, but who happens to have the same red earrings as Meguru Satoi, a cool and good-looking guy at his school.Related side story:Nise x Koi Boyfriend - Henshin Shichau (Doujinshi) ( Yowamushi Kareshi to RokudenashiKeishi is a college student fed up with his mischievous boyfriend's unhealthy attitude towards sex and wants to have a more normal love life.4) Kimi to Boku de Chouchou Musubi oHanao notices that a short guy in his class named Koino is often looking at him, and Hanao suspects that he likes him. Hanao decides to show Koino what he thinks about love.5) Usotsuki to Happy End oKeita Hirono is popular among girls for his good looks, and enjoys their attention, but after he gives some advice to Ogata, a loner who spends much of his time reading alone, Keita suddenly finds all the girls gravitating to Ogata.Vol. 2: Nise x Koi Boyfriend lovely1-5) Nise x Koi Boyfriend lovelyA sequel to Nise x Koi Boyfriend as a continuation of Soutarou's and Meguru's relationship.6) Yowamushi Kareshi to Kuroi NekoA sequel to Yowamushi Kareshi to Rokudenashi as a continuation of Keishi's and Yukihito's relationship.


- Lee Junseo adalah fotografer Omega yang malang yang bertemu dengan CEO Alpha yang kaya, Choi Changwoo - Percaya bahwa mereka cocok, Changwoo mengatur kontrak pernikahan dengan imbalan uang - Dengan keduanya memiliki banyak kontras, akankah hubungan berubah menjadi sesuatu yang lebih dari sekedar kontrak?

The Unspeakable Touch
The Unspeakable TouchTangzheba comics studio

Does rebirth really exist? Do people have a soul after their death? The comic tells stories between a cold psychic and a super lucky college student. Will Shi Chenhua bring luck to Xia Ke who has been surrounded by trouble? An exciting but unmentionable part-time job; the spirits dispelling rites that can touch souls; the destined encounter... and someone hiding in the daekness. After going through all the trouble, Xia Ke says to Shi Chenhua: "Would you like to be my lucky charm?"

Sex Fantasy
Sex FantasyYu kagami

Benua megaleisia, tanah di mana negara-negara bersaing untuk hegemonia. Di sana bukan prajurit kuat atau penyihir veteran yang memerintah di medan perang, tetapi gadis "Maihime" cantik mengenakan pakaian yang memiliki kekuatan dewa iblis. Di tengah-tengah peperang, ada seorang pria muda yang mencintai wanita dan menjelajahi benua untuk mengirimkan "cinta" / "seks" ke dunia, namanya Sid. pertemuan antara Sid, yang memiliki kemampuan untuk merayu lawan jenis dan memanipulasi mereka sesuka hati, dan Maihime tertentu menyebabkan lebih banyak keributan di megaleisia!

Pop One's Cherry
Pop One's CherryYuri azul

"Please let me go, my husband," "If you can say it cutely, will I let you go?" The two are considered perfect alphas. The two, who are not particularly close to each other, have been childhood friends since they were small and have a bad relationship. It changes when Sakuma goes into heat and starts groping himself while sniffing the scent off of Renji's uniform. Renji is said to be an honor student by the people around him, but in reality, he is a genuine Sadist who loves to tie up and bully his partners... Not only was it found by the guy who he didn't want to find it out the most, but he is now also tampered with and disturbed by Sakuma's ...!??

Bad Boy Musashi and Oyamada (Official)
Bad Boy Musashi and Oyamada (Official)Mario yamada

Oyamada has the top grades in his first year class but is hopelessly in love with the second year's bad boy Musashi Kido. Ever since Musashi saved him from a group of bullies, Oyamada hasn't been able to keep Musashi's broad back out of his mind. Having entered the same high school as him, Oyamada persistently tries to become Musashi's pupil. One day, he decides to follow Musashi after school to learn his secrets... as a house-husband?!

Seducing the Jerk
Seducing the JerkMila

Lingering feelings can haunt you. Eunsung has always been genetically blessed in the looks department. But what happens when his good looks catch the attention of a ghost? And what will he do when the ghost refuses to pass on till Eunsung helps him get revenge on his first love... by turning him gay?!

My Childhood Friend Can't Be This Big!
My Childhood Friend Can't Be This Big!곽두팔 (kwak dupal)

"That's true. It's hard to recognise your childhood friend just by looking at their dick photo, isn't it?" Unlike Seoyeon who has lived ordinarily, her friend, the golf star Lee Won, lives a splendid life. Perhaps it's because Seoyeon grew tired of being compared to him for over 20 years... that she decided to run a social media account for adult items. One day when she posted a usual product review, she received a photo of a solid six-pack through a DM. [sdfesdfa] That photo really is me. Ah, and my dick is no problem, too. If you want a photo, I could show you. Yes, this is all just curiosity. A man who has such a tasty— I-I mean, a nice body like this is sending a message, and what kind of woman is able to resist? "But if he's not just a lunatic, but a handsome lunatic... it's probably fine if I enjoy for a bit, right?" In the end, she replied to his DM. [ahahah2] Fuck me.

The Man Next Door Is A Vampire (18+)
The Man Next Door Is A Vampire (18+)Park mi-nam|박미남

Su-min suffers from an unknown disease that causes him pain. So his next door neighbor, Luhan, who he accidentally discovered as a vampire, offered to help him to get rid of the "bad blood". The side effect? Su-min getting aroused after Luhan sucked his blood.

The Sadistic Ghost Doesn't Allow Me to Sleep [Official]
The Sadistic Ghost Doesn't Allow Me to Sleep [Official]Tokishiba

When salaryman Yuji's straight crush invites him to his marriage, he decides that now is the time to get super drunk. He knows he falls asleep all alone in his apartment, but why does he vaguely remember someone's hands and mouth on him...and wake up to a very special taste on his tongue? If this is really a ghost, why is this haunting very R18?

In My Closet (Official)
In My Closet (Official)Risa lisa

When Sua met Jung for the first time, that’s when he knew he liked boys. As the founder of the famous band Attack, Jung was Sua’s idol and more. Years later Sua follows in his idol’s footsteps to become a star but, little did he expect his new manager to be Jung?! Terrified to reveal his true feelings, Sua spirals deeper into depression and refuses to work until Jung begins working closer with him. He promises to keep training so long as Jung rewards him…

Black Dragon Romance
Black Dragon RomanceJuly archive

The wealthy Black Dragon clan rules Shanghai, and their power knows no bounds. But for three ordinary young Koreans, life in the city is very different. Pyung-an, an art enthusiast, is working her dream job in a prestigious gallery. Yeo-rae, a talented cellist at the Music Institute, is grafting hard to make ends meet. And Jin-hwan is looking for inspiration after his dream of being a taekwondo star foundered. For these three, the vast metropolis teems with potential romance, excitement...and danger. As they become mixed up with the formidable Black Dragon family, their lives are turned upside down.

The Virgin Vampire Only Drinks Milk
The Virgin Vampire Only Drinks MilkPon watame

[Source of Power: Tits] A fantasy romance about a vampire who can't suck blood and a cow beast-girl. The vampires, who once threatened the lives of people, are now being monitored and managed by the church. One day, Bell, a beastgirl cow, is partenered with Yuki, a vampire who can't drink blood. Since Yuki can't drink blood as source of nourishment, he is so weak that he can't defeat monsters. However, in a desperate situation, he asks Bell for milk...! Instead of blood, breast milk. An unconventional breastfeeding smut begins!


“You are just my type!” Jeon Jae-woo joins P&M, a theater and film club after twists and turns. But what? The beauties of the club actively attack Jeon Jae-woo! Will Jaewoo really be able to survive the offensive of the girls and win her own love?

Sekai no Owari no Sekairoku
Sekai no Owari no SekairokuSazane kei

The valuable treasure, the “Encore” which was left by the legendary Brave Hero Elline, has the recording of the end of the world and the reincarnation of the world. The countries and parties all over the world are searching for the location of its whereabouts; the age to fight for the Encore. The boy called Ren who wants to become a MASTERKnight has no talent in wielding swords despite looking exactly like the Brave Hero Elline, he has been having a lifestyle where people taunts him as the “Fake Brave Hero”. The one that appears in front of him is the legendary Dragon-Princess Krische, who had awoken from her seal. She mistook Ren for Elline. Though she gets disappointed since he simply looked like him, she later finds out a hidden potential in him. And she invites him to the journey to find the Encore together with the Archangel Phia and the Demon-Lord Elise that saved the world before. “Do you want to come with us?”. This is the prelude of wild excitement played by the heroes. The boy known as the fake Brave Hero cross paths with the legend now!

I Am Beautiful
I Am BeautifulChadoji

Can you really get over someone you loved? College student Jaewoo asks himself that every day Growing up it used to be questions like: why do I like boys? Is this okay? Then the only man he ever loved fell in love with a woman, and the answers just seemed more and more far away. Imagine next, when he falls in love with that man's older brother?! Sujin is sweet, caring,. and the sole proprietor of a quaint countryside farm. And Jaewoo has just volunteered his summer working under him. The sequel to You Are Beautiful has arrived!


Dalam waktu yang tidak terlalu lama, setelah penyebaran apa yang disebut Virus Adam, yang mengubah manusia menjadi zombie melalui plot Adam Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., hanya tersisa tiga negara bersatu di dunia. Menyusul kematian tak terduga Dr. Oh, salah satu pengembang vaksin virus, Kwak Soo-hwan, seorang mayor di Angkatan Darat Biro Persatuan Kota Pelangi, bertanggung jawab untuk memulangkan Seok-hwa, seorang peneliti senior yang tinggal di pengasingan di Pulau Jeju, ke Seoul. Nanti, di Penampungan Yeouido di Seoul, dia akan bertanggung jawab atas penjaga Seokhwa, yang mengambil alih penelitian Dr. Oh dan berpartisipasi dalam pengembangan vaksin. Pengembangan vaksin melawan virus Adam, yang bermutasi berkali-kali, hanya lambat, dan perlawanan para pemberontak yang menyerang Kota Pelangi, yang tidak menanggapi rezim kota yang kejam, hanya tumbuh lebih kuat. Di masa kekacauan, Seok-hwa mempertanyakan kebijakan kota yang hanya berfokus pada pengembangan vaksin, bukan obat.

KiriBaku Anthology – Boku no Hero Academia dj
KiriBaku Anthology – Boku no Hero Academia djAm|Anakura (komu)|Aoaa|Atonomatsuri|Bakusan|Bite (natsuo)|Bu-nyon-nyon (emunosentan)|Cc (micco)|Chigireru paseri|Crim|Daidai|Dandandanshi (denden)|Drip cappuccino (usabi)|Fuzainoyamada (fuzai yumoto)|Gochisousamadeshita|H a|Hakononaka|Hanamizu|Hatojiro|Hatomaru (pigeon)|Hellenism (y)|Hiyoko kanteido|Ho|Hrnzm (ysn-yuusatona)|Ichigo tawolket|Inunabe (shuhuhu)|Kara-kara|Karanarinosu|Kirinott|Kobouzu|Kohaku chan|Kuromitsu (kuzumochi)|Lian (@liandoodle)|Lowah|Madogiwa|Manjiro|Manjirou|Mary mary lou|Masoe|Mayoimiti (shiki)|Mayu|Meroaki (aki)|Mrcl|Nanamigoku|Nasugorira|O2|Oc5|Oishiqli kappa|Okujou kantorera (abaraya)|Ore jon|Osova|Ouson|P|Pinknock (piyo)|Pop de ayashige|Prt|Rikiko|Sco.labo (shoco)|Senowo|Shima|Shimo ga dorodoro|Shufufu|Soranatabi|Suabi|Tacowasa|Tasogare logic|Tea (kyoura)|Touge|Tsubaki watanabe|Tsukadaiko (yazaki)|Tsukihi|Watanabe|Ys (satou)|Yukimika (yukky)|Yumeyume|Zaza|Zoz!

Eijiro Kirishima x Katsuki Bakugou (KiriBaku) Katsuki Bakugou x Eijiro Kirishima (BakuKiri) (some other couples - TodoDeku)

Hold On, Crown Prince!
Hold On, Crown Prince!Icho

Hold on, Crown Prince! Why are you doing this to me?! With a charming face and a not-quite-so attitude, not a day passes in the life of a beautiful boy Ray without some trouble. Seeing Ray get repeatedly fired from various jobs due to his fiery temper, Edward lets him in on a must-have item(!) for noble ladies that is sure to bring in a big sum of money. While searching through the forest for the material for the item, Ray is injured, though lightly, by an arrow out of nowhere. He runs away refusing any treatment. The arrow's owner is none other than Crown Prince Lucas of Luvecia. Having saved Ray from his troubles time and again, Lucas makes an offer Ray can't refuse--the terms of which dictate that his life will be spared, should he grant Lucas his wishes.

Seduce the Villain's ‏Father (Official)
Seduce the Villain's ‏Father (Official)Dalseul

Upon opening my eyes after a bus accident, I found myself in the fantasy world of a web novel I enjoyed reading… the only catch is, I reincarnated twenty years before the novel begins! Reborn as Princess Yerenica of the small Lebovny kingdom, I'm determined to change the future in order to prevent the series of unfortunate events that will soon occur. In the original story, my older sister, Tejavia, is pregnant with the future female lead, when she's suddenly kidnapped by the Belgoat Empire's emperor. But in my desperate attempts to protect her, I got kidnapped instead! And as if that wasn't bad enough, my body is ridiculously weak to magic. But… strangely enough, whenever I'm by the emperor, I feel fine! The only way to save the emperor, who's destined to die at the hands of his own son after marrying the villainess, and save myself from being afflicted by magic… is for us to marry! "Marry me, Father." "'Father?' Princess, I haven't married yet, nor do I have any kids…"

How to Be the Chosen One
How to Be the Chosen OneFace park

Cho Sunwon finds his life boring and tedious. Sex is the only thing he isn’t sick of, but it’s getting a little too easy to talk any guy into bed. He wants a new life, a new world, and a new challenge…and he totally gets all of those when he’s summoned into another world as the so-called god of Abroria! Awesome, right? Except, nobody seems to fall for his bedroom talk, and there’s a sexy king hell-bent on exposing Sunwon as a fraud. Seducing the gorgeous men around him without blowing his cover is going to be quite the divine challenge. Can Cho Sunwon actually become the Chosen One?

becoming the king's man
becoming the king's manChong qing manhua

Hailed as the number one host with the most gracious voice. I fell down the stage after being chased by a fan boy who was after me to confess his love and now I transmigrated into a prostitute? Uhm... But I am a straight! And now I must do things with this man in front of me? Ah... my back. Wait, what?! This whole world's men are after my body? Emmm... well I mean since the start of this story is already like this. so, I guess I will have to just free myself... [Updating every Tuesday and Friday, QQ Group: 203455372]

My Life as an Internet Novel
My Life as an Internet NovelYu han-ryeo

Every novel has the usual cast: a gorgeous heroine, handsome boys vying for her attention, and a homely best friend at the heroine’s side. Dani, an ordinary student and avid reader of internet novels, is all too familiar with these tropes. But she never imagined that one day she’d wake up at the center of one herself! Her new fictional world is complete with a beautiful best friend named Yeoryung, and four impossibly good-looking boys who all happen to be in her class. Dani is determined to stay out of the way and not get involved in the twists and turns of the plot. But is she really just the sidekick -- or is Dani actually the leading lady? Anything is possible in the world of a novel!

Naruto dj - Golden Days
Naruto dj - Golden DaysKsl|Okimura shino

Reprint SasuNaru dj including: Animal Panic Paradox! Cute stuff involving Sasuke adopting a little fox-Naruto. Uchi no neko shirimasenka? Naruto adopting a little cat-Sasuke, and in the last one, Naruto's little cat-Sasuke growing up into a hot adult determined to put the moves on Naruto.. 

YaribuOgeretsu tanaka

Toono pindah dari Tokyo ke Sekolah khusus lelaki, Sekolah Swasta Mori Moori. Yaguchi yang ramah adalah teman pertamanya, tetapi ketidaksukaannya pada olahraga membuatnya bergabung dengan klub fotografi yang paling santai daripada klub sepak bolanya Yaguchi. Namun, klub fotografi hanya sebatas nama dan sebenarnya dijuluki “Yarichin Bitch Club,” yang diisi oleh senior yang beragam-ragam. Berbeda dengan Toono yang bermasalah, Kajima, yang bergabung dengan klub pada saat yang sama, benar-benar tidak terganggu. Toono sendiri menganggap Yaguchi lucu, tetapi Yaguchi mendapati dirinya memerah setiap ada Kashima.

BL Game no Shujinkou no Otouto de Aru Koto ni Ki ga Tsukimashita
BL Game no Shujinkou no Otouto de Aru Koto ni Ki ga TsukimashitaHanaka yui|Shive

[TL by CutiepieCY] Reincarnated from a Fujoshi to the protagonist’s younger brother in a BL game!! I was going to watch and protect my big brother, but instead I was promoted to be the main character!? A working adult Fujoshi reincarnated as the main character’s "younger brother" in the world of a BL game she played in her previous life. ‘It seems that my brother has already been tied to one of the capture targets ... And to be able to see what happens after the ending, such as the afterward stories of my favorite couple, and how the broken-hearted capture targets will recover from now on…really, this position is just too delicious for me!! But when I was playing the game, I didn't see any "younger brother" though!?’

Naruto (Official)
Naruto (Official)Kishimoto masashi

Whenever Naruto Uzumaki proclaims that he will someday become the Hokage—a title bestowed upon the best ninja in the Village Hidden in the Leaves—no one takes him seriously. Since birth, Naruto has been shunned and ridiculed by his fellow villagers. But their contempt isn't because Naruto is loud-mouthed, mischievous, or because of his ineptitude in the ninja arts, but because there is a demon inside him. Prior to Naruto's birth, the powerful and deadly Nine-Tailed Fox attacked the village. In order to stop the rampage, the Fourth Hokage sacrificed his life to seal the demon inside the body of the newborn Naruto. And so when he is assigned to Team 7—along with his new teammates Sasuke Uchiha and Sakura Haruno, under the mentorship of veteran ninja Kakashi Hatake—Naruto is forced to work together with other people for the first time in his life. Through undergoing vigorous training and taking on challenging missions, Naruto must learn what it means to work in a team and carve his own route toward becoming a full-fledged ninja recognized by his village.

Dare demo Iikara Daitekukre Uke ni bakari Moteru Bijin Fukukaichou-sama no Junan
Dare demo Iikara Daitekukre Uke ni bakari Moteru Bijin Fukukaichou-sama no JunanShuichi|Antama

17-year-old Seiei Takamiya has a serious problem. He purposely chose to attend an all-boys boarding school to increase his chances of finding someone to fulfill his needs. And what he needs is a top. So, how did he end up in a school full of bottoms!? Of course, his straight roommate doesn't understand. Check out this hilarious yaoi story of misunderstandings and pent-up desires!.

TsugumomoHamada yoshizaku

Kazuya Kagami nunca vai a lugar algum sem o precioso "Sakura Obi" que sua mãe lhe deu. Um dia, uma bela garota, vestida com um Kimono, chamada Kiriha apareceu diante dele. Kiriha naturalmente começou a morar com Kazuya em seu quarto.Então há Chisato, a amiga de infância de Kazuya com óculos e rabo de cavalo, que se mete em seus assuntos. Logo, há também uma irmã mais velha superprotetora que parece querer tomar banho com ele. Atrapalhada com enormes peitos, uma sacerdotisa. uma feiticeira com boa aparência chamada Kokuyoura, lindas mulheres, garotas picantes e assim começa a vida feliz, confusa e embaraçosa de Kazuya!

Boy's Love Oharai Mousu!
Boy's Love Oharai Mousu!Yancha

爆笑必至!! カオスとエロスの底抜けにハッピーなメタBL、登場。――逆カプ人気、解釈違いなどにより果たせなかった腐女子たちの無念が集合的想念となり生み出した理想の攻め様の生霊、通称『BL霊』。ある日、オールドタイプの「スーパー攻め様(タワマン住まい)BL霊」に取り憑かれてしまった大学生のヤスは、美貌の陰陽師・信太とのセックス(除霊)に無事お祓いに成功。以来、その憑依体質を生かして信太専用の依り代となったヤスは、女装癖、獣人、オメガバース…等、様々なタイプのBL霊たちと対峙していくのだが…!? 純朴なガチムチ青年×奇人変人陰陽師がおくる、BLあるあるネタ&親父ギャグ満載のエロティック・ラブコメディ! 電子限定おまけ付き!!

Today I Live with You
Today I Live with YouWoo ji hye

“Fine! I'll start dating then!!” Dohee has a crush on childhood friend Jaehyuk. But in order to distance herself from him, she has decided to start dating others when the handsome lunatic Wonyoung appears! Wonyoung's constant antics slowly start to rub off on Dohee... will Dohee be able to start a relationship in her eventful campus life?

Blood and Love
Blood and LoveHaesun

Since childhood, Jiwon has been captivated by stories of vampires. He promised himself that if he ever encountered a real one, he would go out of his way to befriend them. Finally, during Jiwon's college years, the opportunity strikes when he witnesses a handsome vampire indulging in a feeding session. Filled with indescribable excitement, Jiwon attempts to approach and even offer his own blood to the vampire. However, to his dismay, the mysterious bloodsucker vanishes in an instant. Disappointed and brimming with unanswered questions, Jiwon attends class the next day only to discover that the man from the previous night is none other than Yoon Seong-hyun, a sunbae in the same class. Will this unexpected revelation set the stage for Jiwon's ultimate dream of forging an extraordinary friendship or, perhaps…something more?

Side Characters Deserve Love Too (Official)
Side Characters Deserve Love Too (Official)Dandi|Morockbull

Setelah ditelan kesedihan karena kematian karakter favoritnya dalam novel King Maker, Kim Geumja tiba-tiba terbangun di hadapan Kyle De Vilteon, karakter favoritnya. Menyadari bahwa dirinya telah masuk ke dalam novel tersebut, Kim Geumja berniat mengubah nasib Kyle. Dia bertekad untuk menyelamatkan Kyle, membuatnya bahagia, dan memberinya cinta. Akankah Kim Geumja berhasil melakukannya?

Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife Is A Little Sweet (Official)
Perfect Secret Love: The Bad New Wife Is A Little Sweet (Official)Jiong jiong you yao

"How perverted is Si Ye Han's taste? He still wants me like this?” Waking up, she looked at her reflection in the mirror: explosive wig, tattoos, and demon-like makeup. Any normal person’s eyes would burn if they looked at her for more than a second. Before her rebirth, she was in love with a different guy, so all she wanted to do was escape from Si Ye Han and hated him to his core after being locked up by him. After her rebirth, she looked differently at him, thinking that maybe he changed for the better? In the past, her mind was muddled. She let go of a stunning husband, was hurt by a scumbag and backstabber and most of all, was brainwashed by her most trusted friend. In the end, she was utterly alone. In her current lifetime, there are evil people scheming and eagerly waiting for her downfall. Sorry, but this girl won't fall for the same tricks twice!


^ "I'm proud of you. I already know how to take care of my male. "Well, really?" The male's thick pheromone blatantly seduced Irene. Won't you still welcome me? swaying under her nose as if. "Then she is a female who will give my sympathy, and of course I should raise my marriage. 'I think this is the first night,' said Irene, who was already a loner before adulthood, and no one could help her when the rut began. But a male who puts sweet fruits into her mouth helps her in her rut. I was so glad to see you that I almost cried. I was fascinated by such a strange male, soothing my pleasure, and as soon as my reason returned, I saw Knox's fangs smiling fiercely. Wait, this guy...! How did you meet the leopard man! Why a leopard! "Call me Knox, Irene. "


Pertama kali Yu Bei, aktor D-list berhasil mencapai topi c yang sedang tren adalah karena McDreamy-nya. Dia pikir naksirnya yang delapan tahun akan sia-sia pada akhirnya, tetapi yang mengejutkan, naksirnya mulai mengejarnya! "Orang-orang mengira aku adalah bayi gulanya, tapi sebenarnya dia suamiku yang sah ~"

Tell Me You Love Me
Tell Me You Love MeHahae

Do-kwon has a secret: he has a huge weakness for pretty faces. One look at the face of a pretty boy gets him internally screaming. And lo and behold, Ryeo-soo is one of the prettiest boys he’s ever seen in real life. Do-kwon is busy mentally drooling over him every time they interact. Man, it’s a good thing nobody can hear his silent fanboying, right? Except, Ryeo-soo has a secret, too. He can hear other people’s thoughts. And he’s really having a blast listening to Do-kwon’s. In fact, there’s something else he wants to hear from Do-kwon…

Conrad (Adult Version)
Conrad (Adult Version)Hongye

The dark ages of oppression and fear had ended and the era of the peaceful reign of Bayern Agentil and Haus III had begun. Jayden, a knight who had returned home from his military service, happened to pick up a mysterious "egg" while wandering the street. Jayden tried to eat the egg, but out popped a dragon! He was destined to be the babysitter of the dragon from then on. An emperor, who finds himself distrusting of dragons because of 'Hydra', the dragon that caused terror through out the Dark Ages... Jayden, a knight who finds himself taking care of a dragon out of the blue... What will happen in their future?! Enjoy this Romance Fantasy BL story between Bayern, the emperor, and Jayden, the knight accompanied by Conrad, the dragon!

Our House Love Trouble
Our House Love TroubleOwaru

When Nonohiko’s college dorm shuts down, he finds an all-male share house. The beautiful cross-dressing landlord only rents to hot men, but despite Nonohiko’s average looks, he manages to meet the strange requirement and moves in. Things only get stranger when his attractive neighbor, a man in fashionable glasses, invites Nonohiko into the bath, mistaking Nonohiko for an escort! Poor Nonohiko is about to see exactly how much trouble a flirty, bespectacled businessman can be.

One Punch Man (Official)
One Punch Man (Official)One

After rigorously training for three years, the ordinary Saitama has gained immense strength which allows him to take out anyone and anything with just one punch. He decides to put his new skill to good use by becoming a hero. However, he quickly becomes bored with easily defeating monsters, and wants someone to give him a challenge to bring back the spark of being a hero. Upon bearing witness to Saitama's amazing power, Genos, a cyborg, is determined to become Saitama's apprentice. During this time, Saitama realizes he is neither getting the recognition that he deserves nor known by the people due to him not being a part of the Hero Association. Wanting to boost his reputation, Saitama decides to have Genos register with him, in exchange for taking him in as a pupil. Together, the two begin working their way up toward becoming true heroes, hoping to find strong enemies and earn respect in the process.

Kohitsuji Hokaku Keikaku
Kohitsuji Hokaku Keikaku

Katsutaka and Kazuomi are seniors with a secret hobby: they love watching a pair of younger boys making love. Katsutaka and Kazuomi have fallen completely in love with Yuki and Kaede, and vow to capture them once they enter high school. That awaited day has finally arrived, but will the two seniors be able to reach their goal? And are Kaede and Yuki really who the seniors imagined them to be?

Budak antagonisku ( aldaworld )
Budak antagonisku ( aldaworld )Minmacho|Dasb

Saya mendapati diri saya terjebak dalam novel fantasi romantis yang sedang saya baca. Segalanya tampak baik-baik saja sampai 'Bunga Kekaisaran', Seria Siegfried diberikan kepadaku sebagai budakku, dan sekarang aku tidak punya pilihan selain menghancurkannya jika aku ingin bertahan hidup dan melarikan diri dari akhir yang bengkok ini. "Kamu lebih baik melakukan apa yang aku katakan, jika kamu ingin hidup"

Leash Me Up [Official]
Leash Me Up [Official]Yp

Meet Noel, a part-time worker at a pet store who’s completely and utterly obsessed with puppies. Noel loves puppies so much that he decides to join a chat app to find a friend who likes them as much as he does. Just his luck, he manages to find "J," a user that seems to match Noel’s passion for cuddly creatures. After Noel decides to send J a collar as a gift, J suggests they meet in person. When J shows up wearing the collar around his own neck, it’s evident there has been some sort of misunderstanding between the two…

The Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther [Official]
The Symbiotic Relationship Between A Rabbit And A Black Panther [Official]

I was a rabbit shapeshifter who couldn’t even transform into a human by my coming of age ceremony. My family said that I was just a halfling and placed me in a basket… “You’re crying? Go on, cry more.” Then I was then picked up by a black panther with an awful personality. “You’re lacking in fighting spirit. I’ll eat you the day after tomorrow, so keep trying.” This fierce beast. Staring at my trembling face, the black panther’s eyes glistened. “How thrilling.” Mom, I think he’s crazy! To survive a fairly crazy black panther. “The wild beasts are possessive, no matter what it is.” ….Is it possible?

Kansai Jin to Hukumen Satsujinki
Kansai Jin to Hukumen SatsujinkiMaria (mりあ)

When Taichi regained consciousness, he found himself in an unfamiliar room with his limbs bound. He was camping alone when he witnessed a murder scene and was confined by the killer. The story of the masked murderer and the Kansai man's twisted cohabitation starts now!!

I Became the Male Lead’s Adopted Daughter
I Became the Male Lead’s Adopted Daughter라티네

“I’m going to adopt a child.” Duke Ferio Voreoti’s impulsive decision shocked everyone in the mansion. Not only did he make her his daughter, but he also gave her the name of a ‘beast’ that only direct members of the bloodline could receive. “Even as you breathe right now, I’m earning money.” “It’s confidence, not arrogance.” “My face really does have its advantages.” The most arrogant father in the whole world, and “I love muscles the most. Let’s get muscular.” “Show me your thigh muscles! Your butt would be even better!” “You’re nothing but a flower if you have a calm personality…” his corrupted(?) daughter. And… “I will give his excellency the information he wants most.” “Information I want most, you say…” “You won’t regret it.” …A stepmother(?) with a strange secret as well. Summary From NovelUpdates

Cesar Ngebucin Cana (Official)
Cesar Ngebucin Cana (Official)Nokki (녹끼)

Canaria is reincarnated as the villian of a popular cliche novel. Based on the novel, she is destined to be executed but can she prevent this from happening before it’s too late?

Comes In Threes
Comes In ThreesGyulrock

Three can be a tricky number: some say all good things come in threes, while others say it’s a crowd. Yoo Joon is pretty sure it’s the latter. Ever since he laid eyes on his classmate Pyo Jong-oh, the wimpy and sickly Yoon has been bitten by the lovebug. Tall and dark, with the perfect personality and a banging body to boot, there’s seemingly nothing wrong with his upperclassman - except for the fact that he’s best friends with Seong Ah-in, Joon’s former friend-turned-rival. Wherever Jong-oh goes, Ah-in is sure to follow. But if Yoon is to have a chance of getting closer to the man of his dreams, he’ll have to put up with it…for now. When the three head off on an overnight trip, Jong-oh and Yoon are finally separated from Ah-in, giving the bumbling Yoon a chance to make his move. Will this finally be the opportunity for Yoon to find love, touch, and companionship? Or will it leave him unfulfilled, heart-broken, and alone?

BJ Alex - All-Ages Edition
BJ Alex - All-Ages EditionMingwa

Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room and watches a streamer named Alex. One night, Dong-gyun downs too many drinks at a school networking event and passes out. When he wakes up, he’s in bed staring up at a shirtless hunk. A hunk who looks an awful lot like...Alex.

Ojousama wa Nigedashita
Ojousama wa NigedashitaPonkotsu works

Shizuka is a very beautiful oujo, respected daughter of the Nishizono household. Her father’s company is having a slightly rough time financially and as is usual in the higher circles, her dad is trying to solve everything by having Shizuka marrying a prominent talent or a heir of a big family in order to expand & solidify the business.... Shizuka is very respectful and loves her father a lot... but she absolutely hates having her freedom restricted, however her own father pushiness has created the habit of forcing her to run away from the house every time an omai looks too imminent. Sadly for her, right now her father is totally obsessed with Kannazuki Koichi, whose talent has pushed him to become the CEO of his family corporation even though he is still attending college. Shizuka can’t help but slightly flinch to herself every time her father starts praising Koichi’s abilities as if he was selling a product. Predictably, Koichi is not anywhere near close to the star image that’s portrayed officially and it’s disclosed to the readers that he is the type that doesn’t care about anyone nor anything but self-gain, and that he sees Shizuka as a hollow prize that will make him incredibly rich and will be discarded once he has had his way with it. To complete the picture, we have Tooru; a servant to the Nishizono household that is always around Shizuka and is usually at the wrong end of her outbursts, as such his job mainly consists of “making Shizuka’s wishes come true“, ergo securing places for Shizuka to run away in whenever she feels the need to and seeing to her every need. Thus, Shizuka once again runs away from home. She understands that this time will be different from the other non serious attempts, now “she doesn’t want to be found“. However little does she realize how different this time will be from all others. On one side we have Koichi, who will never let such a big chance for quick fortune slip past; on the other side we have Tooru standing always next to her, taking care of her and displaying loyalty to her is suddenly starting to bring forward conflicting feelings on our dear oujo.

Adik Iparku Yang Berbahaya (Heavenly)
Adik Iparku Yang Berbahaya (Heavenly)Strawberry soymilk

Lima tahun yang lalu saudara iparnya, Yooha muncul di depan Hyunseo, yang telah hidup sendiri sejak istrinya meninggal karena sakit. Setelah kematian kakak perempuannya, Yooha dan keluarganya pergi ke luar negeri. Beberapa tahun kemudian yooha kembali ke Korea dan meminta Hyunseo untuk merawatnya. Dengan cara ini, keduanya mulai hidup bersama, dan Hyunseo menerima perasaan aneh dari Yooha, perasaan yang berbeda dari sebelumnya. Meskipun dia malu dengan Yooha, yang selalu mendekatinya, dia secara bertahap bersandar padanya secara fisik dan mental . Tapi... apa tidak apa-apa seperti ini dengan keluargaku...!?

Zero Hunting: Inviting a Wolf Into the House
Zero Hunting: Inviting a Wolf Into the House沉乡

Asal Usul "Pemburu"! Tuan dari klan darah X yang sakit, tanpan, dan terobsesi dengan pelayan manusia serigala yang kejam dan kuat. Eno Azeril berasal dari klan darah yang bandel. Dia menandatangani kontrak tuan dan pelayan dengan manusia serigala karena iseng. Memerintahkannya untuk melakukan sesuatu untuk bersenang-senang, tapi aku tidak menyangka... Aku memerintahkannya, tapi situasinya sedikit salah. "Tunggu! Aku tidak membiarkan mu melakukan ini! "Tuan, yakinlah, aku akan membuat mu puas."

Black Clover (Official)
Black Clover (Official)Yūki tabata

Young Asta was born with no magic ability in a world where magic is everything. In order to prove his strength and keep a promise with his friend, Asta dreams of becoming the greatest mage in the land, the Wizard King!

Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken
Tensei Shitara Slime Datta KenFuse

Thirty-seven-year-old Satoru Mikami is a typical corporate worker, who is perfectly content with his monotonous lifestyle in Tokyo, other than failing to nail down a girlfriend even once throughout his life. In the midst of a casual encounter with his colleague, he falls victim to a random assailant on the streets and is stabbed. However, while succumbing to his injuries, a peculiar voice echoes in his mind and recites a bunch of commands which the dying man cannot make sense of. When Satoru regains consciousness, he discovers that he has reincarnated as a goop of slime in an unfamiliar realm. In doing so, he acquires newfound skills—notably, the power to devour anything and mimic its appearance and abilities. He then stumbles upon the sealed Catastrophe-level monster "Storm Dragon" Veldora who had been sealed away for the past 300 years for devastating a town to ashes. Sympathetic to his predicament, Satoru befriends him, promising to assist in destroying the seal. In return, Veldora bestows upon him the name Rimuru Tempest to grant him divine protection. Now, liberated from the mundanities of his past life, Rimuru embarks on a fresh journey with a distinct goal in mind. As he grows accustomed to his new physique, his gooey antics ripple throughout the world, gradually altering his fate.

Death By snusnu
Death By snusnuTidbits

A 6 page short of a s power bottom omega elf and a human banging like bunnies. Literally my first art project I've completed. Webtoon created by me. Unabashedly showing off my kinks for male ahegao face and omegaverse, long haired elves, also womb and testy tattoo cause you know 💀, foot licking and waaaay too much sfx💀💀. This is supposed to be funny, please take it as such.

Bucinnya milik DG {NanayMHW}
Bucinnya milik DG {NanayMHW}Mingwa

Setiap malam pukul 22.00, DG (Dong-Gyun) selalu mengunci dirinya didalam kamar, mengambil beberapa tissue, dan menonton Live stream dari pria gay cam yang dihost oleh Broadcasting Jockey Alex (BJ ALEX), Dong-Gyun yang pemalu tidak hanya menganggumi tubuh sobek milik Alex, tetapi dia juga memiliki ketertarikan secara seksual dengannya sebagai penonton. Suatu malam, di PUB dimana semua jurusan hadir untuk mengadakan minum-minum bersama, Dong-Gyun yang hadir mabuk berat karna ketidakberuntungannya yang duduk bersama senior jahat yang memaksanya untuk minum terus. Ahn Jiwon yang melihatnya, terpaksa membawanya pulang karena mabuk berat. Ketika DG sadar dari mabuknya, ia tak sengaja melihat Tanda lahir yang ada di tubuh Ahn Jiwon sama persis dengan tanda lahir yang dimiliki oleh Alex, Seorang BJ yang sangat dikagumi oleh DG (Dong-Gyun). Bagaimana cerita Selanjutnya?

She is Working Out
She is Working OutUpdating

Namseok, who returned to his hometown after 10 years to operate a kendo shop. Jungbin, who I’ve known as a guy, turned out to be a girl! In the stamp with only the two of us, Jungbin soaked in sweat is waiting defenselessly. “Was kendo such a sexual exercise?”

4 Week Lovers (Official) [R15] [Manta TL]
4 Week Lovers (Official) [R15] [Manta TL]Maroron

Wanna fake-date for 4 weeks? Dojun's life at college is off to a perfect start! Until he meets his roommate, Jaehee, a high school friend whom he may have ghosted. Jaehee claims he's over their unresolved past, but after an accident resulting in a fractured wrist, he makes Dojun a proposition...


Aku bereinkarnasi sebagai pelayan karakter sampingan dalam permainan harem terbalik. Bahkan setelah melalui semua enam akhir permainan, Aku masih tidak bisa kembali ke kenyataan. Jadi aku mengambil keputusan pada ronde ketujuh— “Ini surat pengunduran diriku. Aku akan meninggalkan mansion ini.”—untuk keluar dari game dan menjalani hidupku sendiri.* * *Tidak peduli seberapa keras aku mencoba, aku hanya tambahan. Aku tidak lagi ingin berkutat pada tragedi karakter di dalam game. Karena aku tidak terlalu penting di sini, kupikir semua orang akan melupakanku jika aku pergi diam-diam. Namun…“Siapa yang meninggalkan mansion? Bukankah kamu bilang kamu milikku, Irene?” “Irene, aku tidak punya niat untuk terlibat dengan siapa pun kecuali kamu. Hanya kamu." “Jangan pergi, Rea. Tinggallah di sisiku. Tolong?” Para pria dalam game, yang seharusnya terobsesi dengan pemeran utama wanita, Tapi tiba-tiba mereka mulai menempel padaku, tapi…Aku tidak ingin mencintai siapa pun lagi.

Prince Cinderella
Prince Cinderella77a0r

Outgoing and athletic, Darim’s always surrounded by friends. But back in elementary school, she used to be a social outcast—she only started making friends when Taehoo brought her into the fold. Now in high school, the two have drifted apart, but Darim is waiting for a chance to reunite with her icy Prince Charming. There’s just one issue: Darim’s body transforms into a boy’s at noon every day, only to turn back at midnight! Well, if she can’t get close to Taehoo as a girl… Why not try as a boy?!

Megami no Sprinter
Megami no SprinterHarada shigemitsu

Takase is the opposite of his brother. Hes weaker and struggles in school. He recently moved in to his married brother’s house in order to receive coaching to improve his physical health. The coach, also known as the “Venus of track,“ is none other than his sister-in-law. The Venus of track is researching and developing a new technique to improve male performance by testosterone management. In other words, manipulation of sexual desire. She has dubbed it “Absolute Obedience“ and Takase must undergo it to improve himself. Takase’s life is in for a dramatic change...

Nanako-san Teki na Nichijou Dash!!
Nanako-san Teki na Nichijou Dash!!Kawara keisuke

From MangaHelpers: Nanako is an athletic and free-spirited girl that excels in every sport she does. Many of the sports groups at her school request her assistance at important matches. Where she excels the most is when she finds herself in a bind that will strip her of her clothes, while Keisuke Kawara ogles. You would think Kawara is the luckiest boy alive until you see the end result of Nanako’s “accidents.“ [DrCoke]

Sexual Hunter Riot
Sexual Hunter RiotTsukiji toshihiko

The Kirionira are the demons that live in another dimension and invade the human world through their dreams. The only defense humanity has against the demonic assault are the hunters who rely on their sex drive as a source of power to fight against them. Riku Yoichi came from a long line of hunters and had high amounts of sexual energy which allowed him to be a great hunter. He moved away from his home town after middle school to demolish the Kirionira and was successful in finishing off the king and ending the battle forever. However, the peace came at the price of Yoichi losing his sex mojo. Returning back to his home town, he soon learns that the demon invasion was not over, but without his sex drive, he is helpless to fight back. He tries convincing his childhood friend Namba Midori and her female classmates to get him sexually aroused, but they want nothing to do with it.

The Same Feelings Are Good Feelings – Haikyuu!! dj
The Same Feelings Are Good Feelings – Haikyuu!! djErotis(narita koh)

Kageyama Tobio x Hinata Shoyo

Descent of the Demon Master (Official)
Descent of the Demon Master (Official)Mayorang

Jinho Kang used to be an average teenager, before an accident took away his family and his ability to walk. After reincarnating in medieval China, he becomes the demon master known as the Crimson Emperor. When his life is tragically cut short, he wakes up back in his previous life, before the accident AND with his powers and martial arts prowess intact. All Jinho wants is to live a normal life, but he soon realizes that monsters exist even in the modern world, and only he can stop them.

A Sex Therapist
A Sex Therapist

1) Sex TherapistHoping to make an arrest, detective Ryouichi Ohnuki decides to investigate Kain, but gets distracted with thoughts of his straitlaced co-worker.2) A Man Who DreamsSalesman Obinata is in love with adorable co-worker Himeno, but feels guilty over his dirty thoughts. Maybe a trip to Kain will help clear things up. 3) The First and Last ManWhen Aki runs into his former brother-in-law Naoto at a gay bar, he's furious! What else has Naoto been hiding from him?4) Sweet ManTakerou's sweet shop is a rival of the foreigner Shimon's pastry shop. But Takerou is secretly addicted to the competitions sweets, and not just for the taste. 5) Prince of the IceAfter a serious injury, ice skating champion Reo Toujou's relationship with his coach, Dzhokhar fell apart. 6) Timid FlowerIce skater Akira Ohno is assigned a new coach, flamboyant foreigner Zio Maurizio. Can Zio remind Akira why skating is fun?7) Free-F@#%ing FatherAfter an amazing one night stand, seminary student Ippei Niwa can't get the sexy guy out of his head. When they meet again, Seiji Kusama is the priest Niwa is mentoring under.

Do You Have Any Problems With Me?
Do You Have Any Problems With Me?A1

Mikado - gay and once a famous playboy - lost his former brilliance and splendor due to being forced into a marriage of convenience. However, Mikado, who has cooled to carnal pleasures, meets a new employee – Serazawa, with whom he slowly falls in love. Serazawa - who's a bit naive - is obsessed with sports and cleanliness, awakens our protagonist’s wild fantasies and reignites his long-forgotten desires. Mikado plans a business trip with co-workers to an onsen and stay for the night, where he discovers an unexpected secret about Serazawa…

Teach the Devil Husband
Teach the Devil HusbandDazui

Berlari pulang di malam hujan, Xiao Fu menemukan seekor anjing hitam besar yang terluka. Merasa kasihan pada hewan itu, dia membawanya pulang untuk memenuhi kebutuhannya. Di tengah malam, anjing itu berubah menjadi pria dewasa dengan dorongan yang tak tertahankan untuk memadamkan naluri anjingnya. Tertarik pada aroma wanita itu, dia memanfaatkan kesempatan itu, tidak menyadari bahwa nasib mereka kini telah terjalin. Dua tahun telah berlalu setelah kejadian itu dan Xiao Fu adalah seorang mahasiswa kedokteran, berharap untuk menjadi seorang perawat. Suatu hari ketika dia mengambil tumpangan dari orang asing yang tampan, dia menemukan dirinya dibawa pergi ke properti keluarga Feng yang terkenal. Ketika dia bersentuhan dengan wajah yang dikenalnya yang dia temui dua tahun lalu, Xiao Fu mengetahui bahwa dia harus menyimpan rahasia tertentu tentang keluarga Feng dan menjadi alat mereka, atau menghadapi konsekuensi yang mengerikan. Join grup telegram Haloha🌻

Help Me, Teacher
Help Me, TeacherSoorak

I was suddenly diagnosed as an Omega. I didn't think it was serious, probably because I was ready to die. But, what is this??? Why did my 'thing' suddenly got smaller?!?! Is it a side effect of the temporary prescription meds? Will it get better if I don't take the medicine? The hospital is already closed at this time, and the only person I can trust is the School Nurse that I'm close to...

Perfectly Broken Love
Perfectly Broken LoveSuma

Business student Ma Dongjae is cursed with only ever falling for ultra-straight dudes, so you can just imagine the luck he’s had with love. All he really wants is a relationship of his own, but his own poor taste keeps getting in the way! Finally, Dongjae is propositioned, but…it’s by a weirdo in the campus changing rooms. It doesn’t matter how sexy he is, Dongjae has to turn him down, obviously! That should be the end of it, but fate just loves messing with Dongjae, and so they end up not only sharing a class but also being assigned to work on the same project! The thing is, the cool and aloof man who introduces himself is nothing like the creep Dongjae met before. One minute he’s hot, the next minute he’s cold, and half the time he seems to forget they’ve ever even spoken. It’s almost like he’s two different people…

One Summer Day
One Summer DayKer

It’s not every day you become a ghost. Han Seowoo thought he had it bad when the sunbae he liked rejected him. But on his way back home with a broken heart, he ends up slipping from the top of a building and plummeting…to his premature death. Then a surprisingly young grim reaper shows up to collect his soul. But luckily enough, the reaper messes things up…and Seowoo is given the chance to stay in the corporeal world for a bit longer. There’s just one catch: the reaper is to move in with Seowoo and make sure he stays out of trouble and the lives of the living. Maybe that one summer day, death wasn’t the only thing in store for Seowoo…

Deliverance of the Counterattack
Deliverance of the CounterattackPending

It’s not that terrible to have a rival in love. You know what makes things terrible? Your rival in love is actually reincarnated! His luv was taken away, his family died in tragic, his family business was taken up, and he himself went to jail… He thought that his bad luck should come to an end. But on the eve of his release, he… He came back again after his release. He punished the villains while living a happy life with his baby…

My Dear Nemesis [Official]
My Dear Nemesis [Official]Ji jing jun|Shou|Kuaikan comics

Skyler was the stoic student council president, and Zach was a carefree freshman. Both clearly hate each other’s guts. Yet little do they know that these spars are the seeds of love that begin to blossom in their hearts! But their budding romance is cut short when Skyler decides to study abroad. Years later, when Skyler and Zach finally reunite, they both have grown into men, but in their hearts, they discover they're still the same boys who have nothing but love for their dear nemesis.

My Red String of Fate
My Red String of FateCumin|Shin ji-sang|Iudas|Cheon jian|C&c revolution inc

After getting pulled into a novel, Leann lives her life as a priestess in a temple, while healing people who are tangled up in red strings. The red string is a death flag that slowly ruins the body and brings you closer to death. And other than the main protagonist, Leann is the only one who can see and remove them. But when she heals an injured man on the street, the red string of fate connects the two of them together, and there is no way of removing it! To make matters worse, the man she is connected to happens to be the worst villain in the novel, Abell! Can she escape from him and live a peaceful life without hindering the original story of the novel?

100 Ways to Heal a Psychopath
100 Ways to Heal a Psychopath豆花米线

Tang Dong Bao was so close to becoming an immortal. Before he could receive an official certificate, he had to complete a task. Thanks to the guidance of his senior immortals, he accepted an amazing task! His objective was to travel to different worlds and save the target, Xiao Yi. However, in the first world, Dong Bao was directly killed by him! What exactly can I do to save you, my dear target?! This is the story of one man’s attempt at treating a psychopath.

Please Be My Alpha! A Pure-hearted Delinquent's First Love
Please Be My Alpha! A Pure-hearted Delinquent's First LoveWashiki toilet

"I've finally found you... my alpha...!" The plain alpha, Yoshihiko, works at a marriage counseling office. One day, a stern-looking delinquent omega, Momo, comes knocking on their doors to propose to him! After being turned down, Momo suddenly yells, "I'll do anything! Please, just go out with me!" and suddenly lunges at him!! Yoshihiko was turned on watching the delinquent desperately try to pleasure him. He wasn't any good, but when he looked up at him with watery eyes, Yoshihiko couldn't hold himself back...! Ever since, Momo continued to passionately approach him... When their bodies got close, his revealing clothes and intoxicating scent had left Yoshihiko dizzy with desire. The unguarded, alluring and pure delinquent omega is just too cute! How can Yoshihiko bear it...!?

I Don't Want To Be the Magpie Bridge [LF Ver.]
I Don't Want To Be the Magpie Bridge [LF Ver.]살오른 곱등이|Chubby cricket

I’ve been reincarnated into a side character of a novel. On top of that, I am the character who is like a magpie bridge in the mentally-exhausting story, "The Guys Around Hestia." There is no romance in store for me, and it absolutely horrifies me to think that my family is destined to drown in debt! I planned on becoming a civil servant, enjoying a life of wealth and honor that I was unable to attain in my previous life but… why are the guys behaving out of character? Why are you blushing in front of me? Why do you keep giving me food? “Can you Imagine Shushu being shy when looking at someone?” “Whoa… It’d be amazing if that happens.” As Cory absent-mindedly said to Hiley, Eve frowned and murmured under his breath. “Should I run away with her…” Swan remained silent while he hid his face with his sleeves. His face and ears turned red. What’s up with you guys? Why are you guys doing other things instead of being obsessed with the female lead? Get yourself together! This is the survival story of an academy student, Schulaina West, who wants to pursue a wealthy future in a reverse harem novel. TL/N: Magpie Bridge is the bridge made by a flock of magpies that connects the two star-crossed lovers Orihime and Hikoboshi in the legend behind the Tanabata festival.

Anya x Damian (Spy x Family dj)
Anya x Damian (Spy x Family dj)

Doujinshi ini berisi tentang kumpulan keuwuan couple Anya x Damian karya m_nmy01 di twitter. Anya yang polos, sedikit bodoh dan tidak peka disandingkan dengan si Mr. Tsundere Damian yang ganteng-ganteng galak. Penasaran dengan kisah pasangan ini? Silahkan langsung dibaca aja ya, paw!

ᴄᴀʀᴀ ꜱᴇᴏʀᴀɴɢ ᴘʟᴀʏʙᴏʏ ᴍᴇɴɢᴀᴛᴀꜱɪ ᴛʀᴀᴜᴍᴀ ᴅᴇɴɢᴀɴ ×××
ᴄᴀʀᴀ ꜱᴇᴏʀᴀɴɢ ᴘʟᴀʏʙᴏʏ ᴍᴇɴɢᴀᴛᴀꜱɪ ᴛʀᴀᴜᴍᴀ ᴅᴇɴɢᴀɴ ×××ゆずしを|Yuzushiwo

Shizuka adalah seorang mahasiswa yang membenci seks karena pacarnya sebelumnya. Karena traumanya, dia memutuskan untuk tidak melibatkan dirinya dengan orang lain lagi… Sampai dia secara tidak sengaja diseret ke pesta minum oleh teman sekelasnya yang sembrono, Saito. Setelah mabuk dalam situasi yang tidak biasa ini, Shizuka dibawa ke hotel oleh Saito... Namun tiba-tiba, dia terhanyut oleh sikap baik Saito, dan untuk beberapa alasan seks yang sangat dia benci mulai terasa berbeda...?

Latna Saga: Survival of a Sword King (Official)
Latna Saga: Survival of a Sword King (Official)Ykb

After being recently discharged from military service and just drifting through life, Hanbin Ryu is suddenly transported to another world. However, his “guide line,” the system bestowed upon him to help with his survival and growth, was filled with errors, causing him to be stuck in the tutorial stage for over 20 years. When he is finally released from this personal hell, he finds everyone has turned against otherworlders like him. Just how will this low-level, super-tutorial newbie survive?

B-Class Guide
B-Class GuideNangjun|낭준

A dizzying office love affair between an S-class esper and a B-class guide! Lee Jaeha, a B-class guide, had an office relationship with an esper at the same center for 3 years, but was recently done wrong. Despite breaking up with his lover, he finds himself forced to still guide him, and he applies for a transfer to a high-risk area. Surrounded by all kinds of rumors and stares, all he wants is a quiet and peaceful work life in the new center! However, Jaeha takes on the task of guiding Do Jiyoon, an S-class esper, on the verge of a rampage, and Jaeha's work life is getting farther away from peaceful...!

Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School (Official)
Reincarnation Of The Businesswoman At School (Official)Warm color su

She was originally a puppet of her family, a business spy, and an assassin that the police were pursuing. Then, she was betrayed and fell into the deep sea. When she opened her eyes once more, she had become a normal high school student in her third year. Because of her disgraceful birth, her relatives ostracized her since she was young, while her classmates bullied her because of her low self-esteem and withdrawn nature. After her reincarnation, she became a domineering person and beat those people when they bullied her again. Others had to gamble or rely on their luck to see if a jade was valuable. However, with a powerful cheat in her hands, the Spiritual Jade Vision, she could easily detect spiritual qi in pieces of jade with one glance! Life was comfortable, but there were jealous people all around her, and her skin crawled with every move they made!

Honey Maple More More Sugar
Honey Maple More More SugarTsushiko

On an SNS-slash-dating site for gay men, Tsumugi posts pictures of his adorable handmade plush dolls as the popular crafter "Bee." Out of all his online followers, he gets along best with fellow crafter "Chitan☆" - his gushing fanboy on the feed and his sexy dom in the DMs! When Tsumugi gathers his courage and offers they meet offline, "Chitan☆" insists that his appearance might set him off - how bad of a face are we talking here? (Source: Futekiya)

Oppai no Yure ni Gochuui kudasai
Oppai no Yure ni Gochuui kudasaiWakachiko

A collection of stories of people who took a bite from the forbidden fruit. "Watch Out For Those Pillowy Pecs": Ryuichi Handa is not used to the morning commuter trains. When the day comes where he has to experience being packed into a train carriage like a can of sardines, he inevitably topples over and lands... on a heavenly pile of pillowy pecs!? "The One I Long For": Ryusuke Ozaki used to be a world-class rugby player, someone that Ryota Tezuka looked up to. Tezuka admired him so much that he entered the university's rugby team, where Ozaki coaches after his professional career. Little did he know, Coach Ozaki doesn't just oversee the team's rugby skills... (Warning: Sexual assault) "Twin Genes": Chiaki and Chiharu are identical twins and are treated as such until one day, Chiaki finally snaps and dyes his hair so that people wouldn't mistake him for his brother. While Chiaki is adamant about being different, Chiharu convinces him that they are the same. (Warning: Incest, Rape) "Sweet Daze": Even if Dr. Mita still treats him like one, Shoma is not a child anymore, and clearly, his body can prove it. "Sweet Confusion": The continuation of 'Sweet Daze.' "The Abandoned Bride": A secret laboratory on a nameless island goes through a silent eruption, and one human is left behind to take care of the last monster that guns and poisons can't kill. But when the time comes, what will he do in the face of the monster he helped create? "The Lost One's Scars": Nowadays, you can find anyone on the web, even people to die with. That exactly the kind of person Tetsuya sought and found. But a sudden change of plans leaves him alive and cared for, all thanks to his uncanny resemblance to someone significant. (Warning: Suicide) "My Sin, You, and Our Memories": Ever since someone posted Manada's innocent love letter to a girl in his elementary class in front of the whole class to see, he has had a phobia of girls, even through university. Feeling responsible for Manada's social life, Nagase, his friend from elementary school, tries to undo the knots of time. "Beware of Office Romance": The continuation of 'Watch Out For Those Pillowy Pecs.'

Solo Glitch Player (Official by Tapas)
Solo Glitch Player (Official by Tapas)Cheongcho|Inkhead

Taepung Shin knows every nook and cranny of his favorite MMO video game Paradiso like it was the back of his hand! However, his gaming adventures suffer an abrupt end after his untimely death. But this is not his last hurrah since he’s reincarnated as Jared, a delinquent lord of a frozen province… in Paradiso! Now, he must brave the world he loved and take advantage of all glitches he knows about and turn himself into the main character of his new solo adventure!

Ore wo Tatasete miro yo: Watashi no Joushi wa Kagen wo Shiranai
Ore wo Tatasete miro yo: Watashi no Joushi wa Kagen wo ShiranaiShimanaga nono

Umeko has no boyfriend and is also a virgin. As an office worker moonlighting as a BL manga author, she's always fantasizing about her boss, Miyakado, as a bottom. One day, she gets told by her editor, "Your manga isn't erotic at all! You're fired if you don't get a good look at a real life p*nis!" A flustered Umeko turns to Miyakado for help. He replies with, "There's no point if you don't see it erect" and pushes her down as he teases and licks her breasts and secret place... "Teasing your body is very amusing." A long finger stimulating her most sensitive spot makes all her juices start to flow...

Shokugeki no Soma
Shokugeki no SomaMorisaki yuki|Tsukuda yuuto

O sonho de Souma Yukihira é se tornar um chef de primeira no restaurante de seu pai e superar suas habilidades de culinária, mas assim que se gradua no ensino fundamental, seu pai, Jouichirou Yukihira, fecha o restaurante para cozinhar nos Estados Unidos. Embora oprimido, o espírito de luta de Souma se reacende pelo desafio de Jouichirou no qual é sobreviver numa escola de culinária de elite onde apenas 10% dos estudantes se graduam. Poderá Souma sobreviver?

Bedtime fairy tale
Bedtime fairy taleYu ci / cai cai yang

Garland Neuss, the vice captain of HeiYu team, is soon to be possessed and on the verge of death as he was parasited by a demon when he was a child. However, his secret was found out by a well-known perverted duke, Hazel...

The Priest Dreaming of a Dragon
The Priest Dreaming of a DragonLiu bei li

{Blushing Scans} Nad królestwem ciąży przerażające widmo — już niebawem ma się zjawić w nim smok, który porwie księżniczkę. Król będzie mógł ją odzyskać w zamian za górę złota, a każdy mieszkaniec kraju trwoży się na samą myśl o skrzydlatej bestii. Tylko jedna osoba — kapłan Ivor, oczekuje na ten dzień. Smok może pomóc mu uciec z kościoła, który chce skazać go na okrutne życie. I, niespodziewanie, dzieje się dokładnie tak, jak kapłan zaplanował — smok myli go z księżniczką i go porywa! Dopiero później bestia orientuje się, jaki popełniła błąd, ale Ivor przyciąga go do siebie swoim bogactwem (charakterem i urokiem), dlatego nie chce go nikomu oddać.

Yarichin Bitch Club
Yarichin Bitch ClubOgeretsu tanaka

Takashi Tōno je student prvního ročníku, který se přestěhuje z Tokia na Morimori Academy, soukromou internátní školu umístěnou hluboko v horách. Brzy po příjezdu se spřátelí s Kyosuke Yaguchim, který je členem fotbalového klubu, a zve Tono, aby se k němu přidal. Tonův nedostatek zájmu o sport ho donutí vstoupit do nejtiššího klubu ze všech: do fotografického klubu. Fotografický klub však není tím, čím se zdá, protože úkolem všech jeho členů je mít sex s ostatními studenty školy.

Boku wa Kimi ni Kamaretai
Boku wa Kimi ni KamaretaiSuzume sasabe

Koharukawa is a BL manga artist working under the pen name Kanade Ooharu. At his class reunion, Koharukawa reunites with his first love, Akina, who told Koharukawa that he would do anything for Kanade Ooharu's autograph. What should Koharukawa do? And how far is Akina willing to go?


"Ini adalah pertama kalinya mata kita bertemu, jadi izinkan saya menyapa Anda lagi. Nama saya Able, Pangeran." Karas, pangeran dari keluarga kerajaan yang mewarisi kekuatan naga dan sifat brutalnya dari generasi ke generasi, dan Able, satu-satunya makhluk yang tetap berada di dekatnya, mengendalikan kekuatan dan kebrutalannya serta memberikan kehangatan. Ketika semua orang takut pada sang pangeran, hanya Able yang mengulurkan tangan pada Karas untuk melindunginya dan menunjukkannya pada dunia. "Aku tidak percaya kamu menyembunyikan mata indahmu! Aku ingin kamu merasa nyaman di hutan ini seperti saat kamu berdua denganku, seperti saat kamu bersama orang lain." Dan Karas pun merasakan manisnya Able dan membuka hatinya untuk Able untuk pertama kalinya. Ketika mereka terus menikmati waktu bersama, Hati Raja yang selalu waspada mulai mencekik kehidupan Able untuk memanipulasi Pangeran sesuai keinginannya...!

Me traes al límite‎‎‎ [ES]
Me traes al límite‎‎‎ [ES]Pangin

Jaehyuk, el compañero de cuarto de Garam es grosero, desconsiderado y... totalmente su tipo. Pero después de escucharlo hablar sobre cuánto odia a las personas homosexuales, Garam sabe que necesita vengarse, ¡y qué mejor manera que meterse un consolador en la cama de su roomie!

Hitorijime Boyfriend
Hitorijime BoyfriendArii memeko

"Would you like to break up with me again or be held, which would you prefer?" My former friend with the beautiful face, whom I've run into again after so long, only says things that cause me trouble. In the winter of sixth grade, Kensuke was upset about having to separate from his best friend Hasekura in middle school, and ended up breaking off their friendship. Three years has passed since then, and Hasekura comes in contact with Kensuke like nothing had changed. Kensuke was happy they could repair their friendship, but Hasekura says something completely out of left field...Spin-off:

GUILTY GEAR - Various People (Doujinshi)
GUILTY GEAR - Various People (Doujinshi)Na.remix (ppoiyatsu)

Various short stories with some based off of the official pop up shop art. Guilty Gear Sol Badguy x Ky Kiske doujinshi

In a rebellious phase [Kotose]
In a rebellious phase [Kotose]

Rikito Takanashi, pegawai toko serba ada, menyukai seks dengan perempuan. Namun, saat Rikito sedang menikmati seks biasa dengan banyak teman seks, tiba-tiba Rikito kehilangan ereksi! Bahkan setelah itu, ereksi nya sangat buruk sehingga Rikito tidak bisa keluar... Suatu hari, dia bertemu Toya Kadokura, seorang mahasiswa, di kamar mandi taman. Tampaknya Touya adalah seorang pecinta oral yang zona sensitif seksualnya berada di dalam mulutnya, dan dia mendapatkan kesenangan terbesar dari layanan oral (=fellatio). Ketika Rikito memintanya untuk mencobanya, Musco yang keras kepala dengan cepat menjawab...! ! Rikito sangat gembira dan mencoba menikmati seks dengan temannya, tapi entah kenapa, fase pemberontakan Musco dimulai lagi...!?

The secret game of a harmonious couple ~pseudo ntr~.
The secret game of a harmonious couple ~pseudo ntr~.Tamago kitchen

Honoka, a wife who was pressured by a delivery man while her husband was away. She feels that her insipid life with her husband, who is older than her, is unsatisfying to her and at the moment when her feelings are about to waver, her husband sees her. "...Do you like that sort of thing?" She regrets the cold words her husband addressed to her, She feels guilty for her husband, but she can't stop fantasizing about being unfaithful with a man who is not her husband...! That night, while waiting for her husband to come home, the doorbell rings. When she opens the door, she finds her husband dressed as a delivery man... A sweet romantic comedy about an awkward couple who become a harmonious couple through pseudo-NTR.

Salah ambil USB ৎCatPuding୭
Salah ambil USB ৎCatPuding୭

Gunwoo menghibur dirinya dengan video yang menampilkan aktor yang mirip dengan seniornya (Jin-wook) yang mencintai tak berbalas. Seperti tahun N dengan cinta bertepuk sebelah tangan, Gunwoo yang hari ini menghabiskan waktu kelas yang menyenangkan sambil melihat seniornya yang keren Dia menemukan bahwa Jin-wook telah mengambil USB-nya. Kenapa harus USB yang berisi 0 buah aktor yang mirip dengan Jinwook! Sebelum Jin-wook melihatnya, Eun-woo mencoba mengambil USB-nya, tapi kenapa harus tersangkut di jendela kamar Jin-wook? Tapi apa itu? Senior, kenapa kamu menurunkan celanaku?

Anata no Danna Uwaki Shitemasu yo
Anata no Danna Uwaki Shitemasu yoNatsumegu seiju

The manga focuses on a hero who is married, but monster girls seeking children of heroic lineage keep coming after him to steal him away. The hero's wife chooses to deal with the monster girls herself.

Goshujinsama to Wanko
Goshujinsama to WankoSakira

In this one, they are a lot of little story. Here’s the summary, they’re all in order. Please read this one carefully because they’re really a good one, I think. 1) Master and Dog 2) Spoiled Guinea Pig 3) Secret Love Lesson 4) Feverish Eye complex 5) Love-possessed Boy 6) Drown in Love 7) Triangle Love 8) Awkard Kiss 9) [EXTRA] Clone Boy Enjoy ;)

Fanatik vampir & Vampir jadi-jadian {Cont By : Xia}
Fanatik vampir & Vampir jadi-jadian {Cont By : Xia}Lee manse

Menavigasi ketidakpastian pada awal masa dewasa bukanlah hal yang mudah, seperti yang disadari Hong Wooree pada tahun liburnya dari perguruan tinggi. Tidak hanya dia berusaha menjadi seorang penulis yang diterbitkan, tetapi dia juga berpikir bahwa sahabatnya, Gong Minnee, adalah seorang vampir! Setelah membuat beberapa asumsi yang salah, Wooree percaya bahwa perilaku rahasia Minnee berasal dari menyembunyikan identitas "sejati"nya. dia sama sekali tidak menyadari bahwa Minnee sebenarnya bukan seorang vampir. Sementara Wooree berjuang untuk menerbitkan tulisannya dan melindungi "rahasia" Minnee, Minnee harus menemukan sebuah cara untuk menyatakan perasaannya terhadap Wooree yang tidak peka. Akankah keduanya dapat meluruskan kesalahpahaman yang terjadi dan memungkinkan untuk memulai sebuah hubungan yang baru?

Rabbit Ejaculate Inn 3 Seconds ৎCatPuding୭
Rabbit Ejaculate Inn 3 Seconds ৎCatPuding୭

Lyle' melakukan perjalanan ke Korea untuk berubah pikiran setelah gagal dalam audisi untuk sebuah peran. Karena merupakan kucing berkaki hitam, ia belum mampu menjadi yang teratas di antara binatang buas lainnya, tapi menurut saya ia akan menarik di tempat ini yang banyak terdapat hewan kecil yang lucu dan menggemaskan yang sesuai dengan selera seseorang. Lyle mulai menyukai kelinci 'Kkyun (nama panggilan)' melalui aplikasi kencan. Hari dimana aku akhirnya bertemu dengannya! Tapi yang muncul di depan jantung Lyle yang berdebar kencang... adalah kelinci yang menggumpal...!? 'Benarkah...apakah orang ini milikku????

My Brother Looks at Me With Increasingly Evil Eyes
My Brother Looks at Me With Increasingly Evil Eyes古拉漫社

Di kehidupan sebelumnya, Jiang Qian dan Lin Yi adalah saudara yang tidak memiliki hubungan keluarga di panti asuhan. Belakangan, keduanya tersesat dan menjadi gangster. , keduanya meninggal… Dalam kehidupan ini, Jiang Qian terlahir kembali hingga dia berusia dua belas tahun, dan dia bersumpah untuk menjaga “adik laki-lakinya” Lin Yi dengan baik. Untuk menghindari nasib tragis di kehidupan sebelumnya, dia memutuskan untuk belajar keras dan membawa Lin Yi ke ujian masuk perguruan tinggi! Tidak pernah terpikir bahwa Lin Yi dirasuki oleh bos penjelajah waktu yang melakukan perjalanan melalui berbagai pesawat, dan dia perlu mendapatkan poin kehidupan dengan menyelesaikan tugas. Tujuannya sejak awal adalah menghasut Jiang Qian untuk pergi ke dunia bawah… Seseorang yang terlahir kembali, penjelajah waktu, memulai sebuah kontes…

Buku Harian Eneng Elisa [MAanis]
Buku Harian Eneng Elisa [MAanis]Jangsegu

Sepanjang hidupnya dia hanya menginginkan satu hal... berhubungan seks yang hebat. Terperangkap dalam kehidupan suci karena pacarnya yang sangat percaya pada "kesucian sebelum menikah", jagoan wanita kita sangat frustrasi. Tapi itu semua akan berubah pada malam pertama bulan madunya, bukan? Nah, ternyata pacarnya telah mengemas sesuatu yang kurang ideal dan pengalaman pertamanya benar-benar mengecewakan. Kecewa dan kesal, dia meninggal murni karena shock... dan bangun di hadapan dewa yang mengatakan dia akan mengabulkan keinginannya yang tidak terpenuhi. Sekarang diberi kesempatan kedua sebagai Lady Elisa di dunia lain, akankah jagoan kita dapat memenuhi keinginannya untuk memiliki begitu banyak seks yang hebat sampai dia muak?

My Classmate is My Dad’s Bride, But in Bed She’s Mine.
My Classmate is My Dad’s Bride, But in Bed She’s Mine.Hisashi Ryuuto

The school idol is my stepmother?! Under the same roof, living together with her begins. My unrequited love, Erika, appears before my eyes saying that she has become my father’s wife. A sudden start from the first day of my new life leading to a series of events…!

Nyota Ecchi Ore Onna no Karada de Gikei ni Zuppori Hamattemasu
Nyota Ecchi Ore Onna no Karada de Gikei ni Zuppori HamattemasuOuji maguro

On an afternoon like any other, high-schooler Nanaki falls into a pond that's shrouded in legend and suddenly turns into a girl! Although mortified, he loves how soft and smooth women's bodies are, so... Why not have some fun? He tries on his own, but can't quite seem to get it right... And that's how Souma, Nanaki's step-brother, finds him when he gets home from work! Once Nanaki's hero, "Soumy" is now nothing but an annoyance... That is, until Souma shows Nanaki how to fully enjoy a woman's body! Why is he doing this, and why does it feel so good!?

I Would Rather You Destroy The Earth
I Would Rather You Destroy The EarthWhite box studios

From INKR: The different-dimensional demon king invaded the earth and encountered the greatest natural enemy-human Shen Xia! Shen Xia said: Who can tell himself what the hell is that black dumpling with tentacles! ? Devil: Stupid earthlings, it is your blessing to be regarded by me! Shen Xia: Get out!

Robber x Lover「Official」
Robber x Lover「Official」Pengki

Ji Ho’s week has been, to put it simply, quite eventful. He’s still getting used to being back in university after a leave of absence, he manages to snag a killer offer for a place to rent in downtown Seoul, and on his first day in the new house, he runs into a robber! The strange thing about this robber(?) is that he doesn’t seem interested in any valuables, but is enamored by the story Ji Ho scribbled down in some old notebooks. So enamored that he offers to keep house for Ji Ho so that he can concentrate on writing more. Ji Ho initially refuses that odd proposition, but the more he thinks about it, the less he has to lose...

Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's Strongest
Arifureta: From Commonplace to World's StrongestShirakome ryo

Among the class transported to another world, Nagumo Hajime is an ordinary male student who didn’t have ambition nor aspiration in life, and thus called “Incompetent” by his classmates. The class was summoned to become heroes and save a country from destruction. Students of the class were blessed with cheat specifications and cool job class, however, it was not the case with Hajime, with his profession as a “Synergist”, and his very mediocre stats. “Synergist”, to put it in another word was just artisan class. Being the weakest, he then falls to the depth of the abyss when he and his classmates were exploring a dungeon. What did he find in the depth of the abyss, and can he survive?

Milady Wants to Play With Milady! (Official)
Milady Wants to Play With Milady! (Official)Sakura yoru

Ogase Enterprises has been declared insolvent, and the CEO’s daughter—a high-strung girl of refined tastes—is asked to make friends with the daughter of the CEO of Yanaizu Enterprises, the acquiring company…and she just so happens to be as high-strung as her. But when Yanaizu forces Ogase to complete a math quiz made by her, it becomes clear that the former is far more sadistic…especially when the bunny vibrator is brought out.

Pashiri no shita teku, yabaitte. ~Tsu~ ebi sori iki suru namaiki gyaru
Pashiri no shita teku, yabaitte. ~Tsu~ ebi sori iki suru namaiki gyaruNon takayama

"At this rate... I'll cum from errand boy's tongue technique...!" She's been seized by his long tongue. Her body bends backwards from pleasure she's never experienced before…

Makikomarete Isekai Teni suru Yatsu wa, Taitei Cheat
Makikomarete Isekai Teni suru Yatsu wa, Taitei CheatKaitou hakobune

One day 's lunch break, suddenly a male high school student Yuzo Ogata who has been transferred to another world of sword and magic together with four other friends.According to the Princess of Space-Time Magician, a foreign world who summoned them, they want them to beat the Demon Lord as Heroes to save this world.Suddenly I was surprised at four friends "Temple", but it was a relaxing expression ... ... where the princess told of a startling fact!"`―― There should only be four braves though?""A man who was mistakenly summoned to a different world" What will be in store as to his fate as the one if not the most accuarate depiction of a human male who has cheat powers as he goes around cheating and building his harem. Source:

Hot and Cold
Hot and ColdSoorak

It was a summer when even breathing was hard due to the heat. The air conditioner in An Kyungsoo’s room was long broken. As a replacement, his landlord sent him a humanoid air conditioner that is all the rage overseas, taking form in a handsome male model. As soon as it is turned on, it became so cool that he cuddled it, but he can’t help feeling a bit weird. As he was cuddling this temporary replacement of his AC, he pressed a button located “somewhere“ and it opened it’s eyes. Turns out that not only did his humanoid have a handsome face, he also has a kind personality and a gentle voice... This totally perfect AC’s over friendliness gradually included skinship, as well as relieving his sex drive that has been long stifled by the heat..

Please Be My First Boyfriend!
Please Be My First Boyfriend!Chandeok

Baek Yoojoon seems to have it all: wealth, status, and even good looks. Unfortunately, the one thing he truly desires but can’t have is a boyfriend. Having grown up under a strict grandfather, Yoojoon was never allowed to honestly express his interests, and this included his sexuality. Even as an adult free from his rigid household, Yoojoon only gets his romantic fix through television dramas. But soon, he’s thrown into a dramatic love affair of his own upon meeting Han Heewon. Things aren’t exactly sunshine and rainbows off the bat though. Not only does Yoojoon make all the wrong moves to win his crush’s heart, but Heewon has met all the wrong guys and is now sick of dating altogether. Will these two be able to overcome their shaky start and achieve their happily ever after?

Ginger and the Cursed Prince
Ginger and the Cursed PrinceBae hee jin

For hopeless romantic Ginger Torte, getting engaged to the man of her dreams is a fairy tale come true. It isn’t long before she realizes the gut-wrenching truth — her fiancé has been seduced by her rival! The heartbroken Ginger finds solace in a new book that recounts the tale of a young woman and a cursed prince… But to her horror, the protagonist turns out to be none other than her beautiful nemesis, Lerazie! As reality unfolds according to the book, both ladies fall in love with the handsome prince at first sight. Ginger vows to steal both the spotlight and the prince’s heart! But, does this story harbor a sinister secret? Based on the hit novel.

The Royal Prince's First Love
The Royal Prince's First LoveHao le shen wen hua

In order to consolidate the status of the royal prince, he launched an offensive in pursuit of a plutocratic daughter, but soon he suffered the first critical hit in his life. The campus bully had declared that his daughter was a friend that he wanted to protect. Then, he was hit by a second critical attack on the day he was fighting against the bully. However, he was intimate with the bully in his dreams every night! Everything seemed to be out of control. How should the prince, who had never made any mistakes, face his unexpected first love?

Sex Suruyori Hazukashii Koto
Sex Suruyori Hazukashii KotoTaino nikke

From Peach Kyoudai: Haruyoshi is an extremely good-natured person who is too easy to be fooled by people. While searching for a job to pay for his grandfather’s medical expenses, a young man with a mysterious aura calls out to him at a park: Sora, who introduces him to a part-time job that’s almost too good to be true. ――But, it turned out to be an outrageous job where he has to live stream (pretend) sex with Sora?! A silly love comedy between a good-natured ikemen and a beautiful artist with poor emotions!

Single Not Ready to Mingle《Shizunnn》
Single Not Ready to Mingle《Shizunnn》Chadol

Dahulu kala, di negeri yang jauh… hiduplah seorang pria lajang yang bekerja sebagai guru sastra sekolah menengah biasa, Bu Taekwon namanya. Dia hanyalah pria biasa, hingga dia menemukan dirinya dipindahkan ke salah satu buku komik muridnya. Tapi ini bukan petualangan buku komik biasa, dan Taekwon tidak pernah mengantisipasi genre yang tidak biasa menunggunya. Dalam keputusasaannya, dia sekarang terjebak dalam dunia fantasi BL Hardcore, di mana terdapat para maniak penggila seks--tidak terkecuali!--yang selalu melakukan tindakan yang tak senonoh padanya. Hal terakhir yang mau tidak mau harus dilakukan Taekwon yang selalu lajang adalah...berbaur dengan orang-orang dari dunia gila ini. Tapi bisakah dia benar-benar berhasil menangkis rayuan mereka dan menjaga keperawanannya?

Danjo Futari de no Zangyou wa 7-wari Sex Shiteru kara
Danjo Futari de no Zangyou wa 7-wari Sex Shiteru karaTakenaka yukari

An office worker discovers one night that after hours things have a tendency to get heated between coworkers. Unfortunately for her, she finds the man she was interested involved with another woman! Helping her handle her revelation (and heartbreak) is one of her long-time coworkers, but she is kept constantly reeling by his seemingly off-hand teasing. Suddenly being pursued by a new coworker makes matters even more troublesome for her to try to understand! A fun (and steamy) office slice of life romance! The female lead is charming, sharing a clever and sweet chemistry with a snarky coworker she is slowly starting to notice. This manga can feel like a bit of a palate cleanser, since this is a softer slow-burn and less raunchy than some other josei entries despite a saucy start.

Tiger's Wedding Day (Official)
Tiger's Wedding Day (Official)Roll paper

Honam and Sooyeon have been together for four years. Sooyeon thought he knew everything there was to know about Honam, but Honam is actually a half-tiger, half-human just days before becoming fully human! Dajun, the owner of the place Sooyeon works, is actually a half-tiger, half-human that's given up on becoming a human...? What will become of Sooyeon suddenly stuck between these two tigers?

Omae no Subete wo Daki Tsukusu
Omae no Subete wo Daki TsukusuHashiba mizu

"I'm already overflowing like this... I'll just shove it in." "Manager... more... I mean.. Ahh!" Kiyoko (33) a female banker, who was about to get married, suddenly got her engagement cancelled. It was an old enemy and Manager, Samejima, who consoled Kiyoko in her disappointment. We were getting drunk, and then I found myself in bed and getting really crazy... The hot and hard part of the Manager, who was difficult to get close to, stimulated Kiyoko's innermost body, and she enjoyed unbelievable pleasures. The next day, when I thought all of it was just a one night thing, the Manager declared, "I already registered our marriage." ?!!

Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels! (Official)
Asumi-chan is Interested in Lesbian Brothels! (Official)Kuro itsuki

Sweet but awkward college student Asumi never got over her childhood crush on her old friend Mai. Their first and only kiss couldn’t have gone worse. So when she learns that Mai may be working at a nearby brothel, she sets her sights on redemption! But there’s one catch: none of the women on the brothel’s website use full photos or real names. Thus begins a journey of self-discovery and sexual exploration as nervous Asumi sets out to find her one that got away.

Noumin Kanren no Skill bakka Agetetara Naze ka Tsuyoku Natta.
Noumin Kanren no Skill bakka Agetetara Naze ka Tsuyoku Natta.Shobonnu

To live from bottom-class to top-class farmer, our protagonist Aru Wayn levelled up his agricultural skills, and sometimes his other skills leveled up as well by helping out his friends. One day, when his last skill level hit MAX, his life changes. “I want to live as a normal farmer!!“

The Brainy Goddess
The Brainy GoddessFanqi comic studio

Four high-school girls suddenly found themselves in a world that seems like out of fantasy period dramas and people there claims that they are the goddess candidates that might save their state of Qingyao. Royalties, Princes to be exact are in-charged in taking care of these candidates until they found the one and only real goddess from another world. The three girls are being taking care of the princes while Lin Xiaoqi found herself alone separated from the rest. A man then came forward to introduce himself as the third prince’s servant, Ye Li and pledge his loyalty for her.

Hantu cantik [moccacino]
Hantu cantik [moccacino]로맨스

Kombinasi rambut lurus panjang bola putih, gaun putih, dan cinta pertama yang membuat pingsan. Bukan karena dia pernah melihatnya sekali, tapi karena dia mengira dia adalah hantu, dia akhirnya kembali ke satu-satunya tempat yang aman untuk menangis. Dia mungkin merindukannya yang tidak bisa menyembunyikan panas tanpa bertanya apa-apa. *Karya asli: Woo Ji-hye [Novel Web] 11336 (Satu, Tiga, Enam)

What's Going On?
What's Going On?Minguk23

Friends since middle school, Yipeul and Dawoon rekindle their friendship after Yipeul returns from military deployment. To celebrate Yipeul’s return, Dawoon plans a surprise—she waits for him in his closet with some birthday cake one night. The surprise is on her, however, when Yipeul comes home, takes off his pants, and starts masturbating while calling her name. Will the two be able to go back to being friends? Or will this mark the beginning of something more?

Where the Dragon's Rain Falls
Where the Dragon's Rain FallsSummer

According to legend, a nation in which a dragon appears is destined for prosperity. Finally a new dragon is born in the desert-covered empire Rahan, a fragile young boy! Until the boy comes of age, the crown prince orders him hidden away in the depths of the palace. But one night, Suu, a lowly palace servant hoping to run away with his dear Nadan, stumbles upon an unexpected mystery… And so begins their tale of love, obsession... and desire.

DARLING in the FRANXXYabuki kentarou

The story is set in the distant future. The land is ruined, and humanity establishes the mobile fort city Plantation. Pilots produced inside Plantation live in Mistilteinn, also know as the "birdcage." Children live there knowing nothing of the outside world or the freedom of the sky. Their lives consist of battling to carry out missions. Their enemies are mysterious giant lifeforms known as Kyōryū, and the children pilot robots called Franxx to face off against them. For the children, riding the Franxx proves their existence. A boy named Hiro is called Code:016, and he was once known as a prodigy. However, he has fallen behind, and his existence seems unnecessary. Not piloting a Franxx is the same as ceasing to exist. One day, a mysterious girl known as "Zero Two" appears before him. Two horns grow out of her head.

Isekai de Pension Hajimemashita
Isekai de Pension HajimemashitaNatsu minoru

I lost my life in a fire at my workplace and found myself reborn in another world. My name in this life is Runan. Moreover, according to my master or the talking black cat, I am a "black witch" and have the power to change the fate of the world. But I have a dream that I want to fulfill more than that. Yes, I want to run a "pension" that welcomes all kinds of guests...

Miss You, Lucifer [Official]
Miss You, Lucifer [Official]Ok dong

A rookie idol charms a top star. Lucifer, a member of obscure idol group Sweet Devils, dreams of making it big. His one claim to fame — an accidental pants-ripping on air — leads to a chance encounter with A-list star Kwonjun Kang. After a series of misunderstanding, the two themselves entangled in an ambiguous romance.

Okusama wa Alpha
Okusama wa AlphaNatsushita fuyu

From Internet Explorer Scans: A miraculous love blooms in a marriage of convenience, but bottoming is off the table!! Alpha x Alpha Pair In a world where everyone can become pregnant, Alpha is the elite class that reigns at the top of the hierarchy. Same-class marriages are often done in order to prevent the end of a bloodline, but this couple has a problem... who will be the seme?! The Tachigami House, a family of distinguished alphas, has now fallen into a bankruptcy crisis. Will they be forced to disband the house as well?! To help with the situation and to quickly raise their position in the world, the Isaka House proposed a marriage. The Tachigami House needs aid and the Isaka House needs recognition. In order to benefit both families, the eldest sons, Takaomi and Kazumasa, will be wed. Luckily for the two of them, romantic feelings start to grow. As soon as they think everything seems to be going smoothly..... They're both semes?! Omegaverse Project Alpha seme battle! Even though they love each other, they disagree over sex position! Cute and comical Omegaverse BL

Murabito Tensei: Saikyo no Slow Life
Murabito Tensei: Saikyo no Slow LifeTakahashi an

God messed up. I reincarnated. Born in a countryside village, I’m surrounded by beautiful imoutos and a childhood friend who’s a girl. No electricity and no water, this’ll be the ultimate slow life! Helping with farm work and animals, and yet my house turned into a huge shop where female adventurers happen to come around! Today is also very busy for me. This is the story of my slow life.


Ah-choo! Something about being around Jaehyun just gives Suyong the urge to sneeze. On the one hand, Suyong’s body seems to be rejecting Jaehyun’s mere presence but on the other…they can’t seem to keep their hands off of each other. Seems like these two are the definition of love-hate relationship. The plot is always the same in these stories. They end up getting into the same college, becoming roommates and then living happily ever after. Right? Well, not quite for our dynamic frenemy duo. Suyong’s sneezing fits end up ruining everything. He and good buddy Kim Norman have to matriculate a year later than planned. But a chance run-in on campus lands Suyong and Jaehyun back at each other’s throats. Or is it with their tongues down each other’s throats? Oh, and just who’s the top and who’s the bottom here? Something’s gotta give...and where does our little friend Normie fit into this topsy-turvy mess?

Dos Obake Ga Nekasetekurenai (Kuroiisan)
Dos Obake Ga Nekasetekurenai (Kuroiisan)Tokishiba

Cerita pegawai kantoran yang patah hati dan hantu sadis dan jahil (0w0)

Fate Makes No Mistakes
Fate Makes No MistakesShin

Eunjae’s been losing sleep from some decidedly disturbing dreams: some kind of otherworldly being keeps having its way with him in the middle of the night. His days are filled with strange coincidences and hours of his day just seem to disappear... Then one night, a man in a strange mask saves him from being hit by a bus. Turns out the strange man isn’t a man at all, but a goblin. It isn’t long before Eunjae’s forced to accept that according to the world of the afterlife, he’s dead. And there’s only one being now that can protect his body and soul from slipping away: San, the goblin.

I Became the Villain's Wife
I Became the Villain's Wife大魔王漫画

The dainty flower idol Chen Cong Rong unluckily fell into a trap and awoke to a stunning naked man in her bed! Hahaha, is it okay to be with such a beautiful man? Hang on... Are you telling me I've switched places with the toxic, evil, and manipulative side character who won’t even survive 20% of the plot?! No, I'm definitely not ready to die!! Watch as I keep on living my ideal life!

Bloody Sweet
Bloody SweetLee narae

When the daughter of a shaman gets "strung up" with a centuries-old vampire, is it love or something more sinister that binds them? From Narae Lee, artist of the hit OEL manga ’Maximum Ride,’ comes the story of two misfits and their quirky, fantastical romp to find one another.

~MelatihAnakManja~ ▪︎L_aitsuga▪︎
~MelatihAnakManja~ ▪︎L_aitsuga▪︎Cheodol / ensu

Sebagai anak manja dari seorang pengusaha kaya, Yi Seo benci bekerja! Jadi ketika ayahnya mengancamnya agar dia mulai bekerja, dia memilih melarikan diri ke Jerman. Di sana, kekacauan yang melibatkan koper membuatnya bertemu dengan Jaeha yang tampan, yang mengundangnya ke bar untuk minum anggur. Setelah percakapan yang sangat dalam, kedua pria itu menghabiskan malam yang penuh gairah bersama. Namun akhirnya, Yi Seo ditangkap oleh sekretaris ayahnya dan dibawa kembali ke Korea. Dia kemudian menghabiskan hari-harinya dengan bermalas-malasan di perusahaan ayahnya... sampai Jaeha bergabung dengan departemennya sebagai pemimpin tim yang baru! Yang mengejutkan Yi Seo, pria itu tidak mentolerir kemalasannya, dan mengancam akan memanaskan suasana di tempat kerja, di mana orang bisa mendatangi mereka kapan saja!

Super Lovers
Super LoversAbe miyuki

Haru visits Canada to spend the summer holidays in the woodland house of his strict, strong-willed mother, Haruko. There, she burdens him with the responsibility of caring for his younger adoptive brother - a wild and unruly little boy named Ren who trusts no-one and prefers to wander in the woods with Haruko's dogs rather than associate other people. Haruko orders Haru to 'civilize' Ren. As the young man strives to teach Ren how to live in human society, their relationship gradually improves - so much so that Haru plans on taking his 'little brother' to Japan with him once he finds a job. Unfortunately, fate has a cruel habit of interfering with one's plans...

Hazure Akamadoushi ha Kenjyatime ni Musou suru
Hazure Akamadoushi ha Kenjyatime ni Musou suruHochi

Leon adalah Red mage pecundang yang terus-menerus gagal dalam pergantian kelas sebagai hasilnya, dia bertindak sebagai pendukung untuk party petualangnya, wolf fang sword. akhirnya, seperti yang dilakukan semua selama ini, dia di tendang dari party karena tidak cukup kuat. Namun, setelah meninggalkan party, Leon menemukan bahwa dia telah ditipu oleh party nya sendiri. fakta bahwa dia memiliki kelas "Sage time" belum pernah terjadi sebelumnya, dan ternyata dia bisa bertarung dengan sempurna sendirian. belum lagi kelas "sage time" nya memiliki kekuatan tersembunyi yang hanya aktif dalam kondisi tertentu.

Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita P!
Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita P!Gyuunyuu nomio

A 30-year-old business man makes a wish to be a girl. A chanting object runs toward him, and the next thing he knows he has became a loli elementary school girl.Related:> Joshi Shougakusei Hajimemashita ( )

Evangeline after the completion
Evangeline after the completion정 무늬

Achei que tinha morrido por cansaço na Coréia, mas acordei dentro de uma novel que eu lia em minha vida antiga, como Angeline, personagem que maltratava a protagonista e é executada. Por isso, agora eu tenho que fazer de tudo para sobreviver.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - Shinji to Asuka to Atsui Hi
Neon Genesis Evangelion - Shinji to Asuka to Atsui HiGainax|Igarashi ran

Adapted From Neon Genesis Evangelion. A short story in the lives of the young Evangelion pilots. One hot day, Shinji gets into a fight with his apartment-mate Asuka, due to her revealing clothing. Will Shinji be able to figure out how to patch things up with her? 

Temen ᵏᵉᶜⁱˡku ternyata 𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗔𝗥
Temen ᵏᵉᶜⁱˡku ternyata 𝗕𝗘𝗦𝗔𝗥곽두팔|Kwak du pal

"Yah, meskipun kamu sudah berteman sejak kamu masih kecil, agak sulit untuk mengenali foto si X, kan?" Seorang teman bintang golf Lee Won, yang menjalani kehidupan yang cemerlang tidak seperti Seo-yeon biasa. Apakah karena Anda bosan dengan perbandingan yang telah berlangsung selama lebih dari 20 tahun? Itu sebabnya Seo-yeon mulai menjalankan sesuatu seperti akun media sosial dewasa .... Suatu hari, ketika saya sedang mengulas seperti biasa, saya mengambil foto sixpack padat yang tiba di DM media sosial. [sdfesdfa] Foto itu benar-benar milik Anda. Oh, X tidak masalah. Jika Anda ingin mensertifikasi, Anda bisa. Ya, ini adalah keingintahuan alami. OMG sangat lezat...... Ah, tidak ada pria dengan tubuh yang bagus yang mengirim pesan, wanita mana yang bisa berpaling? "Tapi jika kamu tidak hanya gila, jika kamu gila yang tampan ... Bukankah tidak apa-apa untuk mengambil foto kecil dan memakannya?" Saya akhirnya membalas DM. [ahahah2] Tolong masukkan.

Madna Alpha aha Morumottoni Koi wo Suru
Madna Alpha aha Morumottoni Koi wo SuruNakamaru taguru

Genjirou Momoyama is a poor and unpopular omega, and suppressants don't work on him. Every time his heat comes, he has to go to an omega shelter, and it's tough. Touji Sakurada, a high-end alpha who owns a leading pharmaceutical company in the development of suppressants, falls in love at first sight with Genjirou as his "clinical trial subject." Genjirou, tempted by the reward, agrees to be Sakurada's subject, but starts getting tired of Sakurada's research and constant monitoring...! An omegaverse romance comedy starring a rich alpha who wants to save omegas and a poor, big, unpopular, and non-standard omega is here!!


"Jika bukan karena terpaksa, aku tidak akan pernah mengambil kelasmu—! Azumi Bodoh—!!" Instruktur Azumi, yang menggertaknya setiap saat, bertanggung jawab atas masyarakat, dan Minami menerima kelas bimbingan belajar. Suatu hari, tugas kerja keras menerima evaluasi dingin, dan Minami meneteskan air mata karena marah. Tapi ketika Azumi melihatnya, dia tiba-tiba menciumnya... ?!

Checkmate - All-Ages Edition
Checkmate - All-Ages EditionTan

Soohyun doesn’t have a “first love,” but he definitely has a “first hate” - his high school classmate Eunsung. A smooth-mannered all-star, Eunsung snaps up first place in everything, leaving Soohyun always trailing behind in second place. Winning out over Eunsung is the one thing that motivates Soohyun, but after graduation, Soohyun contents himself with a dull, mediocre life. One day, Eunsung appears on the news, knee-deep in scandal and, for once, not perfectly at Soohyun’s inner fires once again. Desperate to see a fallen Eunsung with his own eyes, Soohyun jumps into the fray as a reporter, and gets Eunsung to strike an outrageous deal with him.

Yokoshima Moobstretch
Yokoshima MoobstretchOshizu

Yutaka's really insecure about being pigeon-chested, so he decides to go to a stretch gym his colleague recommends. He tells himself this is for his health, so he can keep eating sugary sweets, and to get rid of his pigeon chest once and for all! A motivated Yutaka goes to the gym and finds himself in front of the super buff stretch trainer Asami who's going to teach him how to stretch... except Asami morphs into a different person as soon as he sees and touches Yutaka's chest!! Apparently, Asami is gay and has a fetish for men's chests, and Yutaka's is the best!! Asami totally exploits his position as a trainer and helps himself to Yutaka's perfect chest...!! Your sexual boundaries are bound to be stretched with this cute, fetish-driven romantic comedy!

BJ Alex
BJ AlexMingwa

În fiecare noapte, la 10, Dong-gyun se închide în camera lui, ia o cutie de șervețele și urmărește o emisiune live de băieți, găzduită de Alex, un BJ (jocheu de difuzare). Timid Dong-gyun admiră nu numai corpul răvășit al lui Alex, ci candoarea lui în a împărtăși experiențele sale sexuale cu spectatorii. Într-o noapte, Dong-gyun bea prea multe băuturi la un eveniment de rețea școlar și leșina. Când se trezește, stă în pat și se uită la o bucată fără cămașă. Un tip care seamănă foarte mult cu... Alex.

The Guy I'm into Is a You-Know-What!
The Guy I'm into Is a You-Know-What!Nanae chioka

"No problem. A man always keeps his word. We can do it as many times as you want." Sakiko Kotohira is a devoted yaoi fangirl and absolutely head over heels for Reiji, the cool, dominant protagonist of her favorite comic. One of the highlights of Sakiko's day is catching a glimpse of Masayuki Utazu, a coworker who happens to look just like Reiji. One day, distracted by her daydreams, Sakiko suddenly finds herself face-to-face with the office lookalike. He turns out to be even hotter than she'd imagined. Desperate for material to fuel future fantasies, Sakiko all but rips her clothes off and pounces on the guy. Masayuki's cool, imperial resolve melts away in a second. Further prompted by a secret reason of his own, Masayuki decides he has to have her!! Get ready for a showdown between two explosive desires, as well as a passionate battle of misunderstandings!

Cita-cita Jadi Pak Kades
Cita-cita Jadi Pak KadesMk

Setiap kali Naruto Uzumaki menyatakan bahwa dia suatu hari nanti akan menjadi Hokage-gelar yang diberikan kepada ninja terbaik di Desa Daun Tersembunyi tidak ada yang menganggapnya serius. Sejak lahir, Naruto telah dijauhi dan diejek oleh sesama penduduk desa. Tapi penghinaan mereka bukan karena Naruto bermulut keras, nakal, atau karena ketidakmampuannya dalam seni ninja, tapi karena ada iblis di dalam dirinya. Sebelum Naruto lahir, Rubah Ekor Sembilan yang kuat dan mematikan menyerang desa. Untuk menghentikan amukannya, Hokage Keempat mengorbankan hidupnya untuk menyegel iblis di dalam tubuh Naruto yang baru lahir. Maka ketika dia ditugaskan ke Tim 7 bersama dengan rekan satu tim barunya Sasuke Uchiha dan Sakura Haruno, di bawah bimbingan ninja veteran Kakashi Hatake Naruto dipaksa untuk bekerja sama dengan orang lain untuk pertama kalinya dalam hidupnya. Melalui menjalani pelatihan yang giat dan mengambil misi yang menantang, Naruto harus belajar apa artinya bekerja dalam tim dan mengukir jalannya sendiri untuk menjadi ninja yang diakui oleh desanya.

Delivery Man Manhwa Engsub
Delivery Man Manhwa EngsubTeam Danbi

A Chinese restaurant located in the Tokyo district. A pure young man, Kim Sang-ho’s day begins with a speedy delivery, and ends up with a speedy sex scene. The wife of the Chinese restaurant with excellent taste. Even the owner of a chicken restaurant with moist flesh… Ah… This is the best restaurant on earth!.

Acting Up: An Actress × Manager Lust Story (Official)
Acting Up: An Actress × Manager Lust Story (Official)Ayane

Arina is a star on the rise with a dirty little secret: she’s head-over-heels in lust with her manager Kazumi! And she was doing a great job of hiding it, too, until an interview casts an unintended light on a certain hobby…now it’s Kazumi’s job to keep her charge from acting up! (Or is it?) It’s pandemic pandemonium for this Sappho and her “friend”!

Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?
Isn’t Being A Wicked Woman Much Better?Mang go-kim

She possessed a villainess who is known and hated for her evil acts in an unpopular novel. But because of her personality, it was extremely difficult for her to play the villainess role. But not for long… “I’ll fix your dress according to your taste this instant!” “My request.” “O-Of course! As per your request, there’s only one piece available in the whole Empire.” People around me listen to me well even if I just frown and sit still. Since I don’t have to live in difficulty, I decided to just comfortably live on as a villainess. “Father. Is it necessary for you to solve formulas in this slow and inefficient way?” I thought it would be good to be a rich villainess, so I used all my knowledge. “Why don’t you give me the honor of escorting the Princess?” I have had enough of dealing with my father, so why did an unexpected character suddenly appear? What if this person disrupts my plan?



Tofu Shop Beauties
Tofu Shop BeautiesUpdating

( Bukan ) Duke pemakan loli
( Bukan ) Duke pemakan loliMoon-kyung

Untuk menjadikan anak Count Macarena, Clayen, tunangan putra mahkota, Karuna, yang telah berpura-pura menjadi Clayna melakukan hal-hal buruk. Di hari akhirnya ia menjadi tunangan sang pangeran, sebuah belati tajam yang dikirim oleh Count tertancap di perut Karuna, yang telah habis kegunaannya. Oh, sentuhan dinginmu. Saya menyiapkannya untuk hari ini. Ini adalah obat yang bagus untuk hidup kembali! Tapi kenapa tidak kembali ke masa lalu dan menjadi hari berikutnya? Mengapa lingkungan saya sama dan saya satu-satunya yang kembali menjadi anak-anak? Dan kenapa kau melakukan ini padaku? Mari kita mengirim pembunuh satu sama lain. Duke of Bikeld, yang berusaha keras untuk meracuninya? Kita tidak bisa saling membunuh. Bukankah itu hubungan yang paling statis? "Akhirnya aku menemukannya. Hewan peliharaanku." Bukankah seharusnya Anda mengatakan, "Diam saya, mati?"

Gorani Jeon
Gorani JeonChychy

"Arch, will you mate with me?" Deep in the mountain lives a beautiful young man, Bau. He is a faithful woodcutter who makes rice wine deep in the field. "God of the mountain I would like to have a good companion", he prayed and prayed. But, the only things that came back were the tracks of the deer that destroyed his precious field! One day, Bau found an unconscious yet fascinating man with dark and rigid skin, huge muscles and a bulging tusk in front of him, along with a broken glass of wine. He realized at that moment: "Finally, the mountain god have given me a good companion! Let's go home mate!"

Lady Baby (Official)
Lady Baby (Official)Hæon

Calliope Rustichel’s family dies one by one in a series of tragedies. Just when she had given up all hope, a mysterious woman grants Calliope a second chance at life. Little did she know that chance would literally start from birth! Now stuck as an adult in a baby’s body, Calliope must uncover the conspiracy behind the death of her family and use her memories of the past to change the future… all while learning how to walk and talk! Who said being a baby was all naps and diaper changes?

Undercover Empress (Luvyu Project Version)
Undercover Empress (Luvyu Project Version)Han mint|Keumnaru

"Apakah kamu ingin hidup sebagai Estella, bukan sebagai Austin?" Satu-satunya anak perempuan dan satu-satunya anggota keluarga Arthur yang terkenal yang memiliki ilmu pedang terampil yang hancur, Estella, harus menyamar sebagai "saudara kembar" laki-lakinya Austin untuk mencari nafkah. Dia menggunakan keterampilan pedangnya untuk bekerja sebagai ksatria biasa, menyembunyikan bakat luar biasa untuk menghindari ketahuan, tetapi suatu hari putra mahkota memberinya tawaran tak terduga..

My Fair Footman
My Fair FootmanIsia

when he was a child, he was a famous footman of a count, Elijah, who became a master of his work has a secret that he... is actually a woman?! Every morning waking up at 6 o’clock, tightening her chest with a bandage. There is only one wish of Elijah that is ’On my 18th birthday, I will quit my life as footman and live as a woman!’ “Elijah, you should dress up in the ball and become my partner.“ A perfect dress for your body, makeup you’ve never seen before..... as well as the soft escort of count Albert. How will destiny unfold for Elijah?

My Friend’s Hidden Charm
My Friend’s Hidden CharmPyapya

Hae Seong waits in front of her childhood friend Ji Woon's house to go swimming together. She can’t stand to wait outside because the weather was so hot. So she went in but then unintentionally sees Ji Woon's enormous thing. Was it from that day? There’s something glimmering in front of Haeseong's eyes... Haeseong eventually broke up with his boyfriend and end up being bedridden. Is this a lovesick...? To a dick?! Far away from love and closer than a friendship! Romance that start with other intention

Love gym
Love gymMu handae

He is super rich and has never been in a relationship. Exercise and romance. He tried it for the first time because of the PT instructor Dogun. “If I can become like the athletic model in the poster, would you go out with me?” "I can't believe a man who used to be so chubby becomes a man with such wonderful abs!! "Instructor Dogun! Do it with me!"

Tomb Raider King (Official)
Tomb Raider King (Official)Yuns(redice studio)|San.g

Dunia telah berubah. Kemunculan pusara dan relikui misterius membuat jagat porak-poranda. Kini hanya pengguna Relikui yang bisa bertahan. Awalnya Seo Jooheon bekerja pada penguasa. Namun, dedikasi luar biasanya malah dibalas dengan pengkhianatan. Sebuah insiden pun membawanya kembali ke masa lalu, sekarang Seo Jooheon punya kesempatan kedua untuk mengubah nasibnya. Inilah perjalanan Seo Jooheon menjadi Raja Penjarah Pusara!Dunia telah berubah. Kemunculan pusara dan relikui misterius membuat jagat porak-poranda. Kini hanya pengguna Relikui yang bisa bertahan. Awalnya Seo Jooheon bekerja pada penguasa. Namun, dedikasi luar biasanya malah dibalas dengan pengkhianatan. Sebuah insiden pun membawanya kembali ke masa lalu, sekarang Seo Jooheon punya kesempatan kedua untuk mengubah nasibnya. Inilah perjalanan Seo Jooheon menjadi Raja Penjarah Pusara!

Staff only
Staff onlySoorak

When presumed-beta Yoo Hansol visits the doctor for some concerning new symptoms, he’s surprised to discover that instead of dying, he’s actually an omega! Totally unused to the realities of being an omega, Hansol forgets his suppressants, starting a chain reaction he couldn’t possibly have imagined. Nearly passing out on school grounds, Hansol is quickly rushed to the school nurse by the hunky gym teacher. The thing is, at this stage, there’s only one way to soothe an omega in the throes of heat…and two oh-so-sexy alphas who are more than happy to help.

Ultimate Scheming System
Ultimate Scheming SystemTaishang buyi|太上布衣

Xue Que got transported into an RPG world and started living in the body of the deposed prince. He bluffs to be rewarded points and gifts and manages to regain his original power by scamming all day, every day, and often venturing alone. So he bluffs to get the ultimate power in this cultivation world?! World traveler Xue Que doesn’t always bluff, but he needs to.

Lord Demon King Always Teases Me
Lord Demon King Always Teases Me翻翻动漫

He Mian, a college student who has social anxiety, cleared his favorite game for the 100th time. Gareth, the devil of the game, accidentally transmigrated into the modern world where He Mian was. He Mian is determined to let the devil return to the game as soon as possible. In order to get rid of Gareth's pranks and entanglement, the two must collect magical artifacts from the game which has been spread across the world when Gareth was traversing.

Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon King
Douluo Dalu 3: The Legend of the Dragon KingTang jia san shao

Após o avanço da tecnologia espiritual, os humanos do continente Douluo conquistaram o oceano e descobriram dois novos continentes. Depois de serem caçados excessivamente pelos mestres espirituais, as bestas espirituais estão quase extintas. Depois de incontáveis anos dormindo, o Rei das Bestas Espirituais despertou na Floresta Star Dou. Isso levará os clãs restantes a se vingar contra a humanidade! Tang Wu Lin está determinado a se tornar um poderoso mestre espiritual. No entanto, quando ele despertou seu espírito marcial, era realmente um... Talento incomparável.